How is the Linux calculating MemFree - linux

I am trying to understand my embedded linux memory usage.
By using the top utility and the process file /proc/meminfo I can see how much virtual memory a process is using, and how much physical memory is available to the system. But it would seem for any given process the virtual memory can be very much higher than the used physical memory. As this is an embedded system memory swapping is disabled.(SwapTotal = 0)
How is linux calculating the free physical memory? As it doesn't seem to be accounting for everything allocated in the virtual memory space.

MemFree in /proc/meminfo is a count of how many pages are free in the buddy allocator. This buddy allocator is the fundamental unit of physical memory allocation in the kernel; however there are a lot of ways pages can be returned to the buddy allocator in time of need - for example, freeing empty SLABs, discarding cache/buffer RAM (even if this means invalidating PTEs in a running process), or as a last resort, swapping things out.
In fact, MemFree is generally controlled to be only 5-10% of total physical RAM, with any extra free RAM being co-opted into cache as time goes on. As such, MemFree alone is a very incomplete view of the overall memory situation.
As for the virtual memory (VSIZE) of a given process, this refers to the sum total of the sizes of all mapped memory segments in the process's address space. However, not all of these will be physically present - some may be paged in upon first access and as such will not register as memory in use until actually used. The resident size (RSIZE) is a more accurate view, as it only registers pages that are mapped in right now - although this may also not be accurate if a given page is mapped in multiple virtual addresses (which is very common when you consider multiple processes - shared libraries have the same physical RAM mapped to all processes that are using that library)

Try using htop. You will have to install it sudo apt-get install htop or yum install htop, whatever.
It will show you a more accurate representation of memory usage.
Basically, it comes down to "buffers/cache".
free -m
Look at the free column in the buffers/cache row, this is a more accurate representation of what is actually available.
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 3770 3586 183 0 112 1498
-/+ buffers/cache: 1976 1793
Swap: 7624 750 6874


Find exact physical memory usage in Ubuntu/Linux

(I'm new to Linux)
Say I've 1300 MB memory, on a Ubuntu machine. OS and other default programs consumes 300 MB memory and 1000 MB is free for my own applications.
I installed my application and I could configure it to use 700 MB memory, when the application starts.
However I couldn't verify its actual memory usage. Even I disabled swap space.
The "VIRT" value shows a huge value and "RES", "SHR", "%MEM" shows very less value.
It is difficult to find actual physical memory usage, similar to "Resource monitor" in Windows, which will say my application is using 700 MB memory.
Is there any way to find actual physical memory in Ubuntu/Linux ?
TL;DR - Virtual memory is complicated.
The best measure of a Linux processes current usage of physical memory is RES.
The RES value represents the sum of all of the processes pages that are currently resident in physical memory. It includes resident code pages and resident data pages. It also includes shared pages (SHR) that are currently RAM resident, though these pages cannot be exclusively ascribed to >>this<< process.
The VIRT value is actually the sum of all notionally allocated pages for the process, and it includes pages that are currently RAM resident, pages that are currently swapped to disk.
See for another explanation.
Note that RES is giving you (roughly) instantaneous RAM usage. That is what you asked about ...
The "actual" memory usage over time is more complicated because the OS's virtual memory subsystem is typically be swapping pages in and out according to demand. So, for example, some of your application's pages may not have been accesses recently, and the OS may then swap them out (to swap space) to free up RAM for other pages required by your application ... or something else.
The VIRT value while actually representing virtual address space, is a good approximation of total (virtual) memory usage. However, it may be an over-estimate:
Some pages in a processes address space are shared between multiple processes. This includes read-only code segments, pages shared between parent and child processes between vfork and exec, and shared memory segments created using mmap.
Some pages may be set to have illegal access (e.g. for stack red-zones) and may not be backed by either RAM or swap device pages.
Some pages of the address space in certain states may not have been committed to either RAM or disk yet ... depending on how the virtual memory system is implemented. (Consider the case where a process requests a huge memory segment and neither reads from it or writes to it. It is possible that the virtual memory implementation will not allocate RAM pages until the first read or write in the page. And if you use lazy swap reservation, swap pages not be committed either. But beware that you can get into trouble with lazy swap reservation.)
VIRT can also be under-estimate because the OS usually reserves swap space for all pages ... whether they are currently swapped in or swapped out. So if you count the RAM and swap versions of a given page as separate units of storage, VIRT usually underestimates the total storage used.
Finally, if your real goal is to limit your application to using at most
700 MB (of virtual address space) then you can use ulimit -v ... to do this. If the application tries to request memory beyond its limit, the request fails.

