Path Not Found error when opening VB6 project from a shared folder on Virtual PC 2007 (XP sp3) - iis

I currently work on a small software team that primarily maintains legacy software. I am trying to set up a Virtual PC that we can use to do this maintenance. Specifically, I would like to be able to debug and run VB6 web apps from a folder on the host PC. My constraints are as follows:
The Virtual PC will not be registered on the domain.
The server that hosts our Subversion repository does not run the subversion service so the only way to interact with the repository is through "file:\\", which requires domain authentication.
It is not possible to debug/run VB6 web apps that are located on mapped network drives, because IIS requires that the VirtualPC be on the same domain as the network drive
I would like to avoid having to copy the folder from the host pc to the VirtualPC and then copying it back in order to have the latest revision from Subversion
So, I am trying to use VirtualPC's shared folder feature to share the host machine's Subversion directory and open the project in VB6 on the VirtualPC. Problem is that Visual Basic throws the error: "Path not found: '\\C:\\Subversion\Path\Project.vbp'" when I try to open it. Folder C:\Subversion on the host machine is mapped to G: on the VirtualPC. If anyone can help me resolve this error or find some other way to accomplish this, I would be deeply grateful.
Oh, both host and virtual OS is Windows XP sp3. Using VB 6.0, IIS v5.1.
I can manipulate files in the shared directory freely from the VirtualPC ie. copy, paste, delete, etc.

VBP and VBG files are text files. Look inside them and see whether C:\Subversion or C:\Subversion appear anywhere, perhaps for a subproject in a project group. If they do, change it to use relative paths rather than absolute paths.


PhpStorm: How to automatically download files that have been created on remote/mounted drive

The question:
Is there any possibility to "watch" specific folders on my workspace for new files and automatically download them to my local project folder?
I would prefer a solution using only PhpStorm, if that's possible, but I am also fine with a Linux one!
The situation:
I work with PhpStorm 2016.1.1 for Windows 8.1 on several different projects. Some of these projects are developed using Laravel, a very nice PHP framework.
All of my projects are cloned to an Open SUSE workspace server in my LAN by Git.
I import every project by using the "Create Project from existing Files" functionality and choosing the option "Files are accessable via network share or mounted drive".
I created the mounted drive using Samba.
As long as I keep developing in PhpStorm, everything works like a charm. Saved files are uploaded to my workspace automatically so I can debug my PHP projects in the browser very easily.
The problem:
Laravel offers a very nice command line tool to use called "artisan". This tool can, amongst other functionality, create specific classes for your projects like events, jobs, migrations, seeds, and so on.
This files created on the command line are, of course, not visible to me in PhpStorm because they are not in my local project folder until I manually start downloading from my workspace.
I do not know if it will help you but there is a Ticket from PhpStorm for a similiar function: WI-1284
It is about 6 Years old so i donĀ“t think that this is coming soon. Perhaps there is another solution for it.
This could help for synchronisation of a remote host: configuring-synchronization-with-a-web-server

Create a symbolic link on shared folder between guest Ubuntu and host Windows on VM Virtualbox

First of all let me apologize because I know there are many topics related to my issue. But I was not able to solve it so have to ask community. Not sure is it a Linux specific topic or VM Virtual box issue but here is my problem description:
I have a VM Virtual box with Ubuntu as a guest OS and Windows as a
I shared folder between them. I also switched on option to be
able create symbolic links inside shared folder
Network is set up with NAT with Port Forwarding.
I have a PhpStorm installed on host operation system (in my case Windows) and all source file stored on guest operation system (Ubuntu).
So I want one folder have full access for guest and host so I can edit source code with PhpStorm and use the same source on Ubuntu. So from inside Ubuntu I have tried make symbolic link on shared folder. And here I have troubles (see an attachment).
On the left site here is my workspace folder with projects. And on the right I have tried to create a link inside shared (sf_) folder.
P.S. I do not wana use SSH deploy on phpStorm :(

Possible to use Virtual Path to an external disk on Plesk Managed Windows server?

After getting a helpful answer from this post I want to store media on a separate harddrive on the windows server. Is it possible to make those files available via http?
I soon discovered that Plesk does not allow me to create a virtual path that points to a location outside of my website root. I want the virtual path to point to a folder on D: (an extra disk, not the same as the website root directory)
Only two possible solutions I could think of, although I can't find them any where.
1) Maybe plesk has an advanced configuration file that prevents it from overwriting certain things in IIS when it runs its maintenance jobs or updates, specifically the Virtual Path I created directly in IIS outside of plesk.
2) Maybe there is a third party component available that offers this functionality, setting virtual paths outside of web root or the config file I just mentioned in #1.
Any other solutions are also welcome.
cd "%plesk_vhosts%\"domain.tld\httpdocs
mklink /J point c:\outOfSpace
Now provide permissions to "psacln" group to c:\outOfSpace and that's it.
Also you can create "point" not in httpdocs but in web space root and than from Plesk create Virtual Folder inside /httpdocs with needed access permissions.
There is issue that your custom permissions may lost after Plesk upgrade, this KB article describe how your can avoid it

How to package synced folder in vagrant box

What I want and achieved so far:
I want to create a custom vagrant box including a configuration and an application to reuse it in different client or serve environments.
Specifically I managed to create vagrant box, based on Ubuntu (precise/64), that has node.js installed, and package it on my dev machine with
vagrant package my-box --output
I am able to copy the to a remote server and vagrant up the box there. Node.js is installed within the vagrant box as expected.
The problem is, that I am not able to package the files in the synced folder vagrant. After starting the box on the remote server, the synced folder is empty
Therefore the application I developed on the local machine is not included in the box.
I tried to find a solution or any information about this behavior, but apart from this unanswered Post i couldn't find anything on the net.
My questions:
How can i preserve the files in the synced folder and package them in the for reuse in the server environment.
Is this even possible? Is the behavior I see a bug or is Vagrant not meant to package the files also?
I didn't do any configuration for the synced folders so far. Is it possible to package files from a different synced folder than the regular /vagrant?
If this is not possible at all, what are best practices for deployment or reusage of vagrant environments including applications?
1-3) No. This is not possible and not intended to work in the way you expect it to work.
Think of VirtualBox's shared folder as a mounted volume on a remote machine. It's not part of the file system of your virtual machine. The actual data is saved on the host machine, not the virtual one.
4) If you want to add data into your box, just copy your data over to the vm before you pack it. No need to use shared folders.
You cannot package a synced folder but what you are desiring is absolutely possible.
The easiest way to accomplish this is to put the data in some other directory in the box (thus ensuring it gets packaged with the box). And during the Vagrant box's provisioning, move or copy the data to the synced directory.
Once the box is up and running, the synced directory will have the files you want in it.

How to add remote includes to a synchronized eclipse project for correct indexing?

I have created a synchronized project in Eclipse so that I can develop on my Windows workstation without the overhead caused by running eclipse on our company's build server. However, the problem I'm having is that the indexer is using my Cygwin includes for things such as the stdlib which aren't the ones I wanted to include. Is there a way to include remote includes from the linux build server for things like the std lib? The only idea I have right now would be to create a mapped cifs mount to my windows machine that has access to the header files, however I don't know if that would work.
Look at "Remote Include Paths" (bottom of page). Let us know on the ptp-users mailing-list if it doesn't work.
