What is Domain Driven Design (DDD)? [closed] - domain-driven-design

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I keep seeing DDD (Domain Driven Design) being used a lot in articles - I have read the Wikipedia entry about DDD but still can't figure out what it actually is and how I would go about implementing it in creating my sites?

Firstly, if you don't know that you need it then it's possible that you don't need it. If you don't recognize the problems that DDD solves then maybe you don't have those problems. Even DDD advocates will frequently point out that DDD is only intended for large (>6 month) projects.
Assuming that you're still reading at this point, my take on DDD is this:
DDD is about trying to make your software a model of a real-world system or process. In using DDD, you are meant to work closely with a domain expert who can explain how the real-world system works. For example, if you're developing a system that handles the placing of bets on horse races, your domain expert might be an experienced bookmaker.
Between yourself and the domain expert, you build a ubiquitous language (UL), which is basically a conceptual description of the system. The idea is that you should be able to write down what the system does in a way that the domain expert can read it and verify that it is correct. In our betting example, the ubiquitous language would include the definition of words such as 'race', 'bet', 'odds' and so on.
The concepts described by the UL will form the basis of your object-oriented design. DDD provides some clear guidance on how your objects should interact, and helps you divide your objects into the following categories:
Value objects, which represent a value that might have sub-parts (for example, a date may have a day, month and year)
Entities, which are objects with identity. For example, each Customer object has its own identity, so we know that two customers with the same name are not the same customer
Aggregate roots are objects that own other objects. This is a complex concept and works on the basis that there are some objects that don't make sense unless they have an owner. For example, an 'Order Line' object doesn't make sense without an 'Order' to belong to, so we say that the Order is the aggregate root, and Order Line objects can only be manipulated via methods in the Order object
DDD also recommends several patterns:
Repository, a pattern for persistence (saving and loading your data, typically to/from a database)
Factory, a pattern for object creation
Service, a pattern for creating objects that manipulate your main domain objects without being a part of the domain themselves
Now, at this point I have to say that if you haven't heard of any of these things before, you shouldn't be trying to use DDD on any project that you have a deadline for. Before attempting DDD, you should be familiar with design patterns and enterprise design patterns. Knowing these makes DDD a lot easier to grasp. And, as mentioned above, there is a free introduction to DDD available from InfoQ (where you can also find talks about DDD).

Take StackOverflow as an example. Instead of starting to design some web forms, you concentrate first on doing object-oriented modelling of the entities within your problem domain, for example Users, Questions, Answers, Votes, Comments etc. Since the design is driven by the details of the problem domain it is called domain-driven design.
You can read more in Eric Evans' book.


How do I create class diagrams from Use Cases? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am coming from the Embedded Systems domain with more than 3 years experience.
In my current project, at the beginning, I was only responsible for only software development and the Team consisted of 3 people.
But, as time passes, hardware eng. and project lead eng. left the job respectively. So far, the project moved with a zero- architecture documentation to give an output as fast as possible. Later, new project lead took over the project and started from the begining with applying V-model. We started to create product specs->HLR->DLR on EXCEL. But now, He left the job too :). Now, I am alone on my way with nearly 700 pieces of well written product requirements. Anyway, I started to gathering and classfying requirements as non-functional, functional, business, stakeholder etc. As gathering non-functionals, I also classified them scalability, performance, regulatory, design contrains etc. So far, I did not draw any use-case. Please verify me here, what I know is that input of use-case are functional requirements. So, I created a use-case cards and now I am planning to write use-case cards for each functional requirements then also write a sequence diagram for each use-case card. Now till here, am I going right ? Does notations used in use-case such as include, extend etc. help me to create class diagram ? Is this also right way ?  
Can classes be derived from use-cases?
When Ivar Jacobson invented use-cases he aimed at a development method that would be driven by the use-cases and allow to methodically derive the implementation from the use cases. That was his vision end of the 80s. His first attempt was called Objectory, which was bought by a larger company and lead to Rational Unified Process, which was generalized to be less proprietary into the Unified Software Development Process (Unified Process, or UP in short).
There is in particular one practice that allows to translate a use-case into classes: the Entity Control Boundary approach: use-cases become «control» classes, links between use-cases and actors become «boundary» classes, and «entity» classes are created for the business objects identified in (or derived from) the use-case narratives.
Once these first candidate classes are modelled, further work is undertaken during the design and classes may get reorganized to best fit into the solution (e.g. several boundary classes are regrouped for designing the GUI, and may thereafter be decomposed into UI elements, etc...).
But is this the best approach in your case?
UP is iterative and incremental, and fits well into modern version of the V-model, since the early iterations of the elaboration phase aim to stabilize the architecture and teh components (or sub-systems).
However, this may be a very time-consuming approach, especially considering the huge number of use-cases that you have. If you look at all the questions that modelling a use-case usually raises, especially if you add «include» and «extend», you risk to spend a lot of time (more than 300 days?) to draw robust use-case diagrams. And then, using ECB, your requirements might be outdated before you finish the design!
On the other side, some non-academic authors claim that every system has 3 to 5 really main use-cases: as a user I don't have 700 goals for using a system. So you'd better identify these and see how they relate. It's probable that many of the other requirements are far too detailed and could easily be assigned as additional information for the main use-cases.
In a similar thought, Ivar Jacobson has adapted his method to the current software engineering reality, with the use-case 2.0 approach. Don't misunderstand me, the UML would still be the same, but ECB no longer appears (modern frameworks influence much more the design of the boundaries than the use-case model, and entities are modelled using more focused approaches, such as DDD).
The idea behind use-case 2.0 is to slice the main use-cases into several smaller parts and start to develop something that makes sense for the user and can then be further refined.

