Tool for transforming Excel files? (swapping columns, basic string manipulation etc) - excel

I need to import tabular data into my database. The data is supplied via spreadsheets (mostly Excel files) from multiple parties. The format of each of these files is similar but not the same and various transformations will be necessary to massage the data into the final format suitable for import. Furthermore the input formats are likely to change in the future. I am looking for a tool that can be run and administered by regular users to transform the input files.
Now let me list some of the transformations I am looking to do:
swap columns:
Input is:
|data|data |data |
Output is
|data|data |data |
rename columns
Input is:
|data |data|data |
Output is
|data|data |data |
map columns according to a lookup table, like in the above examples:
replace every occurrence of the string "Car" by "automobile" in the column Category
basic maths:
multiply the price column by some factor
basic string manipulations
Lets say that the format of the Price column is "3 x $45", I would want to split that into two columns of amount and price
filtering of rows by value: exclude all rows containing the word "expensive"
I have the following requirements:
it can run on any of these platform: Windows, Mac, Linux
Open Source, Freeware, Shareware or commercial
the transformations need to be editable via a GUI
if the tool requires end user training to use that is not an issue
it can handle on the order of 1000-50000 rows
Basically I am looking for a graphical tool that will help the users normalize the data so it can be imported, without me having to write a bunch of adapters.
What tools do you use to solve this?

The simplest solution IMHO would be to use Excel itself - you'll get all the Excel built-in functions and macros for free.Have your transformation code in a macro that gets called via Excel controls (for the GUI aspect) on a spreadsheet. Find a way to insert that spreadsheet and macro in your client's Excel files. That way you don't need to worry about platform compatibility (it's their file, so they must be able to open it) and all the rest. The other requirements are met as well. The only training would be to show them how to enable macros.

The Mule Data Integrator will do all of this from a csv file. So you can export your spreadsheet to a CSV file, and load the CSV file ito the MDI. It can even load the data directly to the database. And the user can specify all of the transformations you requested. The MDI will work fine in non-Mule environments. You can find it here (disclaimer, my company developed the transformation technology that this product is based on).

You didn't say which database you're importing into, or what tool you use. If you were using SQL Server, then I'd recommend using SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) to manipulate the spreadsheets during the import process.

I tend to use MS Access as a pipeline between multiple data sources and destinations - but you're looking for something a little more automated. You can use macros and VB script with Access to help through a lot of the basics.
However, you're always going to have data consistency problems with users mis-interpreting how to normalize their information. Good luck!


Is it possible to import Excel file into OBIEE or OAS and use it with other subject areas?

It is known that you could upload an Excel file in Visual Analyzer as a dataset and use that Excel file in Analysis as a separate Subject Area.
However, there was no way (or at least we couldn't find it) to make any connections between this Excel dataset and other subject areas, for example setting connectiong between Excel file's date column with OBIEE's Caledar.Day column, etc.
With new OAS, is there any update on this? Can we somehow make relationships between user-defined datasets and subject areas from rpd? Or is this feature not implemented?
Once you're on OAS you can create data sets which mash up any data source you want. Excel uploaded as a data set can be combined with other uploaded data sets, data sets created by data flows as well as Subject Areas. You have full freedom.
I believe only way to make relationship between data sources is to import them into repository of Analytics.
Maybe if you can import excel as data source into repository, you can manage to relate with other data sources. Here are some links :
I hope these helps.

Excel Files and Visual Basic

I have never used Visual Basic before but could do with a pointer on where to begin.
I have 750 excel spreadsheets that contains various amounts of data of different types. The columns are always the same, but the number of data rows vary per spreadsheet. I need to extract data and put it into two new spreadsheets.
Obviously to do this 750 times manually would be a nightmare. I just want to run a script that can do it for me and thus thought of Visual Basic although i've never used it before.
My specific questions are:
What type of command should i research that would allow me to copy data where the row number to start at varies (as data above varies in no of rows). There is a title before this new data - how can i get it to search for this title and then choose the row below?
Would all my spreadsheets have to be in one folder so that the script goes through them all, or can i have some kind of folder structure in that folder too?
Anyone recommend any good resources for me to get to grips with visual basic and grasp what i need to do?
So the compilation task got easier with the introduction of MS PowerQuery. If you are using MS Excel 2013, you already have this. If no, you should download it and use the extension from MS.
The following guide outlines how to Using Power Query to Combine Data from Multiple Excel Files into One Table. This means that with Power Query (PQ), MS has taken and enabled easy aggregation using a few simple button clicks. PQ is a lightweight alternative to a lot of tasks that used to require VBA.
In this example, you will use PQ to point to an entire folder (750 should be no problem) worth of commonly formatted Excel files. The only limitation is that each data file should have a similarly named tab.
I won't repeat the details of the guide for how to do it, as it is in-depth and visual. But if you run into issues, get in touch.

print to Excel file instead of pdf in SAP

I have a transaction in SAP - ZHR_TM01 (possibly built by our IT department) that prints the timesheets of our employees that are swiping a card.
I need all this data in excel format but the problem is that the only option I know is to type "PDF!" in the command bar when I'm on the print preview menu of the timesheet, so it will convert all selected timesheets to pdf format. In order to have this data in excel format i need to use acrobat converter. This option is somewhat unprofessional and working with the sheet becomes very "convert dependent" because every time I use this method the conversion is slightly different compared to previous conversions: the columns/rows are not consistent etc.
What I ask is is there a way to directly retrieve the data in some readable consistent format since it is obvious that the data exists.
If there is a analogous command like the PDF! to convert to excel format or any other?
It will help me big time.
If the function code PDF! works, the printout is most likely implemented using a Smart Form. In this case, it should be possible to create an alternative download function, e. g. SALV. I'd recommend contacting the person who originally developed the transaction to get an estimate - I'm not qualified to get into the details of HR...
See if you can convert to a .csv or .txt file. Once you have it in either of those formats you should be able to import them into Excel and delimit the columns with greater accuracy.

Sort text-based information into different sheets

I am creating a tracking document for artists' accommodation as part of an arts festival and would like to automate part of my work flow. Whilst we use event management/scheduling software for confirmed bookings, it's nice to do all my working in Excel.
I would like to have a master sheet (sheet 1), with a full list of artists and their respective accommodation - that can then be sorted into individual sheets (sheet 2, 3 etc) based on the name of the accommodation. The automatic sorting would also capture the other pieces of information in the row.
This would allow for each different sheet to show a report on who is staying in each type of accommodation and would be rather handy!
I would recommend one or more PivotTables as a simpler solution. Here a PT and two clones are shown on your Master Sheet, but they could each be on their own sheet:
Accom is in Report Filter, Company is in Row Labels and PAX (as Sum) is in Σ Values. Once having clicked on PivotTable in Insert > Tables - PivotTable and having chosen you range ('Master Sheet'!$A$2:$C$7A2:C7) and Location just drag the fields from the big box to the little ones.
This is feasible using Excel, but I don't recommend it; it is creating a maintenance nightmare in the long run.
From the question I can't gather whether the data is available in some kind of event management software package; if so you can use that one as a data source. Or create an Access or SQL database with a few tables. After that, you can use one of the following options to make the necessary overviews and as many more as you think up during the project:
Use Excel with ODBC or web query to retrieve data aggregated and
sorted as you like. Make changes in the event management package
allowing others to see the same facts. Or do it in Access. When you
change one thing, it automatically propogates also into the Excel.
Similarly, you can use an Excel add-in such as Invantive
Control (caution I work at a supplier) to retrieve the data from
the database using SQL or a webservice, change it from within Excel and
then synchronize the changes back assuming you have write access.
A similar solution is available as SQL*XL. Probably there are others too.
If the solution must be Excel only, I would recommend using vertical/horizontal lookups with the Excel function vlookup / hlookup (Dutch: vert.zoeken, horiz.zoeken). These function perform reasonable with a small amount of data and performance can be improved by sorting. And they resemble SQL joins, so the database you get within Excel more easily conforms to the relational model.
I hope the event is successfull and the people enjoy it.

What is the best way to import data from sophisticated formula enriched Excel files into

My current employer (to remain nameless) has a collection of incredibly sophisticated Microsoft Excel 2003 worksheets (developed by contractors, also to remain nameless).
The employer is replacing the Excel-based solution with a SalesForce-based solution (developed by other contractors, likewise to remain unnamed). The SalesForce solution is also very complex using dozens of related objects and "Dynamic SOQL" to contain the data and formulas which previously was contained in the Excel-based solution.
The employer's problem, which has become my problem, is that the data from the Excel spreadsheets needs to be meticulously and tediously recreated in .CSV files so it can be imported into SalesForce.
While I've recently learned I can use CTRL-` to review formulas in Excel, this doesn't solve the problem that variables in Excel have cryptic names like $O$15. If I'm lucky, when I investigate $O$15, I'll find some metadata explaining if n cells up and/or some other data m cells to the left, and/or (in rare instances) there may be a comment on the cell.
Patterns within the Excel spreadsheets are very limited, rarely lasting more than 6 concurrent rows or columns and no two sheets which need to be imported have much similarity.
Documentation of all systems are very limited.
Without my revealing any confidential data, does anyone have any good ideas how I might optimize my workflow?
It's not clear exactly what you need to do: here are 3 possible scenarios, requiring increasing knowledge of Excel.
1. If all you want is to convert the Excel spreadsheets into CSV format then just save the worksheets as CSVs.
2. If you just want the data and not the formulae then it would be simple (using VBA) to output anything that isn't a formula (the cell.Formula won't start with =).
3. If you need to create a linkage excel-->csv-->existing Salesforce objects/SOQL then you will need to understand both the Excel Spreadsheets and the Salesforce objects/SOQL that have been created. This will be difficult unless you have good knowledge and experience of Excel and also understand what the salesforce App requires.
Brian, if you're still working on this, here's one way to approach the problem. I use this kind of process often for updating data between SFDC and marketing automation apps.
1) Analyze the formulae that you're re-creating in to determine what base data fields you need (stuff that doesn't have to be calculated from something else.
2) Find those columns/rows in your spreadsheets and use Paste Special -> Values in a new spreadsheet to create an upload file with values instead of formulae that you need for each data area (leads, prospects, accounts, etc.)
3) If you have to associate the info with leads or contacts or accounts and you have already uploaded or created those records in, be sure to export them with their ID numbers. That makes it easy to use the vlookup formula in Excel to match up fields that you need to add and then re-upload the data into Salesforce.
Like data cleaning, this can be a tedious process. But if you take it step by step it shouldn't be too hard. Good luck.
