How to do brace expansion tab-completion, for filenames in vim? - vim

In vim (and bash), you can specify alternatives in filenames, eg:
:arga project/html/{index,sitemap}.html
This expands to "project/html/index.html" and "project/html/sitemap.html" (the :arga appends them both to the argument list; you can get to them with :n).
Now, vim already does some filename completion on this, with TAB, by cycling through the possibilities. For the above example, it would show the index one, then the sitemap one, then back to the original text.
I to be able to type this much:
:arga project/html/{in
and press TAB, and have it complete (even though I'm in the middle of a brace):
:arga project/html/{index.html
and have tab-completion also work for the next one, from project/html/{index.html,sit to project/html/{index.html,sitemap.html.
Is there already an option in vim to do this? If not, how would you implement it?

If this is possible, you'll have to define your own :Arga command and to specify your own expansion function. However as vim has a few things hard-coded in regard of command-line completion, I can't guaranty you that this is possible.
You can have a look at my :SearchIn* commands for examples.


Spellchecking in Vim - tell Vim that this is okey

Yes, that title is the best I could come up with :-)
I have a text, and when activating spellchecking naturally a lot of words come out highlighted. Like emails, adresses, names and so on. How to tell Vim that some word is okey, without adding it to the wordlist.
Meaning, just, while editing this document I don't want to see my name highlighted.
Try: zG
:help internal-wordlist
zg Add word under the cursor as a good word to the first
name in 'spellfile'. A count may precede the command
to indicate the entry in 'spellfile' to be used. A
count of two uses the second entry.
In Visual mode the selected characters are added as a
word (including white space!).
When the cursor is on text that is marked as badly
spelled then the marked text is used.
Otherwise the word under the cursor, separated by
non-word characters, is used.
If the word is explicitly marked as bad word in
another spell file the result is unpredictable.
I have my Vim config in a git repository, which is useful for several things; For example, you could alias your vim to a small script that invokes Vim normally, but after Vim finishes checks if the ~/.vim/spell directory has any modifications and if so, asks you if you want to keep or discard them. If you want to keep them, it could automatically commit everything in spell and otherwise reset everything in there. So you usually wont be bothered by that script unless you actually do use the spellchecker.
The only drawback would be that you couldn't both make persistent and volatile additions to the dictionary in one session.

Use Vim to "colourize" files or input streams

This may be an odd question, but still. I use cat to display a file in bash (KDE Konsole),
cat foobar.rb
Now, I would like to use Vim to colourize that foobar.rb file according to what you would get when you start foobar.rb in Vim. Edit: But only for display purpose, on the terminal.
I am not sure this is possible, but I thought it would be neat if I could use Vim for that.
I really just want colourized keywords, and Vim has the perfect colour definitions.
So I thought combining this would be great.
Is this possible in Vim out of the box though?
One approach would be to use a library such as Pygments, which is a general purpose syntax highlighter. You could write a wrapper called ccat or something that would apply syntax highlighting to an input file and write to stdout.
If you want to page up and down in a highlighted file, you can use less with the -R switch, which passes control characters through to the terminal directly, preserving colours. So:
ccat file.rb | less -R
But at that point, you're pretty much at the capabilities of view.
I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly, but if you are only looking for a command that will give you a read-only view of the input file (like cat) but with coloured keywords, use view. view is an alternative way to start vim in read-only mode, so you have all syntax highlighting possibilities. From the vim man page:
view Start in read-only mode. You will be protected from writing
the files. Can also be done with the "-R" argument.
gvim gview
The GUI version. Starts a new window. Can also be done with
the "-g" argument.
evim eview
The GUI version in easy mode. Starts a new window. Can also
be done with the "-y" argument.
rvim rview rgvim rgview
Like the above, but with restrictions. It will not be possi-
ble to start shell commands, or suspend Vim. Can also be
done with the "-Z" argument.
I have always seen view on systems that have vim installed.
Closest is the less script that comes with vim:
cat myfile | vim -u /usr/share/vim/vim72/macros/less.vim -
Note the - argument to vim. You may need to change the vim72 to your version (and the whole path if you have it installed elsewhere)
Now, this isn't exactly what you want, because its behaviour is less-like, in that you have to press keys to make it scroll down or complete. However, they are briefer than usual vim. For example, space to scroll down; and q to quit (not :q).
You want a cat-like version; me too. But there doesn't seem to be one.
EDIT uh, there's also a vimpager project, that includes vimcat - exactly what you want. But it doesn't come with vim, and I haven't tried it yet.

