CSRF protection by storing nonce in Session variable and form - security

To protect against CSRF you should put a nonce in a hidden field in the form, and in a cookie or in the session variable. But what if the user opens several pages in different tabs? In this case each tab would have a form with a unique nonce, but there would be only one nonce stored in the session variable or cookie. Or if you try to store all the nonces in the cookie/session variable, how would you identify which one belongs to which form?

You can store the same nonce in each of the forms. The easiest way to do it is to tie the nonce to the session ID, so that those forms only work in that session.
You will want to make it hard for attackers to snarf session IDs and create their own nonces. So, one way to go about it is to use HMAC-SHA256 (or the like) to hash the session ID, using a key that you do not expose to the public.
(Obviously if the attacker can get the actual session ID itself, they can already do session hijacking. So that's not what I'm talking about, but rather the ability for an attacker to craft a script (that runs on the victim's computer) that can somehow grab the session ID and use that to dynamically generate a URL with the nonce pre-filled.)
ETA: Whether the above approach is enough on its own depends on how long you expect your typical sessions to last. If users usually use long-lasting sessions spanning longer than a few hours, you'll need to use something more sophisticated.
One approach is to create a new nonce for each form, that contains the timestamp, as well as hash(timestamp . sessionid) (where hash is some variant of HMAC as described above, to prevent forgery, and . is string concatenation). You then verify the nonce by:
checking the timestamp to ensure that the nonce is fresh enough (this is up to your policy, but a few hours is typical)
then, calculating the hash based on the timestamp and session ID, and comparing against the nonce, to verify that the nonce is authentic
If the nonce check fails, you'll want to display a new form, pre-populated with the user's submission (so that if they took a whole day to write their post, they won't lose all their hard work), as well as a fresh nonce. Then the user can resubmit straight away successfully.

Some people do generate a token for each form, and that is a very secure approach. However, this can break your app and piss off users. To prevent all XSRF against your site you just need unique 1 token variable per session and then the attacker will not be able to forge any request unless he can find this 1 token. The minor issue with this approach is that the attacker could brute force this token as long as the victim is visiting a website the attacker controls. HOWEVER if the token is pretty large like 32 bytes or so, then it would take many years to brute force, and the http session should expire long before then.

What you're describing is not a nonce anymore (nonce = number used once), it's just a session identifier. The whole point of a nonce is that it is only valid for a single form submission, therefore offers greater security against hijacking than just a session ID, but at the cost of not being able to have multiple tabs operating in parallel on the site.
Nonces are overkill for many purposes. If you use them, you should only set and require them on forms that make critical changes to the system, and educate users that they cannot expect to use more than one such form in parallel. Pages which do not set a nonce should take care not to clear any previously stored nonce from the session, so that users can still use non-nonced pages in parallel with a nonced form.

Long time back this post was written.
I've implemented a csrf blocker that I'm almost certain protects well.
It does function with multiple open windows, but I'm still assessing the kind of protection it offers. It uses a DB approach, ie storing instead of session to a table.
NOTE: I use MD5 in this case as an easy anti-sqli mechanism
Pseudo Code:
token = randomstring #to be used in form hidden input
db->insert into csrf (token, user_id) values (md5(token),md5(cookie(user_id))
-- the token is then kept in the db till it's accessed from the action script, below:
if md5(post(token)) belongs to md5(cookie(user_id))
#discard the token
db -> delete from csrf where token=md5(post(token)) and user_id=md5(cookie(user_id))
do the rest of the stuff


Securely renewing a session without javascript and without breaking CSRF protection

