secondary index on column store dbs - store

Is there any column store database that supports secondary index ?
I know HBase does, but it's not there yet.

By storing overlapping projections in different sort orders, column stores based on the C-Store architecture (so, as far as commericial implementations go, Vertica) natively support secondary indexes.
Also check out MonetDb, which treats "create index" statements as hints for its self-organizing engine.

Take a look in this class IndexSpecification which is part of r0.19.3.
Here you can see how to use it (maybe they have a test for that as well)
I've never used that and don't if it performs well. please share with us your results.
good luck
-- Yonatan

Sybase IQ supports as many indexes as you might ever desire on every column and even within a column (e.g. the word index which lets you stay with defaults or specify your own delimiter)


How do I find out right data design and right tools/database/query for below requirement

I have a kind of requirement but not able to figure out how can I solve it. I have datasets in below format
id, atime, grade
123, time1, A
241, time2, B
123, time3, C
or if I put in list format:
Now my use-case is to perform comparison, aggregation and queries over multiple row like
time difference between last 2 rows where id=123
time difference between last 2 rows where id=123&GradeA
Time difference between first, 3rd, 5th and latest one
all data (or last 10 records for particular id) should be easily accessible.
Also need to further do compute. What format should I chose for dataset
and what database/tools should I use?
I don't Relational Database is useful here. I am not able to solve it with Solr/Elastic if you have any ideas, please give a brief.Or any other tool Spark, hadoop, cassandra any heads?
I am trying out things but any help is appreciated.
Choosing the right technology is highly dependent on things related to your SLA. things like how much can your query have latency? what are your query types? is your data categorized as big data or not? Is data updateable? Do we expect late events? Do we need historical data in the future or we can use techniques like rollup? and things like that. To clarify my answer, probably by using window functions you can solve your problems. For example, you can store your data on any of the tools you mentioned and by using the Presto SQL engine you can query and get your desired result. But not all of them are optimal. Furthermore, usually, these kinds of problems can not be solved with a single tool. A set of tools can cover all requirements.
tl;dr. In the below text we don't find a solution. It introduces a way to think about data modeling and choosing tools.
Let me take try to model the problem to choose a single tool. I assume your data is not updatable, you need a low latency response time, we don't expect any late event and we face a large volume data stream that must be saved as raw data.
Based on the first and second requirements, it's crucial to have random access (it seems you wanna query on a particular ID), so solutions like parquet or ORC files are not a good choice.
Based on the last requirement, data must be partitioned based on the ID. Both the first and second requirements and the last requirement, count on ID as an identifier part and it seems there is nothing like join and global ordering based on other fields like time. So we can choose ID as the partitioner (physical or logical) and atime as the cluster part; For each ID, events are ordered based on the time.
The third requirement is a bit vague. You wanna result on all data? or for each ID?
For computing the first three conditions, we need a tool that supports window functions.
Based on the mentioned notes, it seems we should choose a tool that has good support for random access queries. Tools like Cassandra, Postgres, Druid, MongoDB, and ElasticSearch are things that currently I can remember them. Let's check them:
Cassandra: It's great on response time on random access queries, can handle a huge amount of data easily, and does not have a single point of failure. But sadly it does not support window functions. Also, you should carefully design your data model and it seems it's not a good tool that we can choose (because of future need for raw data). We can bypass some of these limitations by using Spark alongside Cassandra, but for now, we prefer to avoid adding a new tool to our stack.
Postgres: It's great on random access queries and indexed columns. It supports window functions. We can shard data (horizontal partitioning) across multiple servers (and by choosing ID as the shard key, we can have data locality on computations). But there is a problem: ID is not unique; so we can not choose ID as the primary key and we face some problems with random access (We can choose the ID and atime columns (as a timestamp column) as a compound primary key, but it does not save us).
Druid: It's a great OLAP tool. Based on the storing manner (segment files) that Druid follows, by choosing the right data model, you can have analytic queries on a huge volume of data in sub-seconds. It does not support window functions, but with rollup and some other functions (like EARLIEST), we can answer our questions. But by using rollup, we lose raw data and we need them.
MongoDB: It supports random access queries and sharding. Also, we can have some type of window function on its computing framework and we can define some sort of pipelines for doing aggregations. It supports capped collections and we can use it to store the last 10 events for each ID if the cardinality of the ID column is not high. It seems this tool can cover all of our requirements.
ElasticSearch: It's great on random access, maybe the greatest. With some kind of filter aggregations, we can have a type of window function. It can handle a large amount of data with sharding. But its query language is hard. I can imagine we can answer the first and second questions with ES, but for now, I can't make a query in my mind. It takes time to find the right solution with it.
So it seems MongoDB and ElasticSearch can answer our requirements, but there is a lot of 'if's on the way. I think we can't find a straightforward solution with a single tool. Maybe we should choose multiple tools and use techniques like duplicating data to find an optimal solution.

