just-in-time initialization - object

What does just-in-time initialization means?

This is "lazy" initialization, i.e. initialization performed only when/if the underlying module or feature is needed for the first time.
The purpose of this practice is to save time and, to a lesser extent, memory or other run-time resources by not loading modules which are not systematically needed in a given session of the application.
It is particularly useful for HTML pages, for which only the essential resources are loaded along with the main page, but all other resources are merely marked with a placeholder in the DOM containing only the necessary info for some [typically] javascript snippet to effectively replace the location so the underlying image or other resource gets loaded, following some action from the user (or also some timer event) when needed. See this article for more info about the use of JITI with web pages
With HTML this makes for faster load of the page, giving the idea of a snappier application because pages load faster.

In Just in time initialization Loads object only when an attribute is get or set or when these fields are accessed.
Non-lazy initialization retrieves an object and all of its related objects at load time.
Just in time initialization increases the performance and effective utilization of resources .
If you are looking for Hibernate Just-in-time initialization check out this document


OpenTK MultiThreading: How to "unbind" a GraphicsContext

I am working on a multi threaded OpenGL application with OpenTK 3 and WinForms.
I have 2 shared GraphicsContexts:
a "main" rendering context, used for scene drawing and synchronous load operations.
a "secondary" resource loader context, used to load resources during draw.
This secondary context is used to load video frames coming from a Windows Media Foundation session (with a custom media sink). However, i have no control on what thread this media sink is running on, so i need a way, after each loading operation, to "unbind" that secondary GraphicsContext, so that it can be bound in the next thread where it will be needed.
Do I have to P/Invoke wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL) or is there a proper OpenTK way of doing this?
Short answer
Use OpenTK feature:
Long answer
Today's wglMakeCurrent doc has eliminated this old comment:
If hglrc is NULL, the function makes the calling thread's current
rendering context no longer current, and releases the device context
that is used by the rendering context. In this case, hdc is ignored.
I would trust that comment is still valid, due to so many code relying on it.
Pay attention to "releases the device context". Perhaps OpenTK does some action related to the device context. Perhaps the hdc is private (by using window style flag CS_OWNDC) So, let OpenTK handles this "NULL" case.
Better approach
Be aware that even when you use several shared contexts, is the GPU (normally one unique card) that does the loading, and not many cards allow loading while doing other jobs. Thus, it isn't guaranteed you get better performance. But shared contexts exist to this purpose, somehow.
Why should you use the same context in different threads?
I'd use a different thread for load video frames (without any gl-call) and for upload them to the GPU. This last thread is permanent and has its own gl-context, so it doesn't need to set as current every time it works. It sleeps or waits until the other thread has finished loading data, and after that task is completed it uploads that data to the GPU.

OpenGL loading resource in separated thread

I am new to multithread OpenGL. I don't want to use shared context in separated thread. I found a way that we can map memory to do asynchronous resource loading.
However I need to tell glBufferData or glTexImage2D to reserve the exact memory size for me. For BMP, we have information in the header. But to know the number of vertices in an obj file, we need to iterate through the whole file... How do commercial game engine do it? Design its own format?
A way to load resources asynchronously that worked for me is to push the inevitable read-from-file operations into designated threads. It can be easily combined with lazy resource management like so:
Set up your scene but don't immediately load your resources from file. Instead, flag it as unitialized and store the file paths for later use.
Start rendering your scene
As soon as you encounter a resource flagged as uninitialized, start a thread that asynchronously loads the data from file into a CPU buffer and store meta info (e.g. width and height of textures, number of vertices for meshes etc.) as well. For now, replace the requested resource by some default or simply "do nothing" (assuming your renderer can handle "empty" resources).
In subsequent rendering steps and requests for the resource, check if the associated loading thread has finished and, if so, create the necessary GPU buffers, upload the data and flag the resource as initialized. The stored metadata helps you to figure out the necessary size of the resulting buffers. You can now use the resource as intended.
Handling resources this way avoids sharing OpenGL contexts between multiple threads since you only handle the (presumably very heavy) CPU-bound load-from-file operations asynchronously. Of course, you will have to cope with mutual exclusion to safely check whether or not a loading thread has finished. Furthermore, you might consider defining and maintaining an upload budget for limiting the amount of data transferred from CPU to GPU per frame in order to avoid framerate drops.

