Is MPS (a meta-programming language) worth looking into? - mps

Another project from Jetbrains, their new issue tracker Charisma was written entirely in MPS. Is the concept useful/practical, or is it too soon?

MPS isn't just DSLs for Java. It's actually language-angostic. You can generate your language into any other language that is supported by MPS. We support Java, XML, and plain text (as a last resort) out of the box in MPS 1.1. Probably, in future version, we will provide other languages such as javascript, css, etc.
One of the key features of MPS which isn't available in other tools is ability to compose languages. You can create several language extensions and compose them in a way that you want. For example, one vendor might implement a language for their database, and the other a language for financial calculations. They will work together well, and you won't have any problems like ambiguities, etc.

Man. From my point of view, it's great. It's like Java on steroids, plus DSL-s. Dont' think about it only in terms of DSL. Think completely Turing-complete, including Java generation out-of-the-box. It's like Java 8 + "Common Lisp", on steroids, without the textual-syntax problems. To me it seems like the future. I'm investing in it my heart, mind and soul :). If you are looking for something "ahead of its time", but still practical to use already and very much in touch with the current technologies, that's MPS!

I believe MPS is very worth looking into. The tool is open-source and very robust. Ideas implemented in MPS are extremely powerful and solve a number of challenges that have been with us since the beginning of programming languages (most importantly, language composition). The quality of documentation has been a challenge for beginners, but you can now also read this new book: (disclaimer: I am the author of the book, but I am not an author of MPS).

It's not the case of 'too soon' but rather the fact that this development methodology is, in itself, rather challenging. The cost/benefit ratio for MPS (and by cost I mean dissemination time) depends largely on the type of the project you're applying it to. If you've got a domain that can benefit greatly from DSLs (for example, with me, it's project management), then go for it!

It seems to be a DSL for Java. Why not investigate it yourself? If it just generates Java source files, I see no reason to not give it a crack, if it's something your interested in and there is no rush on the project.


Advice on languages and places to learn them?

My final for my last java class will be Monday. What would be a good language with many free sources (poor college student here) to work off of? I've heard good things about Ruby and Erlang but both seem alien to me.
Perhaps there is something I should try in Java first before moving to another language like some kind of framework or libraries that would advice me more than adopting a new language so quickly?
As a Student, i hear those words a lot from many of my professors:
"Its not about the language, its about algorithms!!"
Which after almost 4 years of trying different languages, i find this to be true.
Because if you learn how to do something in one language... the rest is just applying your knowledge using different syntax.
My advice is to stick with what you started (Java), and after you master the basics, then deal with:
Data Structures
Because you will find the above in almost every language.
Algorithm Animations helped me visualize and understand a lot.
Also read this post.
I would definitely recommend Ruby - as a fun language to learn more about programming. Java is statically typed and strictly object oriented, so it is natural that Ruby feels alien to you.
Ruby is strong in a number of paradigms - especially object oriented, functional and metaprogramming. Learning lots of paradigms and how to combine them will make you a better programmer no matter what future languages you use.
Having learnt Java, JRuby would be good implementation of Ruby to use - it is written in Java and runs on the JVM. Another advantage of JRuby is that you can use Java libraries from your Ruby code. Just install jruby from your package manager and you should be ready to go.
To learn ruby check out the following resources:
Ruby from Java
Ruby in 20 minutes
Programming Ruby
Since you already know java, get a taste of other styles like Python, Perl and Ruby. PHP, Java, and C++ are closely related style wise.
I would recommend looking at Scala, F#/SML/Ocaml and Haskell -- but Scala in particular:
The reason for this is Scala shows that a "fun" statically/strongly-typed high-level (in a real sense) 'OO' language can exist. There are many useful programming constructs that are not possible in Java due to design and implementation limitations. (Scala is by no means a perfect language.)
Even learning just C#3/4 (which generally has a less powerful type system than Scala, although not all areas overlap) will open eyes with constructs that are not easy to do in Java -- simply passing around "functions" as objects or being able to uniformly and easily run queries and manipulations over lists are something out of reach with Java. You can fake closures/lambdas in Java (look at anon-inner classes or the Functional Java library), but it is hardly pretty: Scala and C# add language support for these constructs so they are "natural".
I won't speak ill of Ruby or Python (or many other languages, excluding PHP ;-) -- but one thing that they lack is static typing. Some people find this a blessing, but I generally find it a curse (good static type systems can prove the absence of a number of type problems) -- the problem is that, if Java/C/C++ is/are the only statically typed language(s) you have dealt with, you will think that static typing has to be painful (and implies "too much type annotation" and "too brittle/closed types") -- this is simply not true in more advanced statically typed languages with type inference, view-bounds, typeclasses, etc.
Learning Haskell will really open your eyes up to a different approach -- but it really is a different beast and requires forgetting how language X works. You can write "Java in Scala", even if not advisable/idiomatic, but you really can't write "Java in Haskell".
If you are looking for web development, I would strongly suggest learning PHP (it is a really fun and useful language). If you are looking to develop for the desktop, C++ and if you want to try iPhone / iPad development, try Objective-C.
I took a Java class and I found that it gave me a good foundation for moving to Objective-c, you just need to be careful because the language does not manage your memory usage (no garbage collector). All of the above languages have tons of support freely available on the internet. If you are looking for a technique to learn a language, I find that looking at example code is the best way to go.
Hope this helps!
I Totally agree with what Chris said, Make sure that when you start learning, look for everything in Google, there are thousands of resources available for how-to's about the language you chose to go with.

Pros/cons of different language workbench tools such as Xtext and MPS?

Does anyone have experience working with language workbench tools such as Xtext, Spoofax, and JetBrains' MPS? I'm looking to try one out and am having a hard time finding a good comparison of the different tools. What are the pros and cons of each?
I'm looking to build DSLs that generate python code, so I'm especially interested to hear from people who've used one of these tools with python (all three seem pretty Java-focused... why is that?). The DLSs are primarily for my own use, so I care less about building a really pretty IDE than I do about it being KISS to define the syntax and write the code generator. The ability to type-check / do static analysis of the DLSs would be pretty cool too.
I'm a little afraid of getting far down a path, hitting a wall, and realizing that all my code is in a format that can't be ported to anything else -- is that a risk with these tools? MPS in particular seems a little scary since as I understand it you don't really generate text-based syntaxes but rather build specialized editors for ASTs.
Markus Voelter does a pretty good job comparing those three in se-radio and Software ArchitekTOUR podcasts.
The basic idea is, that Xtext is most used, therefore most stable and documented, and it is based on popular Eclipse platform and modeling ecosystem - EMF which surrounds it. On the other hand it is parser based and uses ANTLR internally, which means the kind of grammars you can define is limited and languages cannot be combined easily.
Spoofax is an academic product with least adoption of those three. It is also parser based, but uses its own parser generator internally which allows language combinations.
Jetbrains MPS is projection based, which gives much freedom to language designer and allows combinations of languages. *t also has solid support. Drawback might be the learning curve.
None of these tools is strictly Java focused as target language for code generators. Xtext uses Xpand templates, which are plain text. I don't really know how code generation in Spoofax works. MPS has its base language, which is said to be subset of Java, but there are different alternatives.
I personally use Xtext because of its simplicity and maturity, but those strong limitations given by its design make it not a very future proof choice.
I have chosen XText in the same case two weeks ago, but I don't know anything about Spoofax.
My first impression - Xtext is very simple and productive.
I have made my first realife(but very simple) project in 30 minutes, I have generated a graphviz dot graph and html report.
I don't like MPS because I prefer plain text source and destination files.
There are other systems for doing this kind of thing. If your goal is building tools, you don't necessarily have to look to an IDE with an integrated tool; sometimes you can find better tools that have focused on utility rather than IDE integration
Consider any of the pure program transformation tools:
TXL (practical, single paradigm)
Stratego (Spoofax before it was transplanted into Eclipse)
Rascal (research, very nicely designed in many ways)
DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit (happens to be mine; commercial; used to do heavy duty DSL/conventional langauge analysis and transformation including on C++)
These all provide good mechanisms for defining DSLs and transforming them.
What really matters is the support machinery for carrying out "life after parsing".
I 've experimented for a couple of days with Xtext and while the tool looks promising I was eventually put off by the tight integration with the Eclipse ecosystem and the pain one has to go through just to solve what should be given hassle-free out of the box: a headless run of the code generator you implemented. See here for some of the minutiae one has to go through (and it's not even properly documented on the Xtext web site but rather on a blog, meaning its an ad-hoc patch that could very well break on the next release).
Will take another look in half a year to see if there has been any improvement on this front.
Take a look at the Markus Völter's book. It does a very comprehensive comparison of these 3 technologies.
XText is very well maintained but this doesn't mean it's problem-less. Getting type-system, scoping and generation running isn't as easy as advertised.
Spoofax is scannerless, (simplifying grammar composition). Not that well documented, but seems complete.
MPS is projectional. A pro for language composition and con for editing. Supports multiple editors for an AST and will soon even support a nice diagram editor. Base language documentation isn't that good. Typesystem, scoping, checking is very well handled. Model to model transformations are done by the solver. My colleagues using it complain about model to text languages. (My opinion M2M wasn't that intuitive either.)
Years ago Microsoft had the OSLO project. MGrammar and especially Quadrant were very promising. It was possible to represent your model in table, form, text or diagram view. But suddenly they've cancelled the project (and perhaps shot the people working on it)
Perhaps today the best place to compare different language workbenches is and there shows how a set of Language Workbenches implement a similar kind of task: a dsl for a particular domain.
Update 2022: as links were broken and newer articles on the topic are written see the site referred above at:
References to article reviewing language workbenches include: 1) State of the art: and 2) Empirical evaluation:

Does this language have its niche | future?

I am working on a new language, targeted for web development, embeding into applications, distributed applications, high-reliability software (but this is for distant future).
Also, it's target to reduce development expenses in long term - more time to write safer code and less support later. And finally, it enforces many things that real teams have to enforce - like one crossplatform IDE, one codestyle, one web framework.
In short, the key syntax/language features are:
Open source, non-restrictive licensing. Surely crossplatform.
Tastes like C++ but simpler, Pythonic syntax with strict & static type checking. Easier to learn, no multiple inheritance and other things which nobody know anyway :-)
LLVM bytecode/compilation backend gives near-C speed.
Is has both garbage collection & explicit object destruction.
Real OS threads, native support of multicore computers. Multithreading is part of language, not a library.
Types have the same width on any platform. int(32), long(64) e.t.c
Built in post and preconditions, asserts, tiny unit tests. You write a method - you can write all these things in 1 place, so you have related things in one place. If you worry that your class sourcecode will be bloated with this - it's IDEs work to hide what you don't need now.
Java-like exception handling (i.e. you have to handle all exceptions)
I guess I'll leave web & cluster features for now...
What you think? Are there any existing similar languages which I missed?
To summarize: You language has no real selling points. It just does what a dozen other languages already did, with syntax and semantics just slightly off, depending on where the programmer comes from. This may be a good thing, as it makes the language easier to adapt, but you also have to convince people to trouble to switch. All this stuff has to be built and debugged and documented again, tools have to be programmed, people have to learn it and convince their pointy-haired bosses to use it, etc. "So it's language X with a few features from Y and nicer syntax? But it won't make my application's code 15% shorter and cleaner, it won't free me from boilerplate X, etc - and it won't work with my IDE." The last one is important. Tools matter. If there are no good tools for a language, few people will shy away, rightfully so.
And finally, it enforces many things that real teams have to enforce - like one crossplatform IDE, one codestyle, one web framework.
Sounds like a downside! How does the language "enforce one X"? How do you convince programmers this coding style is the one true style? Why shouldn't somebody go and replace the dog slow, hardly maintained, severly limited IDE you "enforce" with something better? How could one web framework possibly fit all applications? Programmers rarely like to be forced into X, and they are sometimes right.
Also, you language will have to talk to others. So you have ready-made standard solutions for multithreading and web development in mind? Maybe you should start with a FFI instead. Python can use extensions written in C or C++, use dynamic libraries through ctypes, and with Cython it's amazingly simple to wrap any given C library with a Python interface. Do you have any idea how many important libraries are written in C? Unless your language can use these, people can hardly get (real-world) stuff done with it. Just think of GUI. Most mayor GUI toolkits are C or C++. And Java has hundreds of libraries (the other JVM languages profit much from Java interop) for many many purposes.
Finally, on performance: LLVM can give you native code generation, which is a huge plus (performance-wise, but also because the result is standalone), but the LLVM optimizers are limited, too. Don't expect it to beat C. Especially not hand-tuned C compiled via icc on Intel CPUs ;)
"Are there any existing similar
languages which I missed?"
D? Compared to your features:
The compiler has a dual license - GPL and Artistic
See example code here.
LDC targets LLVM. Support for D version 2 is under development.
Built-in garbage collection or explicit memory management.
Unit tests / Pre and Post Contracts
try/catch/finally exception handling plus scope guarantees
Responding to a few of your points individually (I've omitted what I consider either unimportant or good):
targeted for web development
Most people use php. Not because it's the best language available, that's for sure.
embeding into applications
distributed applications, high-reliability software (but this is for distant future).
Have you carefully studied Erlang, both its design and its reference implementation?
it enforces many things that real teams have to enforce - like one crossplatform IDE, one codestyle, one web framework.
If your language becomes successful, people will make other IDEs, other code styles, other web frameworks.
Multithreading is part of language, not a library.
Really good languages for multithreading forbid side effects inside threads. Yes, in practice that pretty much means Erlang only.
Types have the same width on any platform. int(32), long(64) e.t.c
Sigh... There's only one reasonable width for integers outside of machine-level languages like C: infinite.
Designing your own language will undoubtedly teach you someting. But designing a good language is like designing a good cryptosystem: lots of amateurs try, but it takes an expert to do it well.
I suggest you read some of Norman Ramsey's answers here on programming language design, starting with this thread.
Given your interest in distributed applications, knowing Erlang is a must. As for sequential programming, the minimum is one imperative language and one functional language (ideally both Lisp/Scheme and Haskell, but F# is a good start). I also recommend knowing at least one high-level language that doesn't have objects, just so you understand that not having objects can often make the programmer's life easier (because objects are complex).
As for what could drive other people to learn your language... Good tools/libraries/frameworks can't hurt (FORTRAN, php), and a big company setting the example can't hurt (Java, C#). Good design doesn't seem to be much of a factor (a ha-ha-only-serious joke has it that what makes a language successful is using {braces} to delimit blocks: C, C++, Java, C#, php)...
What you've given us is a list of features, with no coherent philosophy, or explanation as to how they will work together. None of the features are unique. At best, you're offering incremental improvements over what's already there. I'd expect there's already languages kicking around with what you've said, it's just that they're still fairly obscure, because they didn't make it.
Languages have inertia. People have to learn new languages, and sometimes new tools. They need incentive to do so, and 20% improvement in a few features doesn't cut it.
What you need, at a minimum, is a killer app and a form of elevator pitch. (The "elevator pitch" is what you tell the higher-ups about your project when you're in the elevator with them, in current US business parlance.) You need to have your language be obviously worth learning for some purpose, and you need to be able to tell people why it's worth learning before they think "just another language by somebody who wanted to write a language" and go away.
You need to form a language community. That community needs to have some localization at first: people who work in X big company, people who want to do Y, whatever. Decide on what that community is likely to be, and come up with one big reason to switch and some reasons to believe that your language can deliver what it promises.
Every buzzword you have included in your feature list is an enormous amount of work to be spec'd, implemented, documented, and tested.
How many people will be actively developing the language? I guess the web is full of failed programming language projects. (Same is true for non-mainstream OSes)
Have a look at what .Net/Visual Studio or Java/Eclipse have accomplished. That's 1000s of years of specification, development, tests, documentation, feedback, bug fixes, service packs.
During my last job I heard about somebody who wrote his own programming framework, because it was "better". The resulting program code (both in the framework and in the applications) is certainly unmaintainable once the original programmer quits, or is "hit by a bus", as the saying goes.
As the list sounds like Java++ or Mono++, you'd probably be more successful in engaging in an existing project, even if it won't have your name tag on it.
Perhaps you missed one key term. Performance.
In any case, unless this new language has some really out-of-this-world features(ex: 100% increase in performance over other web development languages), I think it will be yet another fish in the pond.
Currently I'm responsible for maintaining a framework developed/owned by my company. It's a nightmare. Unless there is a mainstream community, working on this full time, it's really an elephant. I do not appreciate my company's decision to develop its own framework(because it's supposed to be "faster") day 'n night.
The language tastes good in my opinion, I don't want use java for a simple website but I would like to have types and things like that. ASP .NET is a problem because of licensing and I can't afford those licenses for a single website... Also features looks good
Remember a lot of operator overloading: I think is the biggest thing that PHP is actually missing. It allows classes to behave much more like basic types :)
When you have something to test I'll love to help you with it! Thanks
Well, if you have to reinvent the wheel, you can go for it :)
I am not going to give you any examples of languages or language features, but I will give you one advice instead:
Supporting framework is what is the most important thing. People will tend to love it or hate it, depending on how easy is to write good code that get job done. Therefore, please do usability test before releasing it. I mean ask several people how they will do certain task and create API accordingly. Then test beta API on other coders and listen carefully to their comments.
Regards and good luck :)
There's always space for another programming language. Apart from getting the design right, I think the biggest problem is coming across as just another wannabe language. So you may want to look at your marketing, you need a big sponsor who can integrate your language into their products, or you need to generate a buzz around it, easiest way is astroturfing. Good luck.
NB the names G and G++ aren't taken. Oh and watch out for the patent trolls.
Oops G / G++ are taken... still there are plenty more letters left.
This sounds more like a "systems" language rather than a "web development language". The major languages in this category (other than C++/C) are D and Go.
My advice to you would be to not start from scratch but examine the possibility of creating tools or libraries for those languages, and seeing just how far you can push them.

