Critical sections with multicore processors - multithreading

With a single-core processor, where all your threads are run from the one single CPU, the idea of implementing a critical section using an atomic test-and-set operation on some mutex (or semaphore or etc) in memory seems straightforward enough; because your processor is executing a test-and-set from one spot in your program, it necessarily can't be doing one from another spot in your program disguised as some other thread.
But what happens when you do actually have more than one physical processor? It seems that simple instruction level atomicity wouldn't be sufficient, b/c with two processors potentially executing their test-and-set operations at the same time, what you really need to maintain atomicity on is access to the shared memory location of the mutex. (And if the shared memory location is loaded into cache, there's the whole cache consistency thing to deal with, too..)
This seems like it would incur far more overhead than the single core case, so here's the meat of the question: How much worse is it? Is it worse? Do we just live with it? Or sidestep it by enforcing a policy that all threads within a process group have to live on the same physical core?

Multi-core/SMP systems are not just several CPUs glued together. There's explicit support for doing things in parallel. All the synchronization primitives are implemented with the help of hardware along the lines of atomic CAS. The instruction either locks the bus shared by CPUs and memory controller (and devices that do DMA) and updates the memory, or just updates the memory relying on cache snooping. This in turn causes cache coherency algorithm to kick in forcing all involved parties to flush their caches.Disclaimer - this is very basic description, there are more interesting things here like virtual vs. physical caches, cache write-back policies, memory models, fences, etc. etc.
If you want to know more about how OS might use these hardware facilities - here's an excellent book on the subject.

The vendor of multi-core cpus has to take care that the different cores coordinate themselves when executing instructions which guarantee atomic memory access.
On intel chips for instance you have the 'cmpxchg' instruction. It compares the value stored at a memory location to an expected value and exchanges it for the new value if the two match. If you precede it with the 'lock' instruction, it is guaranteed to be atomic with respect to all cores.

You would need a test-and-set that forces the processor to notify all the other cores of the operation so that they are aware. Yes, that introduces an overhead and you have to live with it. It's a reason to design multithreaded applications in such a way that they don't wait for synchronization primitives too often.

Or sidestep it by enforcing a policy that all threads within a process group have to live on the same physical core?
That would cancel the whole point of multithreading. When you are using a lock, semaphore, or other syncronization techniques, you are relying on OS to make sure that these operations are interlocked, no matter how many cores you are using.
The time to switch to a different thread after a lock has been released is mostly determined by the cost of a context switch. This SO thread deals with the context switching overhead, so you might want to check that.
There are some other interesting threads also:
What are the differences between various threading synchronization options in C#?
Threading best practices
You should read this MSDN article also: Understanding the Impact of Low-Lock Techniques in Multithreaded Apps.

Memory accesses are handled by the memory controller which should take care of multi-core issues, i.e. it shouldn't allow simultaneous access to same addresses (probably handled either by memory page or memory line basis). So you can use a flag to indicate whether another processor is updating the memory contents of some block (this to avoid a type of dirty read where part of the record is updated, but not all).
A more elegant solution is to use a HW semaphore block if the processor has such a feature. A HW semaphore is a simple queue which could be of size no_of_cores -1. This is how it is in TI's 6487/8 processor. You can either query the semaphore directly (and loop until it is released) or do an indirect query which will result in an interrupt once your core gets the resource. The requests are queued and served in the order they were made. A semaphore query is an atomic operation.
Cache consistency is another issue and you might need to do cache writebacks and refreshes in some cases. But this is a very cache implementation specific thing. With 6487/8 we needed to do that on a few operations.

Well, depending on what type of computers you have laying around the house, do the following: Write a simple multithreaded application. Run this application on a single core (Pentium 4 or Core Solo) and then run it on a multicore processor (Core 2 Duo or similar) and see how big the speed up is.
Granted these are unfair comparisons since Pentium 4 and Core Solo are much slower regardless of cores than a Core 2 Duo. Maybe compare between a Core 2 Duo and a Core 2 Quad with an application that can use 4 or more threads.
You raise a number of valid points. Muliple processors introduce a lot of headache and overhead. However, we just have to live with them, because the speed boost of parallelism can far outweigh them, if the critical sections are made long enough.
As for your final suggestion about having all threads on the same physical core, that completely defeats the point of a multi-core computer!


