TcpClient and StreamReader blocks on Read - multithreading

Here's my situation:
I'm writing a chat client to connect to a chat server. I create the connection using a TcpClient and get a NetworkStream object from it. I use a StreamReader and StreamWriter to read and write data back and forth.
Here's what my read looks like:
public string Read()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int tmp;
while (true)
tmp = StreamReader.Read();
if (tmp == 0)
catch (Exception ex)
// log exception
return sb.ToString();
That works fine and dandy. In my main program I create a thread that continually calls this Read method to see if there is data. An example is below.
private void Listen()
while (IsShuttingDown == false)
string data = Read();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
// do stuff
catch (ThreadInterruptedException ex)
// log it
Thread listenThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Listen));
This works just fine. The problem comes when I want to shut down the application. I receive a shut down command from the UI, and tell the listening thread to stop listening (that is, stop calling this read function). I call Join and wait for this child thread to stop running. Like so:
// tell the thread to stop listening and wait for a sec
IsShuttingDown = true;
// if we've reach here and the thread is still alive
// interrupt it and tell it to quit
if (listenThread.IsAlive)
// wait until thread is done
The problem is it never stops running! I stepped into the code and the listening thread is blocking because the Read() method is blocking. Read() just sits there and doesn't return. Hence, the thread never gets a chance to sleep that 1 millisecond and then get interrupted.
I'm sure if I let it sit long enough I'd get another packet and get a chance for the thread to sleep (if it's an active chatroom or a get a ping from the server). But I don't want to depend on that. If the user says shut down I want to shut it down!!
One alternative I found is to use the DataAvailable method of NetworkStream so that I could check it before I called StreamReader.Read(). This didn't work because it was undependable and I lost data when reading from packets from the server. (Because of that I wasn't able to login correctly, etc, etc)
Any ideas on how to shutdown this thread gracefully? I'd hate to call Abort() on the listening thread...

Really the only answer is to stop using Read and switch to using asynchronous operations (i.e. BeginRead). This is a harder model to work with, but means no thread is blocked (and you don't need to dedicate a thread—a very expensive resource—to each client even if the client is not sending any data).
By the way, using Thread.Sleep in concurrent code is a bad smell (in the Refactoring sense), it usually indicates deeper problems (in this case, should be doing asynchronous, non-blocking, operations).

Are you actually using System.IO.StreamReader and System.IO.StreamWriter to send and receive data from the socket? I wasn't aware this was possible. I've only ever used the Read() and Write() methods on the NetworkStream object returned by the TcpClient's GetStream() method.
Assuming this is possible, StreamReader returns -1 when the end of the stream is reached, not 0. So it looks to me like your Read() method is in an infinite loop.


Close WebSocket Threadsafe

Using System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket I have a read loop in one thread.
var result = await ws.ReceiveAsync(new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer), CancellationToken.None);
From another thread I Write.
lock (ws)
ws.SendAsync(new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer), WebSocketMessageType.Text, true, CancellationToken.None).Wait();
This works fine.
My question is, how can I cleanly close this connection?
Any attempts to close result in an exception:
await ws.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "Bye", CancellationToken.None);
InvalidOperationException: 'Concurrent reads are not supported.'
I've tried to pass a CancellationToken to ws.ReceiveAsync so that I could call ws.CloseAsync from inside the receive loop. That didn't interrupt the ReceiveAsync call, it returned when the next message arrived.
Is it possible to cleanly close the socket outside the read loop.
I could implement a "Close connection" message but that seems overkill when there is a concept of sending a close message in the WebSocket protocol.
I don't see a concurrent read in this code - if you are calling ReceiveAsync only from a single thread and if you await the result of the operation before starting the next one there should not be this exception. Where is it thrown?
Suggestion for the writing part: If you use a lock and a blocking write (with .Wait()) you are blocking a full thread (which potentially runs other handles), which might not be what you want. Better use SemaphoreSlim instead, where you can do:
await semaphore.WaitAsync();
await ws.SendAsync();
If the text of the error message is not precise and it actually complains about a concurrent Send and Close then you could use the same semaphore also for protecting the Close call:
await semaphore.WaitAsync();
await ws.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "Bye", CancellationToken.None);
In that case, you'll need to call CloseOutputAsync and handle the
CloseSent message type in your reads. – Stephen Cleary Mar 14 at 13:49
You can call CloseOutputAsync while another thread is waiting on ReceiveAsync.

