Page viewer webpart won't take login parameters - sharepoint

I need to show an external site through our sharepoint portal and have added a Page viewer web part. The problem is that the address includes a login and password used to autologin to the external site but Sharepoint only shows the login page on click.
If I click the "Test link" in the web part properties it opens as it should but in a different window and not in the sharepoint frame.
The adress has the format
How can I get the autologin to work in the frame used on my webparts page?
Any help very appreciated.
With regards
Marcus L

Assuming you are using Internet Explorer, the problem is with IE's security policies.
The Page Viewer Web Part is basic and pretty much just inserts an IFRAME tag into the page with the URL you have supplied. This displays your external site in a child frame.
By default, child frames cannot store cookies for use by the parent. The URL you are passing through to the external site contains the username and password which is fine, however the site needs to store a cookie so it knows you have logged in as you browse other pages within it. As it can't store the cookie, the child site assumes you have not logged in.
You could test this by adding the external site to your Trusted Sites list in IE and set the Trusted Site security to Low. Then it should be able to store the cookies it needs. Alternatively if you have control over the external site, this KB article may help you.


Custom secure page tab url so as to provide different iframe to each page tab for different page

I have created an app on facebook developer account and need to provide custom iframe to each page tab of the pages. I have no clue how to do that.
I simple words, I need to provide different url (depending upon certain parameters) for iframe of page tab of each page that have installed my app (NOT MY SECURE PAGE TAB URL).
The default iframe url that will be loaded if someone installs my app is the one that I have mentioned in my SECURE PAGE TAB URL field. But I need to provide a different iframe url depending upon certain conditions. So, not my secure page tab url.
How to do that?

Yammer Embedded Feeds Error-This content cannot be displayed in a frame

I had integrated Yammer Feed on my SharePoint Page but showing error in some browser as follows:
This content cannot be displayed in a frame
To help protect the security of information you enter into this website, the publisher of this content does not allow it to be displayed in a frame.
Try to add below urls to trusted sites IE:
http://Your sharepoint site url
more details on IE trusted site refer :
if you are using SharePoint online then below urls:
Pointer is to check IE Trusted site setting.

How to go to a Wildcard link (site) based on the users login details on Sharepoint Wss3.0

I am currently using Sharepoint Wss 3.0, I know that Wss do not offer "Mysite" like Sharepoint 2007. We have about +/- 200 users with our company, which i want a "Mysite" or a personal site for each user.
I managed to create currently 10 users with a sub site like below eg:
in the link above "shabeersa" is the user on our AD system and which the user login into sharepoint.
NOW. I WANT TO KNOW " How to go to a Wildcard link (site) based on the users login details on Sharepoint Wss3.0"
All i want to provide the users is eg link: http://itds008:13864/sites/Intranet/mysite/$*(user)$$$
Please help
One approach would be to create a page in the layouts folder that redirects the user to his personal site. The reason why the page should be in the layouts folder, is because that supports server side code without the need for adding a page parser path in your web.config.
If you want a more 'user friendly' url, you could also create a web part that handles the redirection and put that web part on http://itds008:13864/sites/intranet/mysite for example.
By the way... I put 'user friendly' in quotes because your url is not exactly easy to remember for your end-users. I would consider using a host header for setting up web applications in SharePoint.

sharepoint anonymous asking to login when i clicked page in the site

I enabled anonymous access to all the web pages in my sharepoint site. But in 1 page i added a tag cloud. When i am opening the page(with anonymous access), the page is asking for login. If i click cancel, then there is no error page is coming. And if the user is signed in to the site, he is able to see the flash tag cloud. how to enable the flash tag cloud to anonymous access?
I would guess that something on that page refers to a resource (such as a javascript, image file, or css) that requires authentication, and when you click cancel, the rest of the page loads, but that resource fails to load.
Try using firebug in firefox to monitor the files that are requested for that page and look to see which files get a 401 Unauthorized error. You could then either make changes to ensure that those files are available to anonmyous users or change the page so that it no longer needs those files.

Sharepoint 2010 public facing website, anonymous users allowed

I have enabled anonymous users on the farm and on the entire site.
I also have Windows Authentication turned on.
Whenever an anonymous user attempts to view the site, they are prompted to log in.
And they get prompted to login on every single page they view.
I would like to allow users to log in via Windows Authentication, (perhaps through a special page), but anonymous users should not get prompted to put in their password ever.
Does that mean I need to switch to forms based authentication for the entire site, or is there an option in 2010 to somehow get Windows Authentication and allowing anonymous users to live harmoniously.
It could be because some of the file is not published. For ex, if master page, CSS stylesheet or any image is unpublished, it will prompt the user for login.
Make sure everything is published and it will work.
You need to see if it is anything on this path http://server/_catalogs/masterpage/Forms/AllItems.aspx
that it is not published.
You must publish everything
May be you missed some of the configuration steps .So i wish if you take a look to the following article
SP2010 Branding Tip #9 – Turn on Anonymous Access
I assume that you are using the Publishing Site Template for the public site and hence the default.aspx (the welcome page of all the subsites) is not published so you would need to start the approval workflow publish the pages and any other assets (master page, css, images etc)
You need to do some prepwork to set the site up using two web applications, both with different authentication methods. You can't run SharePoint effectively for Windows users and anonymous (or Forms based authentication) at the same time.
Create your SharePoint site for internal users using Windows Authentication
Extend the site to a new site (using the same content database) but using anonymous or forms based authentication (whichever makes sense for you)
A MSDN article can be found here on this:
You can also read Andrew Connell's blog about this (he talks about Forms based authentication but you can do the same with anonymous access)
Basically you want dual authentication, Windows for one set of users and anonymous or FBA for another (and each access the site using a different URL)
Hope that helps.