Is there a POSSIBILITY for context switching to occur on a multi-core processor or does it ONLY HAPPEN on single-core processors?
In computing, a context switch is the process of storing the state of
a process or thread, so that it can be restored and resume execution
at a later point, and then restoring a different, previously saved,
state.[1] This allows multiple processes to share a single central
processing unit (CPU), and is an essential feature of a multitasking
operating system.
The precise meaning of the phrase "context switch" varies. In a
multitasking context, it refers to the process of storing the system
state for one task, so that task can be paused and another task
resumed. A context switch can also occur as the result of an
interrupt, such as when a task needs to access disk storage, freeing
up CPU time for other tasks. Some operating systems also require a
context switch to move between user mode and kernel mode tasks. The
process of context switching can have a negative impact on system
performance.[2]: 28
and the second question 2):
If I understand correctly, on a single-core processor ONLY ONE thread can be executed AT A TIME (that's why context switching is INEVITABLE), so there is virtual parallelism.
So, is it completely SAFE not to use locks (like mutex, etc) to access shared resources (variables) on single-core processors (there are almost no such processors nowadays but take it as a "theoretical" question)? Thanks
is it completely SAFE not to use locks (like mutex, etc) to access shared resources (variables) on single-core processors?
Probably not. It can be safe, if the code is running under the regime of cooperative multitasking, and if the programmer takes care to ensure that no thread executes any yield point while it has shared variables in some invalid state. But, Most operating systems these days use preemptive multitasking, in which the OS can take the CPU away from one thread and give it to another at any time, and with no warning.
When writing multi-threaded code for a single-CPU system (see below, for more about that) one need not worry so much about the system's memory model, as when programming for an SMP architecture or a NUMA architecture, but one still must take care to prevent the threads from interfering with each other.
(there are almost no such processors nowadays...)
Ha! Try telling that to an embedded software developer (E.g., myself.) There are single-CPU computers embedded in all manner of different things these days. Your microwave oven, your thermostat, a CPAP machine, a bluettooth headset... Your car might contain dozens of them. So might a mobile robot or a complex, automated factory assembly line.
Yes, context switches occur on multicore processors, for the same reasons as on single core ones.
No, of course it's not always safe to have multiple threads access shared resources without locks. Doesn't matter how many cores you have. (Only maybe if you use very, very restricted definitions of what "safe" and "shared resource" mean.)
If you have two threads running code like the following with the same shared variable:
read variable
mutate value
write result back to variable
Then if a context switch happens in the middle of this sequence, and you have no mutex lock on the variable, you'll get inconsistent results. "Inconsistent" could easily include behavior that would cause memory leaks or crash the program: imagine if the variable is part of a data structure like a linked list or tree. Nothing about this needs a separate core.

What happens when multiple threads try to access a critical section exactly at the same time?

I've being trying to find an answer for that, and all I could find it that once a thread reaches a critical section it locks it in front of other threads (or some other lock mechanism is being used to lock the critical section).
But that implies that the threads didn't really reach the CS exactly at the same microsecond.
Although I guess it is quite rare, can it really happen, and what happens in this situation?
Can I simply assume the the program will malfunction?
Note: I am referencing to a multicore CPUs.
I think you are missing the point of the fundamental locking primitives like Semaphores. If correct primitive is used, and used correctly, then the timing of the threads do not matter. They may well be simultaneous. The Operating System guarantees that no two thread will enter the critical section. Even on multicore machines, this bit is specially implemented (with lots of trickery even) to get that assurance.
To address your concerns specifically:
But that implies that the threads didn't really reach the CS exactly at the same microsecond.
No. The other threads could have reached in the same microsecond, BUT if the locking mechanism is correct, then only one the competing threads will "enter" the critical section and others will wait.
Although I guess it is quite rare, can it really happen, and what happens in this situation?
Rare or not, if the correct locking primitive is used, and used correctly, then no two threads will enter the critical section.
Can I simply assume the the program will malfunction?
Ideally the program should not malfunction. But any code will have bugs - so does your code and the Operating System code for the Semaphores. So it is safe to assume that in some edge cases the program will indeed malfunction. But this assumption is true for any code in general.
Locking and Critical Sections are rather tricky to correctly implement. So for non academic purposes we should always use the system provided locking primitives. All Operating Systems expose stuff like Semaphores which most programming languages have ways to use. Some programming languages have their own lightweight implementations which provide somewhat softer guarantees but at a higher performance. As I said, while doing Critical Sections, it is critical to choose the correct thing and also to implement it correctly.
...But that implies that the threads didn't really reach the CS exactly at the same microsecond.
Short answer; Memory system hardware makes it impossible for two different processors to access the same memory location at the same time. I'm not a computer architect, so I can't explain how it works, but the memory system serializes all of the accesses to the shared, main memory by the various CPUs in a multi-CPU system.
"Entering a critical section" means locking a mutex, and a mutex basically is just a flag in shared memory that is accesses by a specific protocol.
It is the task of the cache coherence protocol to make sure there are no 2 writes on the same chunk of memory (cache line) at the same time. With MESI there can be multiple readers of the same cacheline, but only 1 writer.
So if 2 threads at the same time want to write to the same cacheline, their requests will be serialized by cache coherence protocol.
Most CPU architecture support atomic operations like CAS. On the X86 this can be done using a lock prefix. The CPU will lock the cacheline when it starts with the CAS instruction and will not respond to cache coherence requests from other cores till it is finished with the atomic operation.
So if you would have 2 CPUs that both want to do a CAS, these operations are serialized by the underlying hardware.

