Asterisk Manager Api events - voip

I am using Elastix along with the Astmanproxy server to run our call center desktop app. This app gathers info such as callerid, number dialed, etc. to help our agents get customer information among other things. This app changes it's background color upon certain events(like green when the agent answers the call).
I use the Dial event in the AMI to grab the call's unique id (I use the DestUniqueID variable to get this id). After that I track all events with that unique id. When I get a Link event with that id that app's background turns green indicating that call center agent has answered the call.
The problem is, even though the agent answers the call, sometimes I do not get a Link event with the matching unique id that I get from the DestUniqueID of the Dial event. Does anyone know why this happens?
Basically, is there a fool-proof way to track a call from beginning to end using the asterisk manager api events?

Yes. If you monitor all the events then you should be able to trace the call including the dialplans.

Try catch a NewStateEvent when the call get answered. It has old and new unique id.


Twilio Rest API / Node Js call status no working

I'm creating a tool that can automatically call someone when I click a button.
So far, I've tested three solutions: The first one was using the rest API call, the second one was using node js SDK that is available in the Twilio console using the function & assets feature, and the last one was using Twilio Studio feature.
All of them are not giving me the satisfaction of creating something that can be used in production.
The main problem is the call status given to the StatusCallback url parameter.
For example:
if you set a timeout value by default or something higher than the duration of the ringing time, it will send you a completed status. The timeout value needs to be smaller than the maximum number of ringtone that your carrier set by default if you want to receive a no-answered status.
If your phone is on "airplane mode" and you make a call to it using Twilio, the statusCallback will be sent to the URL as "completed".
If you make the same phone call and imagine that the user rejects the call by clicking on the red phone instead of the green phone, the statusCallback will send you a completed status.
So it's been a week since I've coded a NodeJS solution using Twilio Functions, making POST requests using Postman, and also creating a flow to test it using Twilio Studio. Every time that I've tried those three solutions, with the three same scenarios described above, I've never been able to obtain a real valuable/informative status that can help me to resend the call until someone answers or, based on the status, send an SMS to the person to inform him that we have tried to call him and that he either was not available or rejected the call.
Has one of you already tested that and maybe succeeded in having anything else than a "completed" status? That is no use in case you need to handle those cases.
Thank you for your help.

Getting notification of sales/refunds done through Square POS/Connect

I would like to integrate my web application with the Square POS.
The goal would be to be notified each time a transaction (sale/refund/etc) is processed by Square for an account so that I can update inventory levels etc, ultimately so I can update inventory levels as transactions occur.
From what I can tell, it seems that the Square API's seem to be designed around my application initiating the transaction, then handing off to Square to process the payment. I simply want to be notified that a transaction has happened so that I can update inventory.
Is it possible to do this? Or is the Square API just for processing payments?
edit: After some more reading, I still haven't found a webhook to be notified, but it looks like I can ListTransactions, and RetrieveTransaction, so if I poll I should be ok.
You’re correct. Square’s API Webhooks will be what you’ll use to be notified each time a transaction is created or updated. We have a quick setup guide available in Square’s Developer Doc (
The PAYMENT_UPDATED webhook will alert you every time a payment is made, so that you can update your inventory.

Firebase (Google) Cloud Messaging (FCM, old GCM) - check message status

I'm trying to find a solution to ensure a push notification to my Chrome extension has been received before sending another one. IF it hasn't been received and another one should go, I would change its content to tell the user he has multiple new informations to check.
So I'm looking for a way to check the previous message status using its ID, or check the queue of messages if using a collapse key, before sending a new one. But I can't find anything related to this, except here : there is FCM message status detailed, but no way to get them after the first response.
I am aware receipts can be implemented using XMPP but I would really prefer to remain on the regular HTTP protocol.
Thanks ahead for any help.
XMPP receipts would be the recommended way for you to get an ack that the message was delivered. You can also use the Play Developer console (Android developer console) to view statistics on the status of messages. However this will not be sufficient if you want to automatically resend, you would have to do this manually.

Google Cloud Messaging for Chrome channelId unique per device?

Suppose I have my extension installed on two computers, and I am logged into both with the same google account.
Will chrome.pushMessaging.getChannelId return the same value for both computers? Is there any way to request that each individual install gets its own channel? I cannot find this information readily available anywhere.
The question was asked here on Stack Overflow, but there is no answer given.
From what I observe, the Channel ID is unique to the user's account, not unique to the install. But I am not sure if this is intended behavior or I can count on this always being the case.
I really think the Channel ID is per application ID and will stay that way. Otherwise, think how complex it would be to send a message to, say, 100,000 installations of your app. You'd have to keep a file of 100,000 Channel IDs, and it would take a very long time to invoke the API 100,000 times, since the Channel ID is part of the API call to send a message.
Sorry... I was wrong. To quote
"The push messaging service returns a channel ID to the client; this ID is specifically linked to your app ID and to the user."
If a server needs to send messages to all the installations of an app, it needs to keep track of the channel IDs sent to the server by those applications, and send the message to those channel IDs.

Cisco call manager api to conference a device

I'm trying to implement some click to dial functionality as follows:
A user finds a number on a webpage (say employee extension)
Clicking that extension will dial a phone number that I've picked
Upon answering that call, I am immediately "conferenced" into
calling the number I actualy wanted to dial.
I've done something very similar using a Twilio API but want to use our corporate Cisco Call Manager capabilities instead of paying per minute for this functionality.
The WebDialerSOAP doesn't seem to be able to give me this functionality. I think doing a conference would work but can't find anything to do that. Possibly an open source call manager wrapper?
why not a FreeSWITCH server alongside the CUCM? It can set up conferences, and it's one of themost programmable products with as much control over API as you want.
It has also an RTMP module, so you can actually run a Flash-based softphone out of your browser
Connect the code using TSP, and Application user
use CreateCall function to the number from HTML page with implementing the trigger.
use CreateCall to the other phone.
use Finish(FINISH_MODE.FM_ASCONFERENCE) to complete conference.
