Using multiple UIWebViews in a UIScrollView - uiwebview

I am using 5 UIWebViews in a UIScrollView to show the result of my game. Intention is to allow the user to scroll through the results screen. I had a problem where the UIWebViews won't load when scrolled to the next page. This means the first page will load successfully however when you scroll to Page 2, you will see a white blank page. Page is loaded as I can see the alert which was given in all the 5 pages, but it won't show.
I tried a workaround as mentioned here
inserting various views into UIScrollView
This fixed my problem, however when I submitted the app to iTunes, it got rejected with the following comment.
"3.3.1 Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs."
The non-public API that is included in your application is _documentView
I would like to fix this issue and resubmit. Can someone help please ?

Just use one WebView for all results (which will scroll if it doesn't fit into the screen).


Cosmicmind: how to dismiss floatingViewController / return rootViewController?

toolbarController?.floatingViewController = vc
to floating view controller. As expected, toolbar not showing and screen shows with full size. I want to dismiss back to rootViewController didnt achieve that.
Actually i showed apps in pagetabbar like google play and now i want to show app detail page. When user clicks app icon, app icon will animate and shows detail page and if he wants to, it will dismiss that. I used transition method first (it has animation parameter) but i want to figure out difference between floating usages etc. Is there any showcase ? Thank you for great library btw.
to hide the floatingViewController, set it to nil. There isn't a showcase at the moment. The transition method is for changing the rootViewController. Hope this helps :)

Wait message with full refresh in xpages

I am developing an application on xpages and would like to put a wait message while there is an ongoing processing. There are several articles that indicate how to do, but this only functional with partial update. I need the message, preferably with lock and an animated gif to work with the full update.
Problem is that a full refresh will reload the page, to get this working you need to load the page inside an iframe and place the standby code in the top page.
If you do something you need to call parent.window.dothestandby()
and in onload on the page inside the iframe call parent.window.hidestandy()
Take a look at this NotesIn9 video by David Leedy and watch from 5 minutes and see if it helps:
What I did was use the technique described in the link below, from an article by Brad Balassaits. In the various techniques mentioned, I implemented the one that inserts the waiting animated gif into the triggered button. From the techniques suggested and researched this was the one that would least impact when there are changes of adjustments in the application.
Brad Balassaiti article

How to get a callback when a View becomes visible on the screen on Android

Is there a way to get a callback when a View appears/disappears on the screen?
I need this for analytics purposes - eg. I need to check how many times people saw a view versus how many times they clicked on it.
I can tell whether a view is on screen at a certain point in time but I'm wondering whether there is a callback for that.
Also note that I'm not interested when a View's state becomes VISIBLE and not even when a view gets rendered (because eg. in a ViewPager the Views of the second page are rendered before they actually appear on screen).
We did several workarounds for certain scenarios but I'd like to have something which is more generic. We need it in ListViews, GridViews, ScrollViews and ViewPagers and each one of them presents different challenges.
Does ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener help? I have never used it myself though.

i see some strange code in the window that pops up in facebook sdk at my iphone

i use this code at my post window in facebook sdk in my iphone app
[mainDelegate._session dialog:#"feed" andParams:params andDelegate:self];
when the windows shows up i see the following code in the words i used for my description.
span class text_exposed_hide ... span span class text_exposed_showspan class text_exposed_hide ... span span class text_exposed_show
what is this code about? should be visible to me or not?
this code is no visible when i post to facebook!!! how do i get rid of it in the window anyone?
The code you see is so that Facebook can limit the amount of text displayed and show a More link when it's on Facebook. I don't know how to get rid of it yet, but am also experiencing it. I'll post a reply if I find out more.
Update: From what I can tell this only happens with the Description and not with the Caption. It didn't used to happen (I have apps that I haven't changed that also exhibit this behaviour) so will have to put it down to Facebook - no doubt they want us to switch to the Graph API instead (which doesn't have a preview!)

MOSS'07 - Page View Web Part Slows Menu Hovers

In our MOSS '07 site we have a page that contains just a Page Viewer web part in it that points to a site on another server. However, I've noticed that on that page (and any others that have a Page Viewer web part on it) our drop down menus and hover effects are super slow and completely max out the CPU on the visitor's computer (process is IExplorer.)
Through testing, I was able to determine that it doesn't matter what URL the web part is pointed to...just having the Iframe on the page seems to cause it (just setting the viewer to load Google's homepage--which is probably the simplest site I know--still causes the problem). If I go and remove the web part, the menus start functioning just fine again.
I attached a debugger to the process and stepped through the Menu_HoverStatic and called functions and it seems to have a hard time when assigning panel.scrollTop to zero in the PopOut_Show function.
Has anyone else noticed this? ...perhaps found a solution to it? I can't find where to edit PopOut_Show function on our server (I think it's a resource in one of the .NET DLLs) or else I'd just comment out that line as I don't think it's really important least on our site.
I really like the ability to have web pages from another server hosted in our SharePoint site, but the performance on the hovers is agonizing... and, honestly, unacceptable. Depending on the resources of the user's computer, the hover effects can take 15 seconds to complete at times!!!!
Any suggestions would be really appreciated!
SharePoint's built-in JavaScript is probably making the browser wait until the IFrame within the Page Viewer Web Part has completely loaded. If you can see a status bar message that says "Please wait while scripts are loaded..." when you attempt to click on the page then that's definitely the problem.
Thank you for your reply. I was actually able to discover what the problem was (my appologies for not sharing it here with everyone when I did!)
The problem wasn't so much from having the IFRAME on the page, it was because I had set the zone to be 100% width and height. Because of a but in IE, trying to calculate the location of the dropdown was erroring (I don't remember what javascript function or call was exactly to blame, but I remember stepping through it with the debugger.) I believe it had something to do with "location offset" or something like that. My take at the time was that it was trying to position the dropdown menu on the screen, and the calculation for positioning it was failing.
To get around it, I had to set a javascript routine to programmatically set the height of the zone after the page loaded. Exactly setting the height prevented the dropdown problem in the menus. Of course, it wasn't ideal because if a user resizes the window, the IFRAME (or, more precisely, the zone it's in) doesn't resize with it. But, it was a suitable band-aid for the problem.
I'm hoping that IE 8 will fix this when it's released.