Is synchronization for variable change cheaper then for something else?

In a multi-threading environment, isn’t it that every operation on the RAM must be synchronized?
Let’s say, I have a variable, which is a pointer to another memory address:
foo 12345678
Now, if one thread sets that variable to another memory address (let’s say 89ABCDEF), meanwhile the first thread reads the variable, couldn’t it be that the first thread reads totally trash from the variable if access wouldn’t be synchronized (on some system level)?
foo 12345678 (before)
89ABCDEF (new data)
••••• (writing thread progress)
89ABC678 (memory content)
Since I never saw those things happen I assume that there is some system level synchronization when writing variables. I assume, that this is why it is called an ‘atomic’ operation. As I found here, this problem is actually a topic and not totally fictious from me.
On the other hand, I read everywhere that synchronizing has a significant impact on performance. (Aside from threads that must wait bc. they cannot enter the lock; I mean just the action of locking and unlocking.) Like here:
synchronized adds a significant overhead to the methods […]. These operations are quite expensive […] it has an extreme impact on the program performance. […] the expensive synchronized operations that cause the code to be so terribly slow.
How does this go together? Why is locking for changing a variable unnoticeable fast, but locking for anything else so expensive? Or, is it equally expensive, and there should be a big warning sign when using—let’s say—long and double because they always implicitly require synchronization?
Concerning your first point, when a processor writes some data to memory, this data is always properly written and cannot be "trashed" by other writes by threads processes, OS, etc. It is not a matter of synchronization, just required to insure proper hardware behaviour.
Synchronization is a software concept that requires hardware support. Assume that you just want to acquire a lock. It is supposed to be free when at 0 et locked when at 1.
The basic method to do that is
fetch lock value from memory
set lock value in memory to 1
got_the_lock = (fetched value from memory == 0)
print "I got the lock!!"
The problem is that if other threads do the same thing at the same time and read lock value before it has been set to 1, several threads may think they got the lock.
To avoid that, one need atomic memory access. An atomic access is typically a read-modify-write cycle to a data in memory that cannot interrupted and that forbids access to this information until completion. So not all accesses are atomic, only specific read-modify-write operation and it is realized thanks tp specific processor support (see test-and-set or fetch-and-add instructions, for instance). Most accesses do not need it and can be a regular access. Atomic access is mostly use to synchronize threads to insure that only one thread is in a critical section.
So why are atomic access expensive ? There are several reasons.
The first one is that one must ensure a proper ordering of instructions. You probably know that instruction order may be different from instruction program order, provided the semantic of the program is respected. This is heavily exploited to improve performances : compiler reorder instructions, processor execute them out-of-order, write-back caches write data in memory in any order, and memory write buffer do the same thing. This reordering can lead to improper behavior.
1 while (x--) ; // random and silly loop
2 f(y);
3 while(test_and_set(important_lock)) ; //spinlock to get a lock
4 g(z);
Obviously instruction 1 is not constraining and 2 can be executed before (and probably 1 will be removed by an optimizing compiler). But if 4 is executed before 3, the behavior will not be as expected.
To avoid that, an atomic access flushes the instruction and memory buffer that requires tens of cycles (see memory barrier).
Without pipeline, you pay the full latency of the operation: read data from memory, modify it and write it back. This latency always happens, but for regular memory accesses you can do other work during that time that largely hides the latency.
An atomic access requires at least 100-200 cycles on modern processors and is accordingly extremely expensive.
How does this go together? Why is locking for changing a variable unnoticeable fast, but locking for anything else so expensive? Or, is it equally expensive, and there should be a big warning sign when using—let’s say—long and double because they always implicitly require synchronization?
Regular memory access are not atomic. Only specific synchronization instructions are expensive.
Synchronization always has a cost involved. And the cost increases with contention due to threads waking up, fighting for lock and only one gets it, and the rest go to sleep resulting in lot of context switches.
However, such contention can be kept at a minimum by using synchronization at a much granular level as in a CAS (compare and swap) operation by CPU, or a memory barrier to read a volatile variable. A far better option is to avoid synchronization altogether without compromising safety.
Consider the following code:
synchronized(this) {
// a DB call
This block of code will take several seconds to execute as it is doing a IO and therefore run high chance of creating a contention among other threads wanting to execute the same block. The time duration is enough to build up a massive queue of waiting threads in a busy system.
This is the reason the non-blocking algorithms like Treiber Stack Michael Scott exist. They do a their tasks (which we'd otherwise do using a much larger synchronized block) with the minimum amount of synchronization.
isn’t it that every operation on the RAM must be synchronized?
No. Most of the "operations on RAM" will target memory locations that are only used by one thread. For example, in most programming languages, None of a thread's function arguments or local variables will be shared with other threads; and often, a thread will use heap objects that it does not share with any other thread.
You need synchronization when two or more threads communicate with one another through shared variables. There are two parts to it:
mutual exclusion
You may need to prevent "race conditions." If some thread T updates a data structure, it may have to put the structure into a temporary, invalid state before the update is complete. You can use mutual exclusion (i.e., mutexes/semaphores/locks/critical sections) to ensure that no other thread U can see the data structure when it is in that temporary, invalid state.
cache consistency
On a computer with more than one CPU, each processor typically has its own memory cache. So, when two different threads running on two different processors both access the same data, they may each be looking at their own, separately cached copy. Thus, when thread T updates that shared data structure, it is important to ensure that all of the variables it updated make it into thread U's cache before thread U is allowed to see any of them.
It would totally defeat the purpose of the separate caches if every write by one processor invalidated every other processor's cache, so there typically are special hardware instructions to do that only when it's needed, and typical mutex/lock implementations execute those instructions on entering or leaving a protected block of code.

