CFExecute of jsmin fails - iis

I am trying to minify some files in a roll-up script using jsmin. This works just fine on my local machine but when pushed to production it doesn't work at all. I am running the built-in CF development server locally and IIS on production. Not really sure how I should go about debugging this. Here is a relevant code snippet:
<cfset LOCAL.args = '/c "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\jsmin.exe < #LOCAL.jsfile#"'>
<cfexecute name="c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe"

I think the issue was with trying to run a 32-bit executable under a 64-bit OS, but I am not entirely sure. I couldn't get a good C compiler on my machine so I ended up getting the Java source for JSMin and running it using ColdFusion's JRE. That made it work.

As Henry says, first thing to check is permissions.
What user is the CF service running as?
Does that user have permission to access both cmd.exe and jsmin.exe ?


WordPress and React - Fronitity framework Internal Server Error

I tried this framework called Frontity. For the first try (run) everything was good, I had my demo page, and it worked well. I follow these instructions.
For the second compile I got these error, and a lot: There are multiple modules with names that only differ in casing.
Only change what I have done was this one (connecting my frontity to my WordPress):
(Again: for the first run, it was good.)
Nothing, literally nothing was changed, I do not even started any other software :)
After all this, I deleted everything, moved to another folder, started over the whole thing and for now I only get the same errors, and an Internal Server Error in my browser.
I have this issue with or without running the xampp server.
Any idea what went wrong?
Localhost WordPress (xampp), localhost:3000 Frontity (default), Windows 10, Chrome browser.
errors after compile
Your problem is here in the console output:
I'm not sure at which point those files with differing cases are
generated, but I think the following should fix your issue:
Ensure that the path you used in your terminal has the correct
capitalization. For example if you're using git bash on Windows and
your project has the following path:
If you access it using cd /c/myprojects/project-x (note the lack of
capital cases) and then run npm start you might face this problem.
The solution would be to consider the project path case-sensitive and
use it as follows:
cd /C/MyProjects/project-X

The Node JS FS Code which works perfectly on Windows Doesn't work in an Ubuntu server

the following Code Works Perfectly on My Machine, However When I put it online on an Ubuntu server, it seems it has some problems. I'm not sure why
if (!existsSync(`${some path}/${MemberID}`)){
mkdirSync(`${some path}/${MemberID}`);
I think It has something to do with different file systems in Windows and Linux.
I'm not even a Linux Beginner. thanks in advance :)
Think you don't have permissions to create directory
Use ls -l for check permissions
First of all make sure that path of ${some path} already exist.
Second, check that the access rights for the running node process has permissions to create that pathes.
Third, try on terminal / console (replace some path and MemberID with real path and value)
mkdir "some path/MemberID"

Running SoapUI and HermesJMS on headless Linux Server

I'm trying to get SoapUI and HermesJMS to work with each other on a headless Linux server. And by "headless" I do mean headless; the only account we are authorized to use that has any kind of admin privileges is unable to forward an X-server session.
First, the steps I've done so far:
Unpacked the tar.gz containing SoapUI 4.6.0 into a soapui directory.
Using my own account, which has X-server, I ran the HermesJMS installer.
Set 777 permissions so the admin user could work with the files.
I entered the soapui-config.xml and test.xml files and told them where to find the hermes-config.xml
Independently, they both work. I can run a generic SoapUI test and if I use my X-server to run Hermes, I can see the queues I need to be using.
However, when I try to use the, I get a NullPointer exception on HermesUtils.addHermesJarsToClasspath.
An error occured [java.lang.NullPointerException], see error log for details java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.submit.transports.jms.util.HermesUtils.addHermesJarsToClasspath(
Any ideas on what the issue is? I tried running soapui's GUI the same way I ran Hermes' but I run into a segmentation fault on startup.

groovysh not working in Groovy version 2.2.0

I recently downloaded and installed the Groovy-2.2.0 windows binary, configured my system, i.e., Java is installed and functioning properly, etc. My GROOVY_HOME variable is set to C:\groovy-2.2.0, my path is set to C:\groovy-2.2.0\bin and C:\groovy-2.2.0\lib. However, unlike Groovy 2.1.9, the groovysh command generates a flood of errors (too long to post here) about an inability to run groovystarter. I'm using a WinXP (sp3) machine with Groovy-2.2.0 installed. Oddly, I can compile and run groovy programs. It is only the groovy shell that isn't functioning.
Thanks to a few helpful individuals, i.e., Guillaume, Cédric, and Pascal, the posted issue has been solved. There was a subfolder in my root directory, C:\, named C:\jline. I copied its contents to an unused subdirectory (as a backup) then deleted the C:\jline folder. After doing so, the groovysh command worked perfectly. I felt compelled to post the solution in the event another programmer experienced the same or perhaps highly similar and related problem.

Remote development - Edit on Windows & Build on Linux

I am looking for a solution for a remote development environment as follows:
Editor - Windows Source Insight / Visual Studio
Source control - Clearcase
Build server - Linux
The above can't be modified.
In my current setup, I can view and edit the sources on Windows using a Windows Cleacase client.
My problem is mainly the build (and the later on, the debug) process.
I need to invoke 'make' from Windows on a specific Clearcase view on the Linux Server.
I can login in a separate process using SSH to the Linux server and run 'make', but it is a cumbersome procedure.
I am also unable to view the 'make' results and double-lick them to go to the specific warning/errors.
Is there any way to remotely bind a Windows command/batch to a Linux environment?
Perhaps through SSH?
Thank you for any suggestion you might have.
The usual solution is rather a pull strategy (where your build server fetches information on Linux, rather than trying to pilot everything from Windows.
If you follow the SSH path, be aware of technote swg21351507:
Linux SSH connection hangs when attempting to exit after starting ClearCase.
This can affect the use of scripts to start/stop ClearCase remotely using SSH.
This is a due to a OpenSSH server design, which will not close the console until all process/jobs executed by the user are completed.
Refer to this SSH FAQ for further details, regarding background jobs.
Resolving the problem
Redirect the ClearCase start script to either /dev/null or to a log file.
/usr/atria/etc/clearcase start < /dev/null >& /dev/null
/usr/atria/etc/clearcase start < /tmp/ccstart >& /tmp/ccstart
Try sshfs. I don't if there is a sshfs client for windows. If not, you can try NFS, or even SAMBA. Those definately work in Windows and Linux.
I just came across this and wanted to answer, even if the original poster has surely resolved their issue. This could be quite easily resolved by installing a jenkins instance on the build machine. You could kick off the build from the web interface and have it pull the files from clearcase and tell you the results.