Dynamic abbrev expand for the shell

Is there a function on one of the linux shells like the emacs dabbrev-expand?
First to give a definition:
Expands to the most recent, preceding word for which this is a prefix.
Given that bash seems to be most heavily influenced by Emacs, looking there first reveals a few possibilities:
man bash(1), readline section
dynamic-complete-history (M-TAB)
Attempt completion on the text before point, comparing the text
against lines from the history list for possible completion matches.
Attempt menu completion on the text before point, comparing the text
against lines from the history list for possible completion matches.
By default (or my system at least), M-/ is already bound to complete-filename:
$ bind -l | grep /
"\e/": complete-filename
You could re-bind it by putting
"\e/": dabbrev-expand
in your ~/.inputrc or /etc/inputrc.
Note that it only seems to complete the first word (the command), and only from history, not from the current command line as far as I can tell.
In zsh, I can't see anything in the man page that does this, but it should be possible to make it happen by figuring out the appropriate compctl command (Google mirror).

Get the last search or search&replace string back in vim?

How can I bring back the last string I used for a search or a search&replace?
For example, assume that I enter :%s/some_text/some_other_text/gc and vim gives me the E486: Patterns not found: some_text error message back. I then realize that I actually meant to write some_magic_text instead of some_text. At that point, how can I get back my original string in the bottom command row (or whatever it is called) so I can change it and do a second search? Is there a nifty little command for that?
In this brief example it looks unnecessary, but when the text you are looking to replace is mighty long and you just typed one letter wrong, it is fantastically annoying to have to retype everything.
And I am using MacVim if that makes any difference.
From the normal mode, hit q/ to navigate through your search history!
Check out this vimvcast which explains what you want.
More generally, you can recall any command you have previously typed by entering the first few characters, and then use arrow multiple times to navigate in history.
In your case, you could type:
See :help history
This answer might be good an improvement to what you are after, after all.
Use search with highlighting, to interactively check if the regex you are crafting is definitely working, and then use it in a search-replace.
:se is (incsearch, better put se is in your .vimrc)
/<search term>
check with n/N if you are happy with the matches
:s%//<replace term>/g
When omitting the <search term> in the search-replace in 4., the last used search will be used.
For acessing the list of last (search-replace) commands use q:, or as already noted q/ for the list of last search terms.
When using :se gd, s/<search>/<replace> will behave as s/<search>/<replace>/g.
Accessing just the first search match in each line can then still be done with adding /g, so essentially both behaviours are just switched.
/ and then up to bring up the last search query.

Unable to search effectively in Emacs

I want to have a similar tool in Emacs as the following in Vim
to get a list of matches.
How can you get a list of matches in Emacs?
M-x occur?
From the manual:
M-x occur
Prompt for a regexp, and display a list showing each line in the buffer that contains a match for it. The text that matched is highlighted using the match face. To limit the search to part of the buffer, narrow to that part (see Narrowing). A numeric argument n specifies that n lines of context are to be displayed before and after each matching line. The default number of context lines is specified by the variable list-matching-lines-default-context-lines.
In the *Occur* buffer, you can click on each entry, or move point there and type RET, to visit the corresponding position in the buffer that was searched. o and C-o display the match in another window; C-o does not select it. Alternatively, you can use the C-x ` (next-error) command to visit the occurrences one by one (see Compilation Mode).
Typing e in the *Occur* buffer switches to Occur Edit mode, in which edits made to the entries are also applied to the text in the originating buffer. Type C-c C-c to return to Occur mode.
The command M-x list-matching-lines is a synonym for M-x occur.
In addition to M-x occurr check also M-x grep. This works in several files at once.
My usual workflow is not to get a list and choose (don't know how to do that), but to use the incremental search:
C-s <search target>
gets the fist match after the point. If you don't like it another C-s gets the next one. Continue until you're happy (you'll need an extra C-s to wrap around from the and of the buffer). New enough emacsen can also highlight all the matches that are visible.
As noted in the comments by Török Gábor, this is the typical keybinding of isearch-forward. In the event that your bindings are different, you need to modify the prescribed procedure.
