Encrypting 3rd party credentials - security

I have an application where I need to store 3rd party credentials to services like Amazon S3, FTP, SFTP, etc..
I know that it is possible to access some of those systems without passwords, but that has its own issues. If our customers gave us access to their S3 buckets via ACL we would still need to verify which bucket belongs to which user, same goes for SFTP and ssh key auth.
We will try our best to allow non-password alternatives where possible, but sometimes (FTP) it just won't be possible. Therefor I am looking for advice on how to store this sensitive data in our database (MySql) or elsewhere.
In the past I have read about people using TrueCrypt partitions that automatically unmount, but that would probably require decent intrusion detection. For now I'm interested in simple approaches that lead to reasonable security and can improved upon in the future.
Any advice on the subject would be highly appriciated!

There are a range variety of possibilities and since in my opinion you provide not enough info about the context, i will try to give you an overview from my point of view. I assume that here the most important aspect is confidentiality of your data and and authentication of the users. Integrity and availability of data is much less important.
If you want basic security, you can let MySQL handle it by means of username/password combinations and set access rights on the given account. However, since the access control mechanism of mysql is not fine-grained (you can set access control rules per table only, not per row) this will probably yield a bad database design.
If you want to have a non-password approach, you can give users client-certificates and let them prove their identity by presenting their client certificates (use TLS for that) or let them sign something (note their are dangers because you create a so called signing oracle).
Another approach is to encrypt your data in the database. You can do that by deriving a symmetric key from the password and encrypt the credentials with this data. The catch here is of course that your key derivation protocol should be good and this is not easy to accomplish (so if you choose this, i advice you to take existing key derivation protocols or use a streamcipher). Take a look here for a list of streamcipher http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stream_cipher .
If you care very much for security you can start thinking about fancy solutions like authentication with smartcards, or a time synchronized tamper resistant device for generating acccess codes. However, note that these fancy solutions do not give you free security, implementing such systems if hard and costly (due to development and deployment) however, if done correctly they provide the best security.

Have the user supply a (strong) password when they set up an account (before they provide their passwords). Then encrypt all data for that account within your database using a key derived from a strong hash (SHA256 or something like that) of the user's password. That way if your servers get compromised, no data will be revealed because it is encrypted with the user's password (well, a hash of the user's password) and that password is not stored anywhere on your server.

You need to investigate the use of keystores. TruCrypt is an example of such a keystore, but this is a personal keystore, not intended for service level credentials.
You won't be able to avoid storing their passwords in a format that someone can get access to, the goal is to minimize who can access the information. Putting in the same MySQL as application data is asking for disaster.


ABAP Secure Storage: how to store passwords?

I never needed to store passwords in an ABAP System.. now it's time to learn something new...
I need to store a password, which I use on an ABAP System to connect to a different system, so I cant store a (oneway) hash.
I came across some function modules like FIEB_PASSWORD_ENCRYPT (which is using a hardcoded key) or some suggestions of storing a base64 encoded version of the password (gosh!) => both would only prevent anyone from "quickly reading" the password if it is on the screen, not prevent anyone from stealing it.
I also came across SECSTORE (SAP Help Link), which apparently is only usable by SAP components not by custom applications.
Basically, my need is
store password in some DB table in encrypted form
impossible (at least very hard) to get the pw by plain select on that table
get from the DB table in clear form to be able to pass it to the "other system"
I don't want to re-invent the wheel, especially not in a security area.
I think, there MUST be something there that can be used for that purpose...
UPDATE Why do I need that:
I'm accessing an HTTPS System (destination type G) and all connection params are configured in the destination.
unfortunately, a PW needs to be transmitted in body as form parameter
Disclaimer: I am in discussion currently whether this can be turned into basic auth, which is neither more nor less secure (header vs. body). But with basic auth, I can use the destination config, which in turn uses SECSTORE. This discussion is a long story as many parties are involved and the access to the system is multi-layered...
You can use SSF_KRN_ENVELOPE function for encrypt and SSF_KRN_DEVELOPE for decrypt. It use RSA standart so result may be huge. I prefer use ABAP AES class at https://github.com/Sumu-Ning/AES
These functions using system certificates, AES library needs IV and keys so if user has debug or developer authorization he can get get it.
Correct way is using standard ways for communication. For example using SOAP client with basic authentication and save password in SOA manager. Also basic authentication can be used http and https protocols in SM59 configuration.
The option I post here is an option without encryption, but seems "quite secure (tm)". Feel free to comment
store the password in a DB table as plain text
set that table as "N : display/modification not allowed"
create a program for writing the PW into that table
there is no probram that will output the PW.
This means that, in a productive ABAP environment, only someone with at least one of the following permissions can access the PW (correct me if I am wrong)
Debugging permissiosn on production (basically no-one)
direct DB access (basically no-one)

