How to build one file contains other files, selected by mask? - linux

I need to put the contents of all *.as files in some specified folder into one big file.
How can I do it in Linux shell?

You mean cat *.as > onebigfile?

If you need all files in all subdirectories, th most robust way to do this is:
rm onebigfile
find -name '*.as' -print0 | xargs -0 cat >> onebigfile
deletes onebigfile
for each file found, appends it onto onebigfile (this is why we delete it in the previous step -- otherwise you could end up tacking onto some existing file.)
A less robust but simpler solution:
cat `find -name '*.as'` > onebigfile
(The latter version doesn't handle very large numbers of files or files with weird filenames so well.)

Not sure what you mean by compile but are you looking for tar?


How to grep/find for a list of file names?

So for example, I have a text document of a list of file names I may have in a directory. I want to grep or use find to find out if those file names exist in a specific directory and the subdirectories within it. Current I can do it manually via find . | grep filename but that's one at a time and when I have over 100 file names I need to check to see if I have them or not that can be really pesky and time-consuming.
What's the best way to go about this?
xargs is what you want here. The case is following:
Assume you have a file named filenames.txt that contains a list of files
and only e.file doesn't exist.
the command in terminal is:
cat filenames.txt | xargs -I {} find . -type f -name {}
the output of this command is:
Maybe this is helpful.
If the files didn't move, since the last time, updatedb ran, often < 24h, your fastest search is by locate.
Read the filelist into an array and search by locate. In case the filenames are common (or occur as a part of other files), grep them by the base dir, where to find them:
< file.lst mapfile filearr
locate ${filearr[#]} | grep /path/where/to/find
If the file names may contain whitespace or characters, which might get interpreted by the bash, the usual masking mechanisms have to been taken.
A friend had helped me figure it out via find . | grep -i -Ff filenames.txt

How do you move files from one folder to the other?

I am trying to move specific files from one folder to another. Would the below work?
mkdir test
mkdir test2
find test/ | xargs -I% mv % test2
I think this can work:
find ./ -name "test*.sh" | xargs -I% mv % test2
There is somethin odd in your example:
If test1 does not contain any subdirectories, or if you want to move the subdirectories as they are, you could simply do a
mv test1/* test2
(Note that this would (by default) not move entries which start with a period. If this is a problem, you either should consider not using Posix shell but, say, bash or Zsh, or indeed could use find, for the safe side with the -prune option) .
The problem starts with subdirectories. The output of find contains all directories along with the files at the end. The mv inside the xargs would then move, say, a directory test1/foo, and if it later wants to process a file test1/foo/bar/baz.txt, the file is not here anymore. The overall effect would be that you would have moved all the subdirectory (as in my first solution which does not need find), but get in addition plenty of error messages.

Zipping and deleting files with certain age

i'm trying to elaborate a command that will find files that haven't been modified in over 6 months and zip them with one command. Afterwards i want to delete all those files and i just archived.
My current command to find the directories with the files is
find /var/www -type d -mtime -400 ! -mtime -180 | xargs ls -l > testd.txt
This gave me all the directories including the files that are older than 6 months
Now i was wondering if there was a way of zipping all the results and deleting them afterwards. Something amongst the line of
find /var/www -type f -mtime -400 ! -mtime -180 | gzip -c archive.gz
If anyone knows the proper syntax to achieve this i'd love to know. Thakns!
Edit, after a few tests this command results in a corrupted file
find /var/www -mtime -900 ! -mtime -180 | xargs tar -cf test4.tar
Any ideas?
Break this into several distinct steps that you can implement and thoroughly test separately:
Build a list of files to be archived and then deleted, saved to a temp file
Use the list from step 1 to add the files to .tar.gz archives. Give the archive file a name following a specific pattern that won't appear in the files to be archived, and put it in a directory outside the hierarchy of files being archived.
Read back the files from the .tar.gz and compare them (or their hashes) to the original files to ENSURE that you got them all without corruption
Use the list from step 1 to delete the files. Do not use a wildcard for deletion. Put in some guard code to prevent deletion of any file matching the name pattern of the archive .tar.gz file(s) created in step 2.
When testing a script that can do irreversible damage, always code the dangerous command with a leading echo and leave it that way until you are sure everything works. Only then remove the echo.
Consider zip, it should meet your requirements.
find ... | zip -m#
-m (move) deletes the input directories/files after making the specified zip archive.
-# takes the list of input files from standard input.
You may find more options which are useful to you in the zip manual, e. g.
-r (recurse) travels the directory structure recursively.
-sf (show-files) shows the files that would be operated on, then exits.
-t or --from-date operates on files not modified prior to the specified date.
-tt or --before-date operates on files not modified after or at the specified date.
This could possibly make findexpendable.
zip -mr --from-date 2012-09-05 --before-date 2013-04-13 archive /var/www

