Weird text highlighting problem on website - web

I have this strange problem on my web page where if you click below the left side-panel, all the links get highlighted. It happens in firefox, not IE. I don't know why its only the side-panel that it happens to. Its not really a big deal but its extremely annoying to me, is there any way to stop it? If you want to check it out, the site is

Not to sound harsh, but that's a serious case of div-itis. You might want to check the number of links that you have, the open and closing of the div's, empty anchor links and the wrapping of your multiple tables.
Good luck with your project.

Well I found out what it was. I had the left side menu floated inside the table. It was a left over from before I used the table to layout the page


excel active X buttons getting bigger every action

This is a question with the same title as here:
VBA Active-X buttons getting bigger with every action
I guess the problem is the same.
The question is nevertheless from 2014!!! and it does not really have an answer.
In my case the buttons were NOT created programatically, but just clicking in insert activeX control, button, and then click for writing the VBA behind.
In order to better illustrate the problem I made a video with my handy:
IN the video you can see how every time a button is clicked it gets bigger.
as note aside I have to say that this only happens when I connect remotely with my computer via a think client. Nevertheless both screens are the same (i.e. have the same resolution).
This is of course very annoying because it makes almost impossible to use home working since connecting to my excel at work makes all the buttons go crazy in size.
As #TimStack and #jvdv has pointed out this is a known issue of Microsoft, i.e. a BUG, there since many years.
Hence there is no solution but workarounds.
So stay away from controlX if you don't want to get surprises.
I had faced this issue today itself. And found very strange solution to this problem.
I just tried to resize the button where I was facing the issue and it was solved.
Hope this works with you.

Prestashop add side menu on specific pages

I have a problem with Prestashop. I have a second menu that I want to display on some pages.
For example, when I click on "program", I get to the "program" page but the side menu does not appear.
I know that it is possible to do this in the block configuration options.
I've tried a lot of things but nothing works, if someone has any advice / lead to give me.
I use a translator, hoping that it will be comprehensible, I remain at your disposal for any further information.
Thank you all, have a good day.

Creating a floating menu that pops like normal menu but appears at mouse position

Some context
I've recently switched to ubuntu budgie (from unity), and I am really tired of the Plank/panel menu combo. I cannot find a setting that suits me, because depending on my screen setup, there's always something in the wrong place.
I am literally unable to show the menu on certain edges if I activate auto-hide, and if I don't activate it, it's not nice at all, to the point that I have removed the plank thing altogether. (Am I having strange bugs on this OS, or is it really messy?)
My idea
With great frustrations come new ideas. I thought again about one I had in the past. I would like to have a circle menu that pops around my mouse cursor when I press a given key combination (very much the kind of thing you would find in some games).
The main use case is to get "pined" application shortcuts easily when I need them, but perhaps other things would fit well with them (commands ...).
So my questions are:
Does such a thing already exist?
If it doesn't, is it difficult to realize? (How much time, complexity, ...)
What tools/libraries are needed for such a project? I know I'll find plenty of explanations on the gnome developer website but I could really use some more help.
Since you mention a buggy behaviour on Plank, depending on the screen configuration, I suspect you are suffering from this bug. In short: Plank's returned values for the space it needs are not always correct in multi monitor setup.
A neat option to replace at least part of the functionality is Ulauncher, by default called from a shortcut, but you could trigger it from anything that is capable of running its command.
Since Ulauncher's window simply identifies in the window list, you can easily write a script to move it to the current mouse position.
In case you'd need any help in that, just leave a comment.
Not sure if you are also referring to quick access of the window list, but for that you could use the Window Previews applet, or even the Workspace Overview applet, so life without Plank is possible.