cassandra where clause, one field from udt

How can I query based on only one field in UDT (Cassandra) ?
I have a UDT which contains marital status and I need data for all the married people
but when I query based on one field it gives empty output
How can I do this ?
short answer - NO, at least not in the stock Cassandra. It's possible to do using the DSE Search, but it adds its own constraints. Maybe when SAI will be implemented some day, it will support indexing of UDT fields. I don't remember if SASI supports this, but it's really not recommended to use. But even if indexing was supported, it's still bad case (maybe except SAI) for Cassandra because it will create big partitions to represent each status.
The general rule is that you need to always query by partition key, with possibility to use secondary indexes when you need to search for another field, but only inside partition. If you need to query by multiple fields that not primary keys, I would suggest to take another database, or use Elasticsearch/Solr (although they aren't very good in geo-distributed environment).

Are dummy partition keys always bad?

I can't find much on the subject of dummy partition keys in Cassandra, but what I can find tends to side with the idea that you should avoid them altogether. By dummy, I mean a column whose only purpose is to contain the same value for all rows, thereby putting all data on 1 node and giving the lowest possible cardinality. For example:
dummy | id | name
0 | 01 | 'Oliver'
0 | 02 | 'James'
0 | 03 | 'Nicholls'
The two main points in regards to why you should avoid dummy partition keys are:
1) You end up with data "hot-spots". There is a lot of data stored on 1 node so there's more traffic around that node and you have poor distribution around the cluster.
2) Partition space is finite. If you put all data on one partition, it will eventually be incapable of storing any more data.
I can understand these points and I agree that you definitely want to avoid those situations, so I put this idea out of my mind and tried to think of a good partition key for my table. The table in question stores sites and there are two common ways that table gets queried in our system. Either a single site is requested or all sites are requested.
This puts me in a bit of an awkward situation, because the table is either queried on nothing or the site ID, and making a unique field the partition key would give me very high cardinality and high latency on queries that request all sites.
So I decided that I'd just choose an arbitrary field that would give relatively low cardinality, even though it doesn't reflect how the data will actually be queried, just because it's better than having a cardinality that is either excessively high or excessively low. This approach also has problems though.
I could partition my data on column x, but we have numerous clients, all of whom use our system differently, so x for 1 client could give the results I'm after, but could give awful results for another.
At this point I'm running out of options. I need a field in my table that will be consistent for all clients, however this field doesn't exist, so I'm now considering having a new field that will contain a random number from 1-3 and then partitioning on that field, which is essentially just a dummy field. The only difference is that I want to randomise the values a little bit as to avoid hot-spots and unbounded row growth.
I know this is a data-modelling question and it varies from system to system, and of course there are going to be situations where you have to choose the lesser of two evils (there is no perfect solution), but what I'm really focussed on with this question is:
Are dummy partition keys something that should outright never be a consideration in Cassandra, or are there situations in which they're seen as acceptable? If you think the former, then how would you approach this situation?
I can't find much on the subject of dummy partition keys in Cassandra, but what I can find tends to side with the idea that you should avoid them altogether.
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that your search has yielded my article We Shall Have Order!, where I made my position on the use of "dummy" partition keys quite clear. Bearing that in mind, I'll try to provide some alternate solutions.
I see two potential problems to solve here. The first:
I need a field in my table that will be consistent for all clients, however this field doesn't exist
Typically this is solved by duplicating your data into another query table. That's the best way to serve multiple, varying query patterns. If you have one client (service?) that needs to query that table by site id, then you could have that table duplicated into a table called sites_by_id.
CREATE TABLE sites_by_id (
name TEXT,
The other problem is this query pattern:
all sites are requested
Another common Cassandra anti-pattern is that of unbound SELECTs (SELECT query without a WHERE clause). I am sure you understand why these are bad, as they require all nodes/partitions to be read for completion (which is probably why you are looking into a "dummy" key). But as the table supporting these types of queries increases in size, they will only get slower and slower over time...regardless of whether you execute an unbound SELECT or use a "dummy" key.
The solution here is to perform a re-examination of your data model, and business requirements. Perhaps your data can be split up into sites by region or country? Maybe your client really only needs the sites that have been updated for this year? Obtaining some more details on the client's query requirements may help you find a good partitioning key for them to use. Otherwise, if they really do need all of them all of the time, then doanduyhai's suggestion of using Spark will better fit your use case.
or all sites are requested
So basically you have a full table scan scenario. Isn't Apache Spark over Cassandra a better fit for this use-case ? I suspect it's an analytics use-case, isn't it ?
As far as I understand, you want to access a single site by its id, in which case lookup by partition key is ideal. The other use-case which requires to fetch all the sites is best suited with Spark

