Where can I find free sound effects for a game? [closed] - audio

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Where can I find free sound effects for a game?

Also, archive.org may have some stuff.

sfxr is a great tool if you want to generate vintage arcade sounds. It can generate all sorts of cool laser, explosions & blip sounds. You can generate random sounds or adjust existing ones until you get just what your looking for. There is Mac port as well called cfxr
Happy tweaking :)

Free Sound Effects and Royalty Free Sound Effects
Tintagel's Free Sound File Archive (dead link)
Copyright and Public Domain Music (dead link)
Sounds Effects and Music
eHow - How to Find Public Domain Sound Effects
Essentially, you want to be searching for "public domain" sound effects - these are sound effects that are made for the intention of publicly sharing, i.e. they have no copyright and you can use them however you like. Those were just the top results for a Google search for "public domain game sound effects".
Sorry to piggyback off Google here, but that's really your best bet; just keep exploring til you find what you need!

I know that a lot of people use Flashkit for free sfx in Flash videos, at least.

When Soundsnap went pro, I started using:
It's Creative Commons based and all sounds are free to use plus there are somthing like 1,500 sounds in there too currently. I have used several pro sites in the past and I must say that everything on this site is just as high quality.

I suggest you also this very nice website : http://www.lasonotheque.org/en/

Lots of CC-licensed music and sound-effects on Kongregate Collabs.
Also, the free utility sfxr and its Mac version cfxr are terrific for quickly-generating game sounds.

My honest advice is buy a decent microphone and buy some cantelope

If you need voice acting for your game, the guy who voiced Serious Sam is in need of cash and will do lines for $1/word.
From his site:
Hey there. My name is John J. Dick. You may know me as the voice actor who portrays 'Serious Sam'. I'm also working in Dallas as a strip club DJ. Barely making enough to keep my head above water. In fact, I'm not even doing that.
Here's the skinny, I'm in debt... bad. $20,000 in credit card debt, bank overdrawn, behind on bills, etc. Got burglarized back in February, so I don't even have anything left to show for my debt. It's a long story how I got into this situation, if you're curious I'll tell you the details. Point being, though, I'm in a position where I'm desperate to pay my bills off in any way I can.


Free Sound Effects - SFXsource.com


How Text to Audio softwares works [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to create a software that can convert readable-texts(non-English) to Audio sound output.
After some searches what I have realized that most of the existing audio readers are too robotic and lacks the human-speech like effects.
I am looking for some algorithm/paper-work, which can give me some idea on how to proceed/implement such a thing.
Does anyone know, How some of the world's best Text-Reader software works?
My expectation are:
Reduced Robotic-like sound, and more of Human-like sound
High Quality Output
Light weight, yet Fast process speed
**Please edit this question, if anyone thinks some points are missing on this aspect.
Some small steps might help you give some basic Idea of what happens-
You need to create a dictionary of words, each word with its name and sound.
Create your own signal processor, this will help you add effects to your sound, like you might want robotic, or a female version or something else.
Parse the text file you want to read in array formats, dividing each word and punctuations, to form an array and. eg. "I want to die, this isn't a correct way to live." this will form an array as {I:want:to:die:,:this:isn't:a:correct:way:to:live:.}
Use the punctuation to implement life like parameters like , for small pause and . for longer pauses in your audio reader.
Use the words to take out audio from your database(dictionary) list in point 1.
Play the whole array continuously with a pause between each array element, will work similar to spaces
I think these are major ways to do this. To make it faster you can use advanced sound processing tools, to cache small sound data and add data on fly while you are modulating sound signals.
Might this help you.
Could be nice if you can tell us what kind of app you'll create (Movil, Web, Desktop) and also in what code you'll develop it (Php, Java, C++, etc). Because if you search in google, you'll find a lot plugins for website that convert text to audio that you can download them and see the code.
Also it's hard to find an app that not sound like a robot and if you find it maybe you'll pay for it.
The "robotic" aspect of text to speech that you are concerned about is a matter of the quality of "prosody". This is an active research area. You could probably get a PhD for working on improving prosody in TTS systems. If you would like to read about current research you can try searching for "improving prosody in text to speech".
A big part of the problem is having an accurate model of speech prosody in a given language. The thesis "MeLos: Analysis and Modelling of Speech Prosody and Speaking Style" by Nicolas Obin (2012) contains a survey of the state of the art in speech prosody modelling. Or try searching for "text to speech prosody survey state of the art".

