Atomic file save on Linux without losing metadata - linux

I'm working on a Perl-based file synchronization tool. It downloads files into a temporary directory (which is guaranteed to be on the same filesystem as the real file) and then moves the temporary files into place over the old ones, preserving metadata like permissions, ownership, and ACLs. I'm wondering how to achieve that last step on Linux.
On Mac OS X, at least in C, I would use the exchangedata function. This takes two filenames as arguments and swaps their contents, leaving all metadata (besides mtime) intact. It guarantees that the operation is atomic—all readers will see either the old file or the new one, never something in between. Unfortunately, I don't think it's available on Linux.
I know that rename moves atomically, but it doesn't preserve metadata. On the other hand, I could open the file and overwrite the data with the contents of the new one, which would preserve all metadata but would not be an atomic operation. Any suggestions on tackling this problem?

The only approach I see here is to read the metadata from the file you are replacing, apply that to the temporary file, and then rename the temporary file over the old file. (rename preserves the source file attributes, obviously.)

Filesystem-specific, but...
The XFS_IOC_SWAPEXT ioctl swaps the extents of two file descriptors on XFS.
#include <xfs/xfs.h>
#include <xfs/xfs_dfrag.h>
xfs_swapext_t sx = {
.sx_fdtarget = fd1,
.sx_fdtmp = fd2,
xfs_swapext(fd1, &sx);
See the sources to xfs_fsr for example usage.


Is it required to use O_TRUNC and O_APPEND together?

I was going through the book The Linux Programming Interface. On page 73 in Chapter 4,
it is written:
fd = open("w.log", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_APPEND, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
I read that O_TRUC flag is used to truncate the file length to zero that destroys any existing data in the file.
O_APPEND flag is used to append data to the end of the file.
The kernel records a file offset, sometimes also called the read-write offset or pointer. This is the location in the file at which the next read() or write() will commence.
I am confused that if the file is truncated and the kernel does the subsequent writing at the end of the file, why is the append flag is needed to explicitly tell to append at the end of the file?
Without the append flag (if the file is truncated), the kernel writes at the end of the file for the subsequent write() function call.
O_APPEND flag is used to append data to the end of the file.
That's true, but incomplete enough to be potentially misleading. And I suspect that you are in fact confused in that regard.
The kernel records a file offset, sometimes also called the read-write offset or pointer. This is the location in the file at which the next read() or write() will commence.
That's also incomplete. There is a file offset associated with at least each seekable file. That is the position where the next read() will commence. It is where the next write() will commence if the file is not open in append mode, but in append mode every write happens at the end of the file, as if it were repositioned with lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END) before each one. In that case, then, the current file offset might not be the position where the next write() will commence.
I am confused that if the file is truncated and the the kernel does the subsequent writing at the end of the file why the append flag is needed to explicitly tell to append at the end of the file ?
It is not needed to cause the first write (by any process) after truncation to occur at the end of the file because immediately after the file has been truncated there isn't any other position.
With out the append flag (if the file is truncated), the kernel writes at the end of the file for the subsequent write() function call.
It is not needed for subsequent writes either, as long as the file is not repositioned or externally modified. Otherwise, the location of the next write depends on whether the file is open in append mode or not.
In practice, it is not necessarily the case that every combination of flags is useful, but the combination of O_TRUNC and O_APPEND has observably different effect than does either flag without the other, and the combination is useful in certain situations.
O_APPEND rarely makes sense with O_TRUNC. I think no combination of the C fopen modes will produce that combination (on POSIX systems, where this is relevant).
O_APPEND ensures that every write is done at the end of the file, automatically, regardless of the write position. In particular, this means that if multiple processes are writing to the file, they do not stomp over each other's writes.
note that POSIX does not require the atomic behavior of O_APPEND. It requires that an automatic seek takes place to the (current) end of the file before the write, but it doesn't require that position to still be the end of of the file when the write occurs. Even on implementations which feature atomic O_APPEND, it might not work for all file systems. The Linux man page on open cautions that O_APPEND doesn't work atomically on NFS.
Now, if every process uses O_TRUNC when opening the file, it will be clobbering everything that every other process wrote. That conflicts with the idea that the processes shouldn't be clobbering each other's writes, for which O_APPEND was specified.
O_APPEND is not required for appending to a file by a single process which is understood to be the only writer. It is possible to just seek to the end and then start writing new data. Sometimes O_APPEND is used in the exclusive case anyway simply because it's a programming shortcut. We don't have to bother making an extra call to position to the end of the file. Compare:
FILE *f = fopen("file.txt", "a");
// check f and start writing
FILE *f = fopen("file.txt", "r+");
// check f
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); // go to the end, also check this for errors
// start writing
We can think about the idea that we have a group of processes using O_APPEND to a file, such that the first one also performs O_TRUNC to truncate it first. But it seems awkward to program this; it's not easy for a process to tell whether it is the first one to be opening the file.
If such a situation is required on, say, boot-up, where the old file from before the boot is irrelevant for some reason, just have a boot-time action (script or whatever) remove the old file before these multiple processes are started. Each one then uses O_CREAT to create the file if necessary (in case it is the first process) but without O_TRUNC (in case they are not the first process), and with O_APPEND to do the atomic (if available) appending thing.
The two are entirely independent. The file is simply opened with O_APPEND because it's a log file.
The author wants concurrent messages to concatenate instead of overwrite each other (e.g. if the program forks), and if an admin or log rotation tool truncates the file then new messages should start being written at line #1 instead of at line #1000000 where the last log entry was written. This would not happen without O_APPEND.