MFC CListCtrl does not appear after minimise-restore

Let me say at outset that I'm using old technology by today's standards! This happens in MFC on Visual Studio 2005 and running under WinXP. (If it 'aint broke.... ;-) )
I have a dialog based app which has a CTabCtrl with two tabs. Each contains a CListCtrl. These work perfectly under normal circumstances. They populate correctly and show and hide as they should. When I first open the application the display selection is correct. If I then minimize the dialog and restore, the CList Ctrl does not show, the tab is blank. It is the only control which has this problem. Another CListCtrl outside of the CTabCtrl does show up correctly. If I then swap tabs and back again, the other tab shows up then the first appears as normal.
This does not happen if I access any other part of the dialog before minimising, it is only when minimising is the absolute first action I take. It also happens with the CListCtrl I have in the other tab if I set this tab to be selected on startup in OnInitDialog where I set up the CTabCtrl.
I have actually solved the effect of this problem by adding into my OnSysCommand(...) the following:
if ((nID & 0xFFF0) == SC_RESTORE)
but it bugs me that I'm adding code to solve a problem which only happens in such odd circumstances. I can't help thinking that there is something I have missed in the setup which is leading to this behaviour. Can anyone offer any explanation as to what is causing it in the first place?
My explanation is based on the facts of what I have found but this has been a learning experience for me so apologies if I get some of it a little confused, I'm still letting it settle in my mind.
Along with this problem I found another which turned out to be relevant. From the nature of the program I'm writing, my CListCtrls needed fixed width headers. Now that turned out to be another thing I couldn't set up! I just needed to prevent the user from grabbing and resizing the header's dividers or double clicking them to autosize, and of course there is functionality in the CListCtrl based on its child CHeaderCtrl to set this up isn't there? Well apparently not. LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP for example isn't the way.
So I explored trying to capture messages which would allow me to myself, and what do you know, I couldn't! I could trap a few but not the ones I needed. I was looking for HDN_BEGINTRACK and HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICK. (We won't go into the fact that you HAVE TO deal with both A and W versions of those separately!) The CHeaderCtrl is a child of the CListCtrl but it sends its messages back to the CDialog as the CListCtrl's parent. I tried there using both my list's and 0 as ID which headers apparently use. Many of them just plain didn't appear there at all.
So I created my own CListCtrl class inheriting from CListCtrl, overrode OnNotify and they turned up there. I simply prevented CListCtrl::On Notify from being called for those messages and it worked, no resize functionality at all.
I also played with the Z-order too which could have been relevant. I didn't explain earlier but this and another list are on two tabs, exactly aligned over each other. Selecting the tabs HIDEs and SHOWs each of the lists in turn. The other list had no display problems even when I changed the default display in OnInitDialog to show it at start up.
It was under the problematic one. So changing the Z-order in OnInitDialog where I set them up - did nothing! And to rub it in that second list was also unresizeable by default just as I wanted and I couldn't find out why. Their Properties listed exactly the same and there was nowhere in the code where any different aspect was set manually for either, they were effectively theoretically identical, but practically not so. So frustrating!!!
And the upshot of it is that now that the header resize issue is solved my display problem has vanished too! It looks to me and to a few others out there too who report similar symptoms as myself as though the CListCtrl is another one of the slightly flaky ones and needs a little massaging to get the best out of it.
I hope that makes sense to those of you out there who know this control well. I was surprised how simple the solution was, but it also surprised me that the diagnostic process was so difficult. It may of course come down to the ageing system I work within. Nowadays I do this only for fun and the expense of updating VS from 2005 for occasional use is not a high priority. I am sure that some of the symptoms will not show under other build and run environments but it may be worth having the issue and my solution on record somewhere for Google to find for others.

What's going on with this google search result..?

Once upon a time, i came across a weird entry in google search result.
The entry would sit there strangely, with artefacts of text standing tall & vertical.
At once I fired up my trusty firebug to analyse the problem. It appeared immediate that the origin was purely in the text content, nothing could explain why it stood so tall.
I thought it puzzling that the text would suddenly change direction. I found it even more interesting that the browser would not reflow its content to adjust for it. The text just sat there, ignoring the laws of internet. Was the world falling appart? It is 2012 after all.
If seeing it in a pictogram is what you wish then to gaze at the following screenshot:
(This be Chrome (16.0.912.75 mac). This thus happens on Firefox 9 too)
If seeing it in action is what you wish then to click on the following search result link: Search link
What form of sorcery is causing that?
Stackoverflow worthy questions:
Why is the text direction changing without any html markup to trigger it?
Why is the text not forcing the browser to reflow the content and accomodate for it?
I don't think it's related to google, its, looks like one of those languages where you need to read from top to botton instead of left to right.
I was a bit sketchy to click that link...