Is duplication of state resources considered optimal for hyper-threading?

This question has an answer that says:
Hyper-threading duplicates internal resources to reduce context switch
time. Resources can be: Registers, arithmetic unit, cache.
Why did CPU designers end up with duplication of state resources for simultaneous multithreading (or hyper-threading on Intel)?
Why wouldn't tripling (quadrupling, and so on) those same resources give us three logical cores and, therefore, even faster throughput?
Is duplication that researchers arrived at in some sense optimal, or is it just a reflection of current possibilities (transistor size, etc.)?
The answer you're quoting sounds wrong. Hyperthreading competitively shares the existing ALUs, cache, and physical register file.
Running two threads at once on the same core lets it find more parallelism to keep those execution units fed with work instead of sitting idle waiting for cache misses, latency, and branch mispredictions. (See Modern Microprocessors
A 90-Minute Guide! for very useful background, and a section on SMT. Also this answer for more about how modern superscalar / out-of-order CPUs find and exploit instruction-level parallelism to run more than 1 instruction per clock.)
Only a few things need to be physically replicated or partitioned to track the architectural state of two CPUs in one core, and it's mostly in the front-end (before the issue/rename stage). David Kanter's Haswell writeup shows how Sandybridge always partitioned the IDQ (decoded-uop queue that feeds the issue/rename stage), but IvyBridge and Haswell can use it as one big queue when only a single thread is active. He also describes how cache is competitively shared between threads. For example, a Haswell core has 168 physical integer registers, but the architectural state of each logical CPU only needs 16. (Out-of-order execution for each thread of course benefits from lots of registers, that's why register renaming onto a big physical register file is done in the first place.)
Some things are statically partitioned, like the ROB, to stop one thread from filling up the back-end with work dependent on a cache-miss load.
Modern Intel CPUs have so many execution units that you can only barely saturate them with carefully tuned code that doesn't have any stalls and runs 4 fused-domain uops per clock. This is very rare in practice, outside something like a matrix multiply in a hand-tuned BLAS library.
Most code benefits from HT because it can't saturate a full core on its own, so the existing resources of a single core can run two threads at faster than half speed each. (Usually significantly faster than half).
But when only a single thread is running, the full power of a big core is available for that thread. This is what you lose out on if you design a multicore CPU that has lots of small cores. If Intel CPUs didn't implement hyperthreading, they would probably not include quite so many execution units for a single thread. It helps for a few single-thread workloads, but helps a lot more with HT. So you could argue that it is a case of replicating ALUs because the design supports HT, but it's not essential.
Pentium 4 didn't really have enough execution resources to run two full threads without losing more than you gained. Part of this might be the trace cache, but it also didn't have nearly the amount of execution units. P4 with HT made it useful to use prefetch threads that do nothing but prefetch data from an array the main thread is looping over, as described/recommended in What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory (which is otherwise still useful and relevant). A prefetch thread has a small trace-cache footprint and fetches into the L1D cache used by the main thread. This is what happens when you implement HT without enough execution resources to really make it good.
HT doesn't help at all for code that achieves very high throughput with a single thread per physical core. For example, saturating the front-end bandwidth of 4 uops / clock cycle without ever stalling.
Or if your code only bottlenecks on a core's peak FMA throughput or something (keeping 10 FMAs in flight with 10 vector accumulators). It can even hurt for code that ends up slowing down a lot from extra cache misses caused by competing for space in the L1D and L2 caches with another thread. (And also the uop cache and L1I cache).
Saturating the FMAs and doing something with the results typically takes some instructions other than vfma... so high-throughput FP code is often close to saturating the front-end as well.
Agner Fog's microarch pdf says the same thing about very carefully tuned code not benefiting from HT, or even being hurt by it.
Paul Clayton's comments on the question also make some good points about SMT designs in general.
If you have different threads doing different things, SMT can still be helpful. e.g. high-throughput FP code sharing a core with a thread that does mostly integer work and stalls a lot on branch and cache misses could gain significant overall throughput. The low-throughput thread leaves most of the core unused most of the time, so running another thread that uses the other 80% of a core's front-end and back-end resources can be very good.

How does the cache coherency protocol enforce atomicity?