linux kernel and user address spaces

In 4GB RAM system running linux, 3gb is given to user-space and 1gb to kernel, does it mean that even if kernel is using 50MB and user space is running low, user cannot use kernel space? if no, why? why cannot linux map their pages to user space?
The 3/1 separation refers to VIRTUAL memory. The virtual memory, however, is sparse. Meaning that even though there is "on paper" 1 GB, in practice a LOT less than that is used. Whenever possible, the "virtual" memory is backed by physical pages (meaning, if your virtual memory footprint is 50MB, then you're using 50 MB of physical memory), up until the point where there is no more physical memory, in which case you either A) spill over to swap or B) the system encounters a low memory condition and frees memory the hard way - by killing processes.
It gets more complicated. Virtual memory is not really used (committed) until actually used. THis means when you allcoate memory, you get an "IOU" or "promise" for memory, but the memory only gets consumed when you actually use the memory, as in write some value to it. Overall, however, you are correct in that there is segregation - at the hardware level - between kernel and user mode. In other words, of the 4GB addressable (assuming 32bit), the top 1GB, even though it is in your address space, is not accessible to you, and in practice belongs to the kernel. (The limit of 4 GB stems from 32-bit pointers - for 64 bits, it's effectively 48, which means 256TB, btw, 128TB user, 128TB kernel). Further, this 1GB of your space that is the kernel's is identical in other processes, too. So it doesnt matter which process you are in, when you "call kernel", (i.e. a system call), you end up in the top 1GB, which is shared in between all processes.
Again, the key point is that the 1GB isn't REALLY used in full. The actual memory footprint of the kernel is a lot smaller - in the tens of MB. It's jsut that theoretically, the kernel can use UP to 1GB, but that is assuming it can be backed up either by RAM or (rarely) swap. You can look at /proc/meminfo. As for the answer above, about changing 3/1 - it actually CAN be changed (in Windows it's as easy as a kernel command line option in boot.ini, in Linux it requires recompilation).
The 3GB/1GB split in process space is fixed. There is no way to change it regardless of how much RAM is actually in use.

On Linux: We see following: Physical, Real, Swap, Virtual Memory - Which should we consider for sizing?

We use a Tool (Whats Up Gold) to monitor memory usage on a Linux Box.
We see Memory usage (graphs) related to:
Physical, Real, Swap, Virtual Memory and ALL Memory (which is a average of all these).
'The ALL' Memory graphs show low memory usage of about: 10%.
But Physical memory shows as 95% used.
Swap memory shows as 2% used.
So, do i need more memory on this Linux Box?
In other words should i go by:
ALL Memory graph(which says memory situation is good) OR
Physical Memory Graph (which says memory situation is bad).
Real and Physical
Physical memory is the amount of DRAM which is currently used. Real memory shows how much your applications are using system DRAM memory. It is roughly lower than physical memory. Linux system caches some of disk data. This caching is the difference between physical and real memory. Actually, when you have free memory Linux goes to use it for caching. Do not worry, as your applications demand memory they gonna get the cached space back.
Swap and Virtual
Swap is additional space to your actual DRAM. This space is borrowed from disk space and once you application fill-out entire DRAM, Linux transfers some unused memory to swap to let all application stay alive. Total of swap and physical memory is the virtual memory.
Do you need extra memory?
In answer to your question, you need to check real memory. If your real memory is full, you need to get some RAM. Use free command to check the amount of actual free memory. For example on my system free says:
$ free
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 16324640 9314120 7010520 0 433096 8066048
-/+ buffers/cache: 814976 15509664
Swap: 2047992 0 2047992
You need to check buffer/cache section. As shown above, there are real 15 GB free DRAM (second line) on my system. Check this on your system and find out whether you need more memory or not. The lines represent physical, real, and swap memory, respectively.
free -m
as for free tool analisys about memory lack in linux i have some opinion proved by experiments (practice)
~# free -m
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 2000 164 144 1605 1691 103
you should summarize 'used'+'shared' and compare with 'total'
other columns are useless just confuse and nothing more
i would say
[ total - (used + shared ) ] should be always at least > 200 MB
also you can get almost the same number if you check MemAvailable in meminfo :
# cat /proc/meminfo
MemAvailable: 107304 kB
MemAvailable - is how much memory linux thinks right now is really free before active swapping happens.
so now you can consume 107304 kB maximum. if you
consume more big swappening starts happening.
MemAvailable also is in good correlation with real practice.