The meaning of "entity" in Domain-Driven Design

I attended a Webinar today by someone quite famous and respected author, lecturer, and expert in software engineering, architecture, and design. The webinar topic was "Incremental Architecture". This luminary stated that the concept of an entity in DDD has nothing to do with the concept of entity in databases. It was an unfortunate choice of term by Eric Evans in his original 2003 book. I was not satisfied with his explanation, and I find that his statement to potentially be very confusing to anyone trying to use DDD in design.
My question: what exactly does the term entity in DDD mean? - if it is not the very well understood and very well defined concept of entity in databases, ORM frameworks, JPA, development frameworks (Spring), etc.
Extensive research in software architecture.
This is a question about DDD strategic design. Coding is not involved.
Not relevant to my question. You allow a topic tag about DDD, which is a design approach, not a coding approach, yet you insist on having code-related questions. How is DDD related to coding?
My question: what exactly does the term entity in DDD mean?
Evan's defined entity in Chapter 5 (A Model Expressed in Software) of Domain Driven Design.
Entities (a.k.a. Reference Objects) ... are not fundamentally defined by their properties, but rather by a thread of continuity and identity.
An object defined primarily by its identity is called an ENTITY.
An ENTITY is anything that has continuity through a life cycle and distinctions independent of attributes that are important to the application's user.
It is an in memory abstraction of something that changes over time. It's a temporally varying membership function which for time t maps an identifier to some state. It's used within the domain model to represent things that change.
An example of a entity in a domain model might be... a question on stack overflow.
The meaning of "entity" in Domain-Driven Design
When somebody edits the text, or changes the title, or downvotes... it's still the same question, in that there's a progression from what the text used to be to what the text is now. It changes over time from having this text to having that text.
A simple entity in a domain model might map to a single row in a relational database, but it won't necessarily do so. More precisely, we might save the current state of the entity in a single row. But if that state includes a collection, then it is likely that the state will be distributed across multiple rows, perhaps in multiple tables.
You allow a topic tag about DDD, which is a design approach, not a coding approach, yet you insist on having code-related questions. How is DDD related to coding?
If The Source Code is The Design, then the design necessarily includes coding. The middle section of the Domain Driven Design book, which gets most of the attention, covers topics in modeling domains in code.
Truth be told: domain-driven-design turns up fewer questions with authoritative answers than, for example java.
An entity is a type that has an identity. The id could be anything but it has to be unique to the system and in fact depending on the subdomain you are in, the identity/entity might change.
For example:
A database might have a "User" Table that has fields "firstname", "lastname" e.t.c.
In DDD for an ecommerce application's purchase subdomain, you might have "Shoppers". These Shoppers might have an id of "firstname lastname". In the "Shipping" subdomain of the same application, you'll also have the concept of a "Shopper"(or buyer) but this time the identity of the shopper might be "Full address".
So, where a database entity is nothing more than a grouping of data with an identifier, A DDD entity is a concept. The concept is pertinent to the system, described in the ubiquitous language and is the central actor around which many functions in the domain will operate. The data that populates a DDD's entity usually comes from several datatable entities.

