Haskell: Overlapping instances - haskell

Consider the following example program:
next :: Int -> Int
next i
| 0 == m2 = d2
| otherwise = 3 * i + 1
(d2, m2) = i `divMod` 2
loopIteration :: MaybeT (StateT Int IO) ()
loopIteration = do
i <- get
guard $ i > 1
liftIO $ print i
modify next
main :: IO ()
main = do
(`runStateT` 31) . runMaybeT . forever $ loopIteration
return ()
It can only use get instead of lift get because instance MonadState s m => MonadState s (MaybeT m) is defined in the MaybeT module.
Many such instances are defined in kind of a combinatoric explosion manner.
It would have been nice (although impossible? why?) if we had the following type-class:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
class SuperMonad m s where
lifts :: m a -> s a
Let's try to define it as such:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, ... #-}
instance SuperMonad a a where
lifts = id
instance (SuperMonad a b, MonadTrans t, Monad b) => SuperMonad a (t b) where
lifts = lift . lifts
Using lifts $ print i instead of liftIO $ print i works, which is nice.
But using lifts (get :: StateT Int IO Int) instead of (get :: MaybeT (StateT Int IO) Int) doesn't work.
GHC (6.10.3) gives the following error:
Overlapping instances for SuperMonad
(StateT Int IO) (StateT Int IO)
arising from a use of `lifts'
Matching instances:
instance SuperMonad a a
instance (SuperMonad a b, MonadTrans t, Monad b) =>
SuperMonad a (t b)
In a stmt of a 'do' expression:
i <- lifts (get :: StateT Int IO Int)
I can see why "instance SuperMonad a a" applies. But why does GHC think that the other one does, too?

To follow up ephemient's excellent answer: Haskell type classes use an open-world assumption: some idiot can come along later and add an instance declaration that's not a duplicate and yet overlaps with your instance. Think of it as an adversary game: if an adversary can make your program ambiguous, the compiler bleats.
If you're using GHC you can of course say to the compiler "to hell with your paranoia; allow me my ambiguous instance declaration":
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
If later evolution of your program leads to overload resolution you didn't expect, the compiler gets 1,000 I-told-you-so points :-)
Deprecation Note
This pragma has been deprecated since GHC 7.10, and per-instance pragmas should be used instead. More detail can be found in the GHC documentation.

Just because you haven't defined an instance in your current module doesn't mean that one couldn't be defined somewhere else.
{-# LANGUAGE ... #-}
module SomeOtherModule where
-- no practical implementation, but the instance could still be declared
instance SuperMonad (StateT s m) m
Suppose your module and SomeOtherModule are linked together in a single program.
Now, answer this: does your code use
instance SuperMonad a a
-- with a = StateT Int IO
instance (SuperMonad a b, MonadTrans t, Monad b) => SuperMonad a (t b)
-- with a = StateT Int IO
-- t = StateT Int
-- b = IO

When you have overlapping instances try to attach their behaviour to newtypes:
type SuperEgo :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)
newtype SuperEgo m a = SuperEgo (m a)
type Elevator :: (k -> k1 -> Type) -> (k -> k1 -> Type)
newtype Elevator trans m a = Elevator (trans m a)
instance SuperMonad m (SuperEgo m) where
lifts :: m ~> SuperEgo m
lifts = SuperEgo
instance (SuperMonad m super, Monad super, MonadTrans trans) => SuperMonad m (Elevator trans super) where
lifts :: m ~> Elevator trans super
lifts = Elevator . lift . lifts
Monads can now derive via SuperEgo M to get an identity instances
{-# Language DerivingVia #-}
data Ok a = Ok a
deriving (SuperMonad Ok)
via SuperEgo Ok
It's more of a hassle to define a monad transformer so I'll show how to define a lifting instance for an existing Monad transformers like StateT s. This uses standalone deriving which is more verbose, you need to fill in the class context yourself:
via Elevator (StateT s) super
instance (Monad super, SuperMonad m super) => SuperMonad m (StateT s super)