I am working on doing some security hardening on a legacy web application, and have run into a bit of a conflict.
So, I added CSRF protection to the application with a CSRF token as a hidden input in forms. Pretty normal.
Then I dramatically lowered the session timeout (the previous value was 8 hours, which obviously is unacceptable from a security point of view). However, to prevent users from losing their work when their session times out, I also implemented a modal login dialog with some JavaScript to renew their session before completing the form submission. This JavaScript also updates the CSRF token input with the new value from the server upon a successful login, as obviously the old CSRF token was associated with their previous now-expired session. Losing work is a huge deal for this application because users will genuinely spend a hour on a single page, just filling out data in a form and never hitting the save button, all the while the server doesn't know that the users are doing anything.
However, there is a not-insignificant portion of our userbase on machines with some pretty draconian policies forbidding JavaScript entirely. So, a secondary workaround is also needed for these people. If I were building the application from scratch, I feel the best solution for these users would be to simply re-populate all the inputs on the page they were on (prior to the timeout) with values from the POST data (after the user logs back in). However, implementing that would be such a gargantuan undertaking in this old code that it may as well be impossible.
We really had a hard time coming up with a workable solution for the non-JavaScript users. The best I've been able to come up with is to place a fixed link in the corner of the screen informing the user of when their session would expire, and redirecting them to the login page in a new tab if they click the link. That way, they can click the link and log in again before submitting the form. However, that breaks the CSRF protection, as upon returning to the form the CSRF token in the hidden input no longer matches the one in new session.
Short of refactoring literally thousands for forms, is there any way I can keep users without JavaScript from losing work when their session expires, without breaking CSRF protection?
If the CSRF token is not associated with a specific session, how does one prevent an attacker from obtaining their own CSRF token by visiting a page in the application, ...
One does not attempt to prevent an attacker from obtaining their own CSRF token. CSRF protection does not rely on attacker's inability to obtain and submit a valid CSRF token. CSRF protection depends on two CSRF tokens and relies on attacker's inability to obtain and submit back to the server two tokens that are related to each other. In practice, "related to each other" means "cryptographically bound to each other".
An attacker can obtain a valid CSRF token and maybe could even additionally obtain the second CSRF token which is also valid on its own. However the attacker won't be able to ensure both tokens are cryptographically bound to each other.
There are many protection schemes. For example, looking at the high level like this:
The server creates two CSRF tokens and sends both to the client along with the session cookie. The first CSRF token is sent as a cookie (let's call it 'form cookie'), the second one is sent as the hidden form input you are currently using.
The server has a symmetric key that is never sent out, let's call it 'server key'. To create a form cookie, the server generates a random sequence of bytes (let's call it 'CSRF_key') and encrypts it using the server key. The encrypted output, serialised as a string, is sent to the client in the form cookie.
The server creates a string by concatenating the current timestamp and a GUID: timestamp+GUID. It then calculates a hash of that string using HMAC algorithm: HMAC(timestamp+GUID, CSRF_key). HMAC requires a key as the second argument and the server uses CSRF_key generated at the previous step as the HMAC key. The HMAC output is serialised as a string and concatenated with the timestamp+GUID string. The concatenation is sent out as the second CSRF cookie e.g. your hidden form input.
When the server gets POST with the form, it gets both CSRF tokens (one as a form cookie, another as an hidden input). It first checks the session, then it verifies that the timestamp (taken from the timestamp+GUID string) is valid e.g not too stale, not in the future etc. Then the server uses the server key to decrypt the form cookie and get the CSRF_key.
The next step: Calculate HMAC of the timestamp+GUID string using CSRF_key as the HMAC key. Compare the output with HMAC value in the hidden field. If identical, then CSRF check is ok so accept the form and generate another CSRF_key to be used as the 'form cookie' for the next form.
Note: In many real life scenarious the implementation is an overkill and could be simplified. Also it's a high level blueprint, there are important low level implementation details like sufficient keys length, proper cookie attributes etc.

what if I have session id of some user? [duplicate]

I'm not exactly sure how the $_SESSION work in PHP. I assume it is a cookie on the browser matched up with an unique key on the server. Is it possible to fake that and by pass logins that only uses sessions to identify the user.
If $_SESSION doesn't work like that, can someone potentially fake cookies and bypass logins?
The only thing identifying a user is a pseudo-random value being sent along with each request.
If an attacker can guess the right values to send, he can pose as somebody else.
There are different ways to make this harder:
make session ids longer (more entropy, harder to guess)
check additional information like the user agent (essentially more entropy)
obviously: use a good random number generator
expire sessions sooner to give a smaller set of valid session ids at any one time
renew session ids often, even for valid ids
use SSL to encrypt all communication to avoid outright cookie hijacking
Sessions in PHP by default store the data in a file on the server (/tmp/) and store an identifier cookie usually PHPSESSID (it will be a hexadecimal number, e.g. f00f8c6e83cf2b9fe5a30878de8c3741).
If you have someone else's identifier, then you could in theory use their session.
However, most sites check to ensure the user agent is consistent and also regenerate the session identiifer every handful of requests, to mitigate this.
As for guessing a session, it's possible, but extremely unlikely. It'd be easier to guess credit card numbers (smaller pool of characters (0-9 over 0-9a-f) and a checksum to validate it). Though of course you'd also need the expiry and security code.
Properly implemented, session ids are very long and random enough to make guessing unfeasible (though if you were able to guess a particular user's session id then yes you would be acting as that user). However you can sniff and hijack sessions -- this is what firesheep does: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firesheep

Should session ID cookie be signed?

