I was wondering how you would change the name of a username in iSQL plus. Thank you.
Assuming you have one table (which is a terrible assumption)
The sql query is
UPDATE USER SET username=newuser WHERE username=oldusername
I'm utilizing the Environ("Username") function in an excel file to determine the user that is logged in. But I thought that the username is being extracted from the mail id of the user logged in. But I have noticed that for some of my colleagues, the username and the mail id doesn't match.
That is when my colleague pointed out that the username in Environ("Username") and the Alias in Your info section*(Settings>Accounts>Your info)* in the Windows settings match.
So I was wondering if this is where the Username is being extracted from, and if yes how can we edit it?
P.S: this is in reference to an Office 365 account.
Press Windows+R, and type cmd to launch a command prompt. From there, type set and press enter.
These are all the variables that can be retrieved by Environ()
Not sure you can edit that: you can type SET username = xyz in the command prompt, then if do a set, il will list the new value, but that seems to be a local copy, not visible from Excel VBA for example.
This is an incomplete answer and only meant as help in pointing to a more final answer:
It returns the user name which matches what you find under C:\Users\.
Patrick Honorez' answer provides you with the active user if there are more than one profiles available.
I'm trying to retrieve the value of the HTTP password field for users with an specific password then the encrypted value is fine, if that password is found then change it to something else. It does change the password even is it doesn't match the encrypted value i have in the compare formula
Here is what I have so far
;#SetDocField(#DocumentUniqueID; "HTTPPassword"; "Newpassword");"");
Any Help is greatly appreciated, this is for my work data security group. I need to change a bunch of compromised passwords.
A much simpler formula would be
FIELD HTTPPassword := #If(HTTPPassword = "(7CCA9F186090ADEC4FA2A545B35F899A)"; #Password("NewPassword"); HttpPassword);
That said, writing code may not be the best way of doing this particular task. See here for an alternative.
I am very new to maximo.
I wanted to know how to inactivate users who are not using maximo anymore. I tried googling this but I am not able to find enough material on Maximo.
I have to write a cron task to do that.
I saw this: http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSZRHJ/com.ibm.mbs.doc/autoscript/t_cron_task_scripts.html
Can anyone give e a few pointers on how to write it, maybe a sample cron task?
What you're looking for is an Escalation. Escalations are instances of a special Cron Task that has been designed to use a query (a target object and a where clause) to find records and then to apply actions to and / or send emails from each record found.
You'll need to define the where clause against MAXUSER to locate the records you want to deactivate and find or define an Action to change the status of the records found. You can then hook the query and the action together via an Escalation.
The query below is for Oracle database. It looks at the logintracking table and gives you a list of users whose last interaction with Maximo is over 90 days ago:
select * from
(select max(attemptdate) lastLogout, loginid
from logintracking
where loginid <> 'MAXADMIN'
group by loginid
order by max(attemptdate) desc
where lastlogout < sysdate - 90
If this is a one-time change, you can manually inactivate the users using Security > Users. If you want to run this weekly, you'd have to change the query a bit to updates the status field in the maxuser table where the user status is still active but is still part of your inactivation list.
Best to experiment in a test environment to make sure your escalation is working properly.
You commented to +Sun that "Maximo is synchronized with LDAP". In that case, try this:
Update the UserMapping on the existing instance of the LDAPSYNC Cron Task to look for a flag that indicates that the user is active in LDAP. (Exactly what to look for will depend on your organization. Your LDAP administrators should be able to help you.) Then, make a second instance of the LDAPSYNC Cron Task that looks identical to the first, except that (1) the GroupMapping doesn't find any groups (use a condition like (objectName=DOES_NOT_EXIST) that won't find anything), and (2) the UserMapping looks for the flag indicating the user is not active and has {INACTIVE} mapped to the STATUS attribute of MAXUSER.
A user is not able to edit a form. The user had editor access and i've tried to replicate the issue using a test user and providing the same access as the user, but to no avail. I came across a link which told me that there is something called as additional ACL control in Lotus Administrator. I'm not sure if this actually can influence the editing privileges. I don't think that could be the problem. Anyway, please let me know if you can figure out the problem.
Additional info:
The user is a part of a distribution list(multipurpose group) and the group has editor access.
The default access to the form is Author, with a authors field in the form.
The user has 2 names mentioned in the names.nsf person document. An old name and a new name.
The required user roles are assigned to the group.
Let me know if you need additional info.
With Editor rights she should be able to edit. Please check her rights by placing a Computed Text with #UserAccess on the form.
Or if she is using a Notes client she can simply click the "Security" icon in the bottom toolbar of the Notes, near the right corner. It will open a dialog box telling what is her access level to the database.
A few things to check:
is the user listed explicitly in the ACL? If so, those rights will take precedence over any groups she's in.
check the authors field carefully. Best option is to look at the properties of the doc she's editing via the Notes client and examine the authors field in the dialog. That will let you see if any code altered the list of allowed authors. If she's an editor this shouldn't matter but based on the behavior you are seeing it sounds like she's acting as an author.
Make sure that the names in the authors fields are being stored in the canonical format and are not abbreviated or in common name. EG: using Herny Newberry/MyOrg does not work while using CN=Henry Newberry/O=MyOrg does.
The issue is solved. There was some problem with the user configuration. Thats the reason she was getting author access even though she was an editor. After reconfiguration of her Notes client, she'd able to edit the form now. Thanks to all of you for your help.
Although already answered and a solution found, it should be noted that user-names listed in the 'fullname' field of the NAB person record should list the current or 'newname' first as other names may not be recognized.
When I try to connect PowerPivot PostgreSQL database(at the point when I need to "Choose how to import the data". When I choose to select from tables and views, I get error below. When I choose to write sql query and press on 'design' button, empty window opens up (it should open tables from database)), I get this error message:
"No tables were found in the data source. Check the connection information and login credentials."
I use "Connection to data source - Others (OLEDB/ODBC)". I have installed PostgreSQL ODBC driver. I use PostgreSQL ANSI driver (tried UNICODE, got the same error). When I test connection, it says "connection succeeded). Also If I use same connection to same database for Pivot Table, everything works and I can take any table from my database.
I use MS Office 2012 32 bit and PowerPivot is 32 bit too.
So I suppose no one got any ideas what could be wrong?
Was having the same problem - successful connection but list of tables was empty. Only way I can import data is to select "Write a query that will specify the data to import" instead of "Select from a list of tables and views to choose the data to import." Slightly more tedious, but gets you access to the data :)
Basic Query:
Select * from catalogname.tablename
My tables were listed under a public schema within the catalog, so:
Select * from catalogname.public.tablename
Could not import a specific column, so this was my successful query to confirm connection and get access to data: Select column1, column2, column 3 from catalogname.public.tablename
I investigated this problem. PostgreSQL ODBC driver contains some bugs and this is the reason of this error:
"No tables were found in the data source. Check the connection information and login credentials."
I think this could be a problem with the odbc driver for postgresql. Did you install the 64 bit driver? I would check on this and, in the meantime, I agree that you should try writing a query that will specify the data and see if that is a viable workaround.