How do I pass a string as a function argument in MATLAB? - string

Basically, I have 10 data files and I wrote a MATLAB function to process these data.
The code is like this:
function Z = fitdata(file_path)
A = importdata(file_path,',');
Since I don't want to input the same command 10 times (for different file names), I wrote another script to automate this processing. The code looks like this:
function X = automate()
myarray = {'file_one', 'file_two', 'file_three',......,'file_ten'};
for i = 1:9
mypath = myarray{i};
W = fitdata(mypath);
But I'm getting the error "Too many input arguments" at the call to the fitdata(file_path) function.
How should I do this?

EDIT: Since the suggestions below didn't solve the problem, and since there doesn't appear to be anything else wrong with the code you posted, I would next check to make sure the version of fitdata given above is the only function of that name on the MATLAB path. You may have inadvertently created another function or script and saved it as fitdata.m, and this may be getting called instead of the version you created above.
Previous answer:
I think you mean to use the IMPORTDATA function instead of IMPORT, which is the likely source of the error you are getting.
One additional piece of advice: it's best not to name one of your variables path, since there is already a function PATH. The variable will end up being used instead of the function (based on the MATLAB precedence rules), which will still be what you want to happen in this specific case but is a source of confusion and error in other cases.


Excel VBA objsnmp.set strange things

I use the objSNMP.get method in Excel VBA without any problems.
I'd like to use the objSNMP.set method, but unfortunately it's not that easy. According to the website, it should work similarly to get, with the difference that there is one more parameter: the value to be sent.
If I try the official way:
objSNMP.Set ("", OIDValue)
I get the message "Compile error: Syntax error".
I found another solution that works conditionally. Namely as follows (it can be seen commented out in the picture):
randomVarName = objSNMP.Set("OID", Value)
For example:
temp = objSNMP.Set("." & PortNum, 21)
In this case, the code runs without error. This is interesting because I haven't found any official information about this anywhere. Somewhere deep in the recesses of the internet, I only found this possible solution some time ago.
If, on the other hand, I do not enter the value directly, but write the name of a variable there (e.g. VLANNum),
temp = objSNMP.Set("." & PortNum, VLANNum)
I receive an error message. Image2
It doesn't matter if the type of the variable is not declared, string or integer. I also tried several different cell types in Excel, but nothing changed.
The error message is:
Run-time error '-2147467259 (80004005)':
The requested SNMP operation attempted to modify a variable, but
either a syntax or value error occurred.
Based on the above, I cannot insert the value read from the excel table at the end of the "objSNMP.Set" method in such a way that it can send the value. I could only solve the task if I create 4094 different "objSNMP.Set" lines and select what is necessary from among them. Not very efficient.
I have the solution. The value transferred with the variable works in the following form:
objSNMP.Set ".", CInt(x)
Where x is the variable.

Read statement in fortran

I am trying to understand a small read function in my program I am trying to decipher.The code is below
DO L = 1, 4
READ (LREST, END=350, ERR=350)
So basically LREST is some kind of an argument provided for this subroutine this function is in. However, I found that LREST is not defined anywhere(used grep to see where LREST is defined in my *.f files. So my questions is what is that LREST doing there in READ function. I thought the location LREST is at is where the unit is defined.
Second questions is that ICHR is a 16 character string variable define for this subroutine. However, the contents of ICHR have not been assigned. I have no idea what this READ function is trying to read from.
Going over to IF statement, ICKLNK is another 16 character string variable with a defined strings. Because ICHR is not defined, does that mean this if statement never gets entered in?
Finally, the do loop( or for loop) has variable L in it but it is not even being used for read function inside of the loop.
Im a beginning in fortran so I may just be lacking a very basic knowledge but if you know an answer to my question please let me know. Thanks!
You are correct that LREST is specifying the unit number (or internal file if it is character). You seem to suggest that LREST is an argument in this subroutine or function, which means its value is passed in by whoever calls the function. Showing us only a small piece of the code makes it hard to provide further details.
Again, you say ICHR is an argument to the procedure, so it takes on the value of whatever was passed in by the call. ICLNK is probably similar, but you didn't show all the code.
The DO (not for) loop is using L just as a counter; it doesn't need to be referenced inside the loop.

