How to stop GHC from generating intermediate files? - haskell

When compiling a haskell source file via ghc --make foo.hs GHC always leaves behind a variety of intermediate files other than foo.exe. These are foo.hi and foo.o.
I often end up having to delete the .hi and .o files to avoid cluttering up the folders.
Is there a command line option for GHC not to leave behind its intermediate files? (When asked on #haskell, the best answer I got was ghc --make foo.hs && rm foo.hi foo.o.

I've gone through the GHC docs a bit, and there doesn't seem to be a built-in way to remove the temporary files automatically -- after all, GHC needs those intermediate files to build the final executable, and their presence speeds up overall compilation when GHC knows it doesn't have to recompile a module.
However, you might find that setting the -outputdir option will help you out; that will place all of your object files (.o), interface files (.hi), and FFI stub files in the specified directory. It's still "clutter," but at least it's not in your working directory anymore.

GHC now has the options no-keep-hi-files and no-keep-o-files. See here for more information.

My usual workflow is to use cabal rather than ghc directly. This sets the outputdir option into an appropriate build folder and can do things like build haddock documentation for you. All you need is to define the .cabal file for your project and then say cabal install or cabal build instead of run ghc directly. Since you need to follow this process in the end if you ever want to share your work on hackage, it is a good practice to get into and it helps manage package dependencies as well.

You can set the -hidir to /dev/null, I think, sending them there. Also, the -fno-code option in general turns off a lot of output. You might just want to use Cabal.

Turns out that using -hidir/-odir/-outputdir is no good; /dev/null is a file, and not a directory. See

2 cents to improve the workflow a bit:
We can put the following alias into the .bashrc (or similar) config
alias hsc='_hsc(){ ghc -no-keep-hi-files -no-keep-o-files "$#";}; _hsc'
And then just call
$ hsc compose.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( compose.hs, compose.o )
Linking compose ...
$ ls
compose compose.hs


How do I stop GHC from recompiling modules when nothing has changed?

I have the following directory structure:
libgs - The basic Global Script abstract machine and standard library
gsi - A Global Script interpreter
gs2hs - A Global Script to Haskell compiler
Most, but not of course all, of this code is written in Global Script, and translated to Haskell by a Haskell program, hsgs2hs.
As such, the code in gsi and gs2hs both depend on the modules from libgs.
Because of somewhat sloppy code organization on my part, the compiler in gs2hs also depends on the front-end modules (parser, type-checker, etc.) from the gsi directory.
Legal aside: If it matters: my code is freely available online, but is not open-source, and its license does not permit redistribution through Hackage. End legal aside.
I can make this directory structure work by running
ghc --make -i../libgs gsi.hs -o gsi
in the gsi directory, and
ghc --make -i../libgs -i ../gsi gs2hs.hs -o gs2hs
in the gs2hs directory.
This has the problem that, every time I do both builds in sequence, GHC recompiles every single module in the libgs directory, and every shared module in the gsi directory, telling me 'flags changed'.
I figure, ok, I should probably be using packages for re-used code in Haskell, right? So I convert libgs to a package:
Add a libgs.cabal file to that directory, listing all the modules as exposed modules.
Add a libgs/install-all script that runs cabal install --lib --package-env $REPO_ROOT/package.env . and call it before building gsi and gs2hs
Add -package-env $REPO_ROOT/package.env to the GHC flags in the gsi and gs2hs directories.
No joy!
Now, any change to libgs at all - even just adding a new module to it - causes GHC to recompile every module in the gsi directory, telling me the fundamental module GSI.Value has changed. Even though it actually hasn't; the source code for that module and everything it depends on (which isn't much) is unchanged. Just the hash for the package it's coming from has changed.
How do I stop GHC from recompiling the world constantly, and get it to only recompile things when the result can actually be different?
Add a libgs.cabal file to that directory, listing all the modules as exposed modules.
Ok, good.
Add a libgs/install-all script that runs cabal install --lib --package-env $REPO_ROOT/package.env
Don't do that. As a general rule, never use install --lib. It's usually better to let Cabal figure out when to install libraries. The easiest way is to put the executables in the package itself. You can have both a library: section in the .cabal file as well as arbitrarily many executable: gsi and executable: gs2hs ones.
Alternatively, you can keep libgs a package that doesn't care about executables, but have these in their own package each. Then you don't do any builds in the package directories themselves, but instead put a cabal.project file in your main src directory, saying
packages: ./libgs ./gsi ./gs2hs
Then run cabal new-build in that directory. It'll collectively store the require object files in its .dist-newstyle directory.

How can I run GHCi against a compiled package?

