Expression Blend's default LayoutRoot - layout

Is there a way to change the default LayoutRoot type in Expression Blend 3? Currently, I'm prototyping in SketchFlow, and I prefer Canvas over the Grid, and it's annoying to change it for every new screen.

Here is answer that will work, but you will need to change the templates:
Back up the contents of the template directory which resides here:
%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Expression\Blend 3\Templates\
Find the templates being used in:
%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Expression\Blend 3\Templates\(CSharp|VisualBasic)\
In that directory there will be 4 relevant templates:
If you edit the xaml files within these, whenever you create a new screen in SketchFlow the screens will use your changes.


__layout.reset has been removed in favour of named layouts

I have a page set up in this format
original reset image›
I looked at forums and it said i should change the inner layout page to __layout#reset.svelte. However when i do that, I get another error.
reset image using #reset instead of .reset
Does anyone know how i can put in a reset __layout inside of a folder and get it to override the parent layout?
Your error is because __layout#reset.svelte would be looking for a __layout-reset.svelte file in it's current directory, or any parent directory directory, to be a sub-layout for. You don't have a __layout-reset.svelte file.
As Thomas Hennes mentioned in the other thread. If you wanted to have it act like the reset, you'd need to create a __layout-reset.svelte file in the current folder or (more useful for the entire app, in the root folder) and have it be a blank <slot />. From there, you can do __layout#reset.svelte to which will allow you to make a completely new layout.
I think that you can solve this problem by fallowing this steps :
Create "__layout-choseNameYouWant.svelte" at the same level as "__layout.svelte"
Create "guides#theSameNameYouGaveForLayoutFile.svelte" at the same level as
Layouts can themselves choose to inherit from named layouts
create "__layout-root.svelte" at the same level as index.svelte and about.svelte with the following code
create "__layout#root.svelte" in guides folder with the following

How can I specifiy an alternate layout for NotFound.cshml and ErrorPage.cshtml in Orchard CMS

I know you can use layout filters for normal pages with urls, but upon errors the view changes while keeping the url the same, so I can't utilize a new layout based on the path. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Off the top of my head:
If you look in Core > Shapes > Views, you will see two files - one called ErrorPage.cshtml and one called NotFound.cshtml. Simply copy these files and paste them into your theme's view folder.
I have not tested this method with these particular pages, but I did do something similar with the LogOn widget.
Something to bear in mind is that the contents of these files will be rendered in the Content zone of your current theme.