Bindings and memory leaks

Example use case:
I have a control which displays a status gauge. The visual status of the gauge is bound to a property of the control
The control is part of a topology graph. So depending on the topology e. g. a 100 of these controls may be displayed at once
There are several topologies. Every time you switch to another topology view the whole graph is regenerated
Could this cause a memory leak and do you have to perform a manual unbind in the old topology view before you create the new one? Similar to the bindings, do you have to remove event handlers manually?
The bindings and the event handlers are inside the control. So once the control isn't accessible anymore it should be possible that it's garbage collected. So I think you don't have to do anything, but I don't know.
Thank you very much for the expertise!
If you look into the JavaDocs:
[...] All bindings in our implementation use instances of WeakInvalidationListener, which means usually a binding does not need to be disposed. But if you plan to use your application in environments that do not support WeakReferences you have to dispose unused Bindings to avoid memory leaks.
So if you use or extend the default Bindings the Garbage Collector should be able to do its work.
If you do not, be sure do implement and call Binding.dispose().
As always: If an object is no longer referenced by any other object it gets garbage collected (at some point in the future). So usually one does not need to specifically implement in this direction, as it tends to clutter the code.

No OpenGL context found in the current thread

I am using LibGDX to make a game. I want to simultaneously load/unload assets on the fly as needed. However, waiting for assets to load in the main thread causes lag. In order to remedy this, I've created a background thread that monitors which assets need to be loaded (textures, sounds, etc.) and loads/unloads them appropriately.
Unfortunately, I get the following error when calling AssetManager.update() from that thread.
com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: No OpenGL context found in the current thread.
I've tried runing the background thread in the main thread in the beginning and just dealing with the first few screens, and everything works fine. I can also change the algorithm to just load everything into memory from the start in the same thread, and that works as well. However, neither works in the background thread.
When I run this on Android with OpenGL ES 2.0 (which is flexible in odd ways) instead of on Windows, everything runs fine, and I can even get the pixel dimensions of the images - but the textures render black.
My searches have told me that this is an issue of the OpenGL context being bound to a single thread, but not much else. This explains why everything works when I shove it in the main thread, and not when I put it in a different one. How do I fix this context problem?
First things first, you should not access the OpenGL context outside of the rendering thread.
I assume you have looked at these already, but just to make sure read up on the AssetManager wiki article, which talks a bit about how to use the AssetManager for asynchronous managing of assets. In addition to the wiki article, check out the AssetManagerTest to better understand how to use it. The asset manager test is probably your best bet into loading at how to dynamically load assets.
If you are loading a ton of stuff, you may want to look into creating a loading bar to load anything large upfront. It might work to check assets and such from another thread (and set a flag to call update), but at the end of the day you will need to call update() on the rendering thread.
Keeping in mind you have to call update() it from a different thread, I don't see why you would want another thread to check conditions and set a flag. There is probably more overhead using another thread and synchronizing the update() call than to just do it all on the rendering thread. Also, the update() method only pauses for a couple milliseconds at a time as it incrementally loads files. Typically, you would simply call load() for your asset, then check isLoaded() on your asset. If it isn't loaded you would then call update() once per frame until isLoaded() returns true. Once it returns true, you can then call get() and get whatever asset you were loading. This can all be done via the main rendering thread without having the app lag while its loading.
If you really want your other thread to call update(), you need to create a Runnable object and call postRunnable() such as how they have it described in the wiki article on multi-threading with libGDX. However, this defeats the whole point of using other threads because anything you use with postRunnable runs synchronously on the rendering thread.

Silverlight Multithreading; Need to Synchronize?

I have a Silverlight app where I've implemented the M-V-VM pattern so my actual UI elements (Views) are separated from the data (Models). Anyways, at one point after the user has gone and done some selections and possible other input, I'd like to asyncronously go though the model and scan it and compile a list of optiions that the user has changed (different from the default), and eventually update that on the UI as a summary, but that would be a final step.
My question is that if I use a background worker to do this, up until I actually want to do the UI updates, I just want to read current values in one of my models, I don't have to synchronize access to the model right? I'm not modifying data just reading current values...
There are Lists (ObservableCollections), so I will have to call methods of those collections like "_ABCCollection.GetSelectedItems()" but again I'm just reading, I'm not making changes. Since they are not primitives, will I have to synchronize access to them for just reads, or does that not matter?
I assume I'll have to sychronize my final step as it will cause PropertyChanged events to fire and eventually the Views will request the new data through the bindings...
Thanks in advance for any and all advice.
You are correct. You can read from your Model objects and ObservableCollections on a worker thread without having a cross-thread violation. Getting or setting the value of a property on a UI element (more specifically, an object that derives from DispatcherObject) must be done on the UI thread (more specifically, the thread on which the DispatcherObject subclass instance was created). For more info about this, see here.