How do I seek for holes and data in a sparse file in golang [duplicate]

I want to copy files from one place to another and the problem is I deal with a lot of sparse files.
Is there any (easy) way of copying sparse files without becoming huge at the destination?
My basic code:
out, err := os.Create(bricks[0] + "/" + fileName)
in, err := os.Open(event.Name)
io.Copy(out, in)
Some background theory
Note that io.Copy() pipes raw bytes – which is sort of understandable once you consider that it pipes data from an io.Reader to an io.Writer which provide Read([]byte) and Write([]byte), correspondingly.
As such, io.Copy() is able to deal with absolutely any source providing
bytes and absolutely any sink consuming them.
On the other hand, the location of the holes in a file is a "side-channel" information which "classic" syscalls such as read(2) hide from their users.
io.Copy() is not able to convey such side-channel information in any way.
IOW, initially, file sparseness was an idea to just have efficient storage of the data behind the user's back.
So, no, there's no way io.Copy() could deal with sparse files in itself.
What to do about it
You'd need to go one level deeper and implement all this using the syscall package and some manual tinkering.
To work with holes, you should use the SEEK_HOLE and SEEK_DATA special values for the lseek(2) syscall which are, while formally non-standard, are supported by all major platforms.
Unfortunately, the support for those "whence" positions is not present
neither in the stock syscall package (as of Go 1.8.1)
nor in the tree.
But fear not, there are two easy steps:
First, the stock syscall.Seek() is actually mapped to lseek(2)
on the relevant platforms.
Next, you'd need to figure out the correct values for SEEK_HOLE and
SEEK_DATA for the platforms you need to support.
Note that they are free to be different between different platforms!
Say, on my Linux system I can do simple
$ grep -E 'SEEK_(HOLE|DATA)' </usr/include/unistd.h
# define SEEK_DATA 3 /* Seek to next data. */
# define SEEK_HOLE 4 /* Seek to next hole. */
…to figure out the values for these symbols.
Now, say, you create a Linux-specific file in your package
containing something like
// +build linux
const (
and then use these values with the syscall.Seek().
The file descriptor to pass to syscall.Seek() and friends
can be obtained from an opened file using the Fd() method
of os.File values.
The pattern to use when reading is to detect regions containing data, and read the data from them – see this for one example.
Note that this deals with reading sparse files; but if you'd want to actually transfer them as sparse – that is, with keeping this property of them, – the situation is more complicated: it appears to be even less portable, so some research and experimentation is due.
On Linux, it appears you could try to use fallocate(2) with
FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE | FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE to try to punch a hole at the
end of the file you're writing to; if that legitimately fails
(with syscall.EOPNOTSUPP), you just shovel as many zeroed blocks to the destination file as covered by the hole you're reading – in the hope
the OS will do the right thing and will convert them to a hole by itself.
Note that some filesystems do not support holes at all – as a concept.
One example is the filesystems in the FAT family.
What I'm leading you to is that inability of creating a sparse file might
actually be a property of the target filesystem in your case.
You might find Go issue #13548 "archive/tar: add support for writing tar containing sparse files" to be of interest.
One more note: you might also consider checking whether the destination directory to copy a source file resides in the same filesystem as the source file, and if this holds true, use the syscall.Rename() (on POSIX systems)
or os.Rename() to just move the file across different directories w/o
actually copying its data.
You don't need to resort to syscalls.
package main
import "os"
func main() {
f, _ := os.Create("/tmp/sparse.dat")
f.Seek(1024*1024*10, 0)
Then you'll see:
$ ls -l /tmp/sparse.dat
-rw-rw-r-- 1 soren soren 10485763 Jun 25 14:29 /tmp/sparse.dat
$ du /tmp/sparse.dat
8 /tmp/sparse.dat
It's true you can't use io.Copy as is. Instead you need to implement an alternative to io.Copy which reads a chunk from the src, checks if it's all '\0'. If it is, just dst.Seek(len(chunk), os.SEEK_CUR) to skip past that part in dst. That particular implementation is left as an exercise to the reader :)

