The meaning of ' in Haskell function name? - haskell

What is quote ' used for? I have read about curried functions and read two ways of defining the add function - curried and uncurried. The curried version...
myadd' :: Int -> Int -> Int
myadd' x y = x + y
...but it works equally well without the quote. So what is the point of the '?

The quote means nothing to Haskell. It is just part of the name of that function.
People tend to use this for "internal" functions. If you have a function that sums a list by using an accumulator argument, your sum function will take two args. This is ugly, so you make a sum' function of two args, and a sum function of one arg like sum list = sum' 0 list.
Edit, perhaps I should just show the code:
sum' s [] = s
sum' s (x:xs) = sum' (s + x) xs
sum xs = sum' 0 xs
You do this so that sum' is tail-recursive, and so that the "public API" is nice looking.

It is often pronounced "prime", so that would be "myadd prime". It is usually used to notate a next step in the computation, or an alternative.
So, you can say
add = blah
add' = different blah
f x =
let x' = subcomputation x
in blah.
It just a habit, like using int i as the index in a for loop for Java, C, etc.
Edit: This answer is hopefully more helpful now that I've added all the words, and code formatting. :) I keep on forgetting that this is not a WYSIWYG system!

There's no particular point to the ' character in this instance; it's just part of the identifier. In other words, myadd and myadd' are distinct, unrelated functions.
Conventionally though, the ' is used to denote some logical evaluation relationship. So, hypothetical function myadd and myadd' would be related such that myadd' could be derived from myadd. This is a convention derived from formal logic and proofs in academia (where Haskell has its roots). I should underscore that this is only a convention, Haskell does not enforce it.

quote ' is just another allowed character in Haskell names. It's often used to define variants of functions, in which case quote is pronounced 'prime'. Specifically, the Haskell libraries use quote-variants to show that the variant is strict. For example: foldl is lazy, foldl' is strict.
In this case, it looks like the quote is just used to separate the curried and uncurried variants.

As said by others, the ' does not hold any meaning for Haskell itself. It is just a character, like the a letter or a number.
The ' is used to denote alternative versions of a function (in the case of foldl and foldl') or helper functions. Sometimes, you'll even see several ' on a function name. Adding a ' to the end of a function name is just much more concise than writing someFunctionHelper and someFunctionStrict.
The origin of this notation is in mathematics and physics, where, if you have a function f(x), its derivate is often denoted as f'(x).


How to know the data type of a value of a sum type [duplicate]