decrypt data using master key and not key used for encryption

I am trying to build an application that stores user related information client side in localstorage. I am encrypting that data with a password given by user.
If I implement forgot password and generate a new password how can I get back my data that is encrypted on old password.
I am using sjcl for encrypting data. Is there any technique to encrypt data with 2 passwords??
What would be an ideal pattern for this scenario??
The conventional approach for this is called "key escrow." Basically, it means giving a copy of the key to someone that you trust.
If you won't trust anyone, then key escrow is not for you. Your only option is to make sure that you don't lose the one-and-only key. And this is a fairly common approach too. Many products that advertise secure storage emphasize this point. As examples, see Bruce Schneier's password manager "PasswordSafe," and LaCie's security-focused DropBox alternative, "Wuala."
There are accepted methods for encrypting data so that it could be decrypted with any one of several passwords. But I don't see how this helps; if you can't remember one password, how will you remember two?
Any other approach that pretends to avoid key escrow but still provides a backdoor to access your data if you lose the key is not secure and no one should trust it.

Storing Encryption Key Locally for Disconnected Mode

I need to store an encryption key locally in order to allow a user to use my CouchApp in a disconnected mode. The data that I will be sending is very sensitive and requires encryption by law. However, we would like to offer full access to data when running disconnected. Currently we have a password key generator, but this would require the user to enter their password every time they want to view a record. Also this doesn't seem to be secure as an experienced/advanced user could potentially access the encryption key, and then the Local Database. I'm basically wondering if anybody has experience with the disconnected security model, or if you can offer any pointers on how to allow access while maintaining security.
If your client is connecting directly to the database then all users have access to the entire data set. Apparently you trust your users... with everything. This feature right here breaks the most common data protection models. An attacker doesn't need sql injection or insecure direct object reference, he can just grab whatever he because you are giving him everything.
I don't see how cryptography solves your problems. It looks like a textbook CWE-602 violation.

How can you encrypt users' data server-side without ruining the experience?

