Append date to filename in linux - linux

I want add the date next to a filename ("somefile.txt"). For example: somefile_25-11-2009.txt or somefile_25Nov2009.txt or anything to that effect
Maybe a script will do or some command in the terminal window. I'm using Linux(Ubuntu).
The script or command should update the filename to a new date everytime you want to save the file into a specific folder but still keeping the previous files. So there would be files like this in the folder eventually: filename_18Oct2009.txt , filename_9Nov2009.txt , filename_23Nov2009.txt

With bash scripting you can enclose commands in back ticks or parantheses. This works great for labling files, the following wil create a file name with the date appended to it.
Backticks -
$ echo myfilename-"`date +"%d-%m-%Y"`"
$(parantheses) - :
$ echo myfilename-$(date +"%d-%m-%Y")
Example Usage:
echo "Hello World" > "/tmp/hello-$(date +"%d-%m-%Y").txt"
(creates text file '/tmp/hello-28-09-2022.txt' with text inside of it)
Note, in Linux quotes are your friend, best practice to enclose the file name to prevent issues with spaces and such in variables.

There's two problems here.
1. Get the date as a string
This is pretty easy. Just use the date command with the + option. We can use backticks to capture the value in a variable.
$ DATE=`date +%d-%m-%y`
You can change the date format by using different % options as detailed on the date man page.
2. Split a file into name and extension.
This is a bit trickier. If we think they'll be only one . in the filename we can use cut with . as the delimiter.
$ NAME=`echo $FILE | cut -d. -f1
$ EXT=`echo $FILE | cut -d. -f2`
However, this won't work with multiple . in the file name. If we're using bash - which you probably are - we can use some bash magic that allows us to match patterns when we do variable expansion:
$ NAME=${FILE%.*}
$ EXT=${FILE#*.}
Putting them together we get:
$ FILE=somefile.txt
$ NAME=${FILE%.*}
$ EXT=${FILE#*.}
$ DATE=`date +%d-%m-%y`
$ echo $NEWFILE
And if we're less worried about readability we do all the work on one line (with a different date format):
$ FILE=somefile.txt
$ FILE=${FILE%.*}_`date +%d%b%y`.${FILE#*.}
$ echo $FILE

cp somefile somefile_`date +%d%b%Y`

You can add date next to a filename invoking date command in subshell.
date command with required formatting options invoked the braces of $() or between the backticks (`…`) is executed in a subshell and the output is then placed in the original command.
The $(...) is more preferred since in can be nested. So you can use command substitution inside another substitution.
Solutions for requests in questions
$ echo somefile_$(date +%d-%m-%Y).txt
$ echo somefile_$(date +%d%b%Y).txt
The date command comes with many formatting options that allow you to customize the date output according to the requirement.
%D – Display date in the format mm/dd/yy (e.g. : 10/28/21)
%Y – Year (e.g. : 2021)
%m – Month (e.g. : 10)
%B – Month name in the full string format (e.g. : October)
%b – Month name in the shortened string format (e.g. : Oct)
%d – Day of month (e.g. : 28)
%j – Day of year (e.g. : 301)
%u – Day of the week (e.g. : 4)
%A – Weekday in full string format (e.g. : Thursday)
%a – Weekday in shortened format (e.g. : Thu)

I use this script in bash:
now=$(date +"%b%d-%Y-%H%M%S")
cp -v $FILE $name-$now.$ext
This script copies filename.ext to filename-date.ext, there is another that moves filename.ext to filename-date.ext, you can download them from here.
Hope you find them useful!!

I use it in raspberry pi, and the first answer doesn't work for me, maybe because I typed wrong or something? I don't know. So I combined the above answers and came up with this:
now=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')
geany "OptionalName-${now}.txt"
That if you want to use geany or anything else

a bit more convoluted solution that fully matches your spec
echo `expr $FILENAME : '\(.*\)\.[^.]*'`_`date +%d-%m-%y`.`expr $FILENAME : '.*\.\([^.]*\)'`
where first 'expr' extracts file name without extension, second 'expr' extracts extension