Where has my used memory gone?

I got a linux hardware server having 16GB of physical memory and running some applications. This server is up and running for around 365 days till now and I am observing the "free -m" showing memory is running low.
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 14966 13451 1515 0 234 237
-/+ buffers/cache: 12979 1987
Swap: 4094 367 3727
I understand 1987 is the actual free memory in the system which less than 14%. If I add up the %MEM section in "ps -A v" output or from "top" it does not add up to 100%.
I need to understand why the memory has gone so low?
Update (29/Feb/2012):
Let me split this problem into two parts:
1) System having less free memory.
2) Identifying where the used memory has gone.
For 1), I understand; if system is running low on free memory we may see gradual degradation in performance. At some point paging would give additional free memory to the system resulting in restoration in system's performance. Correct me if I am wrong on this.
For 2), Now this is what I want to understand where has the used memory vanished. If I sum up the %MEM in output of "ps -A v" or "top -n 1 -b" it comes to no more than 50%. So where to account for the remaining 40% of untraceable memory. We have our own kernel modules in the server. If these modules leak memory would they get accounted. Is it possible to know amount of leakage in kernel modules.
It's not running low. Free memory is running low. But that's fine, since free memory is completely useless. (Free memory is memory that is providing no benefit. Free memory is memory that would be just a useful sitting on your shelf as in your computer.)
Free memory is bad, it serves no purpose. Low free memory is good, it means your system has found some use for most of your memory.
So what's bad? If your system is slow because it doesn't have enough memory in use.
I was able to identify and solve my issue. But it was not without the help of the information present at
The memory at slabinfo for dentry was around 5GB. After issuing "sync" command the dirty pages got synced to hard-drive and the command "echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches" freed up some more memory by dropping some more caches.
In addition to the literature present in the above website, the memory is reclaimed by the kernel at a rate dependent on vfs_cache_pressure (/proc/sys/vm/vfs_cache_pressure).
Thanks to all for your help.

How does free calculate used memory?

How does free calculate used memory and why does it differ from what /proc reports?
# cat /proc/*/status | grep VmSize | awk '{sum += $2} END {print sum}'
But free says:
# free
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 524288 326488 197800 0 0 0
Who is right? Is 281260kb memory used or 326488kb?
The title asks: "How does free calculate used memory?"
Answer: It asks the OS, which has to keep track of that to do its job.
More specifically, it asks the memory management subsystem. As sheepsimulator notes in the comments, the Linux kernel exposes all kinds OS maintained data in the /proc virtual filesystem, but every full service OS has to keep track of them kind of data, so it is a small matter to provide an API for free to use.
The question asks: "Why does this differ from adding up the VmSize reported for all processes?"
Answer: There are at least to thing going on here
Linux will promise memory to a program without actually allocating it. When you do char *p=new(1024*1024*1024*sizeof(char)); the kernel doesn't go out to get you a gigabyte right away. It just says "OK", and figures it will grab it when you start using it. Thus the need for the infamous OOM killer.
Dynamic libraries are shared, and a single page of real memory can be mapped into the virtual address space of more than one process.
Furthermore, your pass over the proc filesystem is not atomic.
The upshot is that the output of free more accurately reflects the use of physical memory on your machine at a given moment.
By 'free' I assume you mean the standard Linux version, which is usually comes from the procps suite of command line tools. Different versions of free (such as the one from busybox) report different numbers.
The procps version of 'free' obtains information about the system memory by reading /proc/meminfo. There is a syscall (sysinfo) which is also available to get memory numbers from the kernel. This can be used if a system does not have the /proc filesystem, but that is rare outside of deeply embedded systems, and procps free does not use that syscall to my knowledge.
The calculation for "used" memory is derived by taking the total memory, and subtracting free memory, cached memory, reclaimable slab memory and buffer memory. The formula, using the names from /proc/meminfo, is:
used = MemTotal - MemFree - Cached - SReclaimable - Buffers
Note that free does not reference the Vm* values for any individual processes. These are numbers for virtual memory usage, which likely do not match the physical memory usage for a process. The numbers that free reports are for physical memory.
The result from 'free' is more likely accurate than adding up the Virtual Memory size of each process (which is just virtual memory afterall, might even add up to more memory than is physically present!)
/proc/meminfo will give you some more of the details than 'free'.