Where can I get freely available audio, graphics, and other resources for games? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've done a google search of this topic, but so far haven't found anything satisfactory.
From your experience, what's the best place to get game resources, like sprites, backgrounds, sound effects, music, etc.? To be more specific, I'm looking for more of sound effects and music, which I'm currently lacking more than graphics. However, for graphics, I've tried getting random graphics from different sites, but they just don't match. I don't want to copy one entire graphics package either.
The resources should be free and easy to obtain. The products I intend to make are free if not open source, and are unlikely to receive widespread attention or produce profit for myself, so I'd like something that I can use and distribute freely.
I don't have enough graphics and musical knowledge to attempt to create resources from scratch and don't know anyone willing to do so.
I'm working with Java. I'm sure I can read all kinds of file formats with it, or if not, I can always use software to convert resources.
In terms of graphics, Daniel Cook of Lost Garden produces some seriously high quality, reusable game art that is free for both personal and commercial work (read his license details). Here's the index of his free graphics related posts, just hit the "read more" link at the bottom of an article and you'll find links to the downloads.
edit: in terms of sound effects, Soundrangers is pretty decent if you have something specific in mind, but it can quickly get expensive. For a complex game, if you're wanting a rich user experience you'll need dozens, if not hundreds of sound effects. At a couple of bucks a pop, that adds up real quick. A lot of places (including Soundrangers) offer thematic sound packs which give you a little more bang for your buck, but it's still not free. GameDev also has a listing of audio resources.
For music, I think your options are better. Depending on what kind of thing you're looking for (ambient, instrumental, vocal etc). I would seriously think about approaching local independent musicians and using existing tracks that they have. They're likely to let you use their music for free (properly accredited of course) or at a reasonable cost.
There's http://www.freesound.org/
Most stuff there has a license that is incompatible with, say, Fedora, for instance, though if you ask the copyright holder sometimes they'll license things under a different license.
Music is harder to come by than sound effects. you could try digging around on archive.org, say here: http://www.archive.org/details/muzic
Also check out sfxr http://www.cyd.liu.se/~tompe573/hp/project_sfxr.html
though the sounds that it makes are pretty old school sounding -- and if that's what you're looking for, it's cool, otherwise, it can make some place holder sound effects.
If you're looking for interesting textures, I would suggest checking out Filter Forge. You can download the filters for use in Adobe Photoshop, or you can potentially use the sample images on the site to create texture maps for various types of terrains and materials.
GarageGames.com sells a lot of that kind of thing... 3d models, textures, background music and so on.
http://garagegames.com and specifically http://www.garagegames.com/products/browse
edit: whoops, I didn't see the "free" requirement! Do a search on "creative commons" and you'll find lots of music, at least, and some graphics.
Don't know if this is the type of thing you're looking for, but Game Sprite Archives has a huge huge collection of SNES/NES/Anything pre-playstation 1 sprite rips.
I just discovered this site the other day while looking for some sound effects:
It looks like they're royalty-free but most of the sounds cost a buck or two. Looks like some sounds are free though.
Open Clip Art
CG Textures
Texture Hound
I recommend Sound Snap, they allow 5 free downloads for a month for the free accounts, and more if you sign up. I have been using them for the past couple of months for the games I have developed.