What is pattern matching in Haskell and how is it related to guarded equations?
I've tried looking for a simple explanation, but I haven't found one.
Someone tagged as homework. I don't go to school anymore, I'm just learning Haskell and I'm trying to understand this concept. Pure out of interest.
In a nutshell, patterns are like defining piecewise functions in math. You can specify different function bodies for different arguments using patterns. When you call a function, the appropriate body is chosen by comparing the actual arguments with the various argument patterns. Read A Gentle Introduction to Haskell for more information.
with the equivalent Haskell:
fib 0 = 1
fib 1 = 1
fib n | n >= 2
= fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
Note the "n ≥ 2" in the piecewise function becomes a guard in the Haskell version, but the other two conditions are simply patterns. Patterns are conditions that test values and structure, such as x:xs, (x, y, z), or Just x. In a piecewise definition, conditions based on = or ∈ relations (basically, the conditions that say something "is" something else) become patterns. Guards allow for more general conditions. We could rewrite fib to use guards:
fib n | n == 0 = 1
| n == 1 = 1
| n >= 2 = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
There are other good answers, so I'm going to give you a very technical answer. Pattern matching is the elimination construct for algebraic data types:
"Elimination construct" means "how to consume or use a value"
"Algebraic data type", in addition to first-class functions, is the big idea in a statically typed functional language like Clean, F#, Haskell, or ML
The idea of algebraic data types is that you define a type of thing, and you say all the ways you can make that thing. As an example, let's define "Sequence of String" as an algebraic data type, with three ways to make it:
data StringSeq = Empty -- the empty sequence
| Cat StringSeq StringSeq -- two sequences in succession
| Single String -- a sequence holding a single element
Now, there are all sorts of things wrong with this definition, but as an example it's interesting because it provides constant-time concatenation of sequences of arbitrary length. (There are other ways to achieve this.) The declaration introduces Empty, Cat, and Single, which are all the ways there are of making sequences. (That makes each one an introduction construct—a way to make things.)
You can make an empty sequence without any other values.
To make a sequence with Cat, you need two other sequences.
To make a sequence with Single, you need an element (in this case a string)
Here comes the punch line: the elimination construct, pattern matching, gives you a way to scrutinize a sequence and ask it the question what constructor were you made with?. Because you have to be prepared for any answer, you provide at least one alternative for each constructor. Here's a length function:
slen :: StringSeq -> Int
slen s = case s of Empty -> 0
Cat s s' -> slen s + slen s'
Single _ -> 1
At the core of the language, all pattern matching is built on this case construct. However, because algebraic data types and pattern matching are so important to the idioms of the language, there's special "syntactic sugar" for doing pattern matching in the declaration form of a function definition:
slen Empty = 0
slen (Cat s s') = slen s + slen s'
slen (Single _) = 1
With this syntactic sugar, computation by pattern matching looks a lot like definition by equations. (The Haskell committee did this on purpose.) And as you can see in the other answers, it is possible to specialize either an equation or an alternative in a case expression by slapping a guard on it. I can't think of a plausible guard for the sequence example, and there are plenty of examples in the other answers, so I'll leave it there.
Pattern matching is, at least in Haskell, deeply tied to the concept of algebraic data types. When you declare a data type like this:
data SomeData = Foo Int Int
| Bar String
| Baz defines Foo, Bar, and Baz as constructors--not to be confused with "constructors" in OOP--that construct a SomeData value out of other values.
Pattern matching is nothing more than doing this in reverse--a pattern would "deconstruct" a SomeData value into its constituent pieces (in fact, I believe that pattern matching is the only way to extract values in Haskell).
When there are multiple constructors for a type, you write multiple versions of a function for each pattern, with the correct one being selected depending on which constructor was used (assuming you've written patterns to match all possible constructions--which it's generally good practice to do).
In a functional language, pattern matching involves checking an argument against different forms. A simple example involves recursively defined operations on lists. I will use OCaml to explain pattern matching since it's my functional language of choice, but the concepts are the same in F# and Haskell, AFAIK.
Here is the definition of a function to compute the length of a list lst. In OCaml, an ``a listis defined recursively as the empty list[], or the structureh::t, wherehis an element of typea(abeing any type we want, such as an integer or even another list),tis a list (hence the recursive definition), and::` is the cons operator, which creates a new list out of an element and a list.
So the function would look like this:
let rec len lst =
match lst with
[] -> 0
| h :: t -> 1 + len t
rec is a modifier that tells OCaml that a function will call itself recursively. Don't worry about that part. The match statement is what we're focusing on. OCaml will check lst against the two patterns - empty list, or h :: t - and return a different value based on that. Since we know every list will match one of these patterns, we can rest assured that our function will return safely.
Note that even though these two patterns will take care of all lists, you aren't limited to them. A pattern like h1 :: h2 :: t (matching all lists of length 2 or more) is also valid.
Of course, the use of patterns isn't restricted to recursively defined data structures, or recursive functions. Here is a (contrived) function to tell you whether a number is 1 or 2:
let is_one_or_two num =
match num with
1 -> true
| 2 -> true
| _ -> false
In this case, the forms of our pattern are the numbers themselves. _ is a special catch-all used as a default case, in case none of the above patterns match.
Pattern matching is one of those painful operations that is hard to get one's head around if you come from procedural programming background. I find it hard to get into because the same syntax used to create a data structure can be used for matching.
In F# you can use the cons operator :: to add an element to the beginning of a list like so:
let a = 1 :: [2;3]
//val a : int list = [1; 2; 3]
Similarly you can use the same operator to split the list up like so:
let a = [1;2;3];;
match a with
| [a;b] -> printfn "List contains 2 elements" //will match a list with 2 elements
| a::tail -> printfn "Head is %d" a //will match a list with 2 or more elements
| [] -> printfn "List is empty" //will match an empty list

Can any recursive definition be rewritten using foldr?