domain specific languages and compilers

I was looking over Martin Fowler's recent book contents - Domain Specific Languages and I noticed some ANTLR example - that got me thinking that writing compilers will become more and more popular since people needs in this matter will increase.
So, will the compiler theory still be as arid (being subjective here) as it was until now or are there any chances that we'll get more applied, programmer oriented materials ?
Even though DSLs may seem to create more opportunities for creating new compilers, I don't think they will make the challenges of writing a compiler any easier. You can either use compiler tools like yacc to generate code to handle your dsl syntax, or you can hand carve your own parser with an eye towards better internal efficiency than what the yacc generators spit out.
Either way, you have to have sufficient knowledge of how to define and manipulate a language grammar to make your DSL work and to avoid loopholes and can't-get-there-from-here problems.
Spiffy tools help to implement the solution, but they don't solve the problem for you. To quote my high school chemistry teacher: "Sure! Bring your calculators to class! Calculators only help you get the wrong answer faster!"
So, will the compiler theory still be as arid (being subjective here) as it was until now or are there any chances that we'll get more applied, programmer oriented materials ?
I'd say that compiler theory is actually pretty rich, but may not centered around C style languages. If you want to look at some powerful tools commonly used by academic language designers, I suggest that you check out functional programming languages (ML, Scheme, LISP, Haskell, OCaml, Scala, Clojure, etc.). Personally I prefer Haskell with Parsec, but there are many options. I think the common consensus is that the structure of these languages is more conducive to language design and implementation, at least in a theoretical sense.
Like Kristopher said above, programmers don't necessarily make the best language designers. I've seen some really cool DSL's and I've seen some pretty awful ones (my opinion, of course, YMMV). Knowledge of language concepts is a must for designing any language, DSL or otherwise (Type theory, category theory, various code analyses, machine optimization, etc). Not to mention, if you're designing a DSL, you have to have a fairly intimate knowledge of the domain you're targeting.
Tools off the shelf like yacc, ANTLR, flex, and cup can make building your compiler easier like buying wood from a lumberyard to build your house is easier than going off into the woods and cutting down trees. Both get you the material for the structure, but you still have to know how to build the house. We will definitely see more DSLs in the near future and these tools will help. Will the DSLs be worth using or even useable, however? The tools won't make a difference here, at least in my opinion. Language design employs a lot of real computer science and/or mathematics. Good language designers will have to at least be familiar with both, and good language implementers must be familiar with language design tools.
As high-quality DSLs get easier to build, we are more likely to see more of them. There are several obstacles:
Choosing a good problem domain for a DSL. It has to broad enough to have appeal to more than the author, and narrow enough to have good solutions (C# doesn't count).
Implementing a DSL well. Lots of people seem to think if they have a parser they are done. Actually, you need a lot of technology: parsing, analysis, code generation, ... (See DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit for an engine that contains what I think is needed to produce DSLs effectively)
Acceptance of the DSL by the community. Its amazing how many people insist on coding in just the programming language they know, and nothing else.
There was an explosion of programming languages in the 70's and 80's. Then Java came along and killed everything off. Now we are in another phase of people inventing lots of languages. So, I'd say it is cyclical, and there is really nothing "new" going on.
However, one aspect that remains constant is that most programmers aren't very good at designing languages. Tools like yacc and ANTLR make some of the implementation easier, but they don't make would-be language designers any better at language design.
There already are some useful tools, look for Xtext, EMFText, Jetbrains MPS, Intentional Domain Workbench and Microsofts former OSLO project with the M language. All these tools make defining languages easier, although it has its cost, however for a DSL you might have a bit other requirements than for regular general purpose programming languages.

