Best Visual SharePoint 2007 Workflow Builder - sharepoint

We have a number of database driven apps we'd like to build out within SharePoint 2007 (the data will need to stay within SQL Server and not SharePoint). Can anyone recommend some robust visual tools that support doing this within SP 2007, but also allow for business rules such as "if the user is in this group then they can see this, if they database value = this then show this, but not this and don't let them edit this."
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Seems like a job for Forms based authentication here (SqlMembershipProvider), combined with audiences / SP usergroups. Most can be done through the Web UI... Not really seeing the relation to workflows here.


What is the suggested approach to build custom UI views by querying web services in Dynamis CRM 2013?

This could have been already discussed but in context of Dynamics CRM 2013, I am wondering what is the recommended and easiest approach (mine is a on-premise deployment) :
Problem :
May be a known pain point with 2013 - Users want to see 'All Activities' of a Company and related Contacts, Child Companies but
excluding few activities (like campaign emails).
Solution :
Thinking to create a custom form or a web resource which can use CRM web services to query for this data and make it part of the Company form.
Question is :
What is an easy way to do a custom page where I can use CRM web
services to query for all activities data and filter campaign
emails and display it like a grid ? I see two options :
Develop a separate aspx web application(using SDK binaries as references and crm web services) and host that outside of CRM (in IIS) and
use that url in an IFrame within company form.
Develop this as a html webresource (with a grid) and somehow make crm web services call from java script and display as a web resource (If so, is this
easy in CRM 2013, since web api is only present in 2016 ?)
Or something else ? (like a SSRS report may be but I think it will
be too slow)
Many thanks for your advise on this.
Thank you.
I work for an organization where most of the times requirements is like yours, so i have already done a separate aspx web application like your option 1.
Following are the few things to keep in mind:
If you go with Option 1 and develop a custom aspx web application and host it in IIS, it will be alot easier to maintain in future and easy to customize based on new requirements. If you have any new requirements like this in future, it will be easy to add a new aspx WebForm to the existing site and refer that new url. You can have common classes for Connection and authentication stuff in your web-application, which is almost re-usable.
I have used the same approach as described here: Best Practices for Working with Custom ASP.NET Pages and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
In case of Option 2, i have tried this once but it is a bit more complex than the Option 1 because it involves more JavaScript code than C#. It is difficult to maintain although will be a bit-fast than the Custom Web App, but not re-usable code in case new requirements. Also Queries in C# (QueryExpression) is way more easy to write than writing Odata Queries in JavaScript.

migrate from sharepoint 2007 too Sharepoint 2013

We have different business divisions and each division has its ecommerce site hosted as webpart in SharePoint 2007. We also have product/adv images/documents in SharePoint.
We want to migrate from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2013 and as per our initial research we noted that we must first migrate to SharePoint 2010 and then to SharePoint 2013
Questions :
what is the best way to migrate from sharepoint 2007 to sharepoint 2013 considering above context. please provide pointers..
or should we re-write our webpart code in mvc and get rid of SharePoint. since we have soa arch i belive it would not be big pain to do so.. just ui webparts will be replace with mvc site
which third party migration tools can be used considering their reliability and cost.
please suggest best way to go ahead.
As you mentioned, there's not direct migration path from 2007 to 2013. It's hard to give a definitive answer without knowing more about your environment, it really comes down to trying to estimate the cost and time doing a manual migration (2007-->2010-->) versus purchasing a tool.
I have one customer that used Metalogix to go from 2007 to 2013 and it was fairly successful. They had a couple of branding issues and some code that had to be re-written to use updated API's but considering the scope of the migration, it was fairly smooth.
Ditching SharePoint and re-writing everything using MVC.... Not sure about that one. Even though you have a SOA architecture in place, it doesn't mean it will replace everything that SharePoint provides. It does a lot of things; security, service app scalability, branding, ECM, BCS, search, etc.
UI issue may be faced as below
Migration HTML content (in content webpart) from ntext data type to XML data.
SharePoint adds some extra tags for xml validation and it distorts to whole UI for all the pages. Means look and feel will not be as it is after migration.
Table based old structure in menus and drop-dwon is very hard to manage. It must be in and Box model for better UI management.
I had used Metalogix in my migration projects and it worked 70% fine, however be ready for the post deployment fixes as you might have to rewrite some scripts. But overall it works fairly good. I would also suggest you to run a report before migration using SPCAF tool.

How can I add parameters to a workflow in sharepoint 2007

I'd like to create a custom workflow for SharePoint 2007 (NOT 2010) in Visual Studio. My need is to have a custom parameter when this workflow is attached to the list. These would be parameters that I can reference in the Workflow, like a SharePoint ID, email, or other kind of string.
Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
Sure. They are called Workflow Association (setting default values for workflow) and Initiation (setting/modifying values when starting workflow for each item) Forms:
Association and initiation forms are displayed for users to complete
before any workflow actually starts. You can use these forms to enable
users to set parameters and other information for the workflow in
You can read Accessing Data from Workflow Association and Initiation Forms in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 on MSDN
Somwhere on the way in the article you can encounter the following sentance:
The code shown below is based on the Feedback Collection workflow
sample that is provided with the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 SDK
To have these examples at hand, i would suggest you download and install (so you can see how it's done by yourself):
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0: Software Development Kit (SDK)
SharePoint Server 2007 SDK: Software Development Kit (if you use

