UI question: Designing for widescreen and 4:3 aspect ratios simultaneously? - layout

I'm working on a UI which needs to work in different aspect ratios, 16:9, 16:10, 4:3
The idea is conceptually simple: Everything is centered to the screen in a rough 4:3 area and anything outside this portion of screen has basic artwork, so something like this:
(not drawn to scale)
Where the pink area represents whre all the UI objects are positioned and the blue area is just background and effects.
The trick is in usability, if I pass in coordinates (0,0) in a 4:3 aspect ratio environment (0,0) would be the top left of the screen. However if I'm in a 16:9 environment (0,0) needs to get renormalized based on the new aspect ratio for it to be in the appropriate place. So my question is: How can I achieve this?
edit: for clarification this is basically for a UI system and while I listed the ratios above as 4:3, 16:9, 16:10 it should be able to dynamically adjust values for whatever aspect ratio it is set to.
edit 2: Just to add more details to the situation: When the positions fo rsetting are passed in they are passed in as a % of the screens current widht height, so basically setting position x would be: [pos x as portion of screen]*SCREEN_WIDTH where screen width is the width of the current screen itself.

The obvious answer seems to be an offset. Since 4x3 is 16x9, it appears you want a 16x9 screen to have 2x9 bands to the left and the right. Hence, the X offset should be (2/16) * width.
For 16x10 screens, the factor is slightly more complicated: 4x3 is 13.33x10, so you have edges of width 1.67, and the X offset should be (1.67/16) * width = (5/48)* width.

So ... Can't you just come up with an abstraction layer, that hides the differences? One idea could be to model a "border" around the active area, that gets added. For 4:3 displays, set the border size to 0 to make the active area cover the full screen.


How to make image fit screen in Godot

I am new in godot engine and I am trying to make mobile game (portrait mode only). I would like to make background image fit screen size. How do I do that? Do i have to import images with specific sizes and implement them all for various screens? If I import image to big, it will just cut out parts that don't fit screen.
Also, while developing, which width and height values should I use for these purposes?
With Godot 3, I am able to set size and position of sprite / other UI elements using script. I am not using the stretch mode for display window.
Here is how you can easily make the sprite to match viewport size -
var viewportWidth = get_viewport().size.x
var viewportHeight = get_viewport().size.y
var scale = viewportWidth / $Sprite.texture.get_size().x
# Optional: Center the sprite, required only if the sprite's Offset>Centered checkbox is set
$Sprite.set_position(Vector2(viewportWidth/2, viewportHeight/2))
# Set same scale value horizontally/vertically to maintain aspect ratio
# If however you don't want to maintain aspect ratio, simply set different
# scale along x and y
$Sprite.set_scale(Vector2(scale, scale))
Also for targeting mobile devices I would suggest importing a PNG of size 1080x1920 (you said portrait).
Working with different screen sizes is always a bit complicated. Especially for mobile games due to the different screen sizes, resolutions and aspect ratios.
The easiest way I can think of, is scaling of the viewport. Keep in mind that your root node is always a viewport. In Godot you can stretch the viewport in the project settings (you have to enable the stretch mode option). You can find a nice little tutorial here.
However, viewport stretching might result in an image distortion or black bars at the edges.
Another elegant approach would be to create an image that is larger than you viewport and just define an area that has to be shown on every device no matter whats the resolution. Here is someone showing what I am meaning.
I can't really answer your second question about the optimal width and height but I would look for the most typical mobile phone resolutions and ratios and go with that settings. In the end you probably should start with using the width and height ratio of the phone you want to use for testing and debugging.
Hope that helps.

Userforms resize snaps to arbitrary grid size

I'm trying to design a Userform in Excel 2010, and I'm coming across a very annoying stumbling block where as I'm trying to move things around, resize them and align them so the form looks appealing.
Unfortunately, different mechanisms are snapping to differently sized grids. For example, drawing a box onto the grid snaps it to multiples of 6, which is the default option found in the Tools> Options> General> Grid units. Resizing these objects snaps it to a seemingly arbitrary grid size that seems to be approximately 7.2 units.
I need these units to match up so I'm not constantly fighting myself getting these grids to function. I don't care what the actual number ends up being, I just need them to be the same. While I'm able to change the grid size, it must be a whole number, which the arbitrary grid is not.
Problem us your units Points <-> Pixels
6 Points * 4/3 points per pixel =>> 8 Pixels .. all good
A nice integer of pixels
Your approx 7.2 I suspect was 7.3333333
Maybe say 11 Points Set gets changed as
* 4/3 => 14.6666 pix Rounded to 15 pix
by 3/4 Pts/pix +> 11.33333
Points as single .. Pixels as integer may be the problem in the math