How much realistic should be a model in domain driven design? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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In Eric Evans book on domain driven design it is written:
Domain modeling is not a matter of making as “realistic” a model as
possible. Even in a domain of tangible real-world things, our model is
an artificial creation. Nor is it just the construction of a software
mechanism that gives the necessary results.
Now I have two questions:
Should a model be designed
somehow that it could evolve to a more
realistic shape whenever NEEDED
without touching the core model in previous iteration?
If the answer to the previous question is positive, where can I learn how to create realistic core models?
Again if the answer to the question one is possible, would a day come that our model reflects any problem in the world?
Domain Model should not reflect real world.
It should only show one point of view depending on the context.
Let's say we got a glass.
One may think, well it's a glass and we can fill it with water. It is used to drink.
Other may think, well it's a product and we can sell it.
Another one may say, glass an inventory item. I don't care how does it looks like, but how many glasses I got here.
Depending on the context, we model glass differently. Still it is the same glass, but means something else.
All information related to the subject you can find on Udi Dahan's blog.
And more in the subject of modeling reallity, can be found here Don’t try to model the real world, it doesn’t exist.
Should a model be designed somehow that it could evolve to a more realistic shape whenever NEEDED without touching the core model in
previous iteration?
No, a model should reflect the particular problem under consideration. If the underlying problem changes, the model should reflect it. Let's say your modeling a hotel reservation system, a warehouse system, or a store point-of-sale system, your model should be a representation of the current concepts in those domains and the interaction between them. Models are not versioned over time.
2 and 3
In a problem domain, there are obvious things and hidden things.
If you just model the obvious, apparent notions (whether real world objects or intangible concepts), creating a class for each one, you will have a realistic model but it will miss the point. It won't be a deep, insightful domain model.
To go beyond mere realism, you should sit with a domain expert and try to discover the hidden things in the problem space that will be helpful to the solution space - your application.
For instance, talking to a railway traffic expert, you might uncover heuristics or properties in the way train departures and arrivals are orchestrated that even the expert didn't realize or put a name on before. Naming these things will allow you to reason about them and ultimately act on them in your application. Or, you might have an elephant in the room - a big, widely used historical concept - and decide to reject it from your ubiquitous language because it doesn't describe a subpart of the problem accurately enough.
Realistic here is meant as opposed to refined, rationalized, not to totally made-up.

Modelling a domain model [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a scenario which involves a vending machine and then asks us to create to "model the problem domain". I've covered modelling very loosely and was hoping someone would clear this up.
From research it looks like a problem domain is just a domain model which in turn is pretty much a UML Class Diagram.
The examples I've seen look they're almost database schemas with a customer entity, order entity etc etc.
I'm just not sure what the differences are exactly.
So I just wondered if I was on the right track and would anyone mind elaborating on this or perhaps pointing me towards a concise definition. Thanks.
The "problem domain" is just the stuff you're interested in. In your case, it's all the stuff a vending machine does, and who interacts with it.
It boils down to a collection of use cases, which can be diagrammed in a use case diagram. What does the vending machine do? It takes coins from a buyer (the actor), gives change (maybe...so make sure you understand "extension points"), spits out stuff (always, because we aren't in the real world), and so on. Then maybe you can get creative with a different actor. A maintenance person takes out money, adds change, fills up the machine, runs a diagnostic stack, whatever. Each one of these is a use case. Put them together into a use case diagram.
If you want to go into detail about what each use case does, then use an activity diagram. One for each use case.
Any system (software or not and modeled or not) has structural and behaviour aspects.
The structural aspects are non-time bound aspects of your system, such as which classes your system is made up of, their associations and dependencies, how they are divided into subsystems, etc. Most of these elements are often referred to as classifiers.
The behaviour aspects shows how these structural aspects collaborates together over time to achieve the goals of the system, such as methods, state machines, workflows, use case realisations, etc.
The structural and behaviour aspects are what you specify when you are writing your code or creating a model.
Objects, are by definition instances of classes. This means that objects are the "things" that actually exists when the system executes. Hence, you do not program an object; you program a class, which when executed, is instantiated into one or several objects.
However, in many modelling languages (but not common in programming languages), you can also model specifications of scenarios, which show specifications of objects and how they interact, for example in UML you may create an object diagram, showing one example of how the system of objects (i.e., instantiated classes) might be structured and collaborate during execution.
Now, a system always strives to a achieve one or several goals for it's surrounding. The surrounding is made up of persons and/or another systems (actors) interacting with the system. This "surrounding" or "background", on which the system is situated in and makes sense in, is often called the "domain".
These "actors" have a "problem" they would like that the system helps them to solve. When this problem is modelled, one calls that model the "problem domain model" for the system. It states the logical structural and behaviour aspects of the problem domain, without stating how it is going to be implemented in a specific implementation of a system. I.e., it is not referring to implementation aspects, like Java, SQL, primary keys, transactions, reflection, angular, etc; it is instead focusing on the core structures of the domain, like Orders, Parties, Contracts, Products, etc.
The problem domain model is one of the most important "contracts" between the system developers and the persons paying for the system or being owners and users of the system. It makes it possible for you all to understand the problem to be solved in the same way and are makes sure that you all are using the same concepts to reason about it. Since it, by definition, is not a technical artefact, you should describe it using as simple notation (but still stringent and crisp clear) as possible so that also non-software professionals could understand and agree on it. Class diagrams (stripped from all technical details) and use case diagrams are two notation techniques available. But also object diagrams and activity diagrams could come in handy.
If you are interested in this, I deliver a course in advanced concept domain modeling on Udemy. Here is link and 90%-off code: https://www.udemy.com/get-your-concepts-straight/?couponCode=CONCEPTS29

DDD what all terms mean for Joe the plumber who can't afford to read books few times?

I am on a tight schedule with my project so don't have time to read books to understand it.
Just like anything else we can put it in few lines after reading books for few times. So here i need some description about each terms in DDD practices guideline so I can apply them bit at a piece to my project.
I already know terms in general but can't put it in terms with C# Project.
Below are the terms i have so far known out of reading some brief description in relation with C# project. Like What is the purpose of it in C# project.
I am really confused about Infrastructure, Repository and Services
When to use Services and when to use Repository?
Please let me know if anyway i can make this question more clear
I recommend that you read through the Domain-Driven Design Quickly book from infoq, it is short, free in pdf form that you can download right away and does its' best to summarize the concepts presented in Eric Evan's Blue Bible
You didn't specify which language/framework the project you are currently working on is in, if it is a .NET project then take a look at the source code for CodeCampServer for a good example.
There is also a fairly more complicated example named Fohjin.DDD that you can look at (it has a focus on CQRS concepts that may be more than you are looking for)
Steve Bohlen has also given a presentation to an alt.net crowd on DDD, you can find the videos from links off of his blog post
I've just posted a blog post which lists these and some other resources as well.
Hopefully some of these resources will help you get started quickly.
This is my understanding and I did NOT read any DDD book, even the holy bible of it.
Services - stateless classes that usually operate on different layer objects, thus helping to decouple them; also to avoid code duplication
Factories - classes that knows how to create objects, thus decouple invoking code from knowing implementation details, making it easier to switch implementations; many factories also help to auto-resolve object dependencies (IoC containers); factories are infrastructure
Repository - interfaces (and corresponding implementations) that narrows data access to the bare minimum that clients should know about
Aggregates - classes that unifies access to several related entities via single interfaces (e.g. order and line items)
Domain Objects - classes that operate purely on domain/business logic, and do not care about persistence, presentation, or other concerns
Infrastructure - classes/layers that glue different objects or layers together; contains the actual implementation details that are not important to real application/user at all (e.g. how data is written to database, how HTTP form is mapped to view models).
Repository provides access to a very specific, usually single, kind of domain object. They emulate collection of objects, to some extent. Services usually operate on very different types of objects, usually accessed via static methods (do not have state), and can perform any operation (e.g. send email, prepare report), while repositories concentrate on CRUD methods.
DDD what all terms mean for Joe the plumber who can’t afford to read books few times?
I would say - not much. Not enough for sure.
I think you're being quite ambitious in trying to apply a new technique to a project that's under such tight deadlines that you can't take the time to study the technique in detail.
At a high level DDD is about decomposing your solution into layers and allocating responsibilities cleanly. If you attempt just to do that in your application you're likely to get some benefit. Later, when you have more time to study, you may discover that you didn't quite follow all the details of the DDD approach - I don't see that as a problem, you proabably already got some benefit of thoughtful structure even if you deviated from some of the DDD guidance.
To specifically answer your question in detail would just mean reiterating material that's already out there: Seems to me that this document nicely summarises the terms you're asking about.
They say about Services:
Some concepts from the domain aren’t
natural to model as objects. Forcing
the required domain functionality to
be the responsibility of an ENTITY or
VALUE either distorts the definition
of a model-based object or adds
meaningless artificial objects.
Therefore: When a significant process
or transformation in the domain is not
a natural responsibility of an ENTITY
or VALUE OBJECT, add an operation to
the model as a standalone interface
declared as a SERVICE.
Now the thing about this kind of wisdom is that to apply it you need to be able to spot when you are "distorting the definition". And I suspect that only with experience (or guidance from someone who is experienced) do you gain the insight to spot such things.
You must expect to experiment with ideas, get it a bit wrong sometimes, then reflect on why your decisions hurt or work. Your goal should not be to do DDD for its own sake, but to produce good software. When you find it cumbersome to implement something, or difficult to maintain something think about why this is, then examine what you did in the light of DDD advice. At that point you may say "Oh, if I had made that a Service, the Model would be so nmuch cleaner", or whatever.
You may find it helpful to read an example.:
