How do I determine the type of constant expressions in Haskell? - haskell

I am trying to revise for my functional programming exam, and am stumped on the first questions on past papers, and yes, we arent allowed solution sheets, here is an example of the 1st question on a past paper.
For each of the following expressions give its type in Haskell (for an expression that has many types, just give one type).
(True, "hello", 42)
[42, 4, 2]
length [True]
filter even
I think personally that the answer for one and two would be a tuple of bool, String and int and a list of ints respectively, is this correct to assume? and secondly how would you answer 3 and 4, i am sure length True just outputs a list of all elements that are of that length, and that filter even just alters a list of ints to a list that are of all even numbers, though how could i show this as an answer?

If you want to get types of variables offline with ghci you have to type
:t expression
if you want to create variables in ghci, you have to use let without using 'in' (as in do notation for monads, I don't know if you have seen them yet) :
let var = expr
If you check it all by yourself, you should be able to remember it more easily for your exams. (good luck for it ;))

length [True] will be Int, and it would return 1. You can check that with ghci or lambdabot.
filter even will be (Integral a) => [a] -> [a]
for example, [Int] -> [Int]
And I think this is kind of pointless because lambdabot can tell all those things to you.

To be precise, the type of [42, 4, 2] is going to be
Num a => [a]
This is because an integer literal in Haskell is treated as having an implicit "fromIntegral" in front of it, so the real expression is [fromIntegral 42, fromIntegral 4, fromIntegral 2].
"fromIntegral" is part of the Num class, and has the type
fromIntegral :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
This says that it converts an instance of some Integral type (i.e. Int or Integer) into an arbitrary other numeric type (Int, Float, Double, Complex ...). This is why you can say something like "43.2 + 1" without getting a type error.
"length [True]" is going to have type Int, because "length" has type "[a] -> Int", and the argument (a list of Bool) is provided.
"filter even" is a little bit more complicated. Start with the type of "filter":
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
The first parameter (the bit in brackets) is itself a function that takes a list item and returns a Bool. Remember that the "->" operator in Haskell types is right associative, so if you put in the implied brackets you see that the type is:
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> ([a] -> [a])
In other words if you give it the first argument, you get back a new function that expects the second argument. In this case the first argument is:
even :: (Integral a) => a -> Bool
This introduces a slight wrinkle: "even" requires its argument to be an Integral type (i.e. Int or Integer, as above), so this constraint has to be propagated to the result. If it were not then you could write this:
filter even "foo"
Hence the answer is:
filter even :: (Integral a) => [a] -> [a]
You can see that the Integral constraint comes from the type of "even", while the rest of the type comes from "filter".


Can you handle both Int and Float while defining a function in Haskell?

I'm working on a Haskell problem to try and learn the language. I'm trying to recursively add all of the elements in a list, so:
[5,5] -> 10 and [5.0, 5.0] -> 10.0
I know how to recursively solve this, but my question is, how do you handle both Ints and Floats when defining a function? Right now I have:
add :: [Int] -> Int
which doesn't work for float. Thank you in advance for the help.
As indicated in the comments, you're looking for a typeclass. In this particular case, since you want to add numbers together, you want the Num typeclass, which (among other things) provides the addition function
(+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a
So your signature should look like
add :: Num a => [a] -> a
and the function can be written recursively
add [] = 0
add (x:xs) = x + add xs
Note that integer literals, such as 0 in this example, are internally treated as Num a => a. Effectively, the Haskell compiler will compile the number 0 to fromInteger (0 :: Integer), where fromInteger is another function in the Num typeclass. Hence, integer literals are polymorphic.
Finally, while there's nothing wrong with this implementation, the function you're looking at actually comes built-in to Haskell. It's called sum.
sum :: (Foldable t, Num a) => t a => a
Note that Foldable is a typeclass for, fittingly, things that can be folded over. The list type [] is an example of a Foldable.

What does " Non type-variable argument in the constraint" really mean?

