Developing applications expected to run over RDP; any tips? - graphics

Supposing I was developing a fairly graphically intensive application (C++ or C#, graphics API undecided) for which most of the usage will be by remote users over RDP (either terminal server sessions or remote access to a single-user machine). It's obvious that non-essential "eye-candy" effects and animations should be avoided. My questions are:
What should I be careful to do/avoid doing to make most efficient use of the RDP protocol ? (e.g I have an idea RDP can remote some graphics drawing primitives straight to the client... but is that only for GDI ? Does using double-buffering break such remoting and force a bitmap mode ? Does the client-side bitmap cache "just work" or does it only cache certain things like fonts and icons ?)
Is there any sort of RDP protocol analyser available which will give some insight into what an RDP stream is actually transporting (in particular, bitmaps vs drawing primitives) ? (I can imagine adding some instrumentation to the rdesktop source to do this, but maybe something exists already).

In my experience I'd be careful when it comes to animations - especially fade up/down controls that can seriously kill performance over RDP.
Double-buffering might also cause some problems, however I personally haven't had to do too much in the way of workarounds for this - the article by Raymond Chen explains the possible pitfalls quite well.
Essentially, it's a good idea to check in code whether it's running in a remote sessions (RDP, Citrix, etc). Take a look at: GetSystemMetrics( SM_REMOTESESSION ) - you can then decide at runtime whether to enable or disable certain features.

My idea is that the optimization work made on RDP already cover 90% of the problem you're describing, so I would not worry about optimizing for RDP, you're already removed the eye-candy stuff, you know that the application will be used via RDP so I suppose you'll avoid operations that involves continuous redrawing of form, I believe that sould be enough.
Our application was never designed with RDP in mind, we had the same worries you have when a customer told us that all its client will be used via RDP (Citrix, in that specific case) from remote locations but also if we didn't change a single line of code the customer never called with slowlyness problems due to RDP.
Remember... Premature optimization is evil.


Prevent from screen recording

I am working on an educational e-commercial website .. In which the user need to authenticate and then the videos on particular topics will be available.. so how can I prevent my video to be screen-recorded...
Different OS's and applications support different mechanisms to try to tackle this - for example:
Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 uses integrated 'Protected Media Path' for encrypted content which will stop simple screenshots working
Website and web app developers may use a number of CCS 'tricks' to achieve a similar affect, although these can usually be workaround with standard web developer and debug tools.
Mobile video typically uses protected memory for encrypted content which will usually give a black screen on capture.
As mentioned in comments and other answers these are all 'barriers' but they don't make it impossible to copy the content - the best example being pointing a camera at the screen a copying that way.
The idea is generally to make it hard enough compared to the value of the content so that people are not prepared to invest the time to work around your barriers.
It is not possible, for a variety of reasons:
There is no Web API for that.
Even if there was, it would be possible to reverse engineer the browser/OS to allow for screen recording.
Even if, for some reason, you couldn't access and modify the software running on the computer, you could connect the computer to a capture card instead of your monitor.
And if you also couldn't do that, you could just point a camera at the screen and start recording.

On-Screen Keyboard hide and run within excel instance to use functionality

To give a brief backstory to bring things up to my current position / reason for my question:
I originally wanted to use sendkeys to send keyboard presses to a Citrix Xenapp Remote Terminal Application (VT320 Emulator).
This does not work.
After some investigation it became apparent that this has been a reasonably common issue.
I eventually found a work-around that involved opening the windows 'On-Screen Keyboard' application and sending mouseclicks using VBA to the OSK app itself. The key transmissions would be successfully received in the remote terminal application.
This solution is a rather awkward and not very practical solution as it relies on many factors e.g. screen resolution, co-ordinates / current position of the OSK etc.
With the above in mind, I am looking to achieve a more full proof method and here's my thoughts:
Rather than using simulated mouseclicks I would ideally like to be able to either 'embed' the OSK app into the excel instance and reference each key
or hide the app and find a way to make the application receive the VBA keys requested.
I'm aware that Sendkeys has its limitations so I have also tried using SendInput via a Keyb_Event and this also didn't work.
To any half experienced expert, I'm clearly a beginner so I'm suffering from a lack of knowledge here perhaps.
If anyone can point me in the right direction for solving this issue, I'd really appreciate it!
Many thanks.
I've looked into this a little more and found this post:
Finding the class name of the On-Screen Keyboard?
Which would suggest that if I know the class of the on screen keyboard, I could use its commands within excel VBA?
I did try to use the code within the question but couldn't get it to work.
So hopefully my question is a little easier to answer?
Can I use the class name of the on-screen keyboard app / declare an API function that will allow me to send simulated key functions as if it's the OSK app being clicked by the mouse?
Hopefully someone can help!!
Trying to automate apps locally can be quite fiddly. Doing it through a Citrix HDX connection is just painful.
Do you have any say over the Citrix environment? If so I'd try writing an automation app that actually runs on the Citrix server in the same session as the published app you're trying to automate. This has the advantage that you're effectively automating a local app which would make life easier.
Depending on how your automation works you may need to communicate between your automation app running in the Citrix session and your client. You could use WCF to bridge the two together.
So that's how I would try and do, as regarding your specific question I've provided some thoughts below...
OSK automation thoughts
I've done some limited automation of the OSK. There are actually two OSKs if you're using Win8. Osk.exe is the old one which has been around a while. TabTip.exe is the new Win8 specific OSK.
One problem to keep in mind is that both of these processes run as high integrity processes which means normal (medium) integrity processes have very limited abilities to automate them. So while I could automate some stuff, many messages would just get ignored. So this maybe why you are finding the OSK is not responding like you expect.
You can work around this by running your automation app as a high integrity process, but this generally means you need local admin (or local system) privilege to start the high integrity process. I never looked into the specifics of how you create high integrity processes. I know there's a command line tool you can use to force a process to run at a certain level (icacls.exe), e.g.
I imagine there would be APIs to do this as well.

