Debug a Subsonic Select Query - subsonic

I've got a Subsonic query that isn't returning any values. I think the problem is in my where clause, although I'm not sure why.
What I'm really looking for is a way to debug the query to see the SQL that's actually being spit out by Subsonic. I know there was a way to do this with the Query object with Inspect(), but I'm using Select objects (or could also probably use SQLQuerys) because I need joins. Is there any inspect() type option for a Subsonic Select?
Here's the code I'm using:
Dim qry As New [Select]("Contract_NO")
qry.InnerJoin(<table2>.<table2columnA>, <table1>.<table1columnA)
If I comment out the where line, I get a full list of results. It doesn't like something about it, but I've manually run the query at the database with that where clause, and it works. How can I see what the difference is?

The problem with your query is that you should be using Contains("mystring") instead of Like("mystring").
The best way to see the SQL is to use the BuildSqlStatement() method of the query.

Use [a] profiler to see what SQL is actually being executed against the database.
As Adam spotted:
should most probably be

please try using Like("%mystring%")

It might have something to do with your choice of clause, or which column name you are using. Subsonic has a couple of column name field
I have had to play with these in the past to get the values I wanted.


Best way to implement ACL with Mongoose

I have my data model already defined and implemented. I can very easily write manually the filter to filter out non-authorized results for the user who sent the query (which would be in the style of: "collection.acl.personId": queryPersonId )
My problem is, where and how should I write this "thing" to be as automatic as possible?
I tried to do it with a custom query and a static method, but did not had any luck on both.
Static method con: I don't want to rewrite all my code to use .then(). I want to keep the current chaining.
Custom query: it simply did not worked, even by following the doc.
Ideal the result would be something like
Note that we are using Typescript. The priority would be to have something working, but having the ability to have a working type would be the second priority right after.
Thanks for any help
Casl mongoose gives a very good way of filtering both results (row level) and fields from collections. Note that it also can be used in the front end.
Great package that works very well with auth0 rights.

Why does Veracode still report CWE-89 after my function has been parameterized?

According to recommendation of CWE-89, my function below has been parameterized, but Veracode still reports that CWE-89 is available in that function.
As you can see that the function is used for generating dynamic SQL queries base on input parameters. And, there is only #PrimaryValue parameter came from user input while other dynamic variables behind SELECT, FROM, JOIN, ON and WHERE are queried from database (not from user input).
How do you think about this case? Can I propose a mitigation for this it or I have to modify the code more to solve the problem? Please advice for me.
Your code has SQL injection problem. For example user can pass to this method, param "intofile" like this:
* FROM Table1; DROP TABLE table2; intofile
With this code user convert your query to 3 queries and after run it table2 is drop.
First of all you have to run your query in a read only transaction. After that you have to use a SQL escape method over all inputs to delete key words like DROP from it.

What library do you use for postgres+jsonb in Node?

I would like to do more complex queries on jsonb/documents that contain arrays of objects. Is there any library anyone would recommend for Node? I am using pg but I want to do more advanced queries like select the document where a document has an array with an object with a certain key/value. If there aren't any libraries that do this, does anyone know how I could do it with json functions/etc in psql? or point me to a book/resource where I could learn this advanced querying?
If you need to do really complicated things you're going to be writing SQL no matter what. But for basic queries that involve working with JSONB fields Massive (full disclosure, it's my project) has you covered, and executing handwritten prepared statements is as easy as anything else since scripts are loaded into the API.
Searching an embedded array falls into the 'really complicated' category, unfortunately, but if you know your element positions you could do this quite simply with Massive:
await db.mytable.find({
'somejson.arrayfield[0].key': 'value'
This would return all records from mytable where the somejson column has an arrayfield array, the first element in which contains a "key": "value" pair.
For searching, check out the Postgres docs. The specific question you have requires a lateral join on the jsonb_array_elements function like so:
SELECT somejson
FROM mytable
JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements(mytable.somejson->'arrayfield') AS elements
WHERE elements->>'key' = $1;
With Massive, you'd put this query in a script in your application's /db directory and run it as db.myScriptName('value'). You can use folders to group similar scripts too.

StorIO observeChangesInTable, can i get updated rows/items with it?

StorIOSQLite has interesting method observeChangesInTable(). And When I saw it I thought that it would observe changes in given table and return list of updated items.
But it just returns updated table name. Why would I need an updated table name? I can just subscribe to hole table to be notified about an update
Please explain what is the point of observeChangesInTable() method. And what is the best solution for my problem.
With your approach you're actually doing a query to the db and only then reacting to the change.
With StorIOSQLite.observeChangesInTable() you can react on changes in the table without doing any queries to the db. This is much much cheaper and should be used in situations when you need to do a debounce() or window(), filter() etc and only then make actual query to the db.
Hope that helps!

Can solr return function values (not solr score or document fields)?

We are making a solr query where we are giving a custom function (which is pretty complex) and sorting the results by value of that function. The query looks something like:
Our understanding is that we can only get back fields on the document and solr score back from solr. Can someone tell us if and how we can fetch the computed value of customFunc for each document. For some reasons we cannot set solr score to be customFunc.
You should use the fl parameter to select pseudo fields, functions and so on, but this is supported only on trunk, which will be released with the 4.0 version of Solr. Have a look at the CommonQueryParameters wiki. The SOLR-2444 issue might be interesting too.
A brief example:
This helped me :
You will see the values of the function in the debug part.