Card Wall + online card wall = duplication? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm not a great fan of duplicating effort. I do find, however, that there are benefits to tracking agile iteration progress on both a physical card wall and an online "calculator" (Excel, some scrum tools) or an online card wall (e.g. Mingle).
I find that a physical card wall in the team space provides a visceral kind of connection to the status of the cards... and that moving a card physically when you finish something provides a level of satisfaction that can't be duplicated online. I can feel the card... and people can see me walk up to the wall to move something.
Online tools provide great capabilities to share remotely and to calculate progress (e.g. in Mingle, you can use the built-in tools to automatically calculate burn-ups or burn-downs from the real data, saving lots of administrative time in doing those things manually).
I'm curious if agile practitioners maintain two tracking media like I do, and how do you present the benefits of the physical wall to those who say "I can do it online... why would I want to do it on a card wall instead?".
I feel the same. There is something very psychologically satisfying in moving a physical card around on a wall. Thinking managerially, we like stats and we like them to be automated as much as possible.
Perhaps you can keep both? Use the physical wall as the main daily source of information your team work from. Then, assign one person (e.g. the scrum master) to take down the live status and put it into Mingle/Excel at the end of each day.
As long as there is good benefit for the users to have both, then you should find both keep happening alongside each other nicely. Find out what the motivators are for each tool. For example:
Physical wall:
Instant reaction
Quick visual
Physical satisfaction
Online records:
Really really useful statistics
People can be rewarded against the stats in there (e.g. points completed)
Hope this helps.
My team has struggled with this as well. Electronic data makes analysis and reporting very easy and enables associations of checkins with a backlog item, but its a lot easier to manage cards during the standup. Plus, it's a lot easier to get a "5000 foot view" of the project from looking at a large wall than a small monitor.
No matter what you do you're either either going to have some duplicate effort, or you're going to have a process with some pain points. The goal is to find that balance between the amount of duplicate effort and the value that it affords.
We're still working on finding that balance :) Here's what we do:
During planning, we throw everything into OneNote. Formatting is a bit of a pain, but we're getting better.
After planning, our ScrumMaster enters the data from OneNote into an Excel document for generating our burndown. He then exports this data into TFS, for associating checkins, and does a mail-merge to print each task on a label which is then affixed to a post-it and added to the wall.
During the standup we move the post-its around on the wall.
After the standup, the ScrumMaster updates the Excel doc, generates the burndown update, and sends it around to the team.
As a team member this is pretty low-friction, but it's pretty wasteful of the ScrumMaster's time.
I greatly prefer Cards on the wall for a few simple reasons:
Everyone know how to use them. No software training required.
Not subject to problems with network, someone's computer needing maintenance etc., even in a blackout, people can still update their cards. This may sound like a joke, but can be nice to have something to do when for whatever reason yu can not use your PC
Programmers can freely update the cards while they are booting up/compiling
Easy to see them all at a glance
Ideal for meeting if your in a scrum environment and having amini meeting aroudn a desk.
I like jotting a note on the card when it's moved with time and mover... for trakcing bugs/features.
Cross link your online and card wall.
Set up two way replication. Method is left as an exercise for the student.
Also handy to catch whiteboard content from discussions.
We use both, and I can't imagine doing it any other way. Part of it may be that we find our "online card wall" a little too clunky to easily maneuver, but we use the physical cards for getting a quick idea of what developers are working on, letting QA know which cards are ready for testing, and for QA to post what is ready for our weekly demos. The dev area, QA area, and ready to demo areas are three physically distinct places, with the ready to demo being most easily accessed. We also use the physical cards for final scoring.
Could we do all of this online? Yes, would it be quicker, and easier? No way!
We've abandoned using cards after the sprint planning session (they get added to Rally) because it doesn't make sense for us to track in multiple places. Our scrum master is accountable for making sure people enter their tasks appropriately and move them (that's what the daily standup is for). The 5000 foot view is much better in an online tool than a bunch of cards on a wall that can only be categorized two-dimensionally (or maybe three if you stack enough on top of each other).
We use both a card wall and ProjectCards. It's painful for me because I sync the two of them, but it's worth it to have the feedback for the team that is local.
We've bandied about the idea of getting a large touch screen, but I still would rather have physical cards. The other idea I've been toying around with is having a printer which will automatically print out an index card whenever a story is added to ProjectCards.
I was just wondering. How about a giant projector based touch wall. ;)
Best of both worlds. This might give some pointers.
Theres something very good about a big wall everyone can always see. I think we need a way to print onto regular thick index cards but I've had no luck so it is duplicated effort at the moment.
Electronic Card Wall Using RFID, this allows you to use a physical wall, with data mastered in software of your choice. As you move cards around, software updates accordingly.
If you use JIRA. http://wallsync.net will keep your cards in sync for you...