I was using the Node library https://github.com/expressjs/session and noticed that it requires a secret to be specified for signing the session ID cookie.
If just the session ID is being stored in the cookie, and not any data, what is the use in signing the cookie?
My reasoning is that if someone wanted to modify a session ID cookie, then that's fine if the session ID sufficiently long to prevent brute force attacks. Am I missing something?
I questioned this as well and the only answers I could think of were,
a) If someone (for no good reason?) changes the default session ID
generation to a non-cryptographically random session ID, signing it
helps prevent attackers generating valid session IDs.
b) Reduce round trips to the session store by validating the session
ID using the signature/HMAC. (I can only imagine this being a problem
for DoS attacks).
Both seem like valid reasons though using good session caching would negate the need for b) and assuming your library's users are daft enough to change the default session ID generation, it seems a bit much to safe-guard against their own stupidity when the majority of users would just use the default generation algorithm.
If you store just id of session there is not reason to encrypt it. You are right.
You need to encrypt if you store some session data inside cookie, not only id.
This will prevent users of changing session data.
A session_id cookie is anything (number or alphanumeric) which identifies a client to a server, which in turns stores (usually temporary) data on the server accessed through this session_id/key.
The point is, if the cookie is going to be passed forth and back over HTTP, it doesn't matter whether you have "signed" it or not. Any man-in-the-middle could get your "signed/encrypted session_id" and make further requests pretending be the proper user. And I mean, this attacker doesn't have to care which information is inside the encrypted data, he could pass the exactly same signed/encrypted data, and the server couldn't figure out if it comes really from the right user.
In cases like these, you have to figure out if the privacy is important, if so, don't think too much, you got have to use HTTPS. If you understand it is not so important, don't waste your "processing time" signing/encrypting and decrypting your session id.
This answer is valid only for signed session_id.
I believe the reason it is signed is so that it is not easily guessable. For instance if someone decided to use integers as session id's, you could easily impersonate another user's session by trying multiple numbers. I believe that the signing makes it so that changing your session id value client side will not be valid (that is it prevents tampering).

Hashes or tokens for "remember me" cookies?

When it comes to remember me cookies, there are 2 distinct approaches:
The remember me cookie stores a string that can identify the user (i.e. user ID) and a string that can prove that the identified user is the one it pretends to be - usually a hash based on the user password.
The remember me cookie stores a random (meaningless), yet unique string that corresponds with with a record in a tokens table, that stores a user ID.
Which approach is more secure and what are its disadvantages?
You should use randomly generated tokens if possible. Of course, the downside is that you have to write some extra code to store and use them on the server side, so this might not be warranted for all web applications. But from a security standpoint, this has distinct advantages:
An attacker cannot generate tokens from user IDs, but he can definitely generate hashes. This is a big problem, even if you use salt when generating hashes (and you should), your users are screwed if the salt ever gets into the wrong hands.
Giving out these tokens enables your users (or your admin if need be) to "log out" certain sessions that they might want to get rid of. This is actually a cool feature to have, Google and Facebook use it for example.
So, if you have time and budget: tokens, absolutely.
Typically you keep the token -> user mapping secure on the server side. So ultimately your security is all based around keeping the token safe and ensuring that its lifetime is controlled (e.g. it expires and/or is only valid when given to you from the same IP as that used by the original provider of the credentials - again, just an example)
Security of token based authentication
Hope this helps.
Yes tokens would be more secure if they produce a random string each time.
On the other hand, the whole point of remember me is that the user doesn't have to log in again, so unless they click log out your rarely going to need to re-produce a new token unless it expires.
I guess you should stick with tokens and not sacrifice security for lazyness :-p

HTTP Remember me authentication

I'm trying to write a simple HTTP remember me authentication system for users.
My users could be represented as such
"email" : "foo#bar.com",
"password" : "8EC41F4334C1B9615F930270A4F8BBC2F5A2FCD3" // sha1 hash of password
So my idea is that I need to create a cookie, with indefinite (really long) expiration time, that will hold some type of information to enable me to fetch the user from the database, therefore logging the user in.
My first idea was to just simply store the email:password string as a cookie. I thought this would be good since nobody else can really generate that type of information other than the user itself, and I could retrieve the user quite easily by simply comparing the username and password based on what's in the database.
However then I thought this wasn't really good. It turns the password digest into, effectively, a second password that's stored in the clear and passed over the wire in every request.
So then I thought maybe I could generate a signature each time the user logs in, which would basically be a random hash that is stored directly in the user object in the database.
The user logs in, it generates this signature that is stored, and the cookie holds this signature. Whenever you access the website, the site checks which user has that particular signature and logs the user in. Logging out will effectively erase the cookie, and new logins will generate a new random signature.
Does this approach take into account any other vulnerabilities?
I know, I should probably use a library already made for this, but this is just simply an exercise in web-security.
This is essentially what most sites do when you log in. Yes, the cookie should hold a unique identifier for the user's "session". The cookie should be essentially random. Up to you whether to make it persistent across browser sessions.
Along with the cookie in your authentication DB, also store a timestamp of when the entry was created. Cookies older than N seconds should be considered invalid (set N to your taste). You can reset the timestamp each time the cookie is used so that idle sessions time out.
Note that the same user may want to have multiple sessions (do you ever log in to your Email account from both home and work?), so the concept here really is "session", not user.
Vulnerability point-of-view both are same! Cookie stealing and related mechanisms however browsers are smart enough now so you shouldn't worry about that.
Second approach is good in terms of privacy as well since it does not includes email address in the cookie. And it seems much more similar to like storing the sessionID which in your case you are generating a random hash and storing it in DB.
But i think it would be more wiser to use the first approach; you can add another layer to the digest and encrypt it with your some algo or private key; to be on safer side.
