Can you create Jira release notes from Cruise control or Nant? -

I would like to include release notes with every release of our intranet project. We use Jira. Is there a way to generate the release notes automatically based on the fixes that were submitted to SVN? We usually check the files back with the jira key id.

To my knowledge Jira does not offer a way to retrieve this information in a straight-forward manner on a jira number basis. However, it has been quite some time since I looked into this. Jira does generate release notes for all jiras contained within a release (fixes checked in or not). What I have done in the past, as part of the release build, is to have a script retrieve the contents of the "Edit/Copy Release Notes" jira url and paste that into an xml file stored within the build products. If there is a better way to achieve this functionality I would definitely be interested as well.
EDIT: It appears that starting in Jira 3.5 you can retrieve issues by id through the soap interface.


How to integrate Jira Atlassian with GitLab cloud?

The current documentation does not match the new interfaces exactly but what I have being able to put together is displayed in the screenshots below.
What does work is:
When I push a comment to GitLab a link is built and links to the properly referenced JIRA ticket.
JIRA is added as a LHS menu item which opens link I define as Web URL (see below).
What does not work is:
The JIRA ticket does not display the comment.
On GitLab
My settings keep failing the integration test and I have no idea what the problem is.
myproject > Settings > Integrations
I have created a user as per instructions in the docs
From what I can gather is if I want to comment I just have to mention a correctly formatted JIRA ticket ID and if I want to change the state of a ticket I need to set the correct Transition ID(s) which I can find in my JIRA workflow.
I am able to log in manually to JIRA with the "Gitlab Dev" user account, and post comments.
Has anyone else got this to work with the newer admin layouts?
Make sure that the Jira user you set up for the integration has the correct access permission to post comments on a Jira issue and also to transition the issue, if you’d like GitLab to also be able to do so.
Jira issue references and update comments will not work if the GitLab issue tracker is disabled.

How can you track who made code updates in Azure

I've been given oversight access to an azure account for our business.
I'm trying to see if there is a way to view the latest code updates and history.
Is there a way to do that in Azure?
An Azure Account might not be enough for that. A Azure Website usually doesn't contain source files (there are exceptions e. g. plain html sites). They contain build artifacts / binaries that are build from the source files.
The code for your Azure Website is probably under version control. That means that your developer are using a plattform to commit the code. An example is Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), GitHub, etc...
You have to get access to the version control system used by your developers in order to view the latest code updates and history.

Link jira id against each feature in Cucumber testing report

Have started using cucumber framework for testing of my project.
Able to generate cucumber html , json and xml report.
I am looking for something like JIRA ID link to be represented against feature representation in report.
Can anyone help me in this.
In the past, I have used tags to represent JIRA tickets in scenarios/features. For example, if you have a JIRA ticket with ID JIRA-123, your scenario could look like this:
Scenario: ...
You should then be able to see from the cucumber reports which features/scenarios are marked with which tags. You can build a custom report that fetches all the JIRA tags and retrieves ticket information from JIRA in runtime using for example JS and the JIRA API.
A major flaw in what you are trying to do is that Jira tickets are historical whilst scenarios are current.
Jira tickets document what was being done at a particular time in the projects lifecyle whilst scenarios document the current state of the application.
Scenarios have current knowledge of the application. Jira tickets only have the knowledge that was available when they were created.
Trying to link these two very different things has some negative consequences including:
You stop people from refactoring scenarios to reflect the current state of the application, because they need to maintain the links with the jira history.
Your links mislead, a scenario changes over time to reflect the current application but your links imply that what is in the jira ticket still applies.
Link management becomes very confusing, scenarios end up with multiple links and links get removed or applied to un-related scenarios as refactoring takes place.
Point 1 is particularly important. Scenarios can very easily become slow, unreliable and unwieldy. They can significantly increase the cost of change for an application unless they are very well managed. Anything that stops this management is detrimental.

Document Mng on Redmine: Anyone use DMSF plugin or find an easy way to manage docs in the Files tab with a 'wiki' as a front end?

I'm looking to use Redmine for document management. I know that Redmine is not ideal for this task but there is already a lot of content on the site so I'd like to utilize it if possible.
Redmine currently does not a have great documents module. The files we've uploaded look to be amended on that specific page and it doesn't seem to be able to move to another page (unless you download and re-upload to the proper page).
Idea 1
I see there is a Files section, which could work as a central repository (and you can upload document based on release) however, is there a way to set up a nice-looking 'front-end' page that automatically updates based on new submissions to the Files tab? I envision this front end to be a simple wiki page with the document name, a short description and a links to the file posted in the Files tab.
There are so many documents uploaded to varying pages on the Redmine site. I would only do the whole download and re-upload of files if there was a way to automatically update the 'front end' wiki.
Idea 2
I see there is a DMSF plugin for Redmine. Has anyone used this before and has is solved document management issues? I'd like to hear your feedback. Even if DMSF doesn't totally solve my issue, anything is better than what I have now.
In my opinion DMSF module is a perfect companion for Redmine. We have adopted it in our company. You can easily deal with document versions, webdav access, custom approval workflow, document modifications notification with the extra value of being well integrated with Redmine features (roles, dynamic links in Wiki and issue text and notes).

trac and svn (tortoise) - "Issue Tracker Plugin" - ( yes, yet another svn and trac question)

I would like to be able to "get information from the issue tracker" as described in the section "Getting Information from the Issue Tracker" at: (display a dlg box to the user when they start a commit action in svn so they can choose form a list of issues assigned to them)
I have tried finding information about a COM plugin for tortoisesvn, but have been unsuccessful in actually finding one. There are many links to pages, etc stating what is possible, but I do not want to write one and am hoping one exists.
Can anyone shed some light on this or point me to a plugin for my client?
There are example implementations of IBugTraqProvider in the contrib/ directory of the TSVN source. One's in ATL; it runs an EXE, passing (among other things) a temporary filename for the provider to write a commit message to. That EXE should talk to your issue tracker.
The other's in C#; it displays some mocked up data, but could be extended as required.
There are a couple of others: Gurtle talks to Google Code; there's one for Trac here.
