How to create a ASP.NET association form for a SharePoint Workflow? - sharepoint

I'm reading Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Workflow Programming.
This book provides some detailed info on how SharePoint works, but not the procedures to create workflow.
I wonder how to create a ASP.NET association form (instead of InfoPath form).
Thanks in advance!

You might want to have a look at
This project provides some templates for creating an assoication form. Even if you don't continue to use them, they might help you learn how to create them.


SharePoint 2010 - customize a reusable workflow

Good morning. I am using SharePoint 2013 but created a SharePoint 2010 Reusable Workflow in SharePoint Designer. It is an Approval workflow that I want to use on 5 different Meet-Me line request lists. The workflow is the same for all except that the approval email that goes to the requester has the different meet-me line info (access codes, etc). Is there a way to customize the reusable workflow for each line? Thank you.
Its a good question but I don't think Microsoft provided any option to customize the reusable work flow.
I also tried before but no luck.

Custom SharePoint List forms in SharePoint Framework

We are migrating old SharePoint 2010 On Premise code to SharePoint Online.
Part of the SharePoint 2010 on premise code has custom list forms developed with visual Studio.
Thought of using JSLink for custom forms while migrating the code to SharePoint Online but it seems that JSLink is only supported in classic experience and not in modern new experience.
Is there any way we can develop custom list forms on SharePoint Online with modern new experience? Is it possible with SharePoint Framework?
Tried by adding forms to list instances on SharePoint Hosted Add In but it targets the AppWeb lists and not the lists on HostWeb.
Well you can use react in modern web part to build any custom form. We can reuse components.
Another option is to use Power Apps similar to info path to design and add validation on list form.
Another option is to use Content Editor webpart and add bootstrap html forms.
I hope it may help u.
Coding in Classic View is the only solution to your query. Once you are done coding in classic, you can switch/migrate to Modern View Experience.
In this way, your form will be visible and lists will also be consumed.
Nope!.. Modern sites are totally different development model So JSLink is not possible but you can use SharePoint framework extension to achieve the customization for the list.
Please follow the link below
JSLink to SPFX extensions
Please mark if accepted as answer

Passing parameters in Web Parts

I am working with Sharepoint 2003. I want to pass data from one web part to other like select a drop down in one web part and the other gets updated. I am pretty new to SharePoint please suggest me any tutorials, links sample code to do that.
Thanks for help.
kind regards
This requirement is specified by creating connectable web parts. See this link:
Although it is for SharePoint 2010 and 2007, but concepts are same.
Madhur's link is good although you'll have to make sure you don't try to use the Asp.Net WebPart infrastructure to create your WebPart. That support was added in the 2007 cycle of the product.
You will want to extend Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart

workflow sharepoint plugin to use

i need to know few things please
1- is sharepoint with windows workflow foundation (a good and dependable engine)
2- i am using .NET and sharepoint, what would be the best workflow plugin for sharepoint
we need it provide easy interface to create the work flow, connect and affect oracle, SQLSERVER, work with moss2007, give us full control on the look and design of the form page as well as the approval or any pages and forms used within the workflow ( am i asking for too much !!:) )
the workflows will be used for approvals, change requests, requests of equipments, leave application, .... etc
Windows Workflow Foundation is very strong and can be relied upon for SharePoint workflows.
In the market there are lot of plugins available for workflow creation.
SharePoint Desginer
ShareVis Designer
Nintex Workflow
Captaris Workflow
I have provided a few references above. Kindly evaluate your needs and use one of them.
SharePoint makes use of Windows Workflow Foundation and it's a pretty stable and powerful solution. If you need an easy to use interface to create workflows, you may want to take a look at Nintex Workflow. We use it at the company and are very pleased with it. There are versions for both SharePoint 2007 and 2010.

Creating Infopath 2007 addins that manipulate the design-time form

I'm experimenting with creating an add-in for Infopath 2007. The documentation is very skimpy. What I'm trying to determine is what kind of actions an add-in can take while designing a form. Most of the discussion and samples are for when the user is filling out the form. Can I, for example, add a new field to the form in the designer? Add a new item to the schema? Move a form field on the design surface? It doesn't appear so, but I can't find anything definitive.
There is no Object Model for the InfoPath designer.
I believe the closest that you can get is the exposed API for the Visual Studio hosting that InfoPath supports; but I don't believe that this will give you the programatic control of the designer that you'd like.
Sorry Kevin.
Unfortunatly Bryan is probably right.
And I have tried to make a VS plugin for use with InfoPath development. It is very restrictive and hard to use. Not very effective for quick scripting work.
I have found AutoHotKey to be the best ad hoc scripting tool for use with InfoPath. It doesn't integrate directly with InfoPath, but I have found key+mouse automation to accomplish most of what I have needed.
