C++ Not Installed In Cygwin - cygwin

I just installed Cygwin and can launch a bash shell from windows, do ls, emacs, vi , etc. However, when I do g++ it says command not found.
I thought g++ was installed by default in Cygwin? If that's not the case, what are the exact categories under which I can add g++ as a package to my cygwin?

Did you install the Devel packages?
I would suggest you read this tutorial to get up and running.

It's a good idea to just install everything with CygWin. When you run setup, just click on the circular icon at the top level until it reads "Full" rather then "Default" - that will install all the packages.
I've sometimes had trouble installing single packages due to dependencies but a full install is not affected by that same problem.
Disk space is cheap, your time spent trying to figure out why things don't work is not.


Golang cross-compilation: gccgo - unrecognized command line option `-marm`

I'm trying to compile a Go app for linux/arm and keep running into problems on my Ubuntu machine. When I run GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build in my source directory, I get tons of erorrs that are variations of:
# github.com/huin/mqtt
gccgo: error: unrecognized command line option `-marm`
Running gccgo --help informs me that options starting with -g, -f -m (and others) will be passed on to any sub-processes started by gccgo, so I don't know which process it's sending -marm to.
Any clues? Ubuntu 14.10 LTS, 64bit
So thanks to a clue by Dean, I've worked out the issue and solved it.
The issue was caused by me installing Go via apt-get, then removing it (via apt-get), then installing Go from the golang website. There were still files left over from the first install, which were probably older versions and therefore didn't have support for the -marm flag.
I was going to wipe my dev machine anyway, so I did, installed Ubuntu again, installed Go from the website (not via apt-get) and everything worked first time. If you don't want to wipe your machine, then just make sure to look around to see if there are version conflicts.
I've been stung by this sort of thing before (when installing node.js via apt-get, realising it was many versions out of date, then removing, and installing node.js via source), so if anyone is reading this, be careful when installing software via apt-get, then upgrading, as you might have similar version issues like I did!

how to compile apache,mysql and php in linux

I have never used Linux OS. Want to know how we can start compiling Apache,Mysql and php in Linux and is it necessary to configure it.
I tried doing it by using cd/user/scr/httpd_2.0.09
Do we need to downloads the set up from google
Do yourself a favour and don't try to compile your own webserver etc. ;)
Aside from the fact that it's a lot of work to set up the tools for compiling, resolve dependencies, and debug possible errors, you will have to do the same procedure with every tiny update – instead of simply getting a new version via your package manager.
If you use a common distribution, install the packages required for the so-called LAMP stack, and configure them properly. That will be hard enough for starters.
If you're using Ubuntu, have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP
Actually installing binaries from repositories is less painful than compiling, but if you really want so, you may install Gentoo or other source-based distributive. I've simply described compilation of MySQL 5.5 in my blog.
To compile packages on Debian based systems you need to install build-essential and cmake package (and maybe some other *-dev packages, which appears to be missing during source configure).
For example to compile MySQL 5.5 it is enough to run:
cmake . #yep, with dot. Will prepare your source according to your system
make install #will install compiled binaries to system

Cygwin make package

I am trying to run android ndk-build command in the cygwin terminal.
When I do it is telling me ...
ERROR: Cannot find 'make' program. Please install Cygwin make package
or define the GNUMAKE variable to point to it.
The thing is, I believe I have all the cygwin packages installed. And other topics have suggested running installing and being sure to check the devel>make option as a package. Porblem is, is that there seems to be no make option in the devel package folder.
Does anyone have any insight on this?
NDK comes with its own make, the copy that comes with cygwin has quite a few incompatibilities. You don't need cygwin at all to run the latest versions of NDK (since r6, IIRC). I usually run ndk-build.cmd in a CMD window where cygwin is not on the PATH.

Error setting up ddd to debug bash scripts

I am comparatively new to Linux. I am running Fedora 64 bit at my PC. I am having difficulty setting up ddd with bashdb. I am able to install it using yum but when I run it for bashdb, the software environment for ddd comes up but it keeps on working for infinite time, unless I manually kill it.
I used google to know what the problem is and came to know many people are having same problem, when using linux's package installers. It has bugs so I have to compile the latest source and install it manually. So I downloaded the source and tried to ./configure, it produced the following error and exited:
configure: error: Cannot find termcap compatible library
I searched again and found out I need termcap library at my PC, here:
I used yum to install ncurses but found out it is already installed. Used locate to find the path of ncurses and passed it to configure using following commands:
sudo ./configure --with-termlib-libraries=/lib/libncurses.so.5
sudo ./configure --with-termlib-libraries=/lib/libncurses.so.5.9
Still, I am having the same error.
It is very frustrating because I have tried almost everything I found on internet. May be, there is a minor point that I am overlooking due to my inexperience. My main concern is to be able to debug complex bash scripts that I am going to develop in near future. I am not very comfortable with command line debugging i.e. without an interface. Any tips/advice that, can get me going with debugging with some other application may be, are also welcomed
I installed the ncurses development package to get past this problem:
sudo yum install ncurses-devel*

Can anyone tell me where to get Vim 7.2 with cscope support?

I wanted to use cscope enabled vim - unfortuantely , the binaries at work are not compiled with cscope support , and when I tried building from src , I'm getting a lot of errors due to proper dev packages not being installed.
So , does anyone have a link where I can a precompiled binary with cscope support ? Btw , I'm using linux.
Just build your own vim binary from source code maybe a good solution ^_^
wget ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/vim-7.2.tar.bz2
tar xjf vim-7.2.tar.bz2
cd vim72
./configure --enable-cscope
make && make install
You will get a cscope supported vim 7.2
Not quite an answer to your request for a pre-compiled vim 7.2, but you said part of your compiling problems is that you "don't have the privileges for installing reqd packages" (in you comment to #chenkaie's answer). If the other reqd packages use configure, you can compile them to install into a directory you have control over, like this:
./configure --prefix=/dir/with/permissions
make && make install
configure-based installers support the --prefix switch, which results in the installed packages in locations like <prefix>\bin, <prefix>/lib, etc. With this trick you may be able to build all the reqd packages in order to build vim 7.2 itself.
If the reqd packages are not configure-based, you might want to look at the installer (makefile?) of the reqd package to see if it has an option similar to configure --prefix=<dir>
I have the default package Ubuntu gives me from doing an 'apt-get install vim', vim_1%3a7.1-138+1ubuntu3.1_i386.deb.
Inside of vim, when I type
:echo has('cscope')
it prints
as expected.
Granted, you do say you are looking for Vim 7.2 I don't know what improvements 7.2 has seen over 7.1, but it looks like there are still build problems with 7.2 that are being hammered out. I'd suggest just using 7.1 for the time being.
