How do I use vim registers? - vim

I only know of one instance using registers is via CtrlR* whereby I paste text from a clipboard.
What are other uses of registers? How to use them?
Everything you know about VI registers (let's focus on vi 7.2) -- share with us.

Registers in Vim let you run actions or commands on text stored within them. To access a register, you type "a before a command, where a is the name of a register. If you want to copy the current line into register k, you can type
Or you can append to a register by using a capital letter
You can then move through the document and paste it elsewhere using
To paste from system clipboard on Linux
To paste from system clipboard on Windows (or from "mouse highlight" clipboard on Linux)
To access all currently defined registers type

I was pleased when I discovered the 0 register. If you yank text without assigning it to a particular register, then it will be assigned to the 0 register, as well as being saved in the default " register. The difference between the 0 and " registers is that 0 is only populated with yanked text, whereas the default register is also populated with text deleted using d/D/x/X/c/C/s/S commands.
I find this useful when I want to copy some text, delete something and replace it with the copied text. The following steps illustrate an example:
Yank the text you want to copy with y[motion] - this text is saved in " and 0 registers
Delete the text you want to replace with d[motion] - this text is saved in " register
Paste the yanked text with "0p
where " is the command to use a register for the next command.
On the final step, if you were to paste from the default register (with p), it would use the text that you had just deleted (probably not what you intended).
Note that p or P pastes from the default register. The longhand equivalent would be ""p (or ""P) and "0 holds the last yank, "1holds the last delete or change.
For more info see :help registers.

One of my favorite parts about registers is using them as macros!
Let's say you are dealing with a tab-delimited value file as such:
ID Df %Dev Lambda
1 0 0.000000 0.313682
2 1 0.023113 0.304332
3 1 0.044869 0.295261
4 1 0.065347 0.286460
5 1 0.084623 0.277922
6 1 0.102767 0.269638
7 1 0.119845 0.261601
Now you decide that you need to add a percentage sign at the end of the %Dev field (starting from 2nd line). We'll make a simple macro in the (arbitrarily selected) m register as follows:
Press: qm: To start recording macro under m register.
EE: Go to the end of the 3rd column.
a: Insert mode to append to the end of this column.
%: Type the percent sign we want to add.
<ESC>: Get back into command mode.
j0: Go to beginning of next line.
q: Stop recording macro
We can now just type #m to run this macro on the current line. Furthermore, we can type ## to repeat, or 100#m to do this 100 times! Life's looking pretty good.
At this point you should be saying, "But what does this have to do with registers?"
Excellent point. Let's investigate what is in the contents of the m register by typing "mp. We then get the following:
At first this looks like you accidentally opened a binary file in notepad, but upon second glance, it's the exact sequence of characters in our macro!
You are a curious person, so let's do something interesting and edit this line of text to insert a ! instead of boring old %.
Then let's yank this into the n register by typing B"nyE. Then, just for kicks, let's run the n macro on a line of our data using #n....
It added a !.
Essentially, running a macro is like pressing the exact sequence of keys in that macro's register. If that isn't a cool register trick, I'll eat my hat.

Other useful registers:
"* or "+ - the contents of the system clipboard
"/ - last search command
": - last command-line command.
Note with vim macros, you can edit them, since they are just a list of the keystrokes used when recording the macro. So you can write to a text file the macro (using "ap to write macro a) and edit them, and load them into a register with "ay$. Nice way of storing useful macros.

The black hole register _ is the /dev/null of registers.
I use it in my vimrc to allow deleting single characters without updating the default register:
noremap x "_x
and to paste in visual mode without updating the default register:
vnoremap p "_dP

If you ever want to paste the contents of the register in an ex-mode command, hit <C-r><registerletter>.
Why would you use this? I wanted to do a search and replace for a longish string, so I selected it in visual mode, started typing out the search/replace expression :%s/[PASTE YANKED PHRASE]//g and went on my day.
If you only want to paste a single word in ex mode, can make sure the cursor is on it before entering ex mode, and then hit <C-r><C-w> when in ex mode to paste the word.
To make it more convenient :
cnoremap <c-g> <c-r>"
cnoremap <C-Right> <c-r><c-w>

A cool trick is to use "1p to paste the last delete/change (, and then use . to repeatedly to paste the subsequent deletes. In other words, "1p... is basically equivalent to "1p"2p"3p"4p.
You can use this to reverse-order a handful of lines:

I think the secret guru register is the expression = register. It can be used for creative mappings.
:inoremap \d The current date <c-r>=system("date")<cr>
You can use it in conjunction with your system as above or get responses from custom VimL functions etc.
or just ad hoc stuff like

q5 records edits into register 5 (next q stops recording)
:reg show all registers and any contents in them
#5 execute register 5 macro (recorded edits)

From vim's help page:
CTRL-R {0-9a-z"%#:-=.} *c_CTRL-R* *c_<C-R>*
Insert the contents of a numbered or named register. Between
typing CTRL-R and the second character '"' will be displayed
Special registers:
'"' the unnamed register, containing the text of
the last delete or yank
'%' the current file name
'#' the alternate file name
'*' the clipboard contents (X11: primary selection)
'+' the clipboard contents
'/' the last search pattern
':' the last command-line
'-' the last small (less than a line) delete
'.' the last inserted text
'=' the expression register: you are prompted to
enter an expression (see |expression|)
(doesn't work at the expression prompt; some
things such as changing the buffer or current
window are not allowed to avoid side effects)
When the result is a |List| the items are used
as lines. They can have line breaks inside
When the result is a Float it's automatically
converted to a String.
See |registers| about registers. {not in Vi}

I use the default register to grep for text in my vim window without having to reach for the mouse.
yank text
:!grep "<CTRL-R>0"<CR>

Use registers in commands with #. E.g.:
echo #a
echo #0
echo #+
Set them in command:
let #a = 'abc'
Now "ap will paste abc.

One overlooked register is the '.' dot register which contains the last inserted text no matter how it was inserted eg ct] (change till ]). Then you realise you need to insert it elsewhere but can't use the dot repeat method.
:reg .

A big source of confusion is the default register ". It is important to know the way it works. It is much better if the default register is avoided most of the times. The explanation from the Vim documentation:
Vim fills this register with text deleted with the "d", "c", "s", "x" commands
or copied with the yank "y" command, regardless of whether or not a specific
register was used (e.g. "xdd). This is like the unnamed register is pointing
to the last used register.
So the default register is actually a pointer to the last used register. When you delete, or yank something this register is going to point to other registers. You can test that by checking the registers. There is always another register that is exactly the same as the default register: the yank register ("0) , the first delete register("1) , small delete register("-) or any other register that was used to delete or yank.
The only exception is the black hole register. Vim doc says:
An exception is the '_' register: "_dd does not store the deleted text in any
Usually you are much better off by using directly: "0, "- and "1-"9 default registers or named registers.

My favorite register is the ':' register. Running #: in Normal mode allows me to repeat the previously ran ex command.
So we can verify some commands in with :MY_commandXXXXX then put MY_commandXXXXX in vimrc

My friend Brian wrote a comprehensive article on this. I think it is a great intro to how to use topics.

My favorite feature is the ability to append into registers by using capital letters. For example, say you want to move a subset of imports from buffer X to buffer Y.
Go to line x1 in buffer X.
Type "ayy to replace register a with the content of line x1.
Go to line x5.
Type "Ayy (capital A) to append line x5 at the end of register a.
Go to buffer Y and type "ap to paste
<content of line x1>
<content of line x5>


vim - surround text with function call

I want to wrap some code :
with a function call where the code is passed as an argument.
I've thought about using surround.vim to do that but didn't manage to do it.
Any idea if it's possible ? I
With Surround in normal mode:
With Surround in visual mode:
Without Surround in normal mode:
Without Surround in visual mode:
But that's not very scalable. A mapping would certainly be more useful since you will almost certainly need to do it often:
xnoremap <key> cconsole.log(<C-r>")<Esc>
nnoremap <key> ciwconsole.log(<C-r>")<Esc>
which brings us back to Surround, which already does that—and more—very elegantly.
I know and use two different ways to accomplish this:
Variant 1:
Select the text you want to wrap in visual mode (hit v followed by whatever movements are appropriate).
Replace that text by hitting c, then type your function call console.log(). (The old text is not gone, it's just moved into a register, from where it will be promptly retrieved in step 3.) Hit <esc> while you are behind the closing parenthese, that should leave you on the ) character.
Paste the replaced text into the parentheses by hitting P (this inserts before the character you are currently on, so right between the ( and the )).
The entire sequence is v<movement>c<functionName>()<esc>P.
Variant 2:
Alternatively to leaving insert mode and pasting from normal mode, you can just as well paste directly from insertion mode by hitting <ctrl>R followed by ".
The entire sequence is v<movement>c<functionName>(<ctrl>R")<esc>.
You can use substitution instruction combined with visual mode
To change bar to foo(bar):
press v and select text you want (plus one more character) to surround with function call (^v$ will select whole text on current line including the newline character at the end)
type :s/\%V.*\%V/foo\(&\)/<CR>
s/a/b/g means 'substitute first match of a with b on current line'
\%V.*\%V matches visual selection without last character
& means 'matched text' (bar in this case)
foo\(&\) gives 'matched text surrounded with foo(...) '
<CR> means 'press enter'
For this to work you have to visually select also next character after bar (^v$ selects also the newline character at the end, so it's fine)
might be some problems with multiline selections, haven't checked it yet
when I press : in visual mode, it puts '<,'> in command line, but that doesn't interfere with rest of the command (it even prevents substitution, when selected text appears also somewhere earlier on current line) - :'<,'>s/... still works

In vim, how to paste without copy selected content when select some content before

I usually want to replace some content in vim. After copy, I select the content to be replaced, then paste content I copied. But then the content to be replaced will be copied to clipboard, and I can't replace next place.
I hope content in clipboard don't change when I paste on some selected place.
Short answer: "0p (instead of p)
This question sort of has an answer here, but I will add more details.
The :registers, command will show you what the registers are currently storing.
(use :help registers for more information)
Using the double quote (") before a yank or put command tells vim you want to use a specific register. The command "xp (where x is a number (0-9), or a letter (a-z)) says you want to put the data that was stored in register x.
In your case, you want to retrieve from register 0, because that was what you most recently yanked. (Every yank you do automatically fills register 0 with the text, as well as the unnamed register that is used by default with each yank and put)
You could also choose a named register to store your data in. I will choose letter 'h', for example.
To yank: "hy. To put: "hp.
Now if you use the :registers (or :reg) command, you will see that you have text stored in your "h register.
(Here is a question that explains registers very well)
I need this so often, I wrote a plugin to simplify and allow maximum speed: ReplaceWithRegister.
This plugin offers a two-in-one gr command that replaces text covered by a {motion} / text object, entire line(s) or the current selection with the contents of a register; the old text is deleted into the black-hole register, i.e. it's gone. It transparently handles many corner cases and allows for a quick repeat via the standard . command. Should you not like it, its page has links to alternatives.

Vim: issue regarding copy and paste across different buffer

I met a problem when copy some lines in one buffer to any buffer.
Here is the details.
For example, I use command '3yy' to copy 3 lines in buffer file1 and want use command 'p' to paste these lines in buffer file2. However, if I do a 'd' command between this two commands to delete some lines in either buffer, the 'p' command will not work anymore. It cannot paste the content I copied using '3yy' before.
I am on Vim Window 7.
The unnamed register contains what you yank and what you cut. You can…
use the 0 register which always contains the last yank: "0p
delete "for real" with the "black hole register": "_d.
See :help registers.
Just like DOOM said in the comment, 'd' will yank to the default register overwriting what you yanked previously. If you want to preserve what you yanked, place it in a register. Eg:
will place 3 lines into register 1. You can paste them like this:

Pasting inside delimiters without using visual selection

In Vim, let's say I want to replace the contents of one String with the content of another.
Original input
var1 = "January"
var2 = "February"
Desired output
var1 = "January"
var2 = "January"
What I would usually do is:
Move cursor to line 1
y i " (yank inner quotes)
Move cursor to the destination quote in line 2
v i " p (visual select inner quotes, paste)
While this works well, I generally try to avoid visual mode when possible, so I am not completely satisfied with my step 4 (v i " p).
Is there any way to specify a "destination paste area" without using Visual mode? I suspect it might be something chained to g, but I can't think of anything.
There are many ways of doing this however using visual mode is the easiest.
Use the black hole register to delete the content then paste. e.g. "_di"P
Do ci"<c-r>0. <c-r> inserts the contents of a register
Simply paste and then move over a character and delete the old text. e.g pldt"
However visual mode still has my vote. I find that the concerns most people have is that using visual mode + paste is that the default register is swap with the selected text and it doesn't repeat well. Good news everybody! The 0 register always stores the last yank. The bad news is visual mode still doesn't repeat well. Take a look at this vimcast episode, Pasting from Visual mode, for more information. It mentions a few plugin that help with this.
I need this so often, I wrote a plugin to simplify and allow maximum speed: ReplaceWithRegister.
This plugin offers a two-in-one gr command that replaces text covered by a {motion} / text object, entire line(s) or the current selection with the contents of a register; the old text is deleted into the black-hole register, i.e. it's gone. It transparently handles many corner cases and allows for a quick repeat via the standard . command. Should you not like it, its page has links to alternatives.
It's not particularly pretty, but here goes:
Go to line one and yi"
Move to line two
Type "_di"hp
That deletes what's in the quotes, but sends the deleted text to a black hole register. Then it moves the cursor back one, and pastes what you yanked from line one.
All in all, you can start on the first line and type yi"j"_di"hp. Why is it that people find vim intimidating? ;)
Alternatively, yank the first line as normal, then drop to line two and type ci"<Ctrl+p> and select the previously yanked text from the menu.
Excerpt from my .vimrc:
" Delete to 'black hole' register
nnoremap <leader>d "_d
vnoremap <leader>d "_d
So, you just need to \di"P as your last step (assuming you use \ as a <leader>).
There is a plugin that addresses this problem precisely. It was presumably born out of the same feeling you're feeling, namely that Visual mode often feels less than ideal to advanced Vim users.
operator-replace – Operator to replace text with register content
With operator-replace installed the replacing goes like this.
Yank the word inside the quotes.
Move to the target line
Replace inside the quotes with the yanked text. (I've set up gr as the replace operator: :map gr <Plug>(operator-replace). Pick your own mapping.)
Check it out! This is part of the truly excellent textobj/operator frameworks. I couldn't work without them.

How do I get fine-grained undo in Vim

I find Vim's undo to be a bit too coarse. E.g. if I type something like this:
a // to go into edit mode
to be or not to ve
<esc> // to exit insert mode
Oops! I made a typo. I want to start undoing so I press u, but then it clears the whole line. Is there a way to undo word-by-word or character-by-character?
You can break undos via :help i_ctrl-g_u. You can map this if you want for every character, but that might a little bit complicated. Mapping this to space button is a way.
:inoremap <Space> <Space><C-g>u
After that every word can be undo via u
So as you see from the others what you are asking for doesn't exist in Vi (AFAIK).
Undo undoes what your last action was. If your last action was to enter insert mode and then add a line and then exit insert mode. That will be undone, however if from the default mode you hit the "x" key then you will delete 1 character or if in visual mode with text selected the text will be deleted. If you hit undo then you will restore that one character or the text that was selected.
...You should think of this as an action, and actions can be atomically undone or restored
As mentioned previously if you wish to delete the previous word then you should be able to hit Ctrl + w and delete the previous word while remaining in insert mode.
If you exit insert mode you can navigate (motion) back a word with "b" forward a word with "w" to the end of a word with "e", and can cut (which leaves you in insert mode) with "c" or delete with "d". Both actions cut and delete can accept a motion following them so you can delete the current word / up to the next word with "dw" or cut the previous word with "cb"
This concept becomes more useful when you remember to use the "." command (in normal mode). This command is to repeat the last action. I have used this many times to find and replace a small group of words in a file (It is especially useful if you are paranoid about changing too much). The scenario would be the following:
This is my post
really it is a test
this is the middle
This is the end
if I wanted to replace "is" with "was" I could write:
however if I wanted to change the first line and the third line "is" to "was" (and I didn't know their line numbers, and I wanted to see if there were any other places I wanted to change is to was I could type
hit "n" until I reach the place I want substituted, and then hit "cw" and type "was"
I can now hit "n" until I reach another place I want substituted and hit ".", and that will replace "is" with "was" (Note: my search string didn't limit to the word "is", just the two characters "is" so "This" & "this" will match in this case)
No, it is not possible and is actually not necessary either. Vim has a million ways of dealing with that. Try cb for example. Or bC. Or brb. Or Tspace to jump back instead of b. Or ciw.
You can, of course use most of these solutions in insert mode (by pressing CTRLo first), or bind one to your favorite key combination (:help map and :help imap).
On Linux, using control-w while in input mode deletes the last 'word'.
