Infopath SharePoint Document Libraries - sharepoint

I need to display a list of document libraries a user has permission to on an infopath form for a workflow. I can build my list of libraries just fine but I can not for the life of me figure out how to populate (in anyway) the infopath form with the list of libraries and allow the user to somehow say "yes" or "no" to each (checkbox is ideal but I'll take anything at this point).
Basically I just need to figure out how to add a list of items for yes/no to a user in the loading event so I can take that information and do something with it.

I tend to use a repeating table with two columns, one containing a checkbox and one a label. Group these together properly in a schema then you can pop some code behind in to iterate through your list of libraries and pop nodes onto the end of this repeating table pre populated.
Here is an example that sets a label inside a repeating table on an InfoPath form:
XPathNavigator xmlDoc = MainDataSource.CreateNavigator();
XPathNavigator xmlItem = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/my:MyForm/my:MyRepeatingGrp", this.NamespaceManager);
foreach (XmlNode libraryNode in documentLibraries)
XPathNavigator newItem = xmlItem.Clone();
XPathNavigator navText = newItem.SelectSingleNode("/my:MyLabel", this.NamespaceManager);


xpages column showCheckbox

There is a viewPanel having a column with showCheckbox="true".
Is it possible to restrict the users to select only one row/document ( and not multiple rows/docs. ) listed by the viewPanel?
Not in a View Panel. The View Panel is designed to offer a quick, simple approach with restricted functionality.
An alternative (possibly better) approach may be to have another column with a link or image that triggers whatever functionality you need. That will allow users to trigger functionality with a single click rather than two. The View Panel allows you to place controls in columns instead of just mapping to a column in the underlying view.
Alternatively, you could add a checkbox manually to a column, map to a scoped variable, and check/uncheck programmatically.
Paul's probably right on. My alternative for you is to use a repeat control. You can make it look however you want. Including a view control.
I have an example of this in this NotesIn9 show:
Now in my example I did multiple values. But if instead of a HashMap or ArrayList if you kept your "selected" document id in a single value field like just a scoped variable.. then you'd get what you want. One document at a time.
I agree with Paul Stephans (also upvoted his answer because I think it would be the Nest solution) but if you insist on adding such a functionality to your viewPanel you can do this by adding a client side script to prevent the user from selecting more then one element:
First add the styleClass="rowCB" to your checkbox row and insert this code to your xpage:
dojo.query('.rowCB>input').connect("onclick", function(evt){
var target =;
window.crrCheckedElement =;
}else if(window.crrCheckedElement != target){
alert("You can select only one item!"); = false;
}else if(window.crrCheckedElement == target){
window.crrCheckedElement = "";
Maby the code needs some improvement but this should be your way to go.
though maybe not the best solution, here is one possibility.
function deselectOtherDocs(viewName, currentDocId) {
var = getComponent(viewName);
var selectedIds = viewPanel.getSelectedIds();
for(var i=0; i<selectedIds.length; ++i){
fire this off when a doc is checked and pass the view control name and the current doc's unid.
pardon any typos. I am writing from my phone.
edit: if you don't have to use a view control, then David Leedy's suggestion is the way to go. store the selected unid in a scope variable and let that determine which repeat row's box is selected. you might also consider using a radio button instead of a checkbox, since the former is understood as a single selector by users.

View data being cached/failing to refresh

I have a tabbed panel containing different sections of a form. In one section, users are given the ability to add a child document to the currently open document. In a second section, they are given a listbox, where the options are dynamically generated (via #DbLookup) by looking at a view of all the child documents, filtered by the current document's ID. This functionality all works correctly, however, there is a problem with the dynamic listbox options.
When a user adds a new child document, then switches to the next tab, the listbox is not updated with this new document. If they save/re-edit the main document or refresh the page, it makes no different, the user must load another XPage before going back to the original in order for the listbox to update. I have tried to resolve this by doing full updates of the page, using session.evaluate and "NoCache" in the #DBLookup call, or calling database.getView("My view").refresh(), but without luck.
There is also a similar problem where I have a repeat control which uses a view of child documents (again filtered by main document ID) as a datasource. When a user adds a child document using a button, it partially refreshes the repeat - but doesn't show the new child document until the page is refreshed again (or you leave the page and return).
Is there something crucial I am missing with regards to the JSF lifecycle/the way that view data is cached?
As first measure I would add another formula item to the listbox which simply returns the current time (#Now() should work). That way you can check if the listbox options are refreshed on the update in the first place.
If the options are refreshed fine it's indeed clear that the #DbLookup does some caching, although I'm not aware of any default caching logic.
At least for a test I would change the code to use a NotesView object instead of the #DbLookup, something like this:
var nview = database.getView("someview");
var nc = nview.getAllEntriesByKey(currentDocument.getDocument().getUniversalID(), true);
var a = [];
var ve = nc.getFirstEntry();
while (ve) {
a.push(ve.getColumnValues().elementAt(0)); // value of first column
ve = nc.getNextEntry(ve);
return a;
(I wrote the code from memory, there may be syntax errors).
Since the code only works with view entries it should be equally fast than the #DbLookup. And you could even do a nview.refresh() if needed.

