How to capture SharePoint events from the UI? - sharepoint

I would need to capture events that users do on a SharePoint site (or at least Central Administration) - kind of "click on Site Settings" -> " click on Master pages gallery" etc...
I guess that's quite easy as a Sharepoint site is in the end a simple web site - but what would be the best approach?
Thank you!

MOSS Usage Tools from Codeplex is a solution that process SharePoint usage logs into BI.
friendly repository. This solution can monitor, audit, and gain valuable insight from the content and activity information within MOSS

You could rely on the SharePoint STS usage logs to provide a list of pages that were visited by a given login.
The raw logs provide a list of every url visited.
I used this post to create an app to import what I wanted to a database.


Mega-menu for Modern team site

I started a modern team site in SPO and added lots of pages and link to them in the quick link.
Now the users want Mega-Menu instead of the quick link.
I tried to copy the pages to a new communication sites that has mega-menu but there is a difference in the site template that does not let me do it.
I also tried to get the rest call to create the menu with jQuery.
https://{mydomain}{musite}/_api/contextinfo tells me:
Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource
Is there a way to query the quick link and build a mega-menu?
Any good we to transform a team site to communication site?
Thanks in advance
If your team site is a classic team site then no, you can't have a megamenu unless you make a custom one.
IF your team site is a modern team site then you inherit the megamenu from a hub site I believe.
I have a feeling you have a classic team site with modern pages in it.

O365 SharePoint Site - How to replace the default Master Page?

We created an HTML file with Office Fabric UI to make it responsive. Our intention is to integrate the HTML file we created with O365 SharePoint site and make it as our Intranet Home Page.
So, please let us know how to replace the default Master Page with our custom file. Any pointers to appropriate pages would be very helpful.
Account Info: Office 365 Business Essentials with SharePoint Online (Plan 1).
Thanks in advance.
As changes happen on SPO pretty much every week, it might not be a good practice to customize your branding through the master page when you are dealing with SPO. The reason is SPO's master page might be changed based on SPO new release. An alternative solution is to think about custom CSS and JavaScript injection through SharePoint CustomAction. You can reference PnP Partner Pack for site collection provisioning sample with responsive design.
If you really need to custom master page, you probably follow the exactly same way as SharePoint 2013 on premise environment to upload your master page and page layout. You can reference to How to: Convert an HTML file into a master page in SharePoint 2013 for detail information.

Sharepoint: get number of sites in a collection

I'm trying to get the total count of subsites created in a very large Sharepoint collection. Please note, I don't have direct access to the server.
Is there any native sharepoint feature I'm missing that will provide a site count?
Is there a webservice that can crawl the collection? (we have google analitics)
Are there any other options short of running a powershell script on the server?
I would suggest using the 'Webs' Web Service - you can invoke it by putting /_vti_bin/webs.asmx on the end of your site URL. It has a method GetAllSubWebCollection.
The only gotcha is that you will get filtered results based on the user being used to access the web service. For example, if you have a site collection that has a sub-web created for HR, Business, Management, Sales and IT - but your account only has access to the HR and Sales site - you will only get results back for the HR and Sales sites.
You may also find the SPServices jQuery library helpful as it has wrappers for most of the web services and can make calling them from a client much less painful.
Note: These web services exist for the 2007 and 2010 editions of SharePoint. You didn't mention a specific version but hopefully it is one of these two.

Sharepoint usage statistics across all sites in collection?

Is there a way of getting usage statisics across my whole Sharepoint 2007 portal?
I can get the figures at a site level by appending _layouts/SpUsageWeb.aspx
to the path, i.e. http://intranet/teams/hr/_layouts/SpUsageWeb.aspx for the HR page or http://intranet/_layouts/SpUsageWeb.aspx for the front page.
What I'm trying to do is see how many unique users access the portal (across all the sites it contains). Using the above method on each site and summing the total users for each doesn't take into account users who visit more than one site.
I've seen commercial tools that seem to do this but surely there has to be built in functionality that does this for a product as all-singing-and-dancing as Sharepoint?
The URL of the site collection statistics page is http://intranet/_layouts/SpUsageSite.aspx.
This functionality does not exist in SharePoint 2007. It was added to SharePoint 2010. You can now report on stats in central admin for web applications etc.

ADAM Administration from SharePoint

We're in the process of building a MOSS site and one of the 3rd party tools we're using has a requirement of AD/ADAM as the authentication provider. We would like the user's to manage their own accounts (e.g. resetting passwords, registering new users, etc) so we're going to need WebParts for administering users in an AD/ADAM/LDAP DB.
Are there any SharePoint WebParts out there already to do this?
I came across one today called AD User Editor. It states you can edit nearly any Active Directory property, and it works in multi-domain environments.
From the UI screenshot it appears to use a web part and take on the SharePoint look and feel.
Even better it's on CodePlex so any problems you can fix yourself!
