SharePoint VS workflow emailing to a SharePoint group - sharepoint

I have a code activity that sends an email in a VS workflow. It simply sets the 'To' property to the name of a SharePoint group in the site collection. However, only the 1st person in the group gets emailed.
Any ideas why this is happening?

Does your group contain anything other than just users (ex: distribution lists, ad groups)?
If this is still a problem and you need to be able to send to a SharePoint group, I would recommend writing a custom workflow Action that would gather the emails of all the users in a specified group (you can find many tutorials online on how to make a custom action).

Turned out it was not even emailing the first user. I decided to extract the user emails programatically instead. Works fine.


Custom People Picker is not showing results from SharePoint Group, where users are added using the SPD workflow

I have a custom people picker that fetches users from a SharePoint Group, only when the users are added manually from the Group settings.
If i add the users via SPD Workflow, the people picker is failing to read the data.
Deleted the Users and tried the Workflow, it didnt work. Removed app step from workflow and tried, still no use.
Reference to add User to SPD Group using Workflow:
Expected: People Picker should show the users from the SPD Group
Actual: No Results found
It's probably because it's a workflow (if you're using 2010 give 2013 a try). Do you get the same issue when you use Flow? If you don't get the same issue I think you need to force a refresh via the workflow. Worst case scenario you can use REST to add the user to the group through the workflow and I would imagine that would force a refresh.

column level restriction in SharePoint workaround

So, I've been working in SharePoint, and I want to restrict access to a column in a list in SharePoint, but I found that is not supported.
I have a type of incident management, where you create an incident, and it gets prioritized and moved around using workflows, and what I want to do is have an administrator of some sorts approve the incident, before it gets prioritzed and stuff. So my idea was simple, just have a field called 'approved' and a choice of true/false, and restrict the access of the field to an admin.
Are there any known workarounds for this, or do you have an idea I could try to get some what the same result?
Create an InfoPath form for your list, then have the "Approved" option only visible to your administrators. You could hard code the administrators into the form, or configure the form to use a SharePoint permission group.

Sharepoint Requirement Login?

I am setting up a SharePoint Online instance and I have some requirements that I do not know how to implement.
These are some of the requirements:
When a user logs into SharePoint, the user should select a country and city. Depending on the selected country and city, the corresponding site and subsites should appear.
Create folders that users cannot delete.
I don't know what is the process to create the first point and the option to disable in the second, if some of you know a tutorial or maybe knows how to do it, I would really appreciate it.
(1) One approach is modifying the welcome page through SharePoint Designer to contain HTML selectors for country and city. Based on the selected country and city, you can then redirect to the proper site using JavaScript.
(2) Creating folders that users can't delete requires custom .NET code. You can't run custom .NET code directly in SharePoint Online. Depending on your requirements, you need to create the folders using a console application or a custom app part. The console app or the app part can create the folders and remove permissions on the folders.

MOSS 2007 - Should I create a custom workflow or not?

I have a scenario where I want a user when viewing a list item to be presented with a custom action to create a site. This is pretty similar to the scenario provided in the MOSS 2007 SharePoint Guidance. What makes it different is that I want the site created with the url and name taken from the list item, and then a web propertybag value set. The only user task after the site is created is for the site collection administrator to add some specific user rights to it.
I can do everything apart from prompting the user to set the site rights via the object model so should I use a workflow or just code it straight?
The benefits of a workflow would be the ability to track the task and whether it has been completed or needs escalation etc.
The answer to this question is going to be found from your own staff on how they want to manage the tasks. An email notification may suite them better. Check with them on whether the benefits of a workflow are going to be worth the development cost.

SharePoint FBA: Membership email vs. "People and Groups" email

I have a WSS 3.0 site with FBA and a custom user management web part. To track user email address, I have been using the Email property of the MembershipUser object. I just realized today that if you go into People and Groups and look at the email address for a user, the email address is blank, and can be edited there independent of the MembershipUser value. It seems that the alerts system uses the email address that is stored in People and Groups.
I have not gotten into recoding yet because I want to make sure I'm not missing anything first. I assume I could switch from MembershipUser.Email and story my information in SPUser.Email instead. But I seem to remember that on a different project I used MembershipUser.Email with no problems and the alerts went out fine (although that was MOSS).
So I guess I have two questions:
Is there a way to tell People and Groups or the Alerts system to use MembershipUser.Email?
Is it best practice to use SPUser.Email for email storage, rather than MembershipUser.Email?
This post goes in-depth in getting SharePoint to sync the user profiles in your FBA store by naming all properties sharepoint should know about in the web.config and create those properties in your ProfileProvider. Not sure if it is what you are looking for exactly though. FBA user profile mapping does not work as clean as AD user profile mapping does out of the box.
Also, check out the User Profile Import Tool on CodePlex. It's for MOSS but might provide some pointers.
