Weird deployment issue -

We're using CruiseControl.Net to do our continuous integration of our web applications.
we build the project, zip it up, copy it to the integration server. A littel bit later,
the wbe.config is cached away, the folder delted, the zip file unzipped recreating the folders, etc, then the web.config is copied back.
the issue is that somwhere in the process, one of the folders (not always the same one)
will have it's permissions totally hosed.
even the owner can't open teh folder to look at the contents.
We reboot, and everything is golden, we can delete the folder and redeploy and everythign works.
My question is, other than if anyone has expereinced anything like this, is
what tools do you suggest to try to figure out what exactly has the permissions messed up
that is nolonger doign so after rebooting.
I figure if I can get a clue about what, I can figure out why.

You could try finding a way to run as a limited user, that way it can't set permissions as something higher.

I'm afraid I don't remember the details But it was an obscure security setting on the Network our IT guys tweaked and it works now. I'm sorry I can't remember any more info, but I figured even this will be of some help incase someone else runs into the issue.


Source Control on Domino Designer: Files not getting deleted on on-disk project

A weird one here. I've noticed that the 'Team Development - Sync with On-Disk Project' is not deleting files on my ODP. I'm not using automatic updating.
I've looked at the permissions on the odp/nsf folder, and I've noticed a little grey out checkbox which I can remove, but it pops back up immediately.
I've also tried opening up the security on the folder (right-click/properties/Security) and giving most groups superpowers, but no bananas.
Any help or hint would be appreciated.
Update: the deletions happen, but not immediately. I'm confused.
We have had issues not just with deletion but newly added files received via git, the only solution is to refresh both projects a few times and sync them both.
Another issue: I often lose some project settings, i.e. an additional source folder and a .jar file. It probably has something to do with replication, but it's impossible for me to find out exactly why this is happening.

why download apk file is buffered and gives user old version

We hold our landing page on Azure and it is for users to download an Android apk file. This landing page is a html file. Here is the markup for users to download:
download here
It all works fine until now. Users start to complain that the app they downloaded cannot work properly. But when we tested, it works fine.
Finally we find out that, although the link is
but sometimes when user click it, it goes to[mysite].com/android/[MyAndroidApp].apk
This is a buffer and holds an old version of our app!
Can anyone tell me why this happen and how can I prevent it buffer our old version?
How often do you update this apk file?
May be a caching issue, but not sure exactly.
Have you tried using Azure storage? Upload the file on there, and then link directly to it.
Should cost you less in the long run and not cause any buffering/cache issues
I would suggest you try to put version numbers after your filename. This is also a good practice for .js files. A problem is very often that it's cached and the cache not updated correctly. It's a general problem in the web.
So. Try to put version numbers after the file name, and let us know if this works.
Thank you all for your suggestions.
We have found the reason. Looking at the redirect url, it is actually some ISPs cached our apk files. They are doing this so that they can save themselves money and bandwidth. This is a common practice in some countries and is well documented.
How evil it is.
Our solution is thus change the file name very time we deploy a new version.

Azure does not update files on a web server (Pyramid wsgi-app)

I have a project Pyramid Application. I store it on git and pull the branch to the server when I need update. Until now I was working on Koding but lately decided to check out azure and it's developer's benefits.
After I've created ubuntu server virtual machine (which actually is what runs under Koding) I've downloaded my project using git pull, but forgot to change the branch to the one I'm working on atm. So I did, but server still shows me the old page (like I didn't checkout the other branch). So I checked sftp and files show me they have been updated.
Why am I still seeing the old page?
Now I know the reason why! (at least I think, but please. correct me if I'm wrong)
I noticed that there was .pyc file for every .py file, and those are "compiled" (bit of simplification?) python files as I understood it. And it seemed to me that they were not "compiled" on app launch. But they compiled with edit dates suggest that.
So the reason why I didn't see the changes I did in code was that... http.server was using old "compiled" files instead of the source files! But is that normal/expected behaviour? Dunno. There are many other quetions now, but main question was answered so I mark this as answer until someone gives better answer.

Issue with case sensitivity on windows

The problem is: We developing JAVA code and some of us works in linux and me in windows. As I cloned our repo then it turned out that in the same directory we have a directory in upper case and another one with lower case. Linux it is not a problem of course but in windows yes. It comes from our 3pp code so no renaming allowed. Due to this the repo messed up and files seems to be modified constantly. Do anyone know a solution for such problem?
You will have to rename at least one of them consistently. Git allows a decent renaming, so no problems from this side.
I would talk to the 3pp developer about in which hell he wants to burn for naming two directories like this, only distinguishable by case.
I once tried enabling the case-sensitivity in Windows, try this guide:

VS2012 detects change made outside VS and mark files checked out

On my VS2012 I noticed that if i edit a file that is not checked out in a notepad and save it, in TFs it will be marked as checked out and edited. So far we haven't found too much of a problem of it, but potentially people can get careless and make/save changes unintended.
Is there anyway to turn off that feature?
What you're seeing is now default behavior for Local Workspaces. One way to 'undo' this is to set your workspace to a server workspace once more. But I suggest you first investigate the benefits of local workspaces before deciding to turn it off. People still have to check in files, so there is a gate between changing the file and actually committing them to source control.