JetBrains Meta Programming System

Does anyone have any experience with the JetBrains Meta Programming System? Is MPS better than, say, developing a DSL in Ruby?
I don't have any personal experience with MPS, but it was mentioned on the recent episode of Herding Code with Markus Völter. Here's my understanding. MPS is a projection editor which means, instead of parsing and editing text, you are directly editing the underlining language data structure. As Markus mentions, MPS allows you to define your own language but you can also introduce new language concepts into existing languages. For example, you can add a new keyword to Java in a matter of minutes. MPS blurs the lines between internal and external DSLs and, with this, you get static typing and tool support which you wouldn't get when developing a DSL with a dynamic language like Ruby.
I work for JetBrains. I led the MPS project for several years, and now I am working on another project which is also completely written in MPS. According to my experience, MPS is worth using :-)
The answer to your question depends on many things. If you have Ruby based system, or want to create a language quickly, Ruby based internal DSL might be the best choice. If you want to generate Java, and have time to learn MPS, MPS might be the best case. You might also consider systems like XText, etc, which are middle ground between Ruby based DSLs and MPS.
MPS is an interesting beast and has a very huge potential. The idea is simply fantastic:
Inside an IDE (MPS) the user defines more or less visually his DSL(s)
the IDE allows to generate not just the language itself (the runtime or what it does), but also the "tool" aka a more or less full blown IDE, that he or other users can use to edit that new language.
That being said, unfortunately at least for the actual available MPS versions, Jetbrains failed to deliver the above(at least for me) because:
- it is very very hard and complicated to use - like it would not have been made by the authors of the easy to use IntelliJ.
- there are just too many concepts and "ways" the user needs to learn before it's able to do something useful, and still one gets the feeling of tapping into the dark.
- the IDE won't generate an IDE for you but something inside MPS too, a "Cell Based Editor" only (as of this version).
I tried MPS several times (cause the concept is so wonderful and promising), but unfortunately as of this moment I wasn't able to do something useful with it.
I might be to stupid for MPS, but in the time I was just figuring out basic about MPS, I was able to deliver fully blown usable Groovy based DSL.
I'm still following MPS's evolution, and hope that one day will deliver what did initially promised, since it's such a fantastic idea.
Macros in common lisp object system CLOS can alter the syntax quite dramatically, MPS is pretty similar to ANTLR, but it comes with a graphical editor. However MPS does not appreciate code fragmenting beyond compile and runtime and hence both MPS and ANTLR convolve around static metaprogramming problems. You still can't create constructs that will accept an arbitrary number of sub-construct arguments like Monadics, eg; a list comprehension builder that takes an arbitrary number of filters and list generators. To make that possible you need to programmatically alter the raw AST. More experienced Lispers can probably point out other transformations that can't be done.
I agree that documentation has been an issue for beginners when learning MPS. This was certainly true when the previous post was written (2010). Having experienced this first-hand, and finally having succeeded in understanding the system, I wrote The MPS Language Workbench (volumes I and II) to help smooth the learning curve. Feedback I get from readers is that the books are sufficient to help you get started (Volume I) and learn more advanced aspects of the MPS platform (Volume II).
Regarding the answer to the original question. Yes, I believe MPS has key advantages compared to developing a DSL in Ruby or Groovy. The reason is that as a language designer you
Have much better control over all aspects of the language,
The languages you build with MPS can include graphical notations and user interface elements, which make them a hybrid between a user interface and a text DSL script/program,
MPS helps migrate programs as you evolve your language (e.g., refactoring or other changes to the language can propagate to the end-users of the languages, using automatic DSL script/program migrations).
You can see a good example of DSL built with MPS in the MetaR project.