Say I have a general recursive definition in haskell like this:
foo a0 a1 ... = base_case
foo b0 b1 ...
| cond1 = recursive_case_1
| cond2 = recursive_case_2
Can it always rewritten using foldr? Can it be proved?
If we interpret your question literally, we can write const value foldr to achieve any value, as #DanielWagner pointed out in a comment.
A more interesting question is whether we can instead forbid general recursion from Haskell, and "recurse" only through the eliminators/catamorphisms associated to each user-defined data type, which are the natural generalization of foldr to inductively defined data types. This is, essentially, (higher-order) primitive recursion.
When this restriction is performed, we can only compose terminating functions (the eliminators) together. This means that we can no longer define non terminating functions.
As a first example, we lose the trivial recursion
f x = f x
-- or even
a = a
since, as said, the language becomes total.
More interestingly, the general fixed point operator is lost.
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = f (fix f)
A more intriguing question is: what about the total functions we can express in Haskell? We do lose all the non-total functions, but do we lose any of the total ones?
Computability theory states that, since the language becomes total (no more non termination), we lose expressiveness even on the total fragment.
The proof is a standard diagonalization argument. Fix any enumeration of programs in the total fragment so that we can speak of "the i-th program".
Then, let eval i x be the result of running the i-th program on the natural x as input (for simplicity, assume this is well typed, and that the result is a natural). Note that, since the language is total, then a result must exist. Moreover, eval can be implemented in the unrestricted Haskell language, since we can write an interpreter of Haskell in Haskell (left as an exercise :-P), and that would work as fine for the fragment. Then, we simply take
f n = succ $ eval n n
The above is a total function (a composition of total functions) which can be expressed in Haskell, but not in the fragment. Indeed, otherwise there would be a program to compute it, say the i-th program. In such case we would have
eval i x = f x
for all x. But then,
eval i i = f i = succ $ eval i i
which is impossible -- contradiction. QED.
In type theory, it is indeed the case that you can elaborate all definitions by dependent pattern-matching into ones only using eliminators (a more strongly-typed version of folds, the generalisation of lists' foldr).
See e.g. Eliminating Dependent Pattern Matching (pdf)

Why should I use case expressions if I can use "equations"?

I'm learning Haskell, from the book "Real World Haskell". In pages 66 and 67, they show the case expressions with this example:
fromMaybe defval wrapped =
case wrapped of
Nothing -> defval
Just value -> value
I remember a similar thing in F#, but (as shown earlier in the book) Haskell can define functions as series of equations; while AFAIK, F Sharp cannot. So I tried to define this in such a way:
fromMaybe2 defval Nothing = defval
fromMaybe2 defval (Just value) = value
I loaded it in GHCi and after a couple of results, I convinced myself it was the same However; this makes me wonder, why should there be case expressions when equations:
are more comprehensible (it's Mathematics; why use case something of, who says that?);
are less verbose (2 vs 4 lines);
require much less structuring and syntatic sugar (-> could be an operator, look what they've done!);
only use variables when needed (in basic cases, such as this wrapped just takes up space).
What's good about case expressions? Do they exist only because similar FP-based languages (such as F#) have them? Am I missing something?
I see from #freyrs's answer that the compiler makes these exactly the same. So, equations can always be turned into case expressions (as expected). My next question is the converse; can one go the opposite route of the compiler and use equations with let/where expressions to express any case expression?
This comes from a culture of having small "kernel" expression-oriented languages. Haskell grows from Lisp's roots (i.e. lambda calculus and combinatory logic); it's basically Lisp plus syntax plus explicit data type definitions plus pattern matching minus mutation plus lazy evaluation (lazy evaluation was itself first described in Lisp AFAIK; i.e. in the 70-s).
Lisp-like languages are expression-oriented, i.e. everything is an expression, and a language's semantics is given as a set of reduction rules, turning more complex expressions into simpler ones, and ultimately into "values".
Equations are not expressions. Several equations could be somehow mashed into one expression; you'd have to introduce some syntax for that; case is that syntax.
Rich syntax of Haskell gets translated into smaller "core" language, that has case as one of its basic building blocks. case has to be a basic construct, because pattern-matching in Haskell is made to be such a basic, core feature of the language.
To your new question, yes you can, by introducing auxiliary functions as Luis Casillas shows in his answer, or with the use of pattern guards, so his example becomes:
foo x y | (Meh o p) <- z = baz y p o
| (Gah t q) <- z = quux x t q
z = bar x
The two functions compile into exactly the same internal code in Haskell ( called Core ) which you can dump out by passing the flags -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-all to ghc.
It may look a bit intimidating with the variable names, but it's effectively just a explicitly typed version of the code you wrote above. The only difference is the variables names.
fromMaybe2 =
\ # t_aBC defval_aB6 ds_dCK ->
case ds_dCK of _ {
Nothing -> (defval_aB6) defval_aB6;
Just value_aB8 -> (value_aB8) value_aB8
fromMaybe =
\ # t_aBJ defval_aB3 wrapped_aB4 ->
case wrapped_aB4 of _ {
Nothing -> (defval_aB3) defval_aB3;
Just value_aB5 -> (value_aB5) value_aB5
The paper "A History of Haskell: Being Lazy with Class" (PDF) provides some useful perspective on this question. Section 4.4 ("Declaration style vs. expression style," p.13) is about this topic. The money quote:
[W]e engaged in furious debate about which style was “better.” An underlying assumption was that if possible there should be “just one way to do something,” so that, for example, having both let and where would be redundant and confusing. [...] In the end, we abandoned the underlying assumption, and provided full syntactic support for both styles.
Basically they couldn't agree on one so they threw both in. (Note that quote is explicitly about let and where, but they treat both that choice and the case vs. equations choice as two manifestations of the same basic choice—what they call "declaration style" vs. "expression style.")
In modern practice, the declaration style (your "series of equations") has become the more common one. case is often seen in this situation, where you need to match on a value that is computed from one of the arguments:
foo x y = case bar x of
Meh o p -> baz y p o
Gah t q -> quux x t q
You can always rewrite this to use an auxiliary function:
foo x y = go (bar x)
where go (Meh o p) = baz y p o
go (Gah t q) = quux x t q
This has the very minor disadvantage that you need to name your auxiliary function—but go is normally a perfectly fine name in this situation.
Case expression can be used anywhere an expression is expected, while equations can't. Example:
1 + (case even 9 of True -> 2; _ -> 3)
You can even nest case expression, and I've seen code that does that. However I tend to stay away from case expressions, and try to solve the problem with equations, even if I have to introduce a local function using where/let.
Every definition using equations is equivalent to one using case. For instance
negate True = False
negate False = True
stands for
negate x = case x of
True -> False
False -> True
That is to say, these are two ways of expressing the same thing, and the former is translated to the latter by GHC.
From the Haskell code that I've read, it seems canonical to use the first style wherever possible.
See section of the Haskell '98 report.
The answer to your added question is yes, but it's pretty ugly.
case exp of
pat1 -> e1
pat2 -> e2
can, I believe, be emulated by
f pat1 = e1
f pat2 = e2
in f exp
as long as f is not free in exp, e1, e2, etc. But you shouldn't do that because it's horrible.

Need help understanding (\x -> ) in Haskell

On ZVON, one of the definitions provided for the takeWhile function is
Input: takeWhile (\x -> 6*x < 100) [1..20]
Output: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16]
Can someone explain what the portion (\x -> 6*x < 100) means?
It's an anonymous function definition, otherwise known as a lambda-expression. (\x -> 6*x < 100) is a function which takes a number, and returns the boolean result of the inequality.
Since functional languages like Haskell frequently take functions as arguments, it is convenient to be able to define simple functions in-line, without needing to assign them a name.
Originally, the story goes, Alonzo Church wanted to mark variables in functional expressions with a circumflex, like e.g. (ŷ.x(yz)) but the Princeton printing press just couldn't do that at the time. He then wanted at least to print carets before the vars, like this: (^y.x(yz)), but they couldn't do that either.
The next best option was to use the Greek letter lambda instead, and so they ended up writing (λy.x(yz)) etc., hence the "lambda" in lambda-expression. It was all just a typographical accident.
Today on ASCII terminals we can't even use the letter λ, and so in Haskell we use a backslash instead (and an arrow in place of a dot in original lambda-expressions notation):
(\y -> x (y z))
stands for a function g such that
g y = x (y z)
Source: read it somewhere, don't remember where.
(\x -> 6*x < 100) is a lambda, an anonymous function that takes one argument (here called x) and computes & returns 6*x < 100, i.e., tests whether that number multiplied by 6 is less than 100.
It is a lambda function, that is, a function that you define in the spot mostly for convenience. You read it as "take x as your input, multiply it by 6 and see if it is less than 100". There are some other amenities related, though. For example, in Haskell Lambda functions and ordinary functions have a lexical environment associated and are properly speaking closures, so that they can perform computations using the environment as input.

Practical use of curried functions?

There are tons of tutorials on how to curry functions, and as many questions here at stackoverflow. However, after reading The Little Schemer, several books, tutorials, blog posts, and stackoverflow threads I still don't know the answer to the simple question: "What's the point of currying?" I do understand how to curry a function, just not the "why?" behind it.
Could someone please explain to me the practical uses of curried functions (outside of languages that only allow one argument per function, where the necessity of using currying is of course quite evident.)
edit: Taking into account some examples from TLS, what's the benefit of
(define (action kind)
(lambda (a b)
(kind a b)))
as opposed to
(define (action kind a b)
(kind a b))
I can only see more code and no added flexibility...
One effective use of curried functions is decreasing of amount of code.
Consider three functions, two of which are almost identical:
(define (add a b)
(action + a b))
(define (mul a b)
(action * a b))
(define (action kind a b)
(kind a b))
If your code invokes add, it in turn calls action with kind +. The same with mul.
You defined these functions like you would do in many imperative popular languages available (some of them have been including lambdas, currying and other features usually found in functional world, because all of it is terribly handy).
All add and sum do, is wrapping the call to action with the appropriate kind. Now, consider curried definitions of these functions:
(define add-curried
((curry action) +))
(define mul-curried
((curry action) *))
They've become considerable shorter. We just curried the function action by passing it only one argument, the kind, and got the curried function which accepts the rest two arguments.
This approach allows you to write less code, with high level of maintainability.
Just imagine that function action would immediately be rewritten to accept 3 more arguments. Without currying you would have to rewrite your implementations of add and mul:
(define (action kind a b c d e)
(kind a b c d e))
(define (add a b c d e)
(action + a b c d e))
(define (mul a b c d e)
(action * a b c d e))
But currying saved you from that nasty and error-prone work; you don't have to rewrite even a symbol in the functions add-curried and mul-curried at all, because the calling function would provide the necessary amount of arguments passed to action.
They can make code easier to read. Consider the following two Haskell snippets:
lengths :: [[a]] -> [Int]
lengths xs = map length xs
lengths' :: [[a]] -> [Int]
lengths' = map length
Why give a name to a variable you're not going to use?
Curried functions also help in situations like this:
doubleAndSum ys = map (\xs -> sum (map (*2) xs) ys
doubleAndSum' = map (sum . map (*2))
Removing those extra variables makes the code easier to read and there's no need for you to mentally keep clear what xs is and what ys is.
You can see currying as a specialization. Pick some defaults and leave the user (maybe yourself) with a specialized, more expressive, function.
I think that currying is a traditional way to handle general n-ary functions provided that the only ones you can define are unary.
For example, in lambda calculus (from which functional programming languages stem), there are only one-variable abstractions (which translates to unary functions in FPLs). Regarding lambda calculus, I think it's easier to prove things about such a formalism since you don't actually need to handle the case of n-ary functions (since you can represent any n-ary function with a number of unary ones through currying).
(Others have already covered some of the practical implications of this decision so I'll stop here.)
Using all :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool with a curried predicate.
all (`elem` [1,2,3]) [0,3,4,5]
Haskell infix operators can be curried on either side, so you can easily curry the needle or the container side of the elem function (is-element-of).
We cannot directly compose functions that takes multiple parameters. Since function composition is one of the key concept in functional programming. By using Currying technique we can compose functions that takes multiple parameters.
I would like to add example to #Francesco answer.
So you don't have to increase boilerplate with a little lambda.
It is very easy to create closures. From time to time i use SRFI-26. It is really cute.
In and of itself currying is syntactic sugar. Syntactic sugar is all about what you want to make easy. C for example wants to make instructions that are "cheap" in assembly language like incrementing, easy and so they have syntactic sugar for incrementation, the ++ notation.
t = x + y
x = x + 1
is replaced by t = x++ + y
Functional languages could just as easily have stuff like.
f(x,y,z) = abc
g(r,s)(z) = f(r,s,z).
h(r)(s)(z) = f(r,s,z)
but instead its all automatic. And that allows for a g bound by a particular r0, s0 (i.e. specific values) to be passed as a one variable function.
Take for example perl's sort function which takes
sort sub list
where sub is a function of two variables that evaluates to a boolean and
list is an arbitrary list.
You would naturally want to use comparison operators (<=>) in Perl and have
sortordinal = sort (<=>)
where sortordinal works on lists. To do this you would sort to be a curried function.
And in fact
sort of a list is defined in precisely this way in Perl.
In short: currying is sugar to make first class functions more natural.