Is using Dexter's character sprite okay, or do I have to [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Inspiration -- Southpark game
(very popular if you see download count on download.com ,,, did he ask for permission ??)
I am making a 2d game based on dexter's lab theme. I've got the sprite of dexter from GSA. basically I'm not an artist, so I have to depend on already available sprites, backgrounds, sfx on websites like GameSpriteArchive etc.
But is it okay/legal to use the dexter sprite I have got ?
I wish to release it publicly too, so shall I have to make lot of changes to do that?
Is it possible to get a permission to use the sprite?? My hopes are very less in getting permission.
Besides all that my basic plan is -
Dexter's sprite from google search
Enemy sprites from various GBA/SNES/etc games
tiles/objects from these retro games
Background art and style from blogs and portfolios of artists behind dexter, powerpuff girls, and samurai jack
I am not a lawyer. This is not legal advice.
If you made the sprite yourself, you'd be fine. If you got a release to use it from the creator, you'd be fine. If it was released into the public domain, you'd be fine.
Anything else, you'd have a definate problem with.
There's also the possible problem you'd have even if you create the sprite yourself -- the likeness of the character is likely copyrighted. However, that's not as cut-and-dried of an issue.
Unfortunately, this is one of the things you'd need to ask a real lawyer to get a firm answer on. If it's for your own use and that of some close friends, you might be able to get away with hoping you don't get noticed (like most people who speed). If you're planning to include this in something you distribute to the public (even more so if you sell it), you're likely to run into problems.
probably not legal, since Dexter's lab is published by Hanna-Barbera and was created by Genndy Tartakovsky. They would have to grant you a license - but it can't hurt to ask!
You probably won't have to get permission if they don't notice -- it's the old "legal unless you get caught" thing. However, I strongly reccomend that you DO get permission from the creators or not use it at all on purely ethical grounds. After all, you wouldn't want somebody appropriating your work, right?

Advice on how to be graphically creative [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've always felt that my graphic design skills have lacked, but I do have a desire to improve them. Even though I'm not the worlds worst artist, it's discouraging to see the results from a professional designer, who can do an amazing mockup from a simple spec in just a few hours. I always wonder how they came up with their design and more importantly, how they executed it so quickly.
I'd like to think that all good artists aren't naturally gifted. I'm guessing that a lot of skill/talent comes from just putting in the time.
Is there a recommended path to right brain nirvana for someone starting from scratch, a little later in life? I'd be interested in book recommendations, personal theories, or anything else that may shed some light on the best path to take. I have questions like should I read books about color theory, should I draw any chance I have, should I analyze shapes like an architect, etc...
As far as my current skills go, I can make my way around Photoshop enough where I can do simple image manipulation...
Thanks for any advice
Most of artistic talent comes from putting in the time. However, as in most skills, practicing bad habits doesn't help you progress.
You need to learn basic drawing skills (form, mainly) and practice doing them well and right (which means slowly). As you practice correctly, you'll improve much faster.
This is the kind of thing that changes you from a person who says, "It doesn't look right, but I can't tell why - it's just 'off' somehow" to a person who says, "Oops, the arm is a bit long. If I shorten the elbow end it'll change the piece in this way, if I shorten the hand end it'll change the piece this way..."
So you've got to study the forms you intend to draw, and recognize their internally related parts (the body height is generally X times the size of the head, the arms and legs are related in size but vary from the torso, etc). Same thing with buildings, physical objects, etc.
Another thing that will really help you is understanding light and shadow - humans pick up on shape relationships based on outlines and based on shadows.
Color theory is something that will make your designs attractive, or evoke certain responses and emotions, but until you get the form and lighting right the colors are not something you should stress. One reason why art books and classes focus so much on monochrome drawings.
There are books and classes out there for these subjects - I could recommend some, but what you really need is to look at them yourself and pick the ones that appeal to you. You won't want to learn if you don't like drawing fruit bowls, and that's all your book does. Though you shouldn't avoid what you don't like, given that you're going the self taught route you should make it easy in the beginning, and then force yourself to draw the uninteresting and bland once you've got a bit of confidence and speed so you can go through those barriers more quickly.
Good luck!
That's a difficult thing. Usually people think "artistic skills" come from your genes but actually they do not.
The bests graphic designer I know have some sort of education in arts. Of course, photoshop knowledge will allow you to do things but being interested in art (painting specially) will improve your sensitivity and your "good taste".
Painting is a pleasure, both doing it and seeing it. Learning to both understand and enjoy it will help and the better way to do it is by going to museums. I try to go to as much expositions as I can, as well as read what I can on authors and styles (Piccaso, Monet, Dali, Magritte, Expresionism, Impresionism, Cubism, etc) that will give you a general overview that WILL help.
On the other side... you are a programmer so you shouldn't be in charge of actually drawing the icons or designing the enterprise logo. You should however be familiarized with user interface design, specially with ease of use, and terms as goal oriented design.
Of course, in a sufficiently large company you won't be in charge of the UI design either, but it will help anyway. I'd recommend the book About Face, which centers in goal oriented design as well as going through some user interface methapores and giving some historic background for the matter.
I'm no artist and I'm colorblind, but I have been able to do fairly well with track creation for Motocross Madness and other games of that type (http://twisteddirt.com & http://dirttwister.com).
Besides being familiar with the toolset I believe it helps to bring out your inner artist.
I found that the book "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" was an amazing eye opening experience for me.
One of the tricks that it uses is for you to draw a fairly complicated picture while looking at the picture upside down. If I had drawn it while looking at it right side up it would have looked horrible. I impressed myself with what I was able to draw while copying it while it was upside down.
I did this many years ago. I just looked at their website and I think I will order the updated book and check out their DVD.
I have a BFA in Graphic Design, although I don't use it much lately. Here's my $.02.
Get a copy of "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" and go through it. You will become a better artist/drawer as a result and I'm a firm believer that if you can't do it with pencil/paper you won't be successful on the computer. Also go to the bookstore and pick up a copy of How or one of the other publications. I maintain a subscription to How just for inspiration.
I'll see if I can dig up some web links tonight for resources (although I'm sure others will provide some).
most importantly, carry a sketch book and use it. Draw. Draw. Draw.
Drawing is probably what I'd recommend the most. Whenever you have a chance, just start drawing. Keep in mind that what you draw doesn't have to be original; it's a perfectly natural learning tool to try and duplicate someone else's work. You'll learn a lot. If you look at all the great masters, they had understudies who actually did part of their masters' works, so fight that "it must be original" instinct that school's instilled in you, and get duplicating. (Just make sure you either destroy or properly label these attempts as copies--you don't want to accidentally use them later and then be accused of plagiarism..)
I have a couple of friends in the animation sector, and one of them told me that while she was going through college, the way she was taught to draw the human body was to go through each body part, and draw it 100 times, each in a completely different pose. This gets you comfortable with the make-up of the object, and helps you get intimately knowledgeable about how it'll look from various positions.
(That may not apply directly to what you're doing, but it should give you an indicator as to the amount of discipline that may be involved in getting to the point you seek.)
Definitely put together a library of stuff that you can look to for inspiration. Value physical media that you can flip through over websites; it's much quicker to flip through a picture book than it is to search your bookmarks online. When it comes to getting your imagination fired up, having to meticulously click and wait repeatedly is going to be counter-productive.
Inspiration is probably your biggest asset. Like creative writing, and even programming, looking at what people have done and how they have done will give you tools to put in your toolbox.
But in the sense of graphic design (photoshop, illustrator, etc), just like programmers don't enjoy reinventing the wheel, I don't think artwork is any different. Search the web for 'pieces' that you can manipulate (vector graphics: example). Run through tutorials that can easily give you some tricks. Sketch out a very rough idea, and look through web images to find something that has already created.
It's like anything else that you wish to master, or become proficient in. If you want it, you've got to practice it over, and over, and over.
I, too was not born with a strong design skillset, in fact quite the opposite. When I started out, my philosophy was that if the page or form just works then my job was done!
Over the years though, I've improved. Although I believe I'll never be as good as someone who was born with the skills, sites like CSS Zen Garden among others have helped me a lot.
Read into usability too, as I think usability and design for computer applications are inextricably entwined. Books such as Don Norman's "The Design of Everyday Things" to Steve Krug's "Don't Make Me Think", have all helped improve my 'design skills'... slightly! ;-)
Good luck with it.
As I mentioned in a thread yesterday, I have found working through tutorials for Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and After Effects to be very helpful. I use Adobe's Kuler site for help with colors. I think that designers spend a lot of time looking at other's designs. Some of the books out there on web site design might help, even for designing applications. Adobe TV has a lot of short videos on graphic design in general, as well as achieving particular results in one of their tools. I find these videos quite helpful.