Create a map with clickable provinces/states using SVG, HTML/CSS, ImageMap

I am trying to create an interactive map where users can click on different provinces in the map to get info specific to that province.
So far I've only found solutions that have limited functionality. I've only really searched for this using an SVG file, but I would be open to other file types if it is possible.
If anyone knows of a fully functioning way to do this (jQuery plug-in, PHP script, vector images) or a tutorial on how to do it manually please do share.
jQuery plugin for decorating image maps (highlights, select areas, tooltips):
Disclosure: I wrote it.
Sounds like you want a simple imagemap, I'd recommend to not make it more complex than it needs to be. Here's an article on how to improve imagemaps with svg. It's very easy to do clickable regions in svg itself, just add some <a> elements around the shapes you want to have clickable.
A couple of options if you need something more advanced:
I think it's better to divide my answer to 2 parts:
A-Create everything from scratch (using SVG, JavaScript, and HTML5):
Create a new HTML5 page
Create a new SVG file, each clickable area (province) should be a separate SVG Polygon in your SVG file,
(I'm using Adobe Illustrator for creating SVG files but you can find many alternative software products too, for example Inkscape)
Add mouseover and click events to your polygons one by one
<polygon points="200,10 250,190 160,210" style="fill:lime;stroke:purple;stroke-width:1"
onclick="clickHandler(evt)" />
Add a handler for each event in your JavaScript code and add your desired code to the handler
function mouseOverHandler(evt) {};
function clickHandler(evt) {};
Add the SVG file to your HTML page (I prefer inline SVG but you can use linked SVG file too)
Upload the files to your server
B-Use a software like FLDraw Interactive Image Creator (only if you have a map image and want to make it interactive):
Create an empty project and choose your map image as your base image when creating the new project
Add a Polygon element (from the Shape menu) for each province
For each polygon double click it to open the Properties window where you can choose an event type for mouse-over and click,
also change the shape opacity to 0 to make it invisible
Save your project and Publish it to HTML5, FLDraw will create a new folder that contains all of the required files for your project that you can upload to your server.
Option (A) is very good if you are programmer or you have someone to create the required code and SVG file for you,
Option (B) is good if you don't want to hire someone or spend your own time for creating everything from scratch
You have some other options too, for example using HTML5 Canvas instead of SVG, but it's not very easy to create a Zoomable map using HTML5 Canvas,
maybe there are some other ways too that I'm not aware of.
Just in case anyone will search for it - I used it on several sites, always the customization and RD possibilities were a perfect fit for what I needed. Simple and it is free to use:
Clickable CSS Maps
One note for more scripts on a site: I had some annoying problems with getting to work a map (that worked as a graphic menu) in Drupal 7. There where many other script used, and after handling them, I got stuck with the map - it still didn't work, although the jquery.cssmap.js, CSS (both local) and the script in the where in the right place. Firebug showed me an error and I suddenly eureka - a simple oversight, I left the script code as it was in the example and there was a conflict. Just change the front function "$" to "jQuery" (or other handler) and it works perfect. :]
Here's what I ment (of course you can put it before instead of the ):
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#map-country').cssMap({'size' : 810});
Go to SVG to Script
with your SVG the default output is the map in SVG
Code which adds events is also added but is easily identified and can be altered as required.
I have been using makeaclickablemap for my province maps for some time now and it turned out to be a really good fit.
I had the same requirements and finally this Map converter worked for me. It is the best plugin for any map generation.
Here is another image map plugin I wrote to enhance image maps:
It makes it easy to highlight all the area and let you specify different styles depending on the state of the zone: normal, hover, active, disable.
You can also specify how many zones can be selected at the same time.
The following code may help you:
$("#svgEuropa [id='']").on("click",function(){
You have quite a few options for this:
1 - If you can find an SVG file for the map you want, you can use something like RaphaelJS or SnapSVG to add click listeners for your states/regions, this solution is the most customizable...
2 - You can use dedicated tools such as clickablemapbuilder (free) or makeaclickablemap (i think free also).
[disclaimer] Im the author of :)
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#map-country').cssMap({'size' : 810});
strong text

A bit confused with creating custom content parts and placement

I'm trying to create a Custom Part that just drops text into the page. I've created a part using the GUI that I called "Side Feature" and I added a text field called "Featured". I am trying put it on the side bar which I created on my layout, but I don't know how to move it to the sidebar. It shows up on my main content.
How do I move it to the sidebar? I tried using "#Display(Model.Featured)", but that doesn't seem to work. I also read about the file, but I'm not too sure how that would work in this sense.
I couldn't find a tutorial/blog post online similar to this. Most of them were too advanced. I am very new to Orchard.
You can't without code or additional module: sidebar is a zone for widgets, not for content parts. Placement info only works for local zones within the global Content zone.
If you want to do it through code, follow this:
If you want to use a module, look for Origami on the gallery.

silverstripe - adding styles to 'styles' drop down menu on editor

from the question above, I thought it would be relatively easy but i can not find any documentation on on how to add styles to the 'styles' drop down menu. can anyone push me in the right direction?
The styles dropdown is automatically populated based on classes found in your theme's typography.css file. To add classes, just ensure that they are defined there. Alternatively, if you want to give the classes friendlier names or to remove some classes from the list, you can explicitly define the styles that you want listed by putting this in your _config.php file.
'Name 1=class1;Name 2=class2');
It's a feature provided by TinyMCE, the WYSIWYG editor component, and this line is just setting the theme_advanced_styles setting of TinyMCE when used by the CMS. This thread on the TinyMCE site also discusses it.
Also note Markus' answer below: editor.css needs to be in the theme css folder and include the typography.css.
The answer of #Sam Minnée only works, if the editor.css is also in the theme css folder and includes the typography.css.
Here is a more detailed description of how these two play together.
If you have troubles getting the new styles appear in the editor, try the following:
Check the file permissions on your mythemes/css/editor.css file. It should be readable by the webserver user.
