Access sites on IIS - iis

I have inherited a system with a number of servers, but I have never worked with IIS before.
Currently there is a web server set up using IIS, it holds a number of 'test' sites and the server is called Staging. I have network access to the files on the server and I can login to the server via VNC. What I cannot do is view any of the sites in the 'webs' folder. I know they are all switched on and working as they have been used by my predecessor.
I have tried putting into the url bar the IP address, the IP address with the folder appended, the name of the server and still I cant access the sites.
I am behind a firewall so these sites should be accessible to anyone in the network, but obviously I am mising something.
Any tips, anything I can look at to try and find the site. Annoying thing I only need to look at one of the sites in the D:\webs\test site folder for about 5 seconds :(

Look in the IIS properties of the site and look at what IP address and host header values have been assigned to the site.


Why is IIS going to the wwwroot folder instead of the one I want it to?

For the default Web Site in IIS I have the following binding on the default website:
I have the following binding on the site I want to access:
When I access the site in the browser with localhost/hostname, I'm pointed to C:\inetpub\wwwroot*hostname*. I have another site set up with a hostname binding that uses the same values for Port and IP Address and it points to the right place (a different folder on my C: drive). I'm running my site locally and I have the correct hostname entry in my hosts file. I don't want to create two separate virtual directories under a single website, I want the sites to be available as separate websites. What am I missing?
When you use the hostname feature in iis, you cant use localhost to access the site any more.
Instead use http://myhostname and setup myhostname to point to in your hosts file.
If you want to access the site via localhost, that implies you need to make a virtual directory, or "application" in iis.

How to host multiple iis websites cleanly mapped to different ports?

I'm having trouble finding info on this one, even having access to my company domain controller I still can't see what configuration is causing the same behavior I want to mimic on my home server.
I'm working from a test environment on my home PC and would like the following behavior. Note that I do not require any of these sites be accessible anywhere but my local machine, again, I just want to learn.
My Goal:
To configure IIS to host multiple sites, accessible via "aliases" which map to different ports. For example:
home -> localhost:81
test -> localhost:82
dev -> localhost:83
Furthermore, I want the url in my address bar to actually BE what it says on the left, not simply redirect, BLEH! So if I type "home/" in my address bar, it should load the page at "http://home/".
How can I achieve this? Thanks... ;)
Here's what I have configured in my bindings for the site so far, but no cigar...
first you need to edit your hosts file (probably C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc) so that you resolve home for example to localhost, add records like this: home test
Then you should be able to set up your IIS site with the Host name as home, but leave the port to the default of 80.
When I create a site in IIS I select for IP "All Unassigned" and then make a unique port.
I access my sites via the outside world like this:
Those all go to demos sites.

How to do a no-DNS site preview, when a wildcard redirect is in place

I'm looking to figure out how to replicate the functionality of GoDaddy's PreviewDNS when I'm moving a site to my own web host based in cpanel.
My setup is this: I have a wordpress multiuser site setup with a subdomain install, and a wildcard redirect.
I can't figure out how I can preview the website for an account before the DNS is switched over to my host from the old host.
I've been able to sorta do this by creating an A record of a subdomain over to my host, but I still have the issue of not being able to test the actual files instead of a copy in a subdomain.
I have two IP addresses attached to the server, one to the server itself and all the shared domains, and the other dedicated to the WP multisite.
When I go to http://ipaddress/~username/, I either get an error, or get redirected to the wordpress multisite's default "this site doesn't exist, sign up now to create it" page. I've tried this with both IP addresses with no avail.
Any ideas?
I think what you're trying to do is ensure that everything is working on the new server before having the DNS globally changed for all users? You could change your local computers hosts file to point the domain (and any subdomains you wish to test) over to the new dedicated IP address, which is essentially moving the DNS over for just yourself.
Here's a pretty good guide on how to do it:

Sharing single application across a 2 subdomains in IIS7

I have an application that is currently deployed (ex. ). However, now we have a "secure" subdomain, which will take all of the requests that need to be encrypted (ex. The site that is at is currently mapped to C:\inetpub\\wwwroot\, and I've mapped to C:\inetpub\\wwwroot\secure.
However, since was setup as a new website within the IIS Manager, when the secure site is visited, it displays an error since there is no web.config associated with this website; however, this is the way I want it since I want this to be a part of the application that is in the parent directory.
I think what you really meant to do was just right click on the web site for and edit the bindings. In there you can add host names to that site.
Make sure you add them for port 443 which is SSL.
Map both the IIS virtual directories/web sites to the same directory, and check that are both using the same IIS application name.
(Not tried this, but can't recall seeing anything to say it would not work.)

IIS7 startup site

I have a Windows 2008 Server with IIS7 on it and a web page running under the name, let's say myApplication. I have a domain name that points to the IP of my server, let's say
In order to access my application I have to enter
If I write I arrive to the IIS7 start page. Is there a way (besides rewriting the iisstart.htm to make a JavaScript or meta-data redirect) to automatically open the myApplication when someone enters ""?
What I would like is the following:
The user enters in the browser: ""
He/she is taken to ""
In the URL bar of the browser only "" shows and everything inside the application is relative to this URL.
Generally when I configure IIS, I set the properties for the "default web site" to a folder that doesn't contain anything, then create individual entries within IIS for each web site. For example, you would create a new entry for "" and set its home directory to the proper folder on the server that contains your root files (usually c:\inetpub\wwwroot\\ but it could be anywhere you like).
It sounds as if you have created a folder for your application, but do not have a specific entry in IIS configured to handle the requests and load files from the proper folder.
If you have a dedicated IP address for the application, be sure to specify that IP within the site settings for that site. If you're using a single IP for multiple sites, configure the IP AND hostnames/domains that will be used to access that site so IIS will know which site entries belong to which domains and where to route the requests.