Can the type of this function be declared in standard Haskell

The following program compiles under GHC 8.0.2 with no language extensions, and produces the expected two lines of output.
However, it does not compile if the (non-top-level) type declaration for the value write' is removed.
Also, I cannot find any (top-level) type declaration for the function write.
I find this rather odd. If this is acceptable standard Haskell, surely it should be possible to create a type declaration for the function write.
So my question is: is there such a type declaration?
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT, runMaybeT)
import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadTrans, Writer, lift, runWriter, tell, when)
import ListT (ListT, toList) -- Volkov's list-t package
logging = True
write x = when logging write' where
write' :: MonadTrans m => m (Writer [String]) ()
write' = lift $ tell [x]
f :: ListT (Writer [String]) String
f = do
write "Hello from f"
return "ABC"
g :: MaybeT (Writer [String]) Int
g = do
write "Hello from g"
return 123
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ runWriter $ toList f
print $ runWriter $ runMaybeT g
Using GHCi (remember to put this into a separate file and load it on GHCi's command line lest you get confused by GHCi's altered typing rules):
> :t write
write :: (Applicative (m (Writer [String])), MonadTrans m) =>
String -> m (Writer [String]) ()
Why? Well,
write' :: MonadTrans m => m (Writer [String]) ()
when :: Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
when logging :: Applicative f => f () -> f ()
so, when logging write' must unify write''s m (Writer [String]) with when loggings's f, causing the combined constraint (Applicative (m (Writer [String])), MonadTrans m). But wait, let's remove the type signatures and see what the most general type is:
-- equivalent but slightly easier to talk about
write = when logging . lift . tell . (:[])
(:[]) :: a -> [a]
tell :: MonadWriter w m -> w -> m ()
lift :: (Monad m, MonadTrans t) => m a -> t m a
tell . (:[]) :: MonadWriter [a] m => a -> m ()
lift . tell . (:[]) :: (MonadWriter [a] m, MonadTrans t) => a -> t m ()
when logging . lift . tell . (:[]) = write
:: (Applicative (t m), MonadWriter [a] m, MonadTrans t) => a -> t m ()
-- GHCi agrees
Per se, there's nothing wrong with this type. However, standard Haskell does not allow this. In standard Haskell, a constraint must be of the form C v or C (v t1 t2 ...) where v is a type variable. In the compiling case, this holds: the Applicative constraint has the type variable m on the outside, and the MonadTrans is just m. This is true in the non-compiling version, too, but we also have the constraint MonadWriter ([] a) m. [] is no type variable, so the type here is rejected. This constraint arises in the compiling version, too, but the type signatures nail the variables down to produce MonadWriter [String] (Writer [String]), which is immediately satisfied and does not need to appear in the context of write.
The restriction is lifted by enabling FlexibleContexts (preferably via a {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} pragma, but also maybe by -XFlexibleContexts). It originally existed to prevent things such as the following:
class C a where c :: a -> a
-- no instance C Int
foo :: C Int => Int
foo = c (5 :: Int)
-- with NoFlexibleContexts: foo's definition is in error
-- with FlexibleContexts: foo is fine; all usages of foo are in error for
-- not providing C Int. This might obscure the source of the problem.
-- slightly more insiduous
data Odd a = Odd a
-- no Eq (Odd a)
oddly (Odd 0) (Odd 0) = False
oddly l r = l == r
-- oddly :: (Num a, Eq (Odd a), Eq a) => Odd a -> Odd a -> Bool
-- Now the weird type is inferred! With FlexibleContexts,
-- the weird constraint can propagate quite far, causing errors in distant
-- places. This is confusing. NoFlexibleContexts places oddly in the spotlight.
But it happens to get in the way a lot when you have MultiParamTypeClasses on.