sed not working as expected, but only for directory depth greater than 1

I am trying to find all instances of a string in all files on my system up to a specified directory depth. I then want to replace these with another string and I am using 'find' and 'sed' by piping one into the other.
This works where I use the base path as cd /home/../.. or any other directory which isn't "/". It also only works if I select a directory depth of 1 (so /test.txt is changed, but /home/test.txt isn't) If I change nothing else and used say a depth of 2 or 3, neither /test.txt nor /home/text.txt are changed. In the former, no warnings appear, and in the latter, the results below (And no strings are replaced in either of the files).
Worryingly, it did work once out of the blue, but I have no idea how and I can't recreate the results. I should say I know the risks of using these commands with root from base directory, and the specific use of the programs below is intentional so I am not looking for an alternative way, just a clue as to how this isn't working and perhaps a suggestion on how to fix it.
cd /;find . -maxdepth 3 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/teststring123/itworked/gI'
sed: couldn't open temporary file ./sys/kernel/sedoPGqGB: No such file or directory
sed: couldn't open temporary file ./proc/878/sedtqayiq: No such file or directory
As you see, there are warnings, but nether the less I would expect it to work, the commands appear good, anything I am missing folks?
This should be:
find / -maxdepth 3 -type f -print -exec sed -i -e 's/teststring123/itworked/g' {} \;
Although changing all files below / strikes me as a very bad idea indeed (I hope you're not running as root!).
The "couldn't open temporary file ./[...]" errors are likely to be because sed, running as your user, doesn't have permission to create files in /.
My version runs from your current working directory, I assume your ${HOME}, where you'll be able to create the temporary file, but you're still unlikely to be able to replace those files vital to the continued running of your operating system.

Bash script to recursively step through folders and delete files

Can anyone give me a bash script or one line command i can run on linux to recursively go through each folder from the current folder and delete all files or directories starting with '._'?
Change directory to the root directory you want (or change . to the directory) and execute:
find . -name "._*" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf
xargs allows you to pass several parameters to a single command, so it will be faster than using the find -exec syntax. Also, you can run this once without the | to view the files it will delete, make sure it is safe.
find . -name '._*' -exec rm -Rf {} \;
I've had a similar problem a while ago (I assume you are trying to clean up a drive that was connected to a Mac which saves a lot of these files), so I wrote a simple python script which deletes these and other useless files; maybe it will be useful to you:
find /path -name "._*" -exec rm -fr "{}" +;
Instead of deleting the AppleDouble files, you could merge them with the corresponding files. You can use dot_clean.
dot_clean -- Merge ._* files with corresponding native files.
For each dir, dot_clean recursively merges all ._* files with their corresponding native files according to the rules specified with the given arguments. By default, if there is an attribute on the native file that is also present in the ._ file, the most recent attribute will be used.
If no operands are given, a usage message is output. If more than one directory is given, directories are merged in the order in which they are specified.
Because dot_clean works recursively by default, use:
dot_clean <directory>
If you want to turn off the recursively merge, use -f for flat merge.
dot_clean -f <directory>
find . -name '.*' -delete
A bit shorter and perform better in case of extremely long list of files.
