How to control over browser back button - browser

I want a confirmation window on click of a browser back button. If I press yes then the previous page will get load ortherwise I will remain in the same page?
Any suggestion is highly appreciated.. But please be on track.. my question is straight forward
thx in advance..

Why do you want to do that?
You can prevent them from leaving the page by using Javascript, but if you can't use that, it's not possible to do anything about it.
Generally you should use the unload event in the body (in jQuery for instance, just add
if(!confirm('Do you really want to leave')){
Prototype have something similar, and for pure Javascript, I guess that it still depends on the browser you're using, but window.unload = function(evt){return false;} might work.
Don't remember the correct syntax for it though.
but I do not know if you can limit that for only the back or if it will trigger for all the unloads (like clicking on a link, closing the browser etc.)
If you want to stop them because they might have unsaved data in a form, then that is ok. If you want to stop them from going back for another reason than that, I think you should rethink why.

Generally if using the back button can cause issues you already have bigger problems.
What you probably want to do is check that you do things like this:
Use POST for all requests that alter data
Use nonce's (unique ID's) to enure forms don't get submitted twice

I use noscript for this very reason. I insist on having control of my browser not the site that I am visiting. I only allow scripts for certain sites. For any site that disables my back button,I don't allow it to run scripts.


Keep alive processing after close the google extension "popup"

When I started create extension, I didn't know that "popup" always reinit after open.
Is it have some options for off this behavior?
"background" page is not good for me.
That is the default behavior, just like closing-opening a tab/window.
Using background page (persistent: true) is a good way, it lives through the entire browser lifetime.
However, if for some reason you are not planning to use background page, I guess or Window.localStorage is also a good way, taking the former for example, you can store data through while retrieving the data via every time the popup page opens.

Use a content script to create an element on the page that is invisible to the page

I have a content script in a Chrome extension. I'd like to inject an element into the page, but I need to do so in such a way that the page is unaware of the injected element at all, i.e. it needs to be completely invisible to the page and only visible within the content script context. The page should not be able to locate the element (even with getElementByID), receive events related to it, or anything.
Is such a thing possible? How would I go about doing that? If it's not, what is the closest thing I can do?
If Shadow DOM as mentioned by #Xan doesn't work for you:
The next best thing would depend a lot on what you are trying to do.
A browser action might suit your needs as you could put the data/buttons/etc. you want to display there and the page would not be able to get to it. You could still run a content script to get the data needed from the page.

how can i handle rad window popup by watir script?

How can i handle this type of Rad window pop up by using watir.
<span id="RadWindowTitlectl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_rwmWinManager_rwMessage" class="RadWTitleText" onselectstart="return false;" unselectable="on">Check Results</span>
This is for button html...
<input id="btnOk" class="LoginButton" type="button" onclick="javascript:CallBackToEdit('1');" value="Ok">
Please give guidance for this.
Need more info to help you.
If you're trying to access a newly generated popup window, do it something like this:
browser.window(:title => "annoying popup").use do
browser.button(:id => "close").click
Given that the HTML you have supplied just seems to be an ordinary div element, my first guess is that this is not truly any kind of popup, but just a div that is using Ajax/javascript and CSS to simulate the effect of a popup (by manipulating the coloring of objects, and perhaps the 'enabled' state as well so it appears to be modal)
To be sure we'd need to see more than just fragments of the HTML Or better yet a reference to an example of a page that implements this control. It would also be helpful to know WHICH set of 'Rad' controls (since Telerik has multiple versions (Ajax, MS-MVC, Silverlight, WPF and Winforms) available) and knowing which one might make it easier to find an example of the control on the demo pages at Telerik's site
based on what little you've provided I would think that simply
browser.button(:id, 'btnOK').click #ought to work
Note that since this thing could well be coming into existence via client side scripting, potentially a brief wait might be necessary to ensure that the object exists, before trying to click it.
If that does not work for you, then use developer tools to look at the button input element and make sure it is not in a frame.
Otherwise please give us either more HTML, specifics on which RAD control this is (so we can perhaps find an example among their demos) or both.

Adapting Modal Dialog Script to Firefox

I'm adapting my regression tests to test a web app in firefox. The biggest stumbling block seems to be how to automate the modal dialogs in firefox.
In ie I use variations of the script below, but it doesn't work in Firefox. Is there an alternative that will work in both ie and firefox? {'AutoItX3.Control')
if (ret==1)
puts "There is popup."
if button.eql?("ok") || button.eql?("yes") || button.eql?("continue")
elsif (ret==0)
puts "No popup, please check your code."
at_exit { Thread.kill(popup) }
check_for_popups("Message from webpage", "OK")
Given you are talking about a javascript created dialog, I really have to ask, is there a lot of value in actually testing those?
It basically amounts to testing the functionality of the browser
If you are talking about the type of popups described here then I think the first solution, of overriding the javascript may well be your best cross platform option.
The problem with modal dialogs like this is that they are basically a UI even that is happening out at the OS level, it's no longer inside the browser DOM, and thus you need tools that are specific to the OS (like stuff that depends on win32ole, such as autoit) in order to generate the necessary interaction with the native UI and click buttons, send keystrokes etc. Most of the solutions presented should I think work with FF on windows (with proper renaming of expected window titles etc) but would fail on a mac or *nix OS. That means you need a different solution for each OS, which is a pain.
It might simply be easier to verify you can find the proper stuff that would fire the event in the HTML of the page, so you know an event WOULD be fired, and then override things so it isn't. After all it's not really your job to validate that the browser pops up a local dialog when something like alert('This is an alert box') is invoked in javascript. Your concern is that in the HTML a given element is coded to fire off the event that is needed e.g. that there's something like this onClick = 'javascript:x = confirm('Do you really want to do this');" affiliated with the element
I am experiencing a similar problem in Firefox (and I do have to test in Firefox). I can see the code calling the Javascript but when I try to override as described above nothing happens. Is there any kind of a workaround for this? Anticipated updates to Watir? ;-)

browser causing multiple button clicks

I have linkbutton that has the onclick event handler. The control is disabled as soon the user clicks but certain users are able to click multiple times.
Not able to reproduce. Could it depend on the browser?
Please help with any ideas
I'm sorry for commenting on this by way of answer field, but I have no other way to do so.
You will need to be a little more specific about the case; could you include the code fragment where the bug seems to occur?