Many users – myself included – would like the security of having everything they do on a web service encrypted. That is, they don't won't any one at the web service to be able to look at their: posts, info, tasks, etc...
This is also major complaint in this discussion of an otherwise cool service: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1549115
Since this data needs to be recoverable, some sort of two-way encryption is required. But unless you're prompting the user for the encryption key on every request, this key will need to be stored on the server, and the point of encrypting the data is basically lost.
What is a way to securely encrypt user data without degrading the user experience (asking for some key on every request)?
-- UPDATE --
From #Borealid's answer, I've focused on two possibilities: challenge-response protocols, where no data (password included) is sent in the "clear", and non-challenge-response protocols, where data (password included) is sent in the "clear" (although over HTTPS).
Challenge-response protocols (specifically SRP: http://srp.stanford.edu/)
It seems that its implementation would need to rely on either a fully AJAX site or using web storage. This is so the browser can persist the challenge-response data during encryption and also the encryption key between different "pages". (I'm assuming after authentication is completed I would send them back the encrypted encryption key, which they would decrypt client-side to obtain the real encryption key.)
The problem is that I'm either:
fully AJAX, which I don't like because I love urls and don't won't a user to live exclusively on a single url, or
I have to store data encryption keys in web storage, which based on http://dev.w3.org/html5/webstorage/ will persist even after the browser is closed and could be a security vulnerability
In addition, as SRP takes more than one request ( http://srp.stanford.edu/design.html ), there needs to be some persistence on the server-side. This is just another difficulty.
If I'm ok transmitting passwords and data in the clear (although over HTTPS), then the client-side issues above are not present.
On registration, I'll generate a random unique encryption key for the user, and encrypt it using their password and a random salt.
In the database, I'll store the user's password hash and salt (through bcrypt), encrypted encryption key, encryption key salt, and encryption iv.
After an authentication, I'll also need to use their password to decrypt the encryption key so that they may view and enter new data. I store this encryption key only temporarily and delete it when they explicitly "log out".
The problems with this approach is that (like #Borealid points out) evil sysadmins can still look at your data when you are logged in.
I'm also not sure how to store the encryption keys when users are logged in. If they are in the same data store, a stolen database would reveal all data of those who were logged in at the time of theft.
Is there a better in-memory data store for storing these encryption keys (and challenge data during an SRP authentication)? Is this something Redis would be good for?
If the data need to be recoverable in the event of user error, you can't use something like a cookie (which could get deleted). And as you point out, server-side keys don't actually secure the user against malicious sysadmins; they only help with things like databases stolen offline.
However, if you're running a normal web service, you've already gotten pretty lucky - the user, in order to be unique and non-ephemeral, must be logged in. This means they go through some authentication step which proves their identity. In order to prove their identity, most web sites use a passed credential (a password).
So long as you don't use a challenge-response authentication protocol, which most web sites don't, you can use an encryption key derived from a combination of a server-side secret and the user's password. Store the encryption key only while the user is authenticated.
If you do this, the users are still vulnerable to sysadmins peeking while they're using the service (or stealing their passwords). You might want to go a step further. To go one up, don't send the password to the server at all. Instead, use a challenge-response protocol for authentication to your website, and encrypt the data with a derivative of the user's password via JavaScript before uploading anything.
This is foolproof security: if you try to steal the user's password, the user can see what you're doing because the code for the theft is right there in the page you sent them. Your web service never touches their data unencrypted. This is also no hindrance to the normal user experience. The user just enters their password to log in, as per normal.
This method is what is used by Lacie's storage cloud service. It's very well done.
Note: when I say "use foo to encrypt", I really mean "use foo to encrypt a secure symmetric key which is then used with a random salt to encrypt". Know your cryptography. I'm only talking about the secret, not the methodology.
None of those other solutions are going to maintain the feature set requested -- which specifically wants to preserve the user experience. If you look at the site referenced in the link, they email you a nightly past journal entry. You're not going to get that with JavaScript trickery per above because you don't have the browser to depend on. So basically this is all leading you down a path to a degraded user experience.
What you would want, or more precisely the best solution you're going to find in this space, is not so much what wuala does per above, but rather something like hush.com. The handling of user data needs to be done on the client side at all times -- this is generally accomplished via full client-side Java (like the Facebook photo uploader, etc), but HTML/JavaScript might get you there these days. JavaScript encryption is pretty poor, so you may be better off ignoring it.
OK, so now you've got client-side Java running a Journal entry encryption service. The next feature was to email past journal entries to users every night. Well, you're not going to get that in an unencrypted email obviously. This is where you're going to need to change the user experience one way or the other. The simplest solution is not to email the entry and instead to provide for instance a journal entry browser in the Java app that reminds them of some old entry once they get to the website based on a link in the daily email. A much more complex solution would be to use JavaScript encryption to decrypt the entry as an attachment inline in the email. This isn't rocket science but there is a fairly huge amount of trickery involved. This is the general path used by several web email encryption services such as IronPort. You can get a demo email by going to http://www.ironport.com/securedemo/.
As much as I'd love to see a properly encrypted version of all this, my final comment would be that journal entries are not state secrets. Given a solid privacy policy and good site security semantics, I'm sure 99% of your users will feel just fine about things. Doing all this right with true security will take an enormous amount of effort per above and at least some design/UE changes.
You should look into the MIT project CryptDB which supports querying an encrypted database using a subset of SQL. (see the forbes article, mefi thread, or Homomorphic encryption on wikipedia)
There is the Tahoe-LAFS project for cloud storage too, which conceivably could be leveraged into a fully anonymous social networking application, one day in the distant future.
If you want to perform computations on a server without even the server being able to see the data, you may be interested in knowing about fully homomorphic encryption. A fully homomorphic encryption scheme lets you perform arbitrary computations on encrypted data, even if you can't decrypt it. However, this is still a topic of research.
For now, I guess your best bet would be to encrypt all posts and assign meaningless (e.g. sequential) IDs to each one. For a more in-depth discussion of how to encrypt server-side data with today's technology, look up.

How does hashing and salting passwords make the application secure?

As much as I understand it is a good idea to keep passwords secret from the site administrator himself because he could try to take a user's email and log into his mailbox using the same password (since many users use the same password everywhere).
Beyond that I do not see the point. I know it makes more difficult the dictionary attack but... if someone unauthorized got into the database, isn't it too late to worry about passwords? The guy has now access to all tables in the database and in a position to take all the data and do whatever he wants.
Or am I missing something?
The bigger problem is that people tend to use the same password everywhere. So if you obtain a database of usernames and unsalted passwords, chances are good they might work elsewhere, like hotmail, gmail etc.
The guy might be in a position to do everything he/she wants to your system, but you shouldn't allow him/her to do anything with other systems (by using your users' passwords).
Password is a property of your users. You should keep it safely.
Many of your users use the same credentials (usernames/passwords) at your site as they do at their bank. If someone can get the credentials table, they can get instant access to a bunch of bank accounts. Fail.
If you don't actually store passwords, then attackers can't steal your users' bank accounts just by grabbing the credentials table.
It relies on the fact that a hash is a one way function. In other words, its very easy to convert a password into a hash, but very difficult to do the opposite.
So when a user registers you convert their chosen password into a hash and store it. At a later point they login using their password and you convert the password to its hash and compares it this is because, to a high level of probablity if (passwordhashA == passwordhashB) then passwordA=passwordB.
Salting is a solution to a related problem. If you know that someones passwordhash is, say ABCDEF, then you can try calcuolating hashes for all possible passwords. Sooner or later you may find that hash('dog') = ABCDEF, so you know their password. This takes a very long time, but the process can be speeded up by using pre-created 'dictionaries' where, for a given hash you can look up the corresponding password. Salting, however means that the text that is hashed isnt a simple english word, or a simple combinationofwords. For example, the case I gave above, the text that would be hashed is not 'dog', but is 'somecrazymadeuptextdog'. This means that any readily available dictionary is useless, since the likelyhood of it containing the hash for that text is a lot less than the likelihood of it containing the hash for 'dog' This likelihood becomes even lower if the salt is a random alphanumeric string.
The site admin may not be the only person who gets access to your password. There is always the possibility of a dump of the whole database ending up on a public share by accident. In that case, everybody in the world who has internet access could download it and read the password which was so conveniently stored in cleartext.
Yes, this has happened. With credit card data, too.
Yes, it is highly probable that it will happen again.
"if someone unauthorized got into the database, isn't it too late to worry about passwords?"
You're assuming a poor database design in which the authorization data is comingled with application data.
The "Separation of Concerns" principle and the "Least Access" principle suggest that user credentials should be kept separate from everything else.
For example, keep your user credentials in an LDAP server.
Also, your question assumes that database credentials are the only credentials. Again, the least access principle suggests that you have application credentials which are separate from database credentials.
Your web application username and password is NOT the database username and password. Similarly for a desktop application. The application authentication may not necessarily be the database authentication.
Further, good security suggests that access to usernames and passwords be kept separate from application data. In a large organization with lots of database users, one admin should be "security officer" and handle authentication and authorization. No other users can modify authorization and the security officer is not authorized to access application data.
It's a quick audit to be sure that the security officer never accesses data. It's a little more complex, but another audit can be sure that the folks with data authorization are real people, not aliases for the security officer.
Hashed passwords is one part of a working security policy.
Of course, storing hashes of passwords instead of plain-text does not make your application secure. But it is one measure that increases the security. As you mentioned if your server is comprised this measure won't save you, but it limits the damage.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link
Hashing passwords is only strengthening one link of the chain. So you will have to do more than that.
In addition to what has already been said regarding salting, there's another problem salting solves :
If you use the same salt everywhere (or no salt at all), it's possible to say just by looking at the database that user foo and user bar both have the same password (even if you don't know what the password is).
Then, if one achieve to get foo's password (using social engineering for example), bar's password is known as well.
Also, if the salt is everywhere the same, one can build up a dictionary dedicated to this specific salt, and then run a brute-force attack using this 'salted' dictionary.
This may be a bit off topic, but once in a while, I notice some websites are not using hashing (for example, when I click the forgot password button, they send me my password in cleartext instead of allowing me to chose another one).
I usually just unsubscribe, because I don't think I can trust a website designed by people not taking the elementary precaution of hashing passwords.
That's one more reason for salting:)
People seem far too complacent about this! The threat isn't some guy with shell access to your system or to the backup media, it could be any script kiddie who can see the unprotected (but dynamic) part of your site(*) and a single overlooked SQL injection threat. One query and suddenly he can log in as any user, or even as an admin. Hashing the passwords make it far less likely that the attacker can log in as any particular user using their password -or- update a record with their own password.
(*) "unprotected" includes any part of the site that can be accessed as a self-registered user. Contrast this to a bank site, for instance, where you must have an existing bank account to gain access to much of the site. An attacker could still open a bank account to gain access to the site, but it would be far easier to send big guys with bigger guns after him when he tries to crack the system.