I understand atomicity can be guaranteed on operations like xsub(), without using the LOCK prefix, by relying on the cache coherency protocol (MESI/MESIF).
1) How can the cache coherency protocol do this???
Its making me wonder if the cache coherency protocol can enforce atomicity, why do we need special atomic types/instructions etc?
2) If MOSI implements atomic instructions across multi-core systems then what is the purpose of LOCK? Legacy?
3) If MOSI implements atomic instructions and MOSI is used for all instructions- then why do atomic instructions cost so much? Surely the performance should be same as normal instructions.
Atomicity and Memory Ordering
For an operation to be atomic it must appear to be one undivided operation to any observer. That observer can be anything that can see the effect of the operation, whether its the thread does the operation, a different thread on the same processor a thread on different processor, or some component or device in the system. Observers that can't see the effect of the operation, whether the same thread, a different thread, or a device, don't affect whether the operation is atomic or not.
(Note that by processor I mean what Intel's documentation would call a logical processor. A system with two CPU sockets, each populated with a quad-core CPU with two logical processors per core would have a total of 16 processors.)
A related but different concept is memory ordering. Memory accesses are only sequentially consistent if they appear to an observer as happening in the order they occur in the program. This guarantee always applies then when the observer is the same thread as performed the operations. Other more limited guarantees of memory ordering are possible. A strong but not sequentially consistent ordering might guarantee many sorts of operations are ordered with respect to each other, but not all. A weak memory ordering provides no guarantees about how accesses appear to other threads.
Compilers and Atomicity
When you're writing a program in C or some other higher level language it may appear that certain operations are atomic and sequentially ordered, but the compiler only generally guarantees this when viewed from the same thread that performed those operations. However, from the compiler's perspective any code that runs when a thread is asynchronously interrupted happens in different thread of execution even if that code runs in the same OS thread. That means the code running in a signal handler or in a structured exception handler isn't guaranteed to see operations performed outside the the handler in the same thread as being atomic or sequentially consistent.
Because of the limited general guarantee the compiler is free to do things like implement what look to be atomic operations using multiple assembler instructions make them appear non-atomic to other observers. The compiler can also reorder memory accesses, even remove apparently redundant accesses entirely. It can do whatever optimizations it wants so long in the single uninterrupted thread case the program still behaves as if it were doing all those operations in program order.
In the multi-threaded case, or where signal or exception handlers a present, it's necessary to take special steps to inform the compiler where you need it to provide broader guarantees of atomicity and memory ordering. That's the purpose special atomic types and functions. Even if the CPU guarantees every instruction is atomic and every memory access is sequentially consistent to all other threads, the compiler doesn't.
Intel CPUs and Atomicity
Intel CPUs make it fairly easy for the compiler to provide these guarantees. Except for some odd cases, instructions are uninterruptable. Any event that causes the execution of an instruction to be interrupted either happens after the instruction is fully completed or allows the instruction to resumed as if it were never executed. The means that at the machine code level every operation is atomic and every memory operation is sequentially consistent as it appears to code running on the same processor. In the single processor case nothing needs to be done provide these guarantees except when they need to be to visible to devices other than the processor. In that case the LOCK prefix combined with uncached memory regions must be used to guarantee read/modify/write instructions are atomic and memory accesses appear sequentially consistent to other devices.
In the multi-processor case when accessing cached memory the cache coherency protocol provides guarantees of atomicity with most instructions and a strong memory ordering but not a sequentially consistent ordering. The exact mechanism by which is does this doesn't matter much, just the guarantees is gives. Any instruction that only accesses a single memory location will appear atomic to other processors. The ordering guarantees are too long to go into here, Intel uses 16 bullet points to describe them, but they apparently its a superset the guarantees that C and C++ provide with the acquire and release memory order. When that level of memory ordering is specified, the C/C++ atomic operations can use ordinary unlocked instructions.
The need for the LOCK prefix, and those instructions where the LOCK prefix is implicit, comes when you need stronger guarantees than the cache coherency protocol provides. If you need your read/modifiy/write instructions to be atomic you need to use the LOCK prefix. If you need sequentially consistent ordering you need to use the LOCK prefix.
The LOCK prefix is where the high cost of atomic operations comes from. It causes the processor to wait for all previous load and store operations to complete. Even though when accessing cached memory the LOCK prefix handled entirely within the cache without asserting LOCK#, the processor still needs to wait to ensure the operation appears sequentially consistent to other processors.
So in summary the answers to your questions are:
The cache coherency protocol can only enforce atomicity of certain machine code instruction when viewed from other processors. It can't ensure that the compiler generates a single instruction for an operation you want to be atomic. It also can't guarantee that the instruction appears to be atomic to non-processor devices on the system.
The LOCK prefix is used on machine code instructions that
perform multiple memory accesses and need appear to be atomic to other processors
need to be sequentially consistent to other processors
need to be atomic and/or sequentially consistent to other non-processor devices.
When its possible to get the necessary atomicity and memory ordering guarantees without using the LOCK prefix, the instructions used are the same as ordinary instructions and so cost the same. Where LOCK prefix is needed to provide the necessary guarantees the cost of the instruction becomes much higher than a normal instruction.
There is no xsub instruction in x86, but there is an xadd ;)
You should read the section about the LOCK prefix in the Instruction Set Reference, and the section 8.1 LOCKED ATOMIC OPERATIONS in the Software Developer's Manual Volume 3A: System Programming Guide, Part 1.
The single CPU refers to a single core nowadays, with its own cache. When you have multiple caches for multiple cores (physically in the same or separate cpu chips) they use some cache coherency protocol. In case of MESI, the core executing the atomic instruction will first ensure it has ownership of the cache line containing the operand and marks it modified, additionally locking it. If another core needs the cache line, it will do a read operation which the owner core will snoop and delay the answer until the atomic operation completes.
On single-cpu single-core systems, most instructions are atomic with respect to threading except for string instructions using a REP prefix because scheduling interrupts and thus context switches only happen on instruction boundaries. A hardware device could however observe non-atomic behaviour.
