List all files in a directory with abosolute paths (excluding directories) - linux

I've currently got:
ls -1 $(pwd)/*
Gives me all the files in a directory with absolute paths - but formats it with the directory at the start of each list of files.
Is there a way just to get a list of files in a directory recursively (absolute paths) - excluding the directory/sub-directories themselves?

find $(pwd) -type f -print
find $(pwd) -type f -ls

If you are feeding it into something else, you might want -print0 (to handle filenames with spaces).
E.g.: find . -type f -print0 | xargs --null --no-run-if-empty grep


Bash: Find files containing a certain string and copy them into a folder

What I want:
In a bash script: Find all files in current directory that contain a certain string "teststring" and cop them into a subfolder "./testfolder"
Found this to find the filenames which im looking for
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -l "teststring"
..and this to copy found files to another folder (here selecting by strings in filename):
find . -type f -iname "stringinfilename" -exec cp {} ./testfolder/ \;
Whats the best way to combine both commands to achieve what I described at the top?
Just let find do both:
find . -name subdir -prune -o -type f -exec \
grep -q teststring "{}" \; -exec cp "{}" subdir \;
Note that things like this are much easier if you don't try to add to the directory you're working in. In other words, write to a sibling dir instead of writing to a subdirectory. If you want to wind up with the data in a subdir, mv it when you're done. That way, you don't have to worry about the prune (ie, you don't have to worry about find descending into the subdir and attempting to duplicate the work).

How do I retrieve all files in linux for given directory level. I want to absolute path aswell as the filename

I'm trying to retrieve all files for a given directory level. The files retrieved should also show absolute path.
git ls-files | cut -f1 | uniq | grep '.xml'
I expect the results to be a list of files in the directory level/depth 1.
Using find: using -maxdepth flag set to 1, -type f to list only files, -iname to list file of matching type. -exec to perform some action on the matched files. readlink -f to print the full path of the files.
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname "*.xml" -exec readlink -f {} \;

Linux find all files in sub directories and move them

I have a Linux-System where some users put files with ftp in a Directory. In this Directory there are sub-directories which the users can create. Now I need a script that searches for all files in those subdirectories and moves them in a single Directory (for backup). The Problem: The Sub directories shouldn´t be removed.
the directory for the users is /files/media/documents/
and the files have to be moved in the Directory /files/dump/. I don´t care about files in /files/media/documents/, they are already handled by another script.
I already tried this script:
for dir in /files/media/documents/
find "$dir/" -iname '*' -print0 | xargs -0 mv -t /files/dump/
Instead of iterating, you could just use find. In man-page there is a "-type" option documented, so for moving only files you could do:
find "/files/media/documents/" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 mv -t /files/dump/
You also won't like to find files in /files/media/documents/, but all sub-directories? Simply add "-mindepth":
find "/files/media/documents/" -type f -mindepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 mv -t /files/dump/
Alternatively you could also use "-exec" to skip a second command (xargs):
find "/files/media/documents/" -type f -mindepth 1 -exec mv {} /files/dump/ \;

Bash Command for Finding the size of all files with particular filetype in a directory in ubuntu

I have a folder which contains several file types say .html,.php,.txt etc.. and it has sub folders also .Sub folders may contain all the file types mentioned above.
Question1:- I want to find size of all the files having the file type as '.html' which are there in both root directory and in sub- directories
Question2:- I want to find size of all the files having the file type as '.html' which are there only in root directory but not in sub folders.
I surfed through the internet but all i am able to get is commands like df -h, du -sh etc..
Are there any bash commands for the above questions? Any bash scripts?
You can use the find command for that.
#### Find the files recursively
find . -type f -iname "*.html"
#### Find the files on the r
find . -type f -maxdepth 1 -iname "*.iml"
Then, in order to get their size, you can use the -exec option like this:
find . -type f -iname "*.html" -exec ls -lha {} \;
And if you really only need the file size (I mean, without all the other stuff that ls prints):
find . -type f -iname "*.html" -exec stat -c "%s" {} \;
iname search of files without being case sensitive
maxdepth travels subdirectories recursively up to the specify level (1 means only the immediate folder)
exec executes an arbitrary command using the found paths, where "{}" represents the path of the file
type indicates the type of file (a directory is a file in Linux)

cat files in subdirectories using linux commands

I have the following directories:
Each directory, for instance P922_101 has following subdirectories:
140311_AH8MHGADXX 140401_AH8CU4ADXX
Each subdirectory, for instance 140311_AH8MHGADXX has the following files:
1_140311_AH8MH_P922_101_1.fastq.gz 1_140311_AH8MH_P922_101_2.fastq.gz
2_140311_AH8MH_P922_101_1.fastq.gz 2_140311_AH8MH_P922_101_2.fastq.gz
And files in 140401_AH8CU4ADXX are:
1_140401_AH8CU_P922_101_1.fastq.gz 1_140401_AH8CU_P922_4001_2.fastq.gz
2_140401_AH8CU_P922_101_1.fastq.gz 2_140401_AH8CU_P922_4001_2.fastq.gz
I want to do 'cat' for the files in the subdirectories in the following way:
cat 1_140311_AH8MH_P922_101_1.fastq.gz 2_140311_AH8MH_P922_101_1.fastq.gz
1_140401_AH8CU_P922_101_1.fastq.gz 2_140401_AH8CU_P922_101_1.fastq.gz > P922_101_1.fastq.gz
which means that files ending with _1.fastq.gz should be concatenated into a single file and files ending with _2.fatsq.gz into another file.
It should be run for all files in subdirectories in all directories. Could someone give a linux solution to do this?
Since they're compressed, you should probably use gzip -dc (decompress and write to stdout) -
find /somePath -type f -name "*.fastq.gz" -exec gzip -dc {} \; | \
tee -a /someOutFolder/out.txt
You can use find for this:
find /top/path -mindepth 2 -type f -name "*_1.fastq.gz" -exec cat {} \; > one_file
find /top/path -mindepth 2 -type f -name "*_2.fastq.gz" -exec cat {} \; > another_file
This will look for all the files starting from /top/path and having a name matching the pattern _1.fastq.gz / _2.fastq.gz and cat them into the desired file. -mindepth 2 makes find look for files that are at least under the current directory; this way, files in /top/path won't be matched.
Note that you will probably need zcat instead of cat, for gz files.
As you keep adding details in comments, let's see what else we can do:
Say you have the list of directories in a file directories_list, each line containing one:
while read directory
find $directory -mindepth 2 -type f -name "*_1.fastq.gz" -exec cat {} \; > $directory/output
done < directories_list