How are clientside security vulnerabilities generally discovered?

I mean in operating systems or their applications. The only way I can think of is examine binaries for the use of dangerous functions like strcpy(), and then try to exploit those. Though with compiler improvements like Visual Studio's /GS switch this possibility should mostly be a thing of the past. Or am I mistaken?
What other ways do people use to find vulnerabilities? Just load your target in a debugger, then send unexpected input and see what happens? This seems like a long and tedious process.
Could anyone recommend some good books or websites on this subject?
Thanks in advance.
There are two major issues involved with "Client Side Security".
The most common client exploited today is the browser in the form of "Drive By Downloads". Most often memory corruption vulnerabilities are to blame. ActiveX com objects have been a common path on windows systems and AxMan is a good ActiveX fuzzer.
In terms of memory protection systems the /GS is a canary and it isn't the be all end all for stopping buffer overflows. It only aims to protect stack based overflows that are attempting to overwrite the return address and control the EIP. NX Zones and canaries are a good things, but ASLR can be a whole lot better at stopping memory corruption exploits and not all ASLR implementations are made equally secure. Even with all three of these systems you're still going to get hacked. IE 8 Running on Windows 7 had all of this and it was one of the first to be hacked at the pwn2own and here is how they did it. It involved chaining together a Heap Overflow and a Dangling Pointer vulnerability.
The problem with "client side security" is CWE-602: Client-Side Enforcement of Server-Side Security are created when the server side is trusting the client with secret resources (like passwords) or to send report on sensitive information such as the Players Score in a flash game.
The best way to look for client side issues is by looking at the traffic. WireShark is the best for non-browser client/server protocols. However TamperData is by far the best tool you can use for browser based platforms such as Flash and JavaScript. Each case is going to be different, unlike buffer overflows where its easy to see the process crash, client side trust issues are all about context and it takes a skilled human to look at the network traffic to figure out the problem.
Sometimes foolish programmers will hardcode a password into their application. Its trivial to decompile the app to obtain the data. Flash decompiling is very clean, and you'll even get full variable names and code comments. Another option is using a debugger like OllyDBG to try and find the data in memory. IDA-Pro is the best decompiler for C/C++ applications.
Writing Secure Code, 2nd edition, includes a bit about threat modeling and testing, and a lot more.

What is sandboxing?