Find and copy specific files by date

I've been trying to get a script working to backup some files from one machine to another but have been running into an issue.
Basically what I want to do is copy two files, one .log and one (or more) .dmp. Their format is always as follows:
I want to do three things with these files:
find the second to last one .log file (i.e. something_2022_01_24.log is the latest,I want to find the one before that say something_2022_01_22.log)
get a substring with just the date (2022_01_22)
copy every .dmp that matches the date (i.e something_2022_01_24.dmp, something01_2022_01_24.dmp)
For the first one from what I could find the best way is to do: ls -t *.log | head-2 as it displays the second to last file created.
As for the second one I'm more at a loss because I'm not sure how to parse the output of the first command.
The third one I think I could manage with something of the sort:
[ -f "/var/www/my_folder/*$capturedate.dmp" ] && cp "/var/www/my_folder/*$capturedate.dmp" /tmp/
What do you guys think is there any way to do this? How can I compare the substring?
Would you please try the following:
second=$(ls -t "$dir/"*.log | head -n 2 | tail -n 1)
if [[ $second =~ .*_([0-9]{4}_[0-9]{2}_[0-9]{2})\.log ]]; then
cp -p "$dir/"*"$capturedate".dmp /tmp
second=$(ls -t "$dir"/*.log | head -n 2 | tail -n 1) will pick the
second to last log file. Please note it assumes that the timestamp
of the file is not modified since it is created and the filename
does not contain special characters such as a newline. This is an easy
solution and we may need more improvement for the robustness.
The regex .*_([0-9]{4}_[0-9]{2}_[0-9]{2})\.log will match the log
filename. It extracts the date substring (enclosed with the parentheses) and assigns the bash variable
${BASH_REMATCH[1]} to it.
Then the next cp command will do the job. Please be cateful
not to include the widlcard * within the double quotes so that
the wildcard is properly expanded.
FYI here are some alternatives to extract the date string.
With sed:
capturedate=$(sed -E 's/.*_([0-9]{4}_[0-9]{2}_[0-9]{2})\.log/\1/' <<< "$second")
With parameter expansion of bash (if something does not include underscores):
With cut command (if something does not include underscores):
capturedate=$(cut -d_ -f2,3,4 <<< "${second%.log}")

How to auto insert a string in filename by bash?

I have the output file day by day:
The date and time string, ex: 202105200900 will change every day.
I need to manually rename these files to
( insert a short string x86 after date/time )
any bash script can help to do this?
If you're always inserting the string "x86" at character #18 in the string, you may use that command:
echo $var2
The 2nd line means: "assign to variable var2 the first 18 characters of var, followed by x86 followed by the rest of the variable var"
If you want to insert "x86" just before the last hyphen in the string, you may write it like this:
echo $var2
The 2nd line means: "assign to variable var2:
the content of the variable var after removing the shortest matching pattern "-*" at the end
the string "x86-"
the content of the variable var after removing the longest matching pattern "*-" at the beginning
In addition to the very good answer by #Jean-Loup Sabatier another, perhaps more general way would simply be to replace the second occurrence of '-' with x86- which you can do with sed. Let's say you have:
You can update that with:
fname="$(sed 's/-/x86-/2' <<< "$fname")"
Which simply uses a command substitution with sed and a herestring to modify fname assigning the modified result back to fname.
Example Use/Output
fname="$(sed 's/-/x86-/2' <<< "$fname")"
echo $fname
Do you need this?
❯ dat=$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'); echo ${dat}
❯ filename="linux-${dat}"; echo ${filename}
I wanted to go as simple as possible, considering only the timestamp is going to change, this script should do it. Just run it inside the folder where files are located and you'll get all of them renamed with x86.
for file in $(ls); do
replaced=$(echo $file | sed 's|-foo|x86-foo|g')
mv $file $replaced
This is my output
filip#filip-ThinkPad-T14-Gen-1:~/test$ ls
filip#filip-ThinkPad-T14-Gen-1:~/test$ ./../development/bash-utils/
filip#filip-ThinkPad-T14-Gen-1:~/test$ ls
Simply iterate through all the files in current folder and pipeline result to sed to replace regex -foo with x86-foo, then rename file with mv command.
As David mentioned in comment, if you're worried that there could be multiple occurrences of -foo then you can just replace g as global to 1 as first occurrence and that's it!
There is also the rename utility (, you could use:
rename -v *
which results in
`' -> `'
`' -> `'
`' -> `'
In addition to the very good answer by #David C. Rankin, just adding it in a loop and renaming the files
# !/usr/bin/bash
for file in `ls linux* 2>/dev/null` # Extract all files starting with linux
echo $file
fname="$(sed 's/-/x86-/2' <<< "$file")"
mv "$file" "$fname" # Rename file
Output recieved :

Changing File name Dynamically in linux bash

I want to change a filename "Domain_20181012230112.csv" to "Domain_12345_20181012230112.csv" where "Domain" and "12345" are constants while 20181012230112 is always gonna change but with fix length. In bash how can I do this
If all you want is to replace Domain_ with Domain_12345_, then just do
for file in Domain_*;
mv "$file" "${file/Domain_/Domain_12345_}"
You can make it even shorter if you know that there will only be one underscore:
mv "$file" "${file/_/_12345_}"
See string substitutions for more info.
You can use mv in a for loop, like this:
for file in Domain_??????????????.csv ; do ts=`echo ${file} | cut -c8-21`; mv ${file} Domain_12345_${ts}.csv; done
Given the one file of your example, this will essentially execute this command
mv Domain_20181012230112.csv Domain_12345_20181012230112.csv
You can simply use the date command to get the date and time information you want
date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
# 2018-10-26 10:25:47
To then use the result within the filename, you can put it in `` to evaluate it inline, for example you can run
echo "Domain_12345_`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`"
# Domain_12345_2018-10-26 10:29:17
You can use the date's man page to figure out the option for milliseconds to add es well.
man date
There are different options like %m and %d for example that always have leading zeroes if necessary, so the file name length stays constant.
To then rename the file you can use the mv (move) command
mv "Domain_20181012230112.csv" "Domain_12345_`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`.csv"
Good luck with the rest of the exercise!

get the date part from filname from a path in shell script

I have a script as follows
echo $pathtofile
filename = ${pathtofile##*/}
echo $filename
i always have only one txt file as 2015-08-07.txt in the ../myapp/ directory. So the o/p is as follows:
I need to extract the filename as 2015-08-07. i did follow a lot of the stack-overflow answers with same requirements. whats the best approach and how to do this to get the only date part of the filename from that path ?
FYI: the filename changes every time the script executed with today's date.
When you are saying:
you are storing the literal /c/github/something/r1.1./myapp/*.txt in a variable.
When you echo, this * gets expanded, so you see the results properly.
$ echo $pathtofile
However, if you quoted it you would see how the content is indeed a *:
$ echo "$pathtofile"
So what you need to do is to store the value in, say, an array:
files=( /c/github/something/r1.1./myapp/*.txt )
This files array will be populated with the expansion of this expression.
Then, since you know that the array just contains an element, you can print it with:
$ echo "${files[0]}"
and then get the name by using Extract filename and extension in Bash:
$ filename=$(basename "${files[0]}")
$ echo "${filename%.*}"
You are doing a lot for just getting the filename
$ find /c/github/something/r1.1./myapp/ -type f -printf "%f\n" | sed 's/\.txt//g'

Bash - Date command and space

I am trying to create a script that uses the date command in bash. I am familiar with the basic syntax of the date command.
Here is the simple script:
set -x
DATE_COMMAND="date "+%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S""
echo "$($DATE_COMMAND)"
set +x
The thing is that the above code doesn't work.
Here is the output:
+ DATE_COMMAND='date +%y-%m-%d'
+ %H:%M:%S
onlyDate: line 3: fg: no job control
+ echo ''
+ set +x
Ok, so the problem is that the bash splits the command because of the space. I can understand that but I don't know how to avoid that. I have tried to avoid the space with \, to avoid the space and the ". Also the single quotes doesn't seem to work.
Please note that I know that this script can be written this way:
set -x
DATE_COMMAND=$(date "+%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
set +x
I have tried that but I can't use this approach because I want to run the command several times in my script.
Any help will be really appreciated!
The correct approach is to define your own function inside your Bash script.
function my_date {
date "+%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
Now you can use my_date as if it were an external program.
For example:
echo "It is now $(my_date)."
Or simply:
Why isn't your approach working?
The first problem is that your assignment is broken.
DATE_COMMAND="date "+%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S""
This is parsed as an assignment of the string date +%y-%m-%d to the variable DATE_COMMAND. After the blank, the shell starts interpreting the remaining symbols in ways you did not intend.
This could be partially fixed by changing the quotation.
DATE_COMMAND="date '+%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'"
However, this doesn't really solve the problem because if we now use
It will not expand the argument correctly. The date program will see the arguments '+%y-%m-%d and %H:%M:%S' (with quotes) instead of a single string. This could be solved by using eval as in
DATE_COMMAND="date '+%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'"
echo $(eval $DATE_COMMAND)
where the variable DATE_COMMAND is first expanded to the string date '+%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' that is then evaluated as if it were written like so thus invoking date correctly.
Note that I'm only showing this to explain the issue. eval is not a good solution here. Use a function instead.
PS It is better to avoid all-uppercase identifier strings as those are often in conflict with environment variables or even have a magic meaning to the shell.
Escaping the space works for me.
echo `date +%d.%m.%Y\ %R.%S.%3N`
For long scripts
declare variables section:
dateformat="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
anywhere to get date:
datestr=`date +"${dateformat}"`
anywhere to echo date:
echo ${datestr}
For short simple scripts DaniëlGu's answer is the best:
echo `date +%d.%m.%Y\ %R.%S.%3N`
Shortest answer is
#if you want to store in a variable
now=$(date '+%F" "%T');
echo $now
#or direct output
date '+%F" "%T'
I'm using:
DF="+%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S";
FILE_DATE=$(date "${DF[#]}" -r "${SCHEMA_LOCAL_PATH}.gz");
Seems Bash treats space in $DF as an array's separator and 'date' receives 2 agruments instead of one so I'm sending an array.
Also works for me (check "+" sign):
DF="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S";
FILE_DATE=$(date +"${DF}" -r "${SCHEMA_LOCAL_PATH}.gz");