Searching for data in Cassandra

I understand that with Cassandra, it is possible to search using secondary indexes, but the problem is I am trying to search on information from a super column. So I want to search on a value within a super column, but return everything within that row (not just that one super column).Is this possible to do?
My understanding is that Facebook and Twitter use Cassandra, and so it would seem quite pointless if they have search facilities but it is not possible to search using something built into Cassandra.
Please correct me if I have not understood the proper use of super columns within Cassandra.
You cannot search on a super column value, as secondary indexes are not supported for SCs. You should avoid using super columns for a variety of reasons, but mostly because they are effectively deprecated. Most super column use cases are supported through the use of composites--which will ultimately replace SCs. In the meantime, if you must search for a value in a SC, you will have to do so manually (i.e. in code) or using an external tool such as Hadoop or Solr.

Using Lucene to index private data, should I have a separate index for each user or a single index

I am developing an Azure based website and I want to provide search capabilities using Lucene. (structured json objects would be indexed and stored in Lucene and other content such as Word documents, etc. would be indexed in lucene but stored in blob storage) I want the search to be secure, such that one user would never see a document belonging to another user. I want to allow ad-hoc searches as typed by the user. Lastly, I want to query programmatically to return predefined sets of data, such as "all notes for user X". I think I understand how to add properties to each document to achieve these 3 objectives. (I am listing them here so if anyone is kind enough to answer, they will have better idea of what I am trying to do)
My questions revolve around performance and security.
Can I improve document security by having a separate index for each user, or is including the user's ID as a parameter in each search sufficient?
Can I improve indexing speed and total throughput of the system by having a separate index for each user? My thinking is that having separate indexes would allow me to scale the system by having multiple index writers (perhaps even on different server instances) working at the same time, each on their own index.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Of course, one index.
You can do even better than what you suggested by using ManifoldCF (Apache product that knows how to handle Solr) to manage security.
And one off topic, uninformed suggestion: I'd rather use CloudBees or Heroku (or Amazon) instead of Azure.
Until you will use several machines for indexing I guess it's more convenient to use single index. Lucene community done a lot of work to make indexing process as efficient as it can. So unless you intentionally want to implement distributed indexing I doesn't recommend you to split indexes.
However there are several reasons why you would want to split indexes:
if your machine have several IO devices which could be utilized in parallel. In this case, if you are IO bound, splitting indexes is good idea.
splitting document fields between indexes (this is what ParallelReader is supposed for). This is more exotic form of splitting, but it may be a good idea if search is performed using different groups of fields. Suppose, we have two search query types: the first is using field name and type, and the second is using fields price and discount. If those fields are updated at different rate (I guess, name updates are far more rarely than price updates), updating only part of index would require less IO resources. This will give more overall throughput to the system.