Acquire fuse_file_info in FUSE's truncate()

Is it possible to acquire the struct fuse_file_info* fi in the function truncate()? Why is it not there in the first place?
int truncate(const char* path, off_t size)
I'm storing my file descriptor in the file handler, fh, of the fuse_file_info structure. The function open() appears to be called beforehand so that structure is created for the file. The description of fh is: "File handle. May be filled in by filesystem in open(). Available in all other file operations".
(As a last resort I'm thinking of having a structure to store this information, saved into a hash map, and then use the file handler to store the key. This would allow me to search the structure, using the path, in order to find the respective file descriptor.)
Note: I'm actually using jnr-fuse but since it mimics libfuse I'm not asking specifically for it; what works for one should (sort of) work for the other.
Why is it not there in the first place?
Because of implementation of truncate in the Linux kernel. You can see signature here.

How to create a large file on a VFAT partition efficiently in embedded Linux

I'm trying to create a large empty file on a VFAT partition by using the `dd' command in an embedded linux box:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/flash/file bs=1M count=1 seek=1023
The intention was to skip the first 1023 blocks and write only 1 block at the end of the file, which should be very quick on a native EXT3 partition, and it indeed is. However, this operation turned out to be quite slow on a VFAT partition, along with the following message:
lowmem_shrink:: nr_to_scan=128, gfp_mask=d0, other_free=6971, min_adj=16
// ... more `lowmem_shrink' messages
Another attempt was to fopen() a file on the VFAT partition and then fseek() to the end to write the data, which has also proved slow, along with the same messages from the kernel.
So basically, is there a quick way to create the file on the VFAT partition (without traversing the first 1023 blocks)?
Why are VFAT "skipping" writes so slow ?
Unless the VFAT filesystem driver were made to "cheat" in this respect, creating large files on FAT-type filesystems will always take a long time. The driver, to comply with FAT specification, will have to allocate all data blocks and zero-initialize them, even if you "skip" the writes. That's because of the "cluster chaining" FAT does.
The reason for that behaviour is FAT's inability to support either:
UN*X-style "holes" in files (aka "sparse files")
that's what you're creating on ext3 with your testcase - a file with no data blocks allocated to the first 1GB-1MB of it, and a single 1MB chunk of actually committed, zero-initialized blocks) at the end.
NTFS-style "valid data length" information.
On NTFS, a file can have uninitialized blocks allocated to it, but the file's metadata will keep two size fields - one for the total size of the file, another for the number of bytes actually written to it (from the beginning of the file).
Without a specification supporting either technique, the filesystem would always have to allocate and zerofill all "intermediate" data blocks if you skip a range.
Also remember that on ext3, the technique you used does not actually allocate blocks to the file (apart from the last 1MB). If you require the blocks preallocated (not just the size of the file set large), you'll have to perform a full write there as well.
How could the VFAT driver be modified to deal with this ?
At the moment, the driver uses the Linux kernel function cont_write_begin() to start even an asynchronous write to a file; this function looks like:
* For moronic filesystems that do not allow holes in file.
* We may have to extend the file.
int cont_write_begin(struct file *file, struct address_space *mapping,
loff_t pos, unsigned len, unsigned flags,
struct page **pagep, void **fsdata,
get_block_t *get_block, loff_t *bytes)
struct inode *inode = mapping->host;
unsigned blocksize = 1 << inode->i_blkbits;
unsigned zerofrom;
int err;
err = cont_expand_zero(file, mapping, pos, bytes);
if (err)
return err;
zerofrom = *bytes & ~PAGE_CACHE_MASK;
if (pos+len > *bytes && zerofrom & (blocksize-1)) {
*bytes |= (blocksize-1);
return block_write_begin(mapping, pos, len, flags, pagep, get_block);
That is a simple strategy but also a pagecache trasher (your log messages are a consequence of the call to cont_expand_zero() which does all the work, and is not asynchronous). If the filesystem were to split the two operations - one task to do the "real" write, and another one to do the zero filling, it'd appear snappier.
The way this could be achieved while still using the default linux filesystem utility interfaces were by internally creating two "virtual" files - one for the to-be-zerofilled area, and another for the actually-to-be-written data. The real file's directory entry and FAT cluster chain would only be updated once the background task is actually complete, by linking its last cluster with the first one of the "zerofill file" and the last cluster of that one with the first one of the "actual write file". One would also want to go for a directio write to do the zerofilling, in order to avoid trashing the pagecache.
Note: While all this is technically possible for sure, the question is how worthwhile would it be to do such a change ? Who needs this operation all the time ? What would side effects be ?
The existing (simple) code is perfectly acceptable for smaller skipping writes, you won't really notice its presence if you create a 1MB file and write a single byte at the end. It'll bite you only if you go for filesizes on the order of the limits of what the FAT filesystem allows you to do.
Other options ...
In some situations, the task at hand involves two (or more) steps:
freshly format (e.g.) a SD card with FAT
put one or more big files onto it to "pre-fill" the card
(app-dependent, optional)
pre-populate the files, or
put a loopback filesystem image into them
One of the cases I've worked on we've folded the first two - i.e. modified mkdosfs to pre-allocate/ pre-create files when making the (FAT32) filesystem. That's pretty simple, when writing the FAT tables just create allocated cluster chains instead of clusters filled with the "free" marker. It's also got the advantage that the data blocks are guaranteed to be contiguous, in case your app benefits from this. And you can decide to make mkdosfs not clear the previous contents of the data blocks. If you know, for example, that one of your preparation steps involves writing the entire data anyway or doing ext3-in-file-on-FAT (pretty common thing - linux appliance, sd card for data exchange with windows app/gui), then there's no need to zero out anything / double-write (once with zeroes, once with whatever-else). If your usecase fits this (i.e. formatting the card is a useful / normal step of the "initialize it for use" process anyway) then try it out; a suitably-modified mkdosfs is part of TomTom's dosfsutils sources, see mkdosfs.c search for the -N command line option handling.
When talking about preallocation, as mentioned, there's also posix_fallocate(). Currently on Linux when using FAT, this will do essentially the same as a manual dd ..., i.e. wait for the zerofill. But the specification of the function doesn't mandate it being synchronous. The block allocation (FAT cluster chain generation) would have to be done synchronously, but the VFAT on-disk dirent size update and the data block zerofills could be backgrounded / delayed (i.e. either done at low-prio in background or only done if explicitly requested via fdsync() / sync() so that the app can e.g. alloc blocks, write the contents with non-zeroes itself ...). That's technique / design though; I'm not aware of anyone having done that kernel modification yet, if only for experimenting.

