How can one site's security keep another site from loading? - security

My company provides third-party customer service for a Big Communications Company (hereafter BCC). Our employees must log in to BCC's site to help customers. I have also created some intranet resources for them to use.
If they are signed in to BCC's site, my intranet site will not load in another tab or window - it says "Internet Explorer cannot display the web page, most likely causes: you are not connected to the internet..." etc.
What's going on here? Can I fix it?
Here are as many details as I think may be relevant:
BCC Site
Requires IE
Before a user can access it, they must install a certificate on their machine, issued to them personally
Has agonizing sign-in process that freaks out our antivirus software:
Popup - choose a certificate
Popup - "An application is requesting access to a Protected Item - CryptoAPI Private Key - OK"
Sign in with username and password
Click on one of two links
Message - "This website wants to run the following add-on: 'SSL VPN Relay Loader' from 'Cisco Systems, Inc (Unverified Publisher)'. If you trust the website and the add-on and want to allow it to run, click here..." (and simultaneous pop-up like the previous one).
Popup - "The applications digital signature has an error. Do you want to run the application? Name: jpimp. Publisher:Cisco Systems, Inc. From (URL listed)."
Antivirus software warns "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe "process is trying to inject into another process. This behavior is typical of some malicious programs." Terminate, Deny, or Skip. - SKIP"
Sign in with another username and password
Popup - "This page contains bot secure and nonsecure items. Do you want to display the nonsecure items? - Yes, No, More Info - YES"
Appears to be Java Server Pages. Uses lots of frames. Disables right-click with JavaScript.
Intranet site
PHP and login-based, but a simple "hello world" HTML page fails the same
Running on Apache on a Windows Server machine; using port 88 to avoid conflict with IIS
Known workarounds
Visit the intranet on localhost. It will load when the server copy won't. It makes no difference whether localhost uses port 80 or 88. (Obviously this only helps me.)
Open FireFox for the Intranet site (not all users have this option currently)
Open a new copy of IE from the Start menu and load the Intranet site there. This works, even though it looks identical to opening a new window from an existing IE instance, which fails.
Is the BCC site somehow hijacking IE's DNS? Is localhost exempt from that?

I suspect that the "SSL VPN Relay Loader" actually starts some kind of VPN in that IE session and thus you are not on able to reach your intranet anymore.


How to stop "only secure content is displayed" post-SSL update? CRM 2011 OnPrem

We recently updated a CRM 2011 on premise instance to use SSL i.e. https. I wasn't involved in the server part of the updates. Everything works fine except at initial login, IE displays the "Only secure content is displayed" warning. If I look at the source of the page, I see a bunch of http://... refs to microsoft sites for example. So presumably that is the source of the issue. The landing page doesn't have any custom "stuff" on it, all OOTB.
What can we do to get around this? I know we could change an IE setting but that isn't an option for us. Is there some IIS voodoo tthat we can use? Surely we don't have to go through all http refs in the web app and change them?
I know we could change an IE setting but that isn't an option for us. Is there some IIS voodoo tthat we can use?
Man, I wish. Even when we get HTML e-mails with images in them we get that message.
Because it's a security setting and it's the browser causing the error message and not the server, there really isn't much we can do about it on the server side except for serving all content over SSL.
That being said, it seems really strange that out of the box content is giving you errors.
It's possible that using a re-write rule on IIS will stop this from happening, as all the content on your server is capable of being served in SSL, but CRM is not requesting it - I'm just hoping that this doesn't break any customization and links to external services.

Can I stop the "this website does not supply identity information" message

I have a site which is completely on https: and works well, but, some of the images served are from other sources e.g. ebay, or Amazon.
This causes the browser to prompt a message: "this website does not supply identity information"
How can I avoid this? The images must be served from elsewhere sometimes.
"This website does not supply identity information." is not only about the encryption of the link to the website itself but also the identification of the operators/owners of the website - just like it actually says. For that warning (it's not really an error) to stop, I believe you have to apply for the Extended Validation Certificate EVC rigorously validates the entity behind the website not just the website itself.
Firefox shows the message
"This website does not supply identity information."
while hovering or clicking the favicon (Site Identity Button) when
you requested a page over HTTP
you requested a page over HTTPS, but the page contains mixed passive content
HTTP connections generally don't supply any reliable identity information to the browser. That's normal. HTTP was designed to simply transmit data, not to secure the data it transmits.
On server side you could only avoid that message, if the server would start using a SSL certificate and the code of the page would be changed to exclusively use HTTPS requests.
To avoid the message on client side you could enter about:config in the address bar, confirm you'll be careful and set = false.
HTTPS, mixed passive content
When you request a page over HTTPS from a site which is using a SSL certificate, the site does supply identity information to the browser and normally the message wouldn't appear.
But if the requested page embeds at least one <img>, <video>, <audio> or <object> element which includes content over HTTP (which won't supply identity information), than you'll get a so-called mixed passive content * situation.
Firefox won't block mixed passive content by default, but only show said message to warn the user.
To avoid this on server side, you'd first need to identify which requests are producing mixed content.
With Firefox on Windows you can use Ctrl+Shift+K (Control-Option-K on Mac) to open the web console, deactivate the css, js and security filters, and press F5 to reload the page, to show all the requests of the page.
Then fix your code for each line which is showing "mixed content", i.e. change the appropriate parts of your code to use https:// or, depending on your case, protocol-relative URLs.
If the external site an element is requested from doesn't use a SSL certificate, the only chance to avoid the message would be to copy the external content over to your site so your code can refer to it locally via HTTPS.
* Firefox also knows mixed active content, which is blocked by default, but that's another story.
Jürgen Thelen's answer is absolutely correct. If the images (quite often the case) displayed on the page are served over "http" the result will be exactly as described no matter what kind of cert you have, EV or not. This is very common on e-commerce sites due to the way they're constructed. I've encountered this before on my own site AND CORRECTED IT by simply making sure that no images have an "http" address - and this was on a site that did not have an EV cert. Use the ctrl +shift +K process that Jürgen describes and it will point you to the offending objects. If the path to an object is hard coded and the image resides on your server (not called from somewhere else) simply remove the "" and change it to a relative path instead. Correct that and the problem will go away. Note that the problem may be in one of the configuration files as well, such as one of the config.php files.
The real issue is that Firefox's error message is misleading and has nothing to do with whether the SSL is an EV cert or not. It really means there is mixed content on the page but doesn't say that. A couple of weeks ago I had a site with the same problem and Firefox displayed the no-identity message. Chrome, however, (which I normally don't use) displayed an exclamation mark instead of a lock. I clicked on it and it said the cert was valid (with a green dot), it was a secure connection (another green dot), AND had "Mixed Content. The site includes HTTP resources" which was entirely accurate and the source of the problem (with a red dot). Once the offending paths were changed to relative paths, the error messages in both Firefox and Chrome disappeared.
For me, it was a problem of mixed content. I forced everything to make HTTPS requests on the page and it fixed the problem.
For people who come here from Google search, you can use Cloudflare's (free) page rules to accomplish this without touching your source code. Use the "Always use HTTPS" setting for your domain.
You can also transfrom http links to https links using url shortener That is the only URL-shortener I found that provides shorter links through https.
You just have to change it manually from to

Sharepoint authentication with local host works, but machine name does not work

I have a remote connection with server machine. I log in server machine as administrator, open Internet Explorer. If I type both localhost and machine name site works . When I log in as another user and type localhost site works. But when I type the machine name, authentication page comes and when I choose either windows or form authentication nothing happens.
I need to work with machine name otherwise when I try to reach some pages such as approval page I get critical error.
Thank you
Authentication page has a simple JavaScript function which blocks all sites, except Trusted Sites. You need to add "machine name" to trusted sites list in Internet Explorer to activate that JS function.
This is because your System Name is not known in DNS; your remote connection works because the system name is known. When you try to access from the outside it's not.
There is a very quick way to check this; on a connection that DOES NOT WORK, open the Hosts file (c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc) - add the entry: systemanme - for example, MySystem. Save the file then open a command window - ping the server name and it should respond. Try the connection again and you should be OK.
The long-term fix is to talk to the system administrator to find out why the system name is not known on the network (often it can be because only the fully qualified domain name is known).

The site uses SSL, but Google Chrome has detected insecure content on the page

I'm using SSL on my website and it is giving me the lock with yellow triangle icon ("The site uses SSL, but Google Chrome has detected insecure content on the page.")
On clicking the lock icon it says:
Your connection to domainname is encrypted with 256-bit encryption. However, this page includes other resources which are not secure. These resources can be viewed by others while in transit, and can be modified by an attacker to change the look of the page. The connection uses TLS 1.0. The connection is encrypted using AES_256_CBC, with SHA1 for message authentication and DHE_RSA as the key exchange mechanism. The connection is not compressed.
How do I ensure I get the green lock?
You must have resources (images, stylesheets, scripts, etc...) which are embedded on the page but are not served over https. Make sure all your resources are served over https, and that warning should go away.
I had the same problem and it occoured because I included a script from Google Analytics using HTTP.
With a provider like Google, one can simply change HTTP to HTTPS - and it will work. This will not work with all providers.
If you are trying to load something from a website that you own, you will have to secure that website with HTTPS.
Google Chrome will detect this and automatically not load the insecure content (from the HTTP domain) which may take away some functionality from the website.
Certain AV/Malware softwares will also detect this and give a security warning which may frighten your visitors away.
If you are using Google Chrome, then you might not notice such a warning, because the AV/Malware software never sees this HTTP-link because it is blocked by Google Chrome.
And if you do not have the kind of AV/Malware software that detects this then you may never notice such a warning while the visitors are.
What you must do is:
Install Google Chrome and go to the website.
Click on "Tools >> JavaScript Console" and see if any warning appears. (this has been commented by Brad Koch on the question as well)
Go throught the different pages on your website and see if any errors appear - if so, then go change the URLs to HTTPS (if this is possible) or find another provider for this javascript.
make sure all references to resources such as images, js files, css files, ads, etc are served through https. If the uri to the resource is relative, e.g. /images/logo.png, then the resource is fetched from the same host and port and protocol as the page itself, in your case https. I would use fiddler to find what files get fetched over http:// when the page is loaded.
This is what I get when I go to TOOLS and then click on JAVASCRIPT CONSOLE ::
Failed to load resource chrome://thumb/
Failed to load resource chrome://thumb/
What do I do after this?

How to prevent SSL urls from leaking info?

I was using google SSL search ( with the expectation that my search would be private. However, my search for 'toasters' produced this query:
As you can see, my employer can still log this and see what the search was. How can I make sure that when someone searches on my site using SSL (using custom google search) their search terms isn't made visible.
The URL is sent over SSL. Of course a user can see the URL in their own browser, but it isn't visible as it transits the network. Your employer can't log it unless they are the other end of the SSL connection. If your employer creates a CA certificate and installs it in your browser, they could use a proxy to spoof Google host names, but otherwise, the traffic is secure.
HTTPS protects the entire HTTP exchange, including the URL, so the only thing someone intercepting network traffic will be able to determine is that there was communication between the browser and your site (or Google in this case). Even without the innards, that information can be useful.
Unless you have full administrative control over the systems making the queries, you should assume that anything transpiring on them can be intercepted or logged. Browsers typically store history and cache pages in files on the local disk which can be read by administrators. You also can't verify that the browser itself hasn't been recompiled with code to log sites that were visited, even in "private" mode.
Presumably your employer provides you with a PC, the software on it, the LAN connection to its own corporate network, the internet proxy and corporate firewall, maybe DNS servers, etc etc.
So you are exposed to traffic sniffing and tracing at many different levels. Even if you browse to a url over SSL TLS, you have to assume that the contents of your http session can be recorded. Do you always check that the cert in your browser is from google and not your employer's proxy? Do you know what software sits between your browser and your network card, etc.
However, if you had complete control over the client, then you could be sure that no-one external to your https conversation with google would be able to see the url you are requesting.
Google still knows what you're up to, but that's a private matter between your search engine and your conscience ;)
to add to what #erickson said, read this. SSL will protect the data between the connected parties. If you need to hide that link from the boss then disable the browser caching of the sites visited, i.e. disable or delete the history data.