Zoom instance over Free Monad

I'm attempting to build a free monad (using free) which acts just like a StateT monad, but which allows you to also run monads over a base state AppState. I have a separate constructor LiftAction which holds those types. The idea is that you keep zooming Actions down until they reach AppState, which can store different states inside its extension map.
Here was my earlier (failed) attempt using mtl: Lift through nested state transformers (mtl)
Anyways, since it's basically a wrapper over StateT I've given it a MonadState instance, but now I'm working on adding the ability to zoom the monad's state using the lens library; I'm getting some weird compiler errors I'm having trouble understanding (the lens errors aren't usually terribly user friendly).
Here's my code and initial attempt:
{-# language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# language DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language RankNTypes #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# language UndecidableInstances #-}
module Eve.Internal.AppF
( Action(..)
, App
, AppState(..)
, liftAction
, execApp
) where
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Lens
type App a = Action AppState a
data AppState = AppState
{ baseExts :: Int -- Assume this actually contains many nested states which we can zoom
data ActionF s next =
LiftAction (Action AppState next)
| LiftIO (IO next)
| StateAction (StateT s IO next)
deriving Functor
newtype Action s a = Action
{ getAction :: Free (ActionF s) a
} deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
liftActionF :: ActionF s next -> Action s next
liftActionF = Action . liftF
instance MonadState s (Action s) where
state = liftActionF . StateAction . state
liftAction :: Action AppState a -> Action s a
liftAction = liftActionF . LiftAction
execApp :: Action AppState a -> StateT AppState IO a
execApp (Action actionF) = foldFree toState actionF
toState (LiftAction act) = execApp act
toState (LiftIO io) = liftIO io
toState (StateAction st) = st
type instance Zoomed (Action s) = Zoomed (StateT s IO)
instance Zoom (Action s) (Action t) s t where
zoom l (Action actionF) = Action $ hoistFree (zoomActionF l) actionF
zoomActionF _ (LiftAction act) = LiftAction act
zoomActionF _ (LiftIO io) = LiftIO io
zoomActionF lns (StateAction act) = StateAction $ zoom lns act
I'm getting the error:
/Users/chris/dev/eve/src/Eve/Internal/AppF.hs:53:65: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘c’
‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
a type expected by the context:
forall a. ActionF s a -> ActionF t a
at /Users/chris/dev/eve/src/Eve/Internal/AppF.hs:53:42
‘c’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
zoom :: forall c.
LensLike' (Zoomed (Action s) c) t s -> Action s c -> Action t c
at /Users/chris/dev/eve/src/Eve/Internal/AppF.hs:53:7
Expected type: LensLike'
(Control.Lens.Internal.Zoom.Focusing IO a) t s
Actual type: LensLike' (Zoomed (Action s) c) t s
• In the first argument of ‘zoomActionF’, namely ‘l’
In the first argument of ‘hoistFree’, namely ‘(zoomActionF l)’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
‘hoistFree (zoomActionF l) actionF’
• Relevant bindings include
actionF :: Free (ActionF s) c
(bound at /Users/chris/dev/eve/src/Eve/Internal/AppF.hs:53:22)
l :: LensLike' (Zoomed (Action s) c) t s
(bound at /Users/chris/dev/eve/src/Eve/Internal/AppF.hs:53:12)
zoom :: LensLike' (Zoomed (Action s) c) t s
-> Action s c -> Action t c
(bound at /Users/chris/dev/eve/src/Eve/Internal/AppF.hs:53:7)
So far as I can tell it's getting confused because the StateT is embedded in the Free constructor and it loses track of the type of a.
I previously had a working version by defining my own zoom function which zoomed the underlying StateT given a 'Lens', but the trick is that I'd like this to also work with Traversal's, so the cleanest way would be to write the zoom instance.
Anyone have an idea of how to get this to compile? Thanks in advance!! If at all possible please try compiling your answers before posting, thanks!
While I couldn't ever get the previous to compile, I came up with an acceptable solution using FreeT as a wrapper around the State monad which simply defers the zooming of the lifted values till later, unfortunately I needed to manually implement MonadTrans and MonadFree as a result, which wasn't terribly easy to figure out. Also interpreting FreeT is a bit tricky without too many good tutorials out there except a (slightly out of date) guide by Gabriel Gonzalez.
Here's what I ended up with
{-# language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# language DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language RankNTypes #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# language UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Eve.Internal.Actions
( AppF(..)
, ActionT(..)
, AppT
, execApp
, liftAction
) where
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
import Control.Lens
-- | An 'App' has the same base and zoomed values.
type AppT s m a = ActionT s s m a
-- | A Free Functor for storing lifted App actions.
newtype AppF base m next = LiftAction (StateT base m next)
deriving (Functor, Applicative)
-- | Base Action type. Allows paramaterization over application state,
-- zoomed state and underlying monad.
newtype ActionT base zoomed m a = ActionT
{ getAction :: FreeT (AppF base m) (StateT zoomed m) a
} deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadState zoomed)
instance Monad n => MonadFree (AppF base n) (ActionT base zoomed n) where
wrap (LiftAction act) = join . ActionT . liftF . LiftAction $ act
instance MonadTrans (ActionT base zoomed) where
lift = ActionT . lift . lift
-- | Helper method to run FreeTs.
unLift :: Monad m => FreeT (AppF base m) (StateT base m) a -> StateT base m a
unLift m = do
step <- runFreeT m
case step of
Pure a -> return a
Free (LiftAction next) -> next >>= unLift
-- | Allows 'zoom'ing 'Action's.
type instance Zoomed (ActionT base zoomed m) =
Zoomed (FreeT (AppF base m) (StateT zoomed m))
instance Monad m => Zoom (ActionT base s m) (ActionT base t m) s t where
zoom l (ActionT action) = ActionT $ zoom l action
-- | Given a 'Lens' or 'Traversal' or something similar from "Control.Lens"
-- which focuses the state (t) of an 'Action' from a base state (s),
-- this will convert #Action t a -> Action s a#.
-- Given a lens #HasStates s => Lens' s t# it can also convert
-- #Action t a -> App a#
runAction :: Zoom m n s t => LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
runAction = zoom
-- | Allows you to run an 'App' or 'AppM' inside of an 'Action' or 'ActionM'
liftAction :: Monad m => AppT base m a -> ActionT base zoomed m a
liftAction = liftF . LiftAction . unLift . getAction
-- | Runs an application and returns the value and state.
runApp :: Monad m => base -> AppT base m a -> m (a, base)
runApp baseState = flip runStateT baseState . unLift . getAction
-- | Runs an application and returns the resulting state.
execApp :: Monad m => base -> AppT base m a -> m base
execApp baseState = fmap snd . runApp baseState

Getting confused with complex Haskell typeclass declarations

I have a type alias for a monad transformer stack:
type KStat s a = ReaderT (KStatRoot s) (ExceptT KindError (ST s)) a
I need to abstract users away from this type, largely because the KStatRoot structure was causing cyclic dependencies. I therefore created a separate module and defined a typeclass for it:
class (Monad (m s), MonadError KindError (m s)) =>
MStat m s where
liftToST :: ST s a -> m s a
kstatNewRef :: a -> m s (STRef s a)
kstatReadRef :: STRef s a -> m s a
kstatWriteRef :: STRef s a -> a -> m s ()
This definition compiles OK (albeit needing {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses,FlexibleContexts #-} to work, but I can see why both of those are required), and I've been able to convert some use sites to the typeclass and have them type check, so everything seems OK there. But I'm struggling to work out how to define my instance for the class:
instance MStat (KStat s a) s where
liftToST = lift . lift
kstatNewRef = liftToST . newSTRef
kstatReadRef = liftToST . readSTRef
kstatWriteRef r v = liftToST $ writeSTRef r v
gives me the error:
The first argument of ‘MStat’ should have kind ‘* -> * -> *’,
but ‘KStat s a’ has kind ‘*’
In the instance declaration for ‘MStat (KStat s a) s’
which kind of makes sense, but then if I change KStat s a to KStat in the instance header I get this error:
Type synonym ‘KStat’ should have 2 arguments, but has been given none
In the instance declaration for ‘MStat KStat s’
which seems to basically saying the exact opposite.
I'm using these language extensions in the module I declare the instance:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
How do I resolve these errors?
Complete file demonstrating the errors follows:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleContexts,
FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.STRef
data KStatRoot s = KStatRoot
data KindError
class (Monad (m s), MonadError KindError (m s)) =>
MStat m s where
liftToST :: ST s a -> m s a
kstatNewRef :: a -> m s (STRef s a)
kstatReadRef :: STRef s a -> m s a
kstatWriteRef :: STRef s a -> a -> m s ()
type KStat s a = ReaderT (KStatRoot s) (ExceptT KindError (ST s)) a
instance MStat (KStat s m) s where
liftToST = lift . lift
kstatNewRef = liftToST . newSTRef
kstatReadRef = liftToST . readSTRef
kstatWriteRef r v = liftToST $ writeSTRef r v
The first error is "correct" (you need to use a type of two arguments in the instance declaration), and your attempted fix makes sense.
However, a type synonym doesn't really exist without its arguments. That is, after
type Foo a = ...
you can't use Foo by itself. Foo has to be applied to an argument in order to be processed by the type checker. This is the cause of your second error.
The only workaround I see is changing KStat to a newtype:
newtype KStat s a = KStat{ runKStat :: ReaderT (KStatRoot s) (ExceptT KindError (ST s)) a }
That will let you use KStat without arguments. You'll just have to add explicit runKStat/KStat conversions everywhere.

Why does this code require the Monad constraint?

While building a monad stack with monad transformers to write a library, I hit a question about the behavior of it.
The following code won't pass the type checker:
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Foo (FooM, runFooM, foo) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Reader
newtype FooM m a = FooM { runFooM :: ReaderT Int m a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader Int)
foo :: FooM m Int
foo = do
x <- ask
return x
The error is:
$ ghc foo.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Foo ( foo.hs, foo.o )
No instance for (Monad m) arising from a do statement
Possible fix:
add (Monad m) to the context of
the type signature for foo :: FooM m Int
In a stmt of a 'do' block: x <- ask
In the expression:
do { x <- ask;
return x }
In an equation for ‘foo’:
= do { x <- ask;
return x }
The fix is easy as GHC suggests, just adds Monad constraint to the foo function:
foo :: Monad m => FooM m Int
foo = do
x <- ask
return x
But here, the foo function only asks the FooM value to give its Int value and it is already an (automatically derived) MonadReader instance.
So I think Monad constraint is not required to m.
I guess this relates to the implementation of the monad transformers (I use mlt==2.2.1),
but I cannot figure out the exact reason.
I may miss something obvious though.
Could you explain why this doesn't pass the checker?
It's because the Monad instance for ReaderT is defined as
instance Monad m => Monad (ReaderT r m)
i.e. the type ReaderT r m is an instance of Monad only if the inne rm is an instance of Monad. That's why you cannot have an unconstrained m when using the Monad instance of ReaderT (which your FooM type is using via the deriving mechanism).
returns type is Monad m => a -> m a, hence the need for the constraint.
By the monad laws, foo ≡ ask, which will indeed work without the Monad constraint. But if you don't require Monad, then GHC can hardly make simplifications based on these laws, can it? Certainly not before type checking the code. And what you wrote is syntactic sugar for
foo = ask >>= \x -> return x
which requires both (>>=) :: Monad (FooM m) => FooM m Int -> (Int->FooM m Int) -> FooM m Int and return :: Monad (FooM m) => Int->FooM m Int.
Again, the >>= return does nothing whatsoever for a correct monad, but for a non-monad it isn't even defined and can thus not just be ignored.

GHC type inference woes

Question. Is there any way to make this code work without an explicit type signature?
Code. First, I have a in-practice-much-nicer alternate MonadTrans class, inspired by Data.Newtype. It looks like this,
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies #-}
module Alt.Control.Monad.Trans where
import Control.Monad
class (Monad 𝔪, Monad (BaseMonad 𝔪)) => MonadTrans (𝔪 :: * -> *) where
type BaseMonad 𝔪 :: * -> *
lift :: (BaseMonad 𝔪) α -> 𝔪 α
Then, I have a class A with method foo, and if some base monad M is an A, then any transformed monad T M is also an A. In code,
class A 𝔪 where
foo :: String -> 𝔪 ()
instance (A (BaseMonad 𝔪), MonadTrans 𝔪) => A 𝔪 where
foo n = lift $ foo n
However, if I now want to create a shortcut for foo with its first argument substituted, then I need an explicit type signature, or the compiler's context stack overflows.
minimize_call :: A 𝔪 => 𝔪 ()
minimize_call = foo "minimize"
Possible info to help inference. Let's say we have an associated type B :: * -> *. I'm thinking that I want to tell the compiler B satisfies B t /= t, B (B t) /= B t, etc. i.e. B is somehow "monotonic" -- that chasing associated types is equivalent to removing newtype wrappers, and it should know that it cannot remove newtype wrappers forever, hence adding the context A to the signature is necessary.
Yes, there is a way. Provide a grounded instance for A, and add NoMonomorphismRestriction to the language pragma (in addition to the also required FlexibleInstances and UndecidableInstances).
However, the A class will be unusable. There is no way for the compiler to know that there never will be a MonadTrans instance with BaseMonad m = m. Thus it cannot select an instance, ever, because it cannot know whether to use the instance from here or another one.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module Trans (MonadTrans(..), A(..), minimize_call) where
import Control.Monad
class (Monad m, Monad (BaseMonad m)) => MonadTrans (m :: * -> *) where
type BaseMonad m :: * -> *
lift :: (BaseMonad m) α -> m α
class A m where
foo :: String -> m ()
data Foo a = Bork
instance Monad Foo where
return _ = Bork
_ >>= _ = Bork
instance A Foo where
foo _ = Bork
instance (A (BaseMonad m), MonadTrans m) => A m where
foo n = lift $ foo n
-- minimize_call :: A m => m ()
minimize_call = foo "minimize"
compiles with ghc 6.12, 7.0, 7.2 and 7.4. Without the signature, minimize_call must get a monomorphic type, unless the MR is turned off. That can't work anyway because the constraint A m is not defaultable. So therefore the MR must be turned off. But then the type checker still chases its own tail trying to prove the constraint is satisfiable. With only the lifting instance, it can't. If you provide an anchor, it can.
But providing a type signature is much much better.