Fast way to find the number of files in one directory on Linux

I am looking for a fast way to find the number of files in a directory on Linux.
Any solution that takes linear time in the number of files in the directory is NOT acceptable (e.g. "ls | wc -l" and similar things) because it would take a prohibitively long amount of time (there are tens or maybe hundreds of millions of files in the directory).
I'm sure the number of files in the directory must be stored as a simple number somewhere in the filesystem structure (inode perhaps?), as part of the data structure used to store the directory entries - how can I get to this number?
Edit: The filesystem is ext3. If there is no portable way of doing this, I am willing to do something specific to ext3.
Why should the data structure contain the number? A tree doesn't need to know its size in O(1), unless it's a requirement (and providing that, could require more locking and possibly a performance bottleneck)
By tree I don't mean including subdir contents, but files with -maxdepth 1 -- supposing they are not really stored as a list..
edit: ext2 stored them as a linked list.
modern ext3 implements hashed B-Trees
Having said that, /bin/ls does a lot more than counting, and actually scans all the inodes. Write your own C program or script using opendir() and readdir().
from here:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
int main()
int count;
struct DIR *d;
if( (d = opendir(".")) != NULL)
for(count = 0; readdir(d) != NULL; count++);
printf("\n %d", count);
return 0;
You can use inotify to track and record file create and unlink events in the monitored directory. It would distribute the total time required to maintain file count and allow you to retrieve the current file count instantaneously.
The inode for the directory does not store the number of files in it, since usually the file count is not needed separately from the list of names in the directory. The directory inode's link count does indirectly give the number of sub-directories (st_nlink is number of sub-dirs plus two).
I think you have no choice except read through the whole list of files in the directory. find might or might not be faster than ls.
This is an example of why large directories are a problem, even when the directory is implemented using a B-tree.
There's no portable way to do this. The low-level file primitives, i.e. readdir, work as if it's a linear list. Clearly, that's an abstraction, and some filesystems might store a count. However, accessing it is inherently filesystem-specific.
If you are willing to jump through hoops you may have each directory in a different filesystem, use quotas, and get the info with the "repquota" command.