Executing functions stored in a string

Lets say that there is a function in my Delphi app:
and there is a string which has MsgBox in it.
I know what most of you are going to say is that its possible, but I think it is possible because I opened the compiled exe(compiled using delphi XE2) using a Resource Editor, and that resource editor was built for Delphi. In that, I could see most of the code I wrote, as I wrote it. So since the variables names, function names etc aren't changed during compile, there should a way to execute the functions from a string, but how? Any help will be appreciated.
What I want to do is to create a simple interpreter/scripting engine. And this is how its supposed to work:
There are two files, scr.txt and arg.txt
scr.txt contains:
arg.txt contains:
And now let me explain what that 0 is:
First, scr.txt's first line is function name
second line tells that at which line its arguments are in the arg.txt, i.e 0 tells that "Message" is the argument for msg_show.
I hope my question is now clear.
I want to make a simple scripting engine.
In order to execute arbitrary code stored as text, you need a compiler or an interpreter. Either you need to write one yourself, or embed one that already exists. Realistically, the latter option is your best option. There are a number available but in my view it's hard to look past dwscript.
I think I've already solved my problem! The answer is in this question's first answer.
But with that, as for a workaround of the problem mentioned in first comment, I have a very easy solution.
You don't need to pass all the arguments/parameters to it. Just take my example:
You have two files, as mentioned in the question. Now you need to execute the files. It is as simple as that:
read the first line of scr.txt
check if it's a function. If not, skip the line
If yes, read the next line which tells the index where it's arguments are in arg.txt
pass on the index(an integer) to the "Call" function.
Now to the function which has to be executed, it should know how many arguments it needs. i.e 2
Lets say that the function is "Sum(a,b : integer)".It needs 2 arguments
Now let the function read the two arguments from arg.txt.
And its done!
I hope it will help you all.
And I can get some rep :)

Same for loop, giving out two different results using .write()

this is my first time asking a question so let me know if I am doing something wrong (post wise)
I am trying to create a function that writes into a .txt but i seem to get two very different results between calling it from within a module, and writing the same loop in the shell directly. The code is as follows:
def function(para1, para2): #para1 is a string that i am searching for within para2. para2 is a list of strings
with open("str" + para1 +".txt", 'a'. encoding = 'utf-8') as file:
#opens a file with certain naming convention
n = 0
for word in para2:
if word == para1:
print(para2[n-1]) #intentionally included as part of debugging
function("targetstr". targettext)
#target str is the phrase I am looking for, targettext is the tokenized text I am
#looking through. this is in the form of a list of strings, that is the output of
#another function, and has already been 'declared' as a variable
when I define this function in the shell, I get the correct words appearing. However, when i call this same function through a module(in the shell), nothing appears in the shell, and the text file shows a bunch of numbers (eg: 's93161), and no new lines.
I have even gone to the extent of including a print statement right after declaration of the function in the module, and commented everything but the print statement, and yet nothing appears in the shell when I call it. However, the numbers still appear in the text file.
I am guessing that there is a problem with how I have defined the parameters or how i cam inputting the parameters when I call the function.
As a reference, here is the desired output:
PS: Sorry if this is not very clear as I have very limited knowledge on speaking python
I have found the solution to issue. Turns out that I need to close the shell and restart everything before the compiler recognizes the changes made to the function in the module. Thanks to those who took a look at the issue, and those who tried to help.

automating string and number concatenation

I'm having some trouble automating a matlab script which should prompt the user for the variable they are interested in, as well as the date range they want. I then want the script to concatenate their answers within a naming convention for the file they will ultimately load.
variable=input('please input variable of interest');
% temp
start=input('please state the start date in the form yymmdd: ');
enddate=input('please state the end date in the form yymmdd: ');
%so I thought 'file' would look like: temp_dailydata_130418_140418.csv
the two numbers representing the dates are not causing any issues, but the fact that 'variable' is a string is. I know if I put apostrophes before and after 'temp' when I'm promted, it will work, but I have to assume that the end user won't know to do this. I tried putting curly braces around 'please input your variable..', but that didn't help either. Obviously this approach assumes that the date being requested exists in a filename.
Can anyone offer any advice? Perhaps the sprintf function is not the best option here?
Don't use 'end' as a variable name, it is a reserved name and using it could create conflicts with any function or logic block you're defining.
If you know your input is going to be a string: from the documentation for input()
str = input(prompt,'s')
Returns the entered text as a MATLAB string, without evaluating expressions.
As for knowing whether or not the file exists, that's something you'd have to incorporate some error logic for. Either a try/catch block with your load() call or you could use uigetfile() to get the filename.
