I'm trying to do a Subsonic Query with an IN statement containing multiple strings. If I manually hard-code the strings, it works fine. Example:
Dim qry As New [Select]("mySelectColumn")
qry.Where(table.Columns.mycolumn).In("string1", "string2", "string3")
Hoever, I need to be able to pull the IN statement strings from a single variable in VB, which would make the last line look like:
But whenever I try and concat the strings together into a single VB string, I get no results. I can't even tell exactly what SQL it's trying to pass. Using buildsqlstatement() just shows the IN statement with :mycolumn0In1, :mycolumn0In2, :mycolumn0In3...I can't tell what it's actually trying to do.
I've tried these variations for the VB variable to no avail:
mystring = """mystring1"", ""mystring2"""
mystring = "'mystring1', 'mystring2'"
Any ideas how I can concat multiple strings into one IN clause with VB and Subsonic?
A coworker pointed me to http://blog.levo.us/index.php/2008/06/25/subsonic-select-where-in-solution/ and I eventually found a solution. My problem was that I was not explicitly declaring the VB variable as an arraylist. I was simply Dim'ing it and assigning it the results of a function which were returned as an ArrayList.
what didn't work - the getstrings() function returns an ArrayList:
Dim myarraylist = getstrings()
What did work:
Dim myarraylist as ArrayList = getstrings()
I am not a professional programmer, just FYI.
I am having trouble splitting a string. The resulting array has a length of 3, with the second spot (index 1) being completely empty.
I could manipulate the array to work the way I'd like, but I would rather understand why it is acting this way and code it properly from the beginning.
Dim defaultSetting() As String
Dim curSetting as String = "MENU_ITEM_ON_OPEN;;OPTIONAL_LEAVE"
defaultSetting = curSetting.Split(";;")
MsgBox(defaultSetting.Length) 'this is 3
MsgBox(defaultSetting(0)) 'this is as expected "MENU_ITEM_ON_OPEN"
MsgBox(defaultSetting(1)) 'this is empty and I do not know why
MsgBox(defaultSetting(2)) 'this is "OPTIONAL_LEAVE" and should be stored in defaultSetting(1)
Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
The problem here is that Option Strict is set to Off.
The overload of Split which is used expects a ParamArray of Char.
Because of this, the string ";;" is "silently" converted to a single char.
You can check this with following code:
Dim x As Char = ";;"
You want to split by a string, which means you have to use another overload:
defaultSetting = curSetting.Split({";;"}, StringSplitOptions.None)
Thanks to a comment made by dbasnett I was able to find code that worked the way I was expecting, although I am not really sure why if anyone care to explain. But if not, this question has been answered, thanks.
defaultSetting = testString.Split(CType(";;", Char()), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
I'm trying to compare to strings in a function to be able to do stuff if it's true. However, for some reason the two strings I'm comparing are never equal to eachother.
I am creating a new string in a function, getting data from a Json and then comparing that string with another string in another class. This doesn't work for some reason. The Debug shows that both strings are equal, but the if-statement returns false.
I created two other string variables (hello & hello2) with the same value ("Hello") and this time it's comparing correctly.
Check the images below. What am I doing wrong?
As you can see in the console, both strings have the same value:
Image 1. Here's where I create the string (zoneId).
Image 2. Further down in the same function, same for-loop.
Here's where I'm trying to compare the string created in this function with another string from another class.
Image 3. As you can see in the console it's looping through the jsonArray. But it's returning false even though it's clear that both strings have the same value.
Image 4 and 5. Here I am testing with two other strings inside the function and they are working fine.
Does it has something to do calling a string from another class?
Here's how my other string in userInfo is set up:
public string userID { get; private set; }
In Image 3, is there an additional space before the second 2?
How are you processing Main.Instance.userInfo.zoneID?
You need to use string.Equals for string comparison instead of operator == or !=.
Are string.Equals() and == operator really same?