I should really know this by now, but I don't. I'm often working on a Cabal-based package and have just run a successful cabal build. Now I want to try some things out in GHCi. If I run cabal repl, then GHC recompiles the whole package into bytecode and runs it in the interpreter. Not what I want at all! If I were just running GHCi directly, I'd use something like -O -fobject-code, but that won't give me the package context. I just want "Give me a repl with the package as it's been compiled, compiling additional things only as necessary." How do I do it?
I don't know the right way, but I do know a workaround that can sometimes be useful. If the thing you care about is a library component, you can ask for a repl for an executable component.
I believe --repl-options -fobject-code kind of does what you want:
cabal repl --repl-options -fobject-code --repl-options -O --builddir dist-repl
This will give you incremental building of compiled code as you work in GHCi. Caveats:
dist-repl is an alternative directory for the -fobject-code build objects. As of cabal at least, trying to reuse the regular output from cabal build leads to some unnecessary rebuilds and other strange behaviour, as reported at cabal issue #3565. That being so, it's better to compromise and use --builddir to keep a separate set of build objects. Note that cabal clean accepts the --builddir option just fine.
Setting the optimisation level explicitly is necessary, as otherwise the default -O0 from cabal repl will override your package setting.

Generating correct link dependencies for GHC and Makefile style builds

I have a Haskell project where a number of executables are produced from mostly the same modules. I'm using a Makefile to enable parallel builds, and it very nearly works the way I want. Here's a stripped down version of my current Makefile, with ideas taken from
HFLAGS=-O3 -Wall -v0 -fno-ignore-asserts
HASKELLS=bin1 bin2 bin3 bin4 bin5 bin6 bin7 bin8 bin9
all: $(HASKELLS)
%.hi: %.o
%.hi %.o: %.hs
ghc -c $(HFLAGS) $<
$(HASKELLS): %: %.o
ghc --make $(HFLAGS) $#
.hsdepend: *.hs
ghc -M -dep-makefile .hsdepend *.hs
rm -f .hsdepend.bak
include .hsdepend
As you can see, I still use ghc --make for linking (only); this way the individual modules can be compiled in parallel, and ghc --make only invokes the linker.
Unfortunately this is not foolproof: A relink is triggered only for, say, bin1 only if bin1.o is newer than the executable, but not if only one of the other object files has been updated. This can happen when a change is made in a module such that it results in the .o file being updated, but the interface of the module does not change, i.e. the .hi file is not touched.
One alterative solution would be to trigger a null ghc --make for every binary every time make is invoked; unfortunately, this is slow and clutters the output (I'd like to see when something was linked and when not).
ghc -M only generates a dependency line for each .o file, but none for the linked executables. The information about which .o files to link into which executable (given the name of the main module binN.hs) obviously is there, but it's not entirely clear to me if it's possible to get to it using any Makefile magic.
I can only think of a way to do what this by writing a post-processor for .hsdepend, but that seems excessive.
Can anyone suggest a better solution?
My advice would be, don't bother trying to make this work. It should work, and it would be nice if it worked, but ghc's -M support is currently broken (as in, it doesn't generate proper dependency rules, and omits rules for some non-Haskell files). Actually getting this to work reliably will take a great deal of effort, and in the end will trigger more rebuilds than strictly necessary.
Furthermore, support for parallel builds has been merged into GHC, so when ghc-7.8 is released you'll be able to use plain ghc --make to get parallel builds. Or you could use ghc's HEAD now.

how to reuse cabal compiled modules when using ghci

I have a fairly large haskell project, and running ghci on some files can require compiling dozens or hundreds of modules before it gets to a prompt, which can take a number of minutes. I'm using cabal, and so I generally have already compiled object files under dist/. But ghci only looks for .o files next to the source .hs files; it does not know about cabal's dist/. Is there any simple and good way to make ghci load those object files rather than recompiling everything on its own?
I'm asking for a simple and good way, because I have complicated and ugly ways to do it. :)
For example, this will make ghci reuse the cabal compiled modules. I came up with this command
line by copying, and modifying the way cabal runs ghc, ensuring that it sets everything the same as the last cabal build, which is necessary to make sure ghci will load the modules.
ghci -package-conf dist/package.conf.inplace -i -idist/build/git-annex/git-annex-tmp -i. -idist/build/autogen -Idist/build/autogen -Idist/build/git-annex/git-annex-tmp -optP-include -optPdist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h -odir dist/build/git-annex/git-annex-tmp -hidir dist/build/git-annex/git-annex-tmp -stubdir dist/build/git-annex/git-annex-tmp -XHaskell98 dist/build/git-annex/git-annex-tmp/Utility/libdiskfree.o dist/build/git-annex/git-annex-tmp/Utility/libmounts.o
Seems to me it should be possible for a "cabal ghci" to calculate this command line and run it, or perhaps there is a tool I don't know of that already does so.
You can set the odir and ohi options to point to the cabal build directory like so:

How do I change GHC's compile directory?

I have a program, say src/sample.hs, and I want it to compile (using ghc --make) to build/sample.exe.
I've figured out how to map the .hi and .o files over to the build folder, but I can't seem to find anything on how to compile the executable to a different directory. Does anyone know how to do this?
How about explicitly setting the output filename including the directory? Works over here, I haven't tested on Windows so I'm not sure if you need the .exe extension or not.
ghc --make -o build/sample.exe src/sample.hs
Also worth noting: --make is enabled by default as of GHC 7.0.