For example:
map (+1) 2
in ghci yields
<interactive>:23:1: error:
* Non type-variable argument in the constraint: Num [b]
(Use FlexibleContexts to permit this)
* When checking the inferred type
it :: forall b. (Num b, Num [b]) => [b]
I've seen many questions similar to mine, but all seem only to answer what we can deduce from this (that the type of the second argument to map is wrong), and how to fix it - but not what error actually means . Where do things go wrong precisely?
The error arises during the type-deduction of your statement.
(+1) is of type Num a => a -> a
2 is of type Num a => a
map is of type (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
We know that map (+1) has to be of type (Num b) => [b] -> [b], and therefore map (+1) 2 of type (Num b, Num [b]) => [b]. But [b] is not just a type-variable, it's List of some type variable, where list is a data constructor. In an alternative version of Haskell where no syntactic sugar for lists exists, we might write (Num b, Num (List b)).
This is a problem because by default, Haskell does not support non type-variable arguments for constraints. So the precise nature of the problem is not that Haskell doesn't know how to map over numbers - it's that it doesn't allow values of the type that our function call produces.
But that rule isn't strictly needed. By adding -XFlexibleContexts when calling ghci, types of the sort that our method produces are now allowed. The reason for this is that the literal 2 in Haskell doesn't really represent a number - it represents an object of type Num a => a, which is constructed from the Integral 2 using fromIntegral. So the statement map (+1) 2 is equivalent to map (+1) (fromIntegral (2::Integer)). This means that the literal "2" can represent anything, given the proper instantiation - including lists.
2 has the type Num a => a; we haven't specified what a is, except that it has to have a Num instance.
map (+1) has the type Num b => [b] -> [b]; we have specified what b is, except it has to have a Num instance.
When we determine the type of map (+1) 2, we are basically unifying Num a ~ Num b => [b].
2 :: Num a => a
map (+1) :: Num b => [b] -> [b]
map (+1) 2 :: (Num b, Num [b]) => [b]
And this is the problem. Num requires a type variable like a or b, not a polymorphic type like [b], as its argument.
Here’s an actual answer:
GHC tries to infer the types by itself, and failed, or in GHC lingo:
When checking the inferred type …
Basically the conflict is:
• GHC is happy to have any value as a parameter for map (+1), as long as it is compatible with its type. And map (+1) wants a list of numbers, since + wants two numbers and 1 already is one number, and map always wants a list of values compatible with that.
• And here’s the kicker: GHC is happy to have 2 be any type! Because to save you the hassle of always having to specify if a literal 2 is of a certain type, GHC just treats numeric literals as Integer and replaces it with fromInteger 2. So since fromInteger is from the class Num, 2 can be anything that implemented that class Num! So 2 could be a list too!
So GHC is stuck trying to fit those things together, and tells you:
“It needs to be some value, that is a number. … And where the list of those values is also a number!”
Or in Haskell:
it :: forall b. (Num b, Num [b]) => [b]
But there is no instance that makes lists numbers!
Or in GHC lingo:
Non type-variable argument in the constraint: Num [b]
That’s why you nowadays get this, yes definitely badly designed and confusing error message.
(Almost all GHC error messages are a cruel joke. The best thing you can do to understand them, is to read them bottom to top! And know all of Haskell’s type system freedoms and the GHC extensions that are forcing GHC to not make assumptions that would make these errors a much simpler sub-class of errors otherwise.)
Obviously, you’d normally just replace 2 with an actual list of some sort. But we’re not going to do that here. Since GHC wants crazy, GHC shall get crazy:
Silly resolution
So since it leaves us the option of making lists (of numbers) numbers, that’s what we shall do:
instance Num b => Num [b] where
(+) = zipWith (+)
(*) = zipWith (*)
abs = map abs
signum = map signum
fromInteger i = [fromInteger i]
-- or repeat [fromInteger i], if we’re evil. ;)
negate = map negate
So now, it works perfectly fine:
> map (+1) 2
Since 2 becomes fromInteger 2 :: Num a => [a], which puts 2 in a list ([2]), and then map (+1) is happy and turns it into [2+1]. Which evaluates to [3].
This possibility is why the error message wasn’t a much simpler
“Error: 2 is not a list, but map expects a list!”.

How does these two notations differ in Haskell?

I am new to Haskell and still kind of confused with some notations.
In the function header, i know that
func :: [Int] -> Int
indicates that the input is a list of integers and the output is an integer.
How does this differ from
func :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a
I am asking because they seem to be same, and I wonder why we use different notations for something identical.
The first one is very simple and as you have said, it takes a list of Int and returns a single Int.
The second one, however, can accept many different types for its input (including types you define yourself).
The key is (Ord a). What this is saying is that it has to be a list of orderable types, and if it satisfies that requirement then it is a valid type that can be passed into this particular function.
The Ord typeclass includes the following members:
func :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a
could potentially be a function that takes a list of orderable types and returns the maximum member of that list, as an example. This could be [Int], [Integer], [Float], and many other things.

