Use an XML File with a Feature - sharepoint

Currently I have a custom Web Part, deployed as a Feature, and it accesses an XML file as follows:
string sUri = #"C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80" + #"\wpresources\links.xml";
ds = new DataSet();
What is the correct way to include an XML file as part of a SharePoint Feature deployment?

Load it into the 12 hive under your layouts directory and link to it via
. Or add a subdirectory to group all of your file together. e.g.
how do I include it in the Feature
I am using STSDEV and that automagically puts an entry into the manifest.xml under
<TemplateFile Location="LAYOUTS\[myFeature]\links.xml" />

In my mind there are a few correct ways.
The place you want to deploy your xml file I would not pick however.
It would have to be either:
deployed directly in the 12-hive using a solution file (like Nat suggests, I'd use WSPBuilder though)
deployed to the site using a feature ( see: )
this would make the file be pushed into the content database for your code to read.
To my knowledge there is no simple way of deploying files to the InetPub folder for your website. I needed this once to deploy a .browser file and ended up creating a feature receiver that copied the file from the 12-hive into the InetPub folder.
Maybe if you explain what the xml file is for, the answers can be better :)


Edit a file on IIS Manager by wix installer

My requirement is to edit a .xap file which is already in the IIS Manager.. when install another web application on IIS manager. (I want to add the end points of a web application in the previous web application .xap file)
You could write a custom action to:
Open the .xap file (it's a .zip file named differently)
Extract the file(s) that need to be modified
Edit the extracted file(s)
Re-zip the extracted file(s) back into the .xap file.
You could find the existing .xap file using AppSearch of some sort. Maybe a FileSearch element. Most of the work is going to be in your custom action though. Good luck!
Please see Mike's answer over at:
NSIS Changing config file present in XAP file i.e. silverlight component build
There's two parts here:
1) Authoring the Silverlight application to use an external config file.
2) Authoring your installer to update that config file. In this case of WiX, it's the XmlConfig element in the Util extension.
The reasons for doing it this way is to have a highly reliable installer. If you write custom actions to extract, edit and compress the XAP you'll invalidate digital signatures and introduce complexity and fragility to your deployment process. Avoiding the temptation to do all this and just use XmlConfig gives you a robust, declarative installation that fully supports the Windows Installer rollback story.

Sharepoint Deployment

I am creating an .STP for a site. But here I have a DLL file in BIN , a XAP file in 12 Hive Folder and few more custom entries in teh Web.Config. How do I include there in the .STP File? When I say IncludeContent when I create a .STP file for the Site , then also the above said things are not getting included.
There is not a way I know of that you can modify an exported STP file.
It is possible you could try renaming the extension to ZIP or CAB, see if you can view the file, check for the presence of the a Manifest.xml file and attempt to modify that way. Have never tried though
A Site Template will not export your web.config settings, 12 hive files or assemblies. All of these can be provisioned through a SharePoint solution file (WSP) though. I would suggest researching how to create and deploy those.

bypass IIS xml file settings at file/folder level

Our site is currently set to pass all files with the xml file extension through the worker process because all the xml files on the site at the moment are generated dynamically on being hit, by writing the output directly into the response stream.
However we now have a requirement to add a file which is much larger and takes several minutes to generate in this way. I wrote a console app to generate the file and set it to run nightly, but because of the global IIS setting directing xml files to run through asp_wp, it's not being served properly.
I can't seem to find a way to make an exemption for the treatment of a single file in the IIS settings. Is there any other way we can do it?
As far as I know, this is not possible for a single file, but you can do it for a whole folder.
You simply place a web.config file in the folder in question and configure the settings you need there.

Deploying a file to the filesystem using MOSS Solutions and Features

I have a .browser file that I need to deploy to the following location:
as part of a moss .wsp file. Can I do this in the manifest.xml or as part of a feature?
It is not possible. You can use the wsp solution to deploy any File to
Inside 12 Hive Folder Hierarchy
bin Folder of the Web Application.
Rest of the other location you need to look out for the custom solution. One option I can say is to use a Feature Installed event and keep it a Farm Feature.

What files are you allowed to modify in SharePoint 2007?

What files can we modify so that our solution is still supported by Microsoft?
Is it allowed to customize error pages?
Can we modify the web.config files to use custom HTTPHandlers?
You can certainly edit the web.config file for your sites. The one thing that you should be aware of, however, is that when you start editing files manually on the file system, you will have to remember to manually make those changes across all servers in the farm (assuming a farm exists). In addition to this, when you edit files in the 12 hive, it's important to understand that you will be making a change to all SharePoint sites hosted on the server(s) for which the files were edited.
Personally, if I were going to create a custom error page, I would simply add a <customErrors> section to my web.config. I avoid editing any existing files in the 12 hive, but I have added files (though it's rare).
The customization of the error page is not very easy (or flexible). You can see an example here:
The web.config can be changed. I used my own HttpModules in addition to the original ones, but I haven't used custom HttpHandlers. IMO it should work if you don't change the original handler (i.e. if you add your handler for a specific type of file not handled by SP).
do not modify any pre-installed files in the 12 hive (Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12)... a service pack may update and overwrite any changes.
Anything in the Content Database (Masterpage, Stylesheets list in ~Catalogs) is available to modify (I would add, instead of update, in case a service pack changes anything) as it sits atop the file system, and is instantly available to any members of the web farm (newly added servers).
Any custom features, added to the 12 hive in the features folder, in a custom/non-microsoft folder (that is, inside the 12\feature folder, do not modify any preinstalled files, but feel free to add a folder for your feature and work within).
Custom features can be developed using the Visual Studio Extensions (VSeWSS), currently available for Visual Studio 2005/2008... benefit being that the output is a feature package (.WSP file) which is designed to be portable across SharePoint. Additionally, the .WSP files are just CAB files with a different extension, offering the ability to be explored by simply renaming them.
For site definitions, Microsoft has a good article about what is supported and unsupported. In short, the only change you can make to the out-of-the-box site definitions is changing the entry in the webtemp.xml file to hidden in order to prevent the site definition from appearing in the site template list. This is something many may be interested in doing.
You may also, of course, copy existing definitions and rename them in order to create new ones.
The complete list of supported and unsupported scenarios for working with custom site definitions can be found here:;en-us;898631
Here is the closest I can find to a official response from Microsoft:
