This is a Seam application.
<h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{officeCriteria.carrier}">
<f:selectItem itemValue="ATT" itemLabel="ATT" />
<f:selectItem itemValue="VZB" itemLabel="VZB" />
backing bean OfficeCriteria:
private List<String> carrier;
public List<String> getCarrier() {
return carrier;
public void setCarrier(List<String> carrier) {
this.carrier = carrier;
When I load the page I get a null pointer exception on carrier. What am I doing wrong?
2:10,963 ERROR [viewhandler] Error Rendering View[/ONDSearchPage.xhtml]
javax.faces.FacesException: javax.el.ELException: /ONDSearchPage.xhtml #264,81 value="#{officeCriteria.carrier}": Error reading 'carrier' on type dne.nmt.ond.model.OfficeCriteria_$$_javassist_seam_6
at javax.faces.component.UIOutput.getValue(
at com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.MenuRenderer.getCurrentSelectedValues(
at com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.SelectManyCheckboxListRenderer.encodeEnd(
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process(
at Source)
Caused by: javax.el.ELException: /ONDSearchPage.xhtml #264,81 value="#{officeCriteria.carrier}": Error reading 'carrier' on type dne.nmt.ond.model.OfficeCriteria_$$_javassist_seam_6
at com.sun.facelets.el.TagValueExpression.getValue(
at javax.faces.component.UIOutput.getValue(
... 95 more
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at dne.nmt.ond.model.OfficeCriteria.getCarrier(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at org.jboss.el.parser.AstPropertySuffix.getValue(
at org.jboss.el.parser.AstValue.getValue(
at org.jboss.el.ValueExpressionImpl.getValue(
at com.sun.facelets.el.TagValueExpression.getValue(
... 96 mor
What is in line 108? Something you are referencing there is null, and I guess you aren't expecting it to be.
What I suggest is that you set an empty list (and not null) for the property carrier:
private List<String> carrier = new ArrayList<String>();
public List<String> getCarrier() {
return carrier;
public void setCarrier(List<String> carrier) {
this.carrier = carrier;
The answer is that my original code works as it is.
The difficulty (and what I left out) was a debugging statement that referenced an element in the list. Thanks to the person who suggested I actually look at line 108. :-)
And BTW to the person who suggested initializing this with a new List, I had tried that already and got some error (I can't remember what).
Thanks for the help.
I was wondering if and how it is possible to display an <o:graphicImage> as thumbnail inside a <p:lightbox>. To be more precise, I wanted to achieve something like this:
<p:dataTable id="articles" var="article"
value="#{articleMB.articles}" selectionMode="single"
<p:lightBox styleClass="imagebox" id="lighbox">
<h:outputLink value="#{imageBean.getFirstImage(article, true)}">
<o:graphicImage value="#{imageBean.getFirstImage(article, true)}" dataURI="true" height="80" />
Which isn't working obviously, since there's no proper URL passed to the lightbox.
imageBean.getFirstImage(Article article, boolean thumbnail) returns a byte[] of the image, since the images I want to access are stored on an external source.
Edit: So I've done as BalusC mentioned and it seems to be the proper approach. But now I'm getting the following exception:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.ClassCastException#2eae887c
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor307.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.GraphicResource.getInputStream(
at com.sun.faces.application.resource.ResourceHandlerImpl.handleResourceRequest(
at javax.faces.application.ResourceHandlerWrapper.handleResourceRequest(
at org.primefaces.application.resource.PrimeResourceHandler.handleResourceRequest(
at javax.faces.application.ResourceHandlerWrapper.handleResourceRequest(
at javax.faces.application.ResourceHandlerWrapper.handleResourceRequest(
at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
... 32 more
This is the method that actually returns the image. It is working fine in every other context:
public byte[] getFirstImage(final Article article, boolean thumbnail)
File dir = new File(getImageFolder(article.getImageFolder(), thumbnail));
File[] files = dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter()
public boolean accept(File dir, String name)
return name.startsWith(String.valueOf(article.getArticleId()));
return Files.readAllBytes(files[0].toPath());
catch (Exception e)
return new byte[1];
Edit 2: As mentioned in the comments, I'm facing another weird behaviour. It runs perfectly fine on my local machine but on the server it throws following exception:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.GraphicResource.getInputStream(
at com.sun.faces.application.resource.ResourceHandlerImpl.handleResourceRequest(
at javax.faces.application.ResourceHandlerWrapper.handleResourceRequest(
at org.primefaces.application.resource.PrimeResourceHandler.handleResourceRequest(
at javax.faces.application.ResourceHandlerWrapper.handleResourceRequest(
at javax.faces.application.ResourceHandlerWrapper.handleResourceRequest(
at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
... 32 more
For exactly this reason, OmniFaces 2.5 introduced the #{of:graphicImageURL()} EL function. This works only if your ImageBean is annotated with #GraphicImageBean.
import org.omnifaces.cdi.GraphicImageBean;
public class ImageBean {
// ...
<h:outputLink value="#{of:graphicImageURL('imageBean.getFirstImage(article, false)')}">
<o:graphicImage value="#{imageBean.getFirstImage(article, true)}" dataURI="true" height="80" />
See also the #GraphicImageBean showcase.
Update: to be clear, you need a converter for non-standard types such as Article. Why such a converter is needed and how to create it is detailed in Conversion Error setting value for 'null Converter'. If you create a #FacesConverter(forClass=Article.class), then the OmniFaces GraphicImage will automatically pickup it.
In your particular case it's however more efficient to just pass the identifier to the image streamer method right away, this saves an additional conversion step. Provided that your Article object has an id property, here's how:
<h:outputLink value="#{of:graphicImageURL('imageBean.getFirstImage(, false)')}">
<o:graphicImage value="#{imageBean.getFirstImage(, true)}" dataURI="true" height="80" />
public byte[] getFirstImage(Long articleId, boolean thumbnail) {
// ...
Namely, JSF already has builtin converters for standard types such as Long and boolean.
I'm working with MVC project with primeface and jboss 5.1 . I had to migrate project to primeface latest version from primeface 3.4. I migrated that to 3.5 and then 4.0 . Now I'm trying to migrate that to primeface 5.0 . Then It gives this error message.
The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
javax.servlet.ServletException: /main.xhtml #103,58 itemLabel="#{item.value}": Property 'value' not found on type java.lang.String
and part of my main.xhtml is bellow
<p:selectOneMenu id="compType" value="#{authenticateController.userSession.mwtUmUser.companyType}" effect="fold" editable="false" style="width: 180px;">
<p:ajax listener="#{authenticateController.setUserCompanyType}" update=":loginFrm:loginGrd"/>
public Map<String, String> getCompanyTypeMap() {
try {
if (null == commonManager) {
commonManager = (CommonManager) SpringUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("commonManager");
companyTypeMap = commonManager.getCompanyTypeMap(null);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(e, e);
return companyTypeMap;
public String getCompanyType() {
return companyType;}
I already tried some similar problems in stack-overflow but still not good result. plz help me out..
Without a code of your authenticateController I could only suppose, that you are trying to use the java.util.Map interface behind the #{authenticateController.companyTypeMap} call. Please read the BalusC answer on how to use maps with selectItems tag.
I'm getting this error with f:setPropertyActionListener and i can't figure out why:
HTTP Status 500 - For input string: "selectedItem"
javax.servlet.ServletException: For input string: "selectedItem"
root cause:
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "selectedItem"
java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)
java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
Table Class:
// imports omitted
public class Table<E> extends ArrayList<E> {
private E selectedItem;
public E getSelectedItem() { return selectedItem; }
public void setSelectedItem(E value) { selectedItem = value; }
MyTable Bean:
// Imports omitted
public class MyTable extends Table<File> {
public void initBean() {
// Loading some files into the list
This is the XHTML:
<html> <!-- Namespaces and stuff omitted -->
<h:dataTable var="item" value="#{myTable}">
<h:commandButton value="Try Me!">
<f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{item}" target="#{myTable.selectedItem}"/>
<!-- I'm getting a warning from eclipse here: property not found -->
I'm using Eclipse Luna (Java EE IDE) with Tomcat 8 and JSF 2.2.11 (mojarra). Any hints are accepted, thank you!
You kind of coded your self into a corner with your fancy bean implementation. Take a look at the processing steps for the f:setActionPropertyListener. Your code is choking at step 3:
If the value of the "value" expression is not null, call getType() on the "value" and "target" ValueExpressions to determine their property types
for the following reasons:
The EL processor has determined that myTable is a List. Because of this, it has delegated the evaluation of the expression myTable.selectedItem to the javax.el.ListELResolver class
The ELResolver, on encountering the myTable base object, determines it's a List and automatically assumes that the following string is referring to a list index, i.e. myTable.selectedItem, where selectedItem is supposed to be a list index (per the EL specification, the [] and . are interchangeable for lists). You can see it in action here. While it may not be immediately apparent in the tomcat source, if you check the comment in a similar implementation in Jboss for example, you have the following comment:
If the base object is a list, returns the value at the given index. The index is specified by the property argument, and coerced into an integer
"property argument" here is referring to the selectedItem portion of your expression
The EL processor now attempts to convert the string selectedItem to an integer (to be used as a list index) which in turn explodes in a 500
You'll make your work a whole lot easier by not combining your data structure and your backing bean, like Rami. Q suggested. Much cleaner that way IMO
my Answer should be a comment, but its too long for that, so i write it as an answer.
i see some "ERRORS" in your code:
ALL JSF Beans & objects have to be Serializable
if you use Generic Types, they should be Serializable TOO:
public class GenericObject<T extends Serializable> implements Serializable {...}
Setter & Getter of a JSF Object should be like (this.attr = ...;):
public void setSelectedItem(E value) { this.selectedItem = value;}
be sure that you import the managedBean correctly:
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
instead of <h:dataTable var="item" value="#{myTable}"> you should use <h:dataTable var="item" value="#{myTable.items}">
and declare items as List Attribute of your bean with getter and setter
In my JSF 2.1 facelets environment, I would like to set a bean property of int type:
facelets template:
<c:set target="#{mybean}" property="size" value="3"/>
java setter:
public void setSize(int size){
this.size = size;
But it throws an exception:
javax.el.ELException: Can't set property 'size' on class 'MyBean' to value '3'.
at javax.el.BeanELResolver.setValue(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
Looking into the code of BeanELResolver, I have noticed that the value "3" is unfortunately simply passed to the setter method without any coercion, which obviously does not work. It is a pity that BeanELResolver does not make use of the type knowledge it has there.
Is there a way to coerce the value to an int somehow? I already tried value="#{3}" but this yields a Long. Next thing that comes to my mind is value="#{f:toInt(3)}" using a custom function.
I tried to reproduce the problem you're having. I created a simple RequestScoped bean with a single property.
public class IndexBean {
private int value;
public void setValue(int value) {
this.value = value;
public int getValue() {
return value;
Then When I used a defered expression (the one that starts with a #) within the target attribute...
<c:set target="#{indexBean}" property="value" value="5"/>
<h:outputText value="#{indexBean.value}"/>
...I received a JSP exception, saying
Its illegal to specify deferred expression for dynamic attribute.
...which lead me to change the expression to be immediate evaluated.
<c:set target="${indexBean}" property="value" value="5"/>
<h:outputText value="#{indexBean.value}"/>
...and the value was correctly shown on the screen.
How about using fmt:formatNumber?
<fmt:formatNumber var="i" type="number" value="3" />
<c:set target="#{mybean}" property="size" value="${i}"/>
I've been trying a lot of different things that I would think would work like expected. However, they are causing me some frustration. Here's the scoop:
I am using ICEFaces 1.8 components in a Java EE web application. My goal is to render a bunch of ice:commandButtons on the page based on a query to my database. I want these buttons to be able to toggle selections that I will later use for parameters to another query to the database (basically a query front end of sorts for a set of users). I would like the output to look like so:
When I click on a button, I would like the following update to my page:
When I created the buttons on my page statically, as such:
<ice:commandButton id="seasonSEP09" style="background-color: #FFFFFF;" partialSubmit="true" actionListener="#{bean.updateSeasons}" value="2009-2010" />
<ice:commandButton id="seasonSEP08" style="background-color: #FFFFFF;" partialSubmit="true" actionListener="#{bean.updateSeasons}" value="2008-2009" />
<ice:commandButton id="seasonSEP07" style="background-color: #FFFFFF;" partialSubmit="true" actionListener="#{bean.updateSeasons}" value="2007-2008" />
<ice:commandButton id="seasonSEP06" style="background-color: #FFFFFF;" partialSubmit="true" actionListener="#{bean.updateSeasons}" value="2006-2007" />
this works great, and each button works individually as I would expect. My backing bean is updated, the parameters are correctly added in updateSeasons() method, and my output at the end yields the correct records.
However, I know this is not what I want. I don't want to update these anytime another season is entered in the system. Maintainance nightmare, right?
So what I want to do is dynamically generate these ice:commandButton components based on my database table full of Season objects. Here is the Season class I am using:
public class Season
String StartMonth;
String Season;
public String getStartMonth()
return StartMonth;
public void setStartMonth(String startMonth)
StartMonth = sweep;
public void setSeason(String season)
Season = season;
public String getSeason()
return Season;
Very straightforward. Two properties, which I'm guaranteed to be unique in the database.
Here is the backing bean I am using:
public class Bean
public Bean()
public List<HtmlCommandButton> seasonsList;
// seasonsList getter & setter omitted
public List<String> selectedSeasons;
// selectedSeasons getter & setter omitted
private void defineSeasonsList()
seasonsList = new ArrayList<HtmlCommandButton>();
selectedSeasons = new ArrayList<String>();
for(Season season:defineSeasonsListFromDataSource()))
HtmlCommandButton button = new HtmlCommandButton();
button.setId("season" + season.getStartMonth());
button.setStyle("background-color: #FFFFFF;");
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Error defining seasons list: " + e.getMessage());
public void updateSeasons(ActionEvent ae)
HtmlCommandButton selected = (HtmlCommandButton) ae.getComponent();
selected.setStyle("background: #FFFFFF;");
selected.setStyle("background: #009DD9; color: #FFFFFF;");
OK, so here comes my dilemma(s).
First, I tried to render this markup:
<ice:panelSeries id="seasonsList" value="#{bean.seasonsList}" var="season">
<ice:commandButton binding="#{season}"/>
And I get this output:
So, being frustrated and adventurous, I tried to render this markup to achieve my goal:
<ice:panelSeries id="seasonsList" value="#{bean.seasonsList}" var="season">
<ice:commandButton id="#{}" partialSubmit="true" style="background-color: #FFFFFF" value="#{season.value}" actionListener="#{bean.updateSeasons}"/>
Which yielded the following stacktrace:
Aug 4, 2009 2:28:11 PM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.Phase doPhase
SEVERE: JSF1054: (Phase ID: RENDER_RESPONSE 6, View ID: /phase1.jspx) Exception thrown during phase execution: javax.faces.event.PhaseEvent[source=com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl#1a477b7]
Aug 4, 2009 2:28:11 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet Persistent Faces Servlet threw exception
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: #{}
at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.validateId(
at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.setId(
at javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTag.createComponent(
at javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentClassicTagBase.createChild(
at javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentClassicTagBase.findComponent(
at javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentClassicTagBase.doStartTag(
at com.icesoft.faces.component.CommandButtonTag.doStartTag(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.parser.Parser.executeJspLifecycle(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.parser.Parser.executeJspLifecycle(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.parser.Parser.executeJspLifecycle(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.parser.Parser.executeJspLifecycle(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.parser.Parser.executeJspLifecycle(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.parser.Parser.executeJspLifecycle(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.parser.Parser.executeJspLifecycle(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.parser.Parser.executeJspLifecycle(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.parser.Parser.executeJspLifecycle(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.parser.Parser.executeJspLifecycle(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.parser.Parser.executeJspLifecycle(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.parser.Parser.executeJspLifecycle(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.parser.Parser.parse(
at com.icesoft.faces.application.D2DViewHandler.renderResponse(
at com.icesoft.faces.application.D2DViewHandler.renderView(
at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhase.execute(
at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.Phase.doPhase(
at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.render(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.core.JsfLifecycleExecutor.apply(
at com.icesoft.faces.context.View$2$1.respond(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.servlet.ServletRequestResponse.respondWith(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.servlet.ThreadBlockingAdaptingServlet$ThreadBlockingRequestResponse.respondWith(
at com.icesoft.faces.context.View$2.serve(
at com.icesoft.faces.context.View.servePage(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.core.SingleViewServer.service(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.common.ServerProxy.service(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.servlet.MainSessionBoundServlet$4.service(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.common.standard.PathDispatcherServer.service(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.servlet.MainSessionBoundServlet.service(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.servlet.SessionDispatcher$1.service(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.servlet.ThreadBlockingAdaptingServlet.service(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.servlet.EnvironmentAdaptingServlet.service(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.servlet.SessionDispatcher.service(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.servlet.PathDispatcher.service(
at com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.servlet.MainServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process(
Am I trying to do something that I shouldn't be doing?
Is there a better way to accomplish this goal?
If more information is necessary I'd be happy to provide it.
Thanks in advance, my friends.
So I tried changing the seasonsList collection from List to List and rendering some different markup, like so:
<ice:panelSeries value="#{bean.seasonsList}" var="season">
<ice:commandButton partialSubmit="true" style="background-color: #FFFFFF" value="#{season}" actionListener="#{Phase1EventBean.updateSeasons}"/>
And changing the defineSeasonsList() method to:
public void defineNationalSeasonsList()
seasonsList = new ArrayList<String>();
selectedSeasonsList = new ArrayList<String>();
for(UedaNationalDates season:hibernate.getList(new UedaNationalDates(), QueryFactory.getUedaNationalSeasons(hibernate.getHibSession())))
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Error defining nationalMeasurementPeriods: " + e.getMessage());
This actually renders all the buttons I would like to see, and adds them correctly to the selectedSeasonsList in my backing bean when I click on them, and removes them from it when I click again.
However, on the UI, every button appears to be toggled when I click just the one button. For example, when I click on 2009-2010, this is what I see:
<ice:commandButton binding="#{season}"/>
The binding attribute must be bound to a bean property of type UIComponent. It is used where you want the framework to give you a reference to the component in a backing bean or to provide an instance from the backing bean). See section 3.1.5 of the JSF 1.2 spec for more details.
<ice:commandButton id="#{}"
style="background-color: #FFFFFF"
The id attribute cannot be dynamic - JSF will take care of ensuring its uniqueness on the client using the clientId (read this for more detail).
However, on the UI, every button appears to be toggled when I click just the one button.
I am guessing that ice:panelSeries does not store the component state of every row as some repeating controls do (e.g. dataTable). Remember, there is only one button instance, even if it is encoded/decoded once per "row".
I've never used ICEfaces, but I suggest binding to beans similar to this:
public class Bean {
private final List<SelectionBean> seasonsList = Arrays.asList(
new SelectionBean("Spring"), new SelectionBean("Summer"),
new SelectionBean("Autumn"), new SelectionBean("Winter"));
public List<SelectionBean> getSeasonsList() { return seasonsList; }
public static class SelectionBean {
private String season;
private boolean selected;
public SelectionBean() {}
public SelectionBean(String season) { this.season = season; }
public String getSeason() { return season; }
public void setSeason(String season) { this.season = season; }
public String toggle() {
System.out.println("toggle " + season);
selected = !selected;
return null;
public String getStyle() {
return selected ? "background-color: yellow" : "background-color: blue";
I've pared the logic down to the bare minimum, but hopefully you get how to modify the logic to put the hibernate support back in. Your component would then become something like this:
<ice:panelSeries value="#{bean.seasonsList}" var="item">
<ice:commandButton partialSubmit="true"
So, for each item in your list, all the binding goes back to the one piece of state (a SelectionBean instance) and you don't try to store any non-declarative state on the component itself.
I try to use action over actionListener when I can - it keeps JSF stuff out of the POJOs.