I have a list of strings I get as a result of splitting a string. I need to remove the surrounding quotes from the strings in the list. Using method chaining how can I achieve this? I tried the below, but doesn't work.Says type interference failed.
val splitCountries: List<String> = countries.split(",").forEach{it -> it.removeSurrounding("\"")}
forEach doesn't return the value you generate in it, it's really just a replacement for a for loop that performs the given action. What you need here is map:
val splitCountries: List<String> = countries.split(",").map { it.removeSurrounding("\"") }
Also, a single parameter in a lambda is implicitly named it, you only have to name it explicitly if you wish to change that.
I am writing an Excel VBA program that validates a school course schedule. A key component is a global dictionary object that keeps track of the course number (the key) and the number of times that course is scheduled (the item). I have successfully created and loaded the dictionary. I'm trying to lookup the value associated with the course key, but have been unable to do so using the one-line examples I've found at this site. I'd like to use this line of code:
intCourseCnt = gdicCourses("BAAC 100")
intCourseCnt = gdicCourses.Item("BAAC 100")
but neither work (actually, the "BAAC 100" part is a string variable, but it won't even work if I hardcode a course in.) Instead, I have to use the kludgy loop code below to lookup the course count:
Private Function Check_Course_Dup_Helper(strCourse As String) As Boolean
Dim k As Variant
Check_Course_Dup_Helper = False
' Read thru dictionary. Look to see if only 1 occurrence then jump out.
For Each k In gdicCourses.Keys
If k = strCourse Then
If gdicCourses.Item(k) = 1 Then
Check_Course_Dup_Helper = True
Exit Function
End If
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Is there a way to rewrite this so that I can lookup of the item value without the loop?
Thank you.
Thanks for the prompt replies. Answers below:
David, the gdicCourses("BAAC 100") code value while the program is running is "empty" which makes the receiving variable equal to 0. The result is the same if I use strCourse variable. Also, the dictionary populating code is shown below. I do not believe it is a problem because I can correctly access the values elsewhere in the program where For-Each-Next loops that use a range variable are employed. Whitespace and non-printable characters are not present.
My guess is that I need to use a range to reference the position in the dictionary rather than a string. I've tried pretty much every combination of this that I can think of, but the value is still "empty".
Set gdicCourses = New Scripting.Dictionary
For Each c In Worksheets("Tables").Range("combined_courses").Cells
If Not (gdicCourses.Exists(c)) Then
gdicCourses.Add c, (Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIF(Range("MWF_Table_Full"), c
(Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("TTh_Table_Full"), c)))
End If
I have a velocity variable, like this:
$cur_record.getFieldValue("SelectRoles", $locale)
that is supposed to be an array. If I print its value, (just by putting $cur_record.getFieldValue("SelectRoles", $locale) in the code) i get:
now, i want to iterate those 2 values, Accountant and Cashier, but it seems to be a String, not an Array, how can i convert that to an array so I can iterate it?..
I have tried to iterate it, but does not work, like this:
#foreach($bla_role in $cur_record.getFieldValue("SelectRoles", $locale))
Also tried to get the value, as if it were an array, does not work either:
$cur_record.getFieldValue("SelectRoles", $locale).get(0)
I've tried setting it to another variable, like this:
#set($roleval = $cur_record.getFieldValue("SelectRoles", $locale))
but it does not work, but if i set a string, as the value is printed (the value hard coded), it does work!, like this:
#set($roleval = ["Accountant","Cashier"])
I dont know if I have to escape something, or I am missing something, can some one help me?
thank you!
You're trying to parse a String array that was previously serialized to String.
The following snippet uses substring, split and replace String methods to parse it.
#set($roleval = '["Accountant","Cashier"]')
#set($rolevalLengthMinusOne = $roleval.length() - 1)
#set($roles = $roleval.substring(1, $rolevalLengthMinusOne).split(","))
#foreach($role in $roles)
At first I tried to use #evaluate to parse it, but I ended up with these String methods.