I have read the Wikipedia article, but I am not really sure what it means, and how similar it is to version control.
It would be helpful if somebody could explain in very simple terms what sandboxing is.
A sandpit or sandbox is a low, wide container or shallow depression filled with sand in which children can play. Many homeowners with children build sandpits in their backyards because, unlike much playground equipment, they can be easily and cheaply constructed. A "sandpit" may also denote an open pit sand mine.
Well, A software sandbox is no different than a sandbox built for a child to play. By providing a sandbox to a child we simulate the environment of real play ground (in other words an isolated environment) but with restrictions on what a child can do. Because we don't want child to get infected or we don't want him to cause trouble to others. :) What so ever the reason is, we just want to put restrictions on what child can do for Security Reasons.
Now coming to our software sandbox, we let any software(child) to execute(play) but with some restrictions over what it (he) can do. We can feel safe & secure about what the executing software can do.
You've seen & used Antivirus software. Right? It is also a kind of sandbox. It puts restrictions on what any program can do. When a malicious activity is detected, it stops and informs user that "this application is trying to access so & so resources. Do want to allow?".
Download a program named sandboxie and you can get an hands on experience of a sandbox. Using this program you can run any program in controlled environment.
The red arrows indicate changes flowing from a running program into your computer. The box labeled Hard disk (no sandbox) shows changes by a program running normally. The box labeled Hard disk (with sandbox) shows changes by a program running under Sandboxie. The animation illustrates that Sandboxie is able to intercept the changes and isolate them within a sandbox, depicted as a yellow rectangle. It also illustrates that grouping the changes together makes it easy to delete all of them at once.
Now from a programmer's point of view, sandbox is restricting the API that is allowed to the application. In the antivirus example, we are limiting the system call (operating system API).
Another example would be online coding arenas like topcoder. You submit a code (program) but it runs on the server. For the safety of the server, They should limit the level of access of API of the program. In other words, they need to create a sandbox and run your program inside it.
If you have a proper sandox you can even run a virus infected file and stop all the malicious activity of the virus and see for yourself what it is trying to do. In fact, this will be the first step of an Antivirus researcher.
This definition of sandboxing basically means having test environments (developer integration, quality assurance, stage, etc). These test environments mimic production, but they do not share any of the production resources. They have completely separate servers, queues, databases, and other resources.
More commonly, I've seen sandboxing refer to something like a virtual machine -- isolating some running code on a machine so that it can't affect the base system.
For a concrete example: suppose you have an application that deals with money transfers. In the production environment, real money is exchanged. In the sandboxed environment, everything runs exactly the same, but the money is virtual. It's for testing purposes.
Paypal offers such a sandboxed environment, for example.
For the "sandbox" in software development, it means to develop without disturbing others in an isolated way.
It is not similiar to version control. But some version control (as branching) method can help making sandboxes.
More often we refer to the other sandbox.
In anyway, sandbox often mean an isolated environment. You can do anything you like in the sandbox, but its effect won't propagate outside the sandbox. For instance, in software development, that means you don't need to mess with stuff in /usr/lib to test your library, etc.
A sandbox is an isolated testing environment that enables users to run programs or execute files without affecting the application, system, or platform on which they run. Software developers use sandboxes to test new programming code. Especially cybersecurity professionals use sandboxes to test potentially malicious software. Without sandboxing, an application or other system process could have unlimited access to all the user data and system resources on a network.
Sandboxes are also used to safely execute malicious code to avoid harming the device on which the code is running, the network, or other connected devices. Using a sandbox to detect malware offers an additional layer of protection against security threats, such as stealthy attacks and exploits that use zero-day vulnerabilities.
The main article is here.

Drag/Drop between medium/high integrity level processes in Windows Vista

In Windows Vista, I am unable to drag/drop files onto my application's window because it is running as a high integrity level process. I need to run it as high, but I also need to be able to accept dropped files from low/medium integrity level processes like Windows Explorer. I believe it is UIPI that is blocking the drag/drop operation. I know that I can use the ChangeWindowMessageFilter function to allow certain Windows messages to bypass UIPI, but I'm not sure which messages to add to allow the drag/drop operation. Is ChangeWindowMessageFilter the right approach to permit this, or is there a better way? Thanks!
Considering the title of this blog entry:
"Why you shouldn’t touch Change­Window­Message­Filter with a 10-ft pole…",
I guess it is not the best approach ;)
Now, this might seem like a great approach at first - after all, you’ll only use Change­Window­Message­Filter when you’re sure you can completely validate a received message even if it is from an untrusted source, such that there’s no way something could go wrong, right?
Well, the problem is that even if you do this, you are often opening your program up to attack unintentionally.
Consider for a moment how custom window messages are typically used; virtually all the common controls in existence have “dangerous” messages in the custom class message range (e.g. WM_USER and friends).
Additionally, many programs and third party libraries confuse WM_USER and WM_APP, such that you may have programs communicating cross process via both WM_USER and WM_APP, via “dangerous” messages that are used to make sensitive decisions or include pointer parameters.
In the comments of this blog entry, an alternative approach was discussed, but with pretty much the same conclusion:
I would use RegisterWindowMessage and then allow that via ChangeWindowMessageFilter.
However, be aware that you cannot design a cross-process window message interface that passes pointers or other untrusted values or you are creating a security hole.
For this reason, I would tend to avoid using window at all messages for most cross-process IPC (if possible), as it is typically very difficult to do non-trivial things in a secure fashion using them.
Note: this entry "So, who wants to design a feature today?" illustrates the same problem, and points to the insightful articles of Raymond Chen:
Why aren't console windows themed on Windows XP?
Windows Vista has more extended options on the context menu
which both detail the issue.
This ServerFault question "Why can’t I drag/drop a file for editing in notepad in Windows Server 2008?" also includes some answers, but no quick-win.
See also this article on IE