BlackBerry - App freezes when background thread executing

I have a BlackBerry App that sends data over a web service when a button has it state set to ON. When the button is ON a timer is started which is running continuously in the background at fixed intervals. The method for HttpConnection is called as follows:
Dialog.alert("Check internet connection and try again");
The method PostMsgToServer is as follows:
public static String PostMsgToServer(String encryptedGpsMsg) {
//httpURL= ""+DeviceBoardPassword+"&IMEI="+IMEI+"&hex_data="+encryptedGpsMsg+"&device_type=3";
httpURL= ""+DeviceBoardPassword+"&IMEI="+IMEI+"&hex_data="+encryptedGpsMsg+"&device_type=3";
//httpURL= "http://track24.unit1.overwatch/track24/service/spi/post?access_id="+DeviceBoardPassword+"&IMEI="+IMEI+"&hex_data="+encryptedGpsMsg+"&device_type=3";
try {
String C0NNECTION_EXTENSION = checkInternetConnection();
Dialog.alert("Check internet connection and try again");
return null;
HttpConnection httpConn;
httpConn = (HttpConnection);
DataOutputStream _outStream = new DataOutputStream(httpConn.openDataOutputStream());
byte[] request_body = httpURL.getBytes();
for (int i = 0; i < request_body.length; i++) {
DataInputStream _inputStream = new DataInputStream(
StringBuffer _responseMessage = new StringBuffer();
int ch;
while ((ch = != -1) {
_responseMessage.append((char) ch);
String res = (_responseMessage.toString());
responce = res.trim();
}catch (Exception e) {
//Dialog.alert("Connection Time out");
return responce;
My Question: The App freezes whenever the method is called, i.e. whenever the timer has to execute and send data to the web service the App freezes - at times for a few seconds and at times for a considerable amount of time applying to the user as if the handset has hanged. Can this be solved? Kindly help!!
You are running your networking operation on the Event Thread - i.e. the same Thread that processes your application's Ui interactions. Networking is a blocking operation so effectively this is stopping your UI operation. Doing this on the Event Thread is not recommended and to be honest, I'm surprised it is not causing your application to be terminated, as this is often what the OS will do, if it thinks the application has blocked the Event Thread.
The way to solve this is start your network processing using a separate Thread. This is generally the easy part, the difficult part is
blocking the User from doing anything else while waiting for the
response (assuming you need to do this)
updating the User Interface with the results of your networking
I think the second of these issues are discussed in this Thread:
Since it appears you are trying to do this update at regular intervals in the background, I don't think the first is an issue, - for completeness, you can search SO for answers including this one:
There is more information regarding the Event Thread here:
Event Thread

how to stop(or terminate ) MPI_Recv after some perticular time when there is deadlock in MPI?

I am trying to detect deadlocks in MPI
is there any method in which we can jump from function like MPI_Recv after particular time.
MPI_Recv is a blocking function and will just sit there untill it receives the data it is waiting for, so if you are looking to have it timeout and error if things lock up then I don't think that's the one for you.
You could look into using MPI_Irecv, which is the non-blocking version. You could then emulate the blocking behaviour of MPI_Recv using MPI_Wait or MPI_Test.
If you use a combination of MPI_Irecv and MPI_Test you could make a snippet that waits to recieve for a specified length of time, then errors if it hasn't. Rough example:
MPI_Irecv(..., &request); //start a receive request, non-blocking
time_t start_time = time(); //get start time
MPI_Test(&request, &gotData, ...); //test, have we got it yet
//loop until we have received, or taken too long
while (!gotData && difftime(time(),start_time) < TIMEOUT_TIME) {
//wait a bit.
MPI_Test(&request, &gotData, ...); //test again
//By now we either have received the data, or taken too long, so...
if (!gotData) {
//we must have timed out
//throw an error

C# Handling threads and blocking sockets

In the following thread, UDP packets are read from clients until the boolean field Run is set to false.
If Run is set to false while the Receive method is blocking, it stays blocked forever (unless a client sends data, which will make the thread loop and check for the Run condition again).
while (Run)
IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
byte[] data = udpClient.Receive(ref remoteEndPoint); // blocking method
// process received data
I usually get around the problem by setting a timeout on the server. It works fine, but seems to be a patchy solution to me.
udpClient.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 5000;
while (Run)
IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
byte[] data = udpClient.Receive(ref remoteEndPoint); // blocking method
// process received data
catch(SocketException ex) {} // timeout reached
How would you handle this problem? Is there any better way?
Use UdpClient.Close(). That will terminate the blocking Receive() call. Be prepared to catch the ObjectDisposedException, it signals your thread that the socket is closed.
You could do something like this:
private bool run;
public bool Run
return run;
run = value;
This allows you to close the client once whatever condition is met to stop your connection from listening. An exception will likely be thrown, but I don't believe it will be a SocketTimeoutException, so you'll need to handle that.

How should a Thread notify its parent that it ended unexpectedly

I have a thread that is listening on a socket and forwarding on the messages it receives to processing engine. If something untoward happen (such as the socket is unexpectedly closed) how should that thread notify it's "parent" that it's about to end?
UPDATE: For example, here's a simple illistration of the issue:
class Program
private static BlockingCollection<string> queue = new BlockingCollection<string>();
static void Main(string[] args)
Thread readingThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ReadingProcess));
for (string input = queue.Take(); input != "end"; input = queue.Take())
Console.WriteLine("Stopped Listening to the queue");
static void ReadingProcess()
string capture;
while ((capture = Console.ReadLine()) != "quit")
// Stop the processing because the reader has stopped.
In this example, either the Main finishes out of the for loop when it sees "end" or the reading process finishes because it sees "quit". Both threads are blocked (one on a ReadLine, and the other on a Take.
Following Martin's advice the ReadingProcess could add to the BlockingQueue and "end" --- however there may be other things ahead of this poison pill in the queue, and at this stage I would like the queue to stop right away.
Using the same mechanism it forwards the requests to the processing engine: have a special "error request" that indicates that the thread is terminated.
Alternatively, use an EventWaitHandle, and have the parent thread wait for any child signalling its unexpected termination.
Don't make the parent-thread responsible. The stopping thread can do it's own cleanup etc and report to a central object (listener-manager) when that is required.
