Sharepoint Changing URL Special characters - sharepoint

I have a URL stored in a Sharepoint 'Link to a document' that contains the Nordic Character 'Ø' as hex(%D8). Sharepoint is encoding the % symbol, (thus making it %25D8).
If I enter the URL directly into an address bar, it works fine.
If I don't URL encode it, I still get the same problem.
Anybody got any ideas?

So what happens if the URL is stored as 'Ø' in the URL instead of already having it encoded?
Also do you have any special process running that stores it for you? Because if you don't have any custom code interacting with this, this is probably better asked on


I have a URL with an output that needs to be reformatted and entered back in the browser

I have a URL with an output that needs to be reformatted and entered back in the browser.
We have a server that passes caller ID and we can specify a URL to launch with the caller ID included.
IE: googledotcom/search?="{callerID}" . If this is set in the URL manager it would return a google search for "Jackson Steve" when a call is received from Steve Jackson.
**edit: the tag {callerID} that is passed from our server can not be edited in any way because of Asterisk dial plan issues.
This issue is our customer database will only handle name searches in the format of "Jackson, Steve". Without the comma the search comes back empty.
How would I take the name passed from caller ID, create a script to insert a comma and resubmit that URL in the browser?
Basically I need a way to convert "" to ",+name" via an automatic script or process. The comma coming after the first name being the change that needs made.
Should this be sent to a website running javascript/html where it formats the caller id name then resubmits or should this somehow be handled by a local script on a computer with something along the lines of autohotkey?
Possibly use some sort of redirect on a web page? send "Name Name" to mywebsiteDOTcom/urlformat/, write a script that would insert a comma in after the first name and redirect the user to myuserdatabaseDOTcom/search?"Name, Name"
Replace the spaces with comma, that should be the easiest solution..
Using Firefox, you could write a Greasemonkey script that is automatically run when you hit the target site (Chrome, I believe has a similar addon named Tampermonkey, not sure about IE). In the javascript, you could examine the URL and either do a straight comma-for-space replacement as Danyal suggested or you could do something a little more elegant with some regex matching, then auto-navigate the browser to the corrected URL. Once the script was installed, this process would happen automatically.
PS. What process launches the browser? Can't you capture the name and the format it before you launch the browser window? That would seem a much better approach than trying to format it after the fact.

the remote server returned an error 414 request uri too long

I am using SaveBinaryDirect method to upload file to SharePoint library. I am getting error like below
the remote server returned an error 414 request uri too long
Can anybody help me please
I wouldn't call this a SharePoint problem necessarily, more like a problem that happens a lot in SharePoint... Essentially, you have around a 2,000 character limit for the URL. In most scenarios this is fine, however in SharePoint it occasionally becomes an issue.
Users tend to create a lot of nested libraries and the name of each library becomes part of the URL - separated by '/'. Then the file name is added at the end of the URL. And to make matters worse, if there are any spaces or un-URL friendly characters, they are encoded and become three characters each - space becomes %20. This all adds up.
In my experience the solution is a combination of user education and proper architecture. Instead of creating nested libraries, store the documents in a single library and differentiate the items by assigning meta-data attributes, then create views to display items of a particular type.
This error can also be cause by having "invalid" characters in the filename or path. See this answer for what makes a character invalid in a URI:
Which characters make a URL invalid?

Custom query string in domino URL

Need a way to pass a value between to pages using URL query strings if possible. However everytime I add "?customquery=customvalue" at the end it ends up to the 404 page of the website.
I want to basically make it look like this.
hello+world is a document that is equivalent to a webpage.
I tried this plus a javascript that collects the strings after the number sign and it works.
However, I couldn't use the hash sign because they told me not to use it and use another unique symbol instead. I am not aware of any symbols that could work the same with hash sign. If there is, please enlighten me.
Apparently, I was able to find an answer.
Now I could pass values by means of this format. Basically it has to be preceded by "OpenDocument" parameter before putting custom ones.
This documentation also helps:

how to get url of the current page in c# (it has # symbol inside)

How to get full URL using C#? This an example of my url-yes it has # symbol
I've tried everything but I can't get the #hello. Any ideas? I've also used this link but no luck
Url fragments are purely client-side thing. They're not supposed to be used on the server side, which is why they're not passed through - not really usable anyway.

Sharepoint Navigation URL in All Capital Letters

I see this behavior from time to time where a site's URL will be in all capital letters when linked from the navigation. The site's name is not all caps, and the URL is properly cased in most situations. The all uppercase treatment appears to come and go, and is not related to anything. Has anyone else seen it or know how to stop it from happening?
I've just looked into this myself. It's part of the internal caching; sharepoint converts part of the links to uppercase to make the comparison case insensitive. As far as I can tell there's nothing you can do about it.
Check the welcome page setting for the site - that's where the link used in navigation comes from.
I have seen it... my development team caused it when they created a custom navigation provider and needed to check values in the URL. They converted the URL to all uppercase to make the string finds easier.
