Giving users access to a web site in virtual server running on a laptop - sharepoint

im running a sharepoint services website on my laptop using a virtual server on the same laptop. i need to show other people (on external machines) the website in a development stage. i have sent them the same address i am using to open and ive given them their own log ons- they work on my machine.
the problem is that the site comes up with the IE cannot display the webpage even before they get to the log on stage. ive only been using sharepoint for a few days and dont really know my way around- can anyone help please

Try to use the IIS to map your internal server outside.


Publish webpage using IIS

I am trying to create a webpage that will be available for my team members. From my personal laptop.
Today i created a basic page using following tutorial.
But when i tried to open the page from another pc...
It didnt work.
I have added port 80 in firewall setting.
When i tried to open using my worked. Because my laptop is connected to mobile hotspot.
But showing error as site cant be reach on outside devices.
Please help me.
Do i need to do port forwarding??? If yes then how can i do it on mobile?
As right now i can use only mobile hotspot
Pc OS : windows 10.
I have enabled IIS using windows feature
Is it necessary to install windows server? To be able to publish page to outside user?
It is unnecessary to install windows server to host websites. IIS also works in Windows Client OS.
If your mobile could access the website correctly, there are might be something wrong with network connectivity causing the failure of accessing the webpage from other PC. We should ensure that the other PC is in the same network with the webserver(your laptop), just like the network of your mobile.
I advise other PC to join the mobile hotspot too. Following shutting the firewall and access the website by using the IP address again.
Considering the Ping tool to troubleshoot the network issue.
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.

Website not running when I shift to another server

Our website not running on new server Tour website we have 2 servers one of them the site working good, we have moved the portal to other server, so when we point the dns it is not working...Web not working and then you can see the panel of that server in second imageCWP web control panel I need the solution, kindly give the proper solution...
You are using CentOS Web panel as the hosting control panel. While browsing the website check the apache error logs on the server at path
and those logs will give you idea of whats happening.

Why website not working with all internet service providers in my country?

My website is working with some ISP while it is not working with others. Also not working from other countries.
The app is hosted at our company. Developed using sharepoint
The app works at my home.
But if I visit the website at my brother's home who is registered to different ISP, the website opens and a login dialog appears. When entering correct username and password then submit , textboxs cleared and dialog come again.
The problem is happening with many visitors.
I just want to know what would be the problem! Does anyone faced such problem before?
I checked all IIS restrictions. There is no restrictions made.
I created a new app using sharepoint with login page and it works great.
somebody said that users with public ip can access the site while others with dhcp cannot. Can somebody explain that !
Some ISPs have transparent proxies in use. And some of them are accidentally (or even intentionally) broken and cache more, than they should. You can check whether that's the problem:
Set up your server to also allow https and then use that. You should move to https for privacy reasons anyways, so just do it now ;)
This way, the proxy can't do anything but to pass the data between client and server unmodified.
If that is not an option: Use tcpdump/wireshark/other-sniffer on both - client and server - at the same time and compare the logs. Did the second access even make it to the server?
Do you have a laptop/tablet/smartphone with which you can access the web server? Try moving that laptop from one location to the other and check, whether it works with that one laptop using one ISP and fails with the same laptop on the other ISP.
This should be a comment, but I do not have enough to post it as such.
Are sure that it is not a browser issue?
Is the login dialog from SharePoint, your app or the browser itself?
If it is from your app, can you debug it or write the log-in attempts in a log?

Can I host a web site on my home computer?

I have developed a web application in Oracle APEX, which I have thoroughly tested and it is running fine on my home PC. I also have bought a domain name. Now I want to know how can I connect that domain name to my home computer, so that anyone on internet can see my site ?
For the time being, just forget about the domain name. I just want to know how can I connect to my home server from internet using just the IP address (no domain required) of my computer? if anyone can reach my computer, we will have access to my web server/site.
Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks in advance.
These two links will help you get started. Its hard, but is possible. I don't know if the time is worth the couple bucks for a domain and all the support that comes with it.

not able to access mywebsite in webbrowser

my website opens with IP address till friday it was working fine..after wards not able view the site in webbrowser...what could be the problem ? how can we solve it?
My server with this IP is working and can able to view the updated data in database ..but not able to view, or open the page of website.before the website under IIS configuration was stooped and now started again..still no couldnt view Login page at all.My application was developed in classic asp long back.Kindly give me any suggestion to this...its very urgent...
I tried browsing the website in IIS manger(server) .It showing page cannot be displayed.
Thanks in advance.
First, Don't Panic. Staying calm can avoid further damage.
While it's hard to tell what could be the problem, the first thing you can do is to "ping" the domain from terminal.Can you login remotely? "wget" (on linux) will download the files from website, and could help you see if the files on the site are still accessible. Check from different browsers or machines, if possible. I'm no expert in asp or IIS, so won't advice on that front. But once I had faced the same situation with my website. So I just called up the hosting service provider, and it turned out it was their problem, and they brought the server online. If it's okay from their end, you might have changed some configurations in your server or application or there might be some up-gradation changing parameters, or even an accidental deletion/ moving/ renaming of files. Just try to remember what are the things you did with your server and application, before it went down, and also ask your server administrator. That will surely help you understand the problem better, if not help to solve it right away.
Good Luck.