Libgdx sprite ring object passing through it

How is it possible object can pass through ring spirte like in the image below?
Please can you help me I have no idea how can i do that.
I think you posted a incorrect image. To get the image you posted you just have to draw the red bar on top of the black ring.
I guess you want the ring on the left side to be on top and the right side to be over so it visually goes through. Well this is simply not so easy in 2D since draw order.
I have a couple of suggestion you can explore.
Always draw the ring on top of the bar but when a collision is happening you calculate where the bar overlaps and don't draw the pixels in that place. You can use a Pixmap for calculations like this. Depending on the size of your images this could be very expensive to calculate each frame.
A faster but slightly more hacky way could be to split red bar in multiple images and if a certain part of it should be overlapped by the ring draw it first otherwise draw it after the ring. Depending on what the red bar is going to look in your end product and how much possible angles the bar could have I can imagine this can be very tricky to get right.
Use 3D for this. You could have a billboard with a slight angle for the ring and have the bar locked on the distance axis at the rings center. However, on certain angles of entrance and exit you will get Z fighting since the pixels will be at the same distance from the camera. This might or might not be noticable and I have no idea how LibGDX would handle Z fighting.
I wanna add this solution :
if the object gonna pass through the ring horizontally i propose to devise sprite ring in to to sprite (sprite 1 & sprite 2)
you just have to draw sprites in that order :
Sprite Object
You can do the same if the object is gonna pass through ring vertically
PS : this solution don't work if the object is going to passs through ring both Vertically and Horizontally
Hope this was helpfull
Good luck

How to draw shapes in the proper order when rendering?

I am trying my hand at writing a 3d graphics engine, but I am having some trouble with drawing the shapes in the correct order.
When I translate the points of triangles into window space, i.e. the 2-dimensional space that directly correlates to position on the screen, in addition to an x and y position of each point, I also assign them a depth variable that stores how far away from the viewer that point was in 3d space.
At the moment, the only shapes I am rendering are triangles. My current render order algorithm sorts the triangles by the average depth of their 3 points. I knew when I started it that it would not be perfect, but I wanted a placeholder for testing.
For testing purposes, I constructed a square box with an open top, each side being a different color and made from 2 triangles, as shown below:
As you can see from the image above, the algorithm I am using works most of the time. However, at certain angles and positions, the triangles will be rendered in the wrong order, as show below:
As you can see, one of the cyan triangles on the bottom of the box is being drawn before one of the yellow triangles on the side. Clearly, sorting the triangles by the average depth of their points is not satisfactory.
Is there a better method of ordering shapes so that they are rendered in the correct order?
The standard method to draw 3D in correct depth order is to use a Z-buffer.
Basically, the idea is that for each pixel you set in the color buffer, you also set it's interpolated depth in the z (depth..) buffer. Whenever you're about to paint the next pixel, you first check that z-buffer to validate the new pixel if in front of the already painted pixel.
On top of that you can add various sorts of optimizations, such as sorting triangles in order to minimize the number of times you actually paint the color buffer.
On the other hand, it's sometimes required to do the exact opposite in order to properly handle transparency or other "advanced" effects.

Terrain tile scale in case of tilted camera

I am working on 3d terrain visualization tool right now. Surface is logically covered with square tiles. This tiling could be visualized as follows:
Suppose I want to draw a picture on these tiles. The level of detail for a picture is required to be selected according to the current camera scale which is calculated for each tile individually.
In case of vertical camera (no tilt, i.e. camera looks perpendicularly on the ground) all tiles have the same scale which is camera focal length divided on camera height above the ground.
Following picture depicts the situation:
where red triangle is camera which has no tilt, BG is camera height above the ground and EG is focal length, then scale = AC/DF = BG/EG
But if camera has tilt (i.e. pitch angle isn't 0) then scale is changed from tile to tile (even from point to point).
So I wonder if there any kind method to produce reasonable scale for each tile in that case ?
There may be (there almost surely is) a more straightforward solution, but what you could do is regular world to screen coordinate conversion.
You just take the coordinates of bounding points of the tile and calculate to which pixels on the screen these will project (you of course get floating point precision). From this, I believe you can calculate the "scale" you are mentioning.
This is applicable to any point or set of points in the world space.
Here is tutorial on how to do this "by hand".
If you are rendering the tiles with OpenGL or DirectX, you can do this much easier.