Get list of all ids in an xPage container control

I am using this code to copy some documents by a button click source. I would like to prevent the end user from having to select columns and would prefer simply get all the documents ids from the view panel. Not exactly sure how to do that, or if a dataview might be a better choice for me.
var viewPanel=getComponent("viewPanel1"); //get the componet of viewPanel
var docIDArray=viewPanel.getSelectedIds(); //get the array of document ids
for(i=0;i < docIDArray.length;i++){
var docId=docIDArray[i];
var doc=database.getDocumentByID(docId);
var db=session.getCurrentDatabase();
var newDoc:NotesDocument=doc.copyToDatabase(db);
var id=newDoc.getUniversalID();;
Leave the view panel out of the equation: a view panel is a component, and components are for users to interact with; if the user's interaction with the view panel (i.e. "selecting" documents) doesn't alter which documents you wish to duplicate, ignore the view panel (at least, for the purposes of this specific event).
If you simply want to duplicate all documents that display in the view to which the view panel is bound, talk to the same data source the view panel is associated with. So, assuming your data source declaration looks something like the following:
<xp:dominoView var="allDocuments" viewName="($All)" />
<xp:viewPanel value="#{allDocuments}">
...then just iterate through that same view:
var eachDoc = allDocuments.getFirstDocument();
while(eachDoc) {
var newDoc = eachDoc.copyToDatabase(database);
newDoc.replaceItemValue("approved", "No");;
var nextDoc = allDocuments.getNextDocument(eachDoc);
eachDoc = nextDoc;
Since you're duplicating the documents within the same database, when the event finishes, the view panel will simply show twice as many documents, since you duplicated all of them. Unless, of course, the item value you're replacing disqualifies them from the view you're displaying.
NOTE 1: The reason the code above toggles the autoUpdate property is because, unless you toggle that to false prior to the iteration, when you duplicate each document, if the new document does display in the view you're iterating, the indexer will become aware of it, and you might end up in an infinite loop, because each time you try to get the next document, it's actually returning a handle on the duplicate you just created... so you would essentially be infinitely duplicating the same document until some exception is thrown (i.e. stack overflow, out of memory, etc.). Disabling autoUpdate prevents that by only allowing iteration of entries the index was aware of when your routine began.
NOTE 2: If the data source is only defined inside the view panel, move it to a parent (panel, Custom Control, or XPage) that also contains whatever component will trigger the duplication (i.e. button, link) and reference the data source within the view panel. That way both the view panel and the button can talk to the same data; otherwise, only the view panel is aware that the data source exists.

Opening different xpages forms from a view panel

I have an Xpages application that pulls data from another .nsf file. I have a view panel linked to a view in that db. The view has documents with several different forms in it. I want to be able to open each document in it's own form(xpage).
How do I write a computed At Runtime, open selected document using: statement that will select the correct Xpage to present the document.
If you use the Data View component instead of a View Panel, you can compute the pageName attribute, referencing the var attribute to return a different value for each row based on the document that row represents. The flexibility of the Data View component also makes it easier to make your app look more like a modern web application and less like an Excel spreadsheet. As an additional bonus, the mobile theme invokes a renderer that makes each Data View instance look like a native mobile list, so using Data Views instead of View Panels simplifies mobile development.
You have 2 options:
use "use xpage associated with form" and edit the form's property
use a SSJS formula to compute the Form. You provide a variable name in the view control var to access a view row as XSPViewEntry. If the Form is in a view column even one you don't display you use .getColumnValue otherwise getDocument.getItemValueString
Does that work for you?
Maybe this mothed can help you: Unable to get document page name for
Hope this helps
I had a similar problem today. I use only one form but 3 different xpages for associated with this form. I have 3 different document types in the view. I used rowData the get the type of the document.
var v=rowData.getColumnValue("form");
if(v.indexOf("x")> -1){var page ="x.xsp"}
else if(v.indexOf("y") > -1){var page = "y.xsp"}
else{var page = "z.xsp"}
var page = "x.xsp"
So to your view you can create a column with the value of the form and you can use it.
I have used the extension library Dynamic View control which has an event you can code to get a handle to the NotesViewEntry which was selected. See the demo database page Domino_DynamicView.xsp and the Custom Event Handler tab for an example.
Note, in 8.5.3 (I have not upgraded yet) if you add or edit the eventHandler for onColumnClick it will be added to the XPages source as an xe:eventHandler. It needs to be an xp:eventHandler to work. The way to do it is to copy the code in the source from the exiting event and delete it. Recreate the event and update the code. Then go back into the source and change the tags within the eventHandler to xp:.

Sharepoint default list item detail view

I have a webpart that renders random list items (from any list and list type) in a specified format. I want the items that are being displayed in the webpart to link to their ListItem detail views. However, I don't see a property on the list itself that would tell me what view is the default DETAIL view for the list (ie. blog list detail is Post.aspx). Does this come from the list definition? How would I get that information programmatically? I'm trying to avoid hard-coding any list information based on list type.
Have a look at SPList.Forms[PAGETYPE.PAGE_DISPLAYFORM].Url.
I think this is what you're looking for. You'll need to append the the SPListItem.ID on the querystring so that it knows which list item to display.
using (SPWeb myWeb = GetMyWeb()) // GetMyWeb gets a reference to a SPWeb object
SPList myList = GetMyList(myWeb); // GetMyList gets a reference to a SPList object
SPListItem myItem = GetMyListItem(myList); // GetMyListItem gets a reference to a SPListItem object
string url = String.Format("{0}/{1}?ID={2}",
It's also a good practice to append &Source=/url/to/current/page to the querystring so that users will be redirected back to the page they left when they click the Cancel/Close buttons on the Edit or Display forms.