Why does the type of a function change when it comes out of a monad in GHCi [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Why does `peek` with a polymorphic Ptr return GHC.Prim.Any when used with a bind?
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
Something changes about the type of a function when it comes out of a monad.
> :t map
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
> a <- return map
> :t a
a :: (GHC.Prim.Any -> GHC.Prim.Any)
-> [GHC.Prim.Any] -> [GHC.Prim.Any]
This change makes it hard to store the function in a higher rank type.
What is happening here and can I make it not happen?
(Also doesn't this violate one of the monad laws?)
First of all, there is no point in doing anything like a <- return map - its the same as let a = map, which works just fine. That said, I don't think that is your question...
Checking out the documentation of GHC.Prim.Any which gives us a big hint as to the role of Any.
It's also used to instantiate un-constrained type variables after type
checking. For example, length has type
length :: forall a. [a] -> Int
and the list datacon for the empty list has type
[] :: forall a. [a]
In order to compose these two terms as length [] a
type application is required, but there is no constraint on the
choice. In this situation GHC uses Any
(In terms of type application syntax, that looks like length #Any ([] #Any *))
The problem is that when GHCi sees x <- return map it tries to desugar it to return map >>= \x -> ... but the ... part is whatever you enter next into GHCi. Normally it would figure out what the type variables of map are going to be instantiated to (or whether they even should be instantiated to anything) based the ..., but since it has nothing there.
Another key point that #sepp2k points out is that x can't be given a polymorphic type because (>>=) expects (on its RHS) a rank-1 function, and that means its argument can't be polymorphic. (Loosening this condition pushes you straight into RankNTypes at which point you lose the ability to infer types reliably.)
Therefore, needing x to be monomorphic and having no information to help it instantiate the type variables that prevent x from being monomorphic, it defaults to using Any. That means that instead of (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] you get (Any -> Any) -> [Any] -> [Any].

How to Interpret (Eq a)

I need to create a function of two parameters, an Int and a [Int], that returns a new [Int] with all occurrences of the first parameter removed.
I can create the function easily enough, both with list comprehension and list recursion. However, I do it with these parameters:
deleteAll_list_comp :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
deleteAll_list_rec :: (Integer -> Bool) -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
For my assignment, however, my required parameters are
deleteAll_list_comp :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
deleteAll_list_rec :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
I don't know how to read this syntax. As Google has told me, (Eq a) merely explains to Haskell that a is a type that is comparable. However, I don't understand the point of this as all Ints are naturally comparable. How do I go about interpreting and implementing the methods using these parameters? What I mean is, what exactly are the parameters to begin with?
#groovy #pelotom
Thanks, this makes it very clear. I understand now that really it is only asking for two parameters as opposed to three. However, I still am running into a problem with this code.
deleteAll_list_rec :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
delete_list_rec toDelete [] = []
delete_list_rec toDelete (a:as) =
if(toDelete == a) then delete_list_rec toDelete as
else a:(delete_list_rec toDelete as)
This gives me a "The type signature for deleteAll_list_rec
lacks an accompanying binding" which makes no sense to me seeing as how I did bind the requirements properly, didn't I? From my small experience, (a:as) counts as a list while extracting the first element from it. Why does this generate an error but
deleteAll_list_comp :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
deleteAll_list_comp toDelete ls = [x | x <- ls, toDelete==x]
does not?
2/7/13 Update: For all those who might stumble upon this post in the future with the same question, I've found some good information about Haskell in general, and my question specifically, at this link :
"Interesting. We see a new thing here, the => symbol. Everything before the => symbol is >called a class constraint. We can read the previous type declaration like this: the >equality function takes any two values that are of the same type and returns a Bool. The >type of those two values must be a member of the Eq class (this was the class constraint).
The Eq typeclass provides an interface for testing for equality. Any type where it makes >sense to test for equality between two values of that type should be a member of the Eq >class. All standard Haskell types except for IO (the type for dealing with input and >output) and functions are a part of the Eq typeclass."
One way to think of the parameters could be:
(Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
(Eq a) => means any a's in the function parameters should be members of the
class Eq, which can be evaluated as equal or unequal.*
a -> [a] means the function will have two parameters: (1) an element of
type a, and (2) a list of elements of the same type a (we know that
type a in this case should be a member of class Eq, such as Num or
-> [a] means the function will return a list of elements of the same
type a; and the assignment states that this returned list should
exclude any elements that equal the first function parameter,
(* edited based on pelotom's comment)
What you implemented (rather, what you think you implemented) is a function that works only on lists of Integers, what the assignment wants you to do is create one that works on lists of all types provided they are equality-comparable (so that your function will also work on lists of booleans or strings). You probably don't have to change a lot: Try removing the explicit type signatures from your code and ask ghci about the type that it would infer from your code (:l yourfile.hs and then :t deleteAll_list_comp). Unless you use arithmetic operations or similar things, you will most likely find that your functions already work for all Eq a.
As a simpler example that may explain the concept: Let's say we want to write a function isequal that checks for equality (slightly useless, but hey):
isequal :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
isequal a b = (a == b)
This is a perfectly fine definition of isequal, but the type constraints that I have manually put on it are way stronger than they have to. In fact, in the absence of the manual type signature, ghci infers:
Prelude> :t isequal
isequal :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
which tells us that the function will work for all input types, as long as they are deriving Eq, which means nothing more than having a proper == relation defined on them.
There is still a problem with your _rec function though, since it should do the same thing as your _comp function, the type signatures should match.