workflow sharepoint plugin to use

i need to know few things please
1- is sharepoint with windows workflow foundation (a good and dependable engine)
2- i am using .NET and sharepoint, what would be the best workflow plugin for sharepoint
we need it provide easy interface to create the work flow, connect and affect oracle, SQLSERVER, work with moss2007, give us full control on the look and design of the form page as well as the approval or any pages and forms used within the workflow ( am i asking for too much !!:) )
the workflows will be used for approvals, change requests, requests of equipments, leave application, .... etc
Windows Workflow Foundation is very strong and can be relied upon for SharePoint workflows.
In the market there are lot of plugins available for workflow creation.
SharePoint Desginer
ShareVis Designer
Nintex Workflow
Captaris Workflow
I have provided a few references above. Kindly evaluate your needs and use one of them.
SharePoint makes use of Windows Workflow Foundation and it's a pretty stable and powerful solution. If you need an easy to use interface to create workflows, you may want to take a look at Nintex Workflow. We use it at the company and are very pleased with it. There are versions for both SharePoint 2007 and 2010.

Easiest way to extract SharePoint list data to a separate SQL Server table?

What is the easiest way to scrape extract SharePoint list data to a separate SQL Server table? One condition: you're in a work environment where you don't control the SQL Server behind the SharePoint Server, so you can't just pull from the UserData table.
Is there there any utilities that you can use to schedule a nightly extract?
Is Microsoft planning any improvement here for "SharePoint 4"?
Update Jan 06, 2009:
For servers where office is not installed you will need:
this download
There is a SSIS SharePoint task you can use to grab the data info a regular dataflow:
Scraping? As in screen scraping? Are you serious? ;)
2 Options
SharePoint Object Model -
SharePoint Web Services -
specifically the Lists web service
The web services is how Excel/Access communicate with SharePoint to integrate with its lists.
In fact a bit of Google foo gives these two results :-
Connecting SQL Reporting Services to a SharePoint List
Accessing SharePoint List Items with SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
The 2 minute answer is to use Data Synchronisation Studio from Simego ( ) just point it at your List and database and it will sync all the changes.
There is an ADO.NET adapter for MOSS 2007/2010 and WSS 3.0/4.0 available which goes under the name Camelot .NET Connector for Microsoft SharePoint. It enables you to query lists in SharePoint through standard SQL language, using SharePoint as a data layer.
Besides from the connector, there will be a large number of open source tools and utilities available, such as webparts for exporting data to various formats (XML, MySQL, ..), Joomla plugins, synchronization services, etc.
See for more details and to watch webcasts. BendSoft is currently looking for beta-testers and encourage all feedback from the community.
SELECT * FROM My Custom SharePoint List
INSERT INTO Calendar (EventDate,EndDate,Title,Location) VALUES ('2010-11-04 08:00:00','2010-11-04 10:00:00','Morning meeting with Leia','Starbucks')
DELETE FROM Corp Images WHERE Image Name = 'marketing.jpg'
I had written a full article about this with step by step screenshot procedures. It does not use any third party components only SQL BI Tools and Sharepoint. Have a look here
As Ryan said I would also suggest using object model / web services to store data to separate SQL database. I think that the best approach is to write an event handler that will trigger on your least and copy the data user inserted/updated.
Regarding your query about "SharePoint 4", Bill Gates made some remarks at SharePoint Conference 2008. He suggests enriching SQL tables with SharePoint data, and goes on to mention several other potentially cool things. What exactly he means and whether it will help solve your problem in the future is hard to say until we start seeing betas of WSS4 / MOSS 14.
I would go with the simego software, but i dont have the money, maybe a 15 days trial is enough!
If you have MOSS installed, the Business Data Catalog can be setup from the Sharepoint Central Administration to automagically synchronize data for you. This is a very powerful product and is included with MOSS. I love it when a client has it enabled so I can take advantage of it.
But some don't and for myself, I've found that if they don't have BDC running and available, inevitably they don't give developers many rights to SQL Server so SSIS is generally out of the question (but maybe that's just me). No problem; for those I'll pull together a lightweight EXE that runs on a scheduled task that queries Lists.asmx and pushes changes to a SQL Server table. Fairly trivial stuff for a simple list where nothing is deleted. Get yourself Visual Studio 2008, CAML Builder, and prepare for a good time. The Lists.asmx results is a little funny in that a list's row's fields are each a single node with a lot of attributes, with no child nodes ... something like this off the top of my head ... just remember that when coding ...
<z:row ows_Id="1" ows_Field1="A1" ows_Field2="B1"/>
<z:row ows_Id="1" ows_Field1="A2" ows_Field2="B2"/>
Complications in code occur with copying lists where items are deleted, or where there is a parent/child relationship between SP lists. You'd think I'd have some code to send you, but I haven't bothered putting together something I could reuse.
I'm sure there's other ways of handling it, but the scheduled task EXE so far has been reliable for me for multiple apps for multiple years.
i wrote some code to achieve it, you can find it over here
extract data from moss 2007
Depending on the exact nature of the data you need to insert, it may be possible to just use the auto generated RSS feed to get the information you want, a process will need to read the rss and formulate a query.
Otherwise a consoleapp/service could use the object model to do the same thing, but with more control over field information.
I wish something like this was much easier to do. Something that didn't need SSIS and was boiled down to a console tool that reads a xml config file for source/target/map info.
