MFMailComposeController - mfmailcomposeviewcontroller

i m trying to implement MFMailViewComposeViewController... but getting some following error plz tell why this is happing.. i am new to iPhone...
Line Location Tool:0: ".objc_class_name_MFMailComposeViewController", referenced from:
Line Location Tool:0: symbol(s) not found
Line Location Tool:0: literal-pointer#__OBJC#__cls_refs#MFMailComposeViewController in FriendShoppingListViewController.o
thanks in advance if possible provide the code..

You have to import MessageUI.framework to your project to make MFMailViewComposeViewController work.


error: cannot find symbol if (!"ovpn3".equals(BuildConfig.FLAVOR))

When I create vpn app I am geting this type of error plz someone help me in this
C:\Users\asus\Desktop\WorkBook\UltimateVpn\app\src\main\java\de\blinkt\openvpn\core\ error: cannot find symbol
if (!"ovpn3".equals(BuildConfig.FLAVOR))
symbol: variable FLAVOR
location: class BuildConfig
I am facing the same problem. You are using old ics-vpn library. You can see not exist "BuildConfig.flavor" line anymore.
Libary Url : ics-openvpn/

azure-devops-node-api - getPersonalAccessTokenHandler(tokenHandler) not working

having node v8.15 and Typescript of 3.4.3. Installed the latest version on azure-devops-node-api . imported the module to ts file .
let authHandler = azdev.getPersonalAccessTokenHandler(token);
giving me error as
***Failed to load component "50c18491-a471-4da6-8936-11a40cef9265" (HelloWorldWebPart).
Original error: ***Failed to load entry point from component "50c18491-a471-4da6-8936-11a40cef9265" (HelloWorldWebPart).
Original error: Error loading https://component-id.invalid/50c18491-a471-4da6-8936-11a40cef9265_0.0.1
Cannot find module "net"
***Failed to load entry point from component "50c18491-a471-4da6-8936-11a40cef9265" (HelloWorldWebPart).
Original error: Error loading https://component-id.invalid/50c18491-a471-4da6-8936-11a40cef9265_0.0.1
Cannot find module "net"
at SPLoaderError.SPError [as constructor] (https://localhost:4321/temp/workbench-packages/#microsoft_sp-loader/dist/sp-loader-assembly_default.js:8390:24)
at new SPLoaderError (https://localhost:4321/temp/workbench-packages/#microsoft_sp-loader/dist/sp-loader-assembly_default.js:4036:28)
at Function.ErrorBuilder.buildErrorWithVerboseLog (https://localhost:4321/temp/workbench-packages/#microsoft_sp-loader/dist/sp-loader-assembly_default.js:3789:21)
at Function.ErrorBuilder.buildLoadComponentError (https://localhost:4321/temp/workbench-packages/#microsoft_sp-loader/dist/sp-loader-assembly_default.js:3697:21)
at https://localhost:4321/temp/workbench-packages/#microsoft_sp-loader/dist/sp-loader-assembly_default.js:6275:47
The above issue may raise due to the incorrect reference in the code.
Other contributors provided a workaround to resolve this issue.
In his case,he tried to call the webpartcontext code and use the below references in the code.
1 import IWebPartContext from '#microsoft/sp-webpart-base/lib/core/IWebPartContext';
2 import SPHttpClient from '#microsoft/sp-http/lib/spHttpClient/SPHttpClient';
He added the below references by replacing the above code to resolve the issue.
1 import { IWebPartContext } from '#microsoft/sp-webpart-base';
2 import { SPHttpClient } from '#microsoft/sp-http';
You can also try this way to see if it could resolve your issue. For details,please refer to this link.
Hope this helps.


I can run the following comand under Win cmd box:
"C:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf\bin\wkhtmltopdf.exe" --header-html "C:\temp\Header.html" "C:/temp/out_new1.pdf"
Output looks like expected and includes the Header.html
However, if I try to place it in Python it will return errors.
I've tryed the following configruration:
path_wkthmltopdf = "'C:/Program Files/wkhtmltopdf/bin/wkhtmltopdf.exe' --header-html 'C:/temp/Header.html'"
config = pdfkit.configuration(wkhtmltopdf=path_wkthmltopdf)
I'm receiving the following error:
OSError: No wkhtmltopdf executable found: "'C:/Program Files/wkhtmltopdf/bin/wkhtmltopdf.exe' --header-html 'C:/temp/Header.html'"
Can u help please?
Thank you very much in advance
thanks for the tips.
I figured out how it works.
I try somesing like:
path_wkthmltopdf = r"'C:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf\bin\wkhtmltopdf.exe' options=pdf_options"
config = pdfkit.configuration(wkhtmltopdf=path_wkthmltopdf)
which is not working.
You have to put the option to the call like
pdfkit.from_string(data, outputfile_name, configuration=config, options=pdf_options)
Best regards

Error : "could not find or load main class \lib\jamm-0.3.0.jar"

While running 'cassandra.bat' file on Windows, I am getting the error "could not find or load main class \lib\jamm-0.3.0.jar. Any pointers on how to resolve this?
Make sure your directory structure is correct, check for the file jamm-0.3.0.jar under lib directory.

Kohana framework Fatal error mystery

I got a fatal error at auto_load function. See the following error, indicating that the specific directory and file '/mnt/webDir/www/sossage/system/classes/kohna/log.php' file failed opening required. Yes, file doesn't exist. Its's wrong path.
But, I never write the code, also can't find anywhere using 'find' option on my web root.
Fatal error: Kohana_Core::auto_load(): Failed opening required '/mnt/webDir/www/mysite/system/classes/kohna/log.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /mnt/webDir/mysite/system/classes/kohana/core.php on line 418, referer:
How can I solve the problem, please let me know the solution or tips.
You've got a typo in your configuration, likely. Note the directory it's attempting to access:
"kohna" is not the appropriate spelling. The directory is instead